Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

The country could divide into three parts, west coast, north east coast, with the southern, south eastern, and central states composing of their own country. It actually makes sense from an economic, cultural, and religious standpoint.
The country could divide into three parts, west coast, north east coast, with the southern, south eastern, and central states composing of their own country. It actually makes sense from an economic, cultural, and religious standpoint.
You ignore the fact that cities in those areas tend to be Democrat with rural areas being Republican

How do you divide that?
Secede and let hurricane and floods blow up your state, then come ask what the federal government does dumb ass. The colonies tried Articles of Confederation and it didn't work with 13 colonies. Having 13 different currencies did not work so well.

You're too in the past. With currencies like Bitcoin and blockchain ideology a state can exist without MISHANDLING and excessive printing of money.

And as far as FEMA is concerned, they "build back" nothing. They just offer low-cost loans and cash. With the amounts NOT SENT to Wash D.C. -- insurance funds and retirement entitlements would be better off.

Soc Sec and Medicare have been factually bankrupt since about 2010.. The Fed govt now ISSUES NEW DEBT to write each and every benefit check. REBOOTING a system like that -- would result in MORE financial security for the elderly..

But you WORSHIP yourself completely powerful government overlords. The kind that ignore REAL kitchen table issues and have time to pass a bill requiring breathalyzers in all cars (vehicles?) as of 2026.. You're gonna be blowing into a tube 8 or 9 times to run 7 errands and WISH you could secede from this madness.
The country could divide into three parts, west coast, north east coast, with the southern, south eastern, and central states composing of their own country. It actually makes sense from an economic, cultural, and religious standpoint.

Most of the proposals involve "partial opt-ins" of border states. Meaning that there's NO real reason to KEEP current state borders.
You're too in the past. With currencies like Bitcoin and blockchain ideology a state can exist without MISHANDLING and excessive printing of money.

And as far as FEMA is concerned, they "build back" nothing. They just offer low-cost loans and cash. With the amounts NOT SENT to Wash D.C. -- insurance funds and retirement entitlements would be better off.

Soc Sec and Medicare have been factually bankrupt since about 2010.. The Fed govt now ISSUES NEW DEBT to write each and every benefit check. REBOOTING a system like that -- would result in MORE financial security for the elderly..

But you WORSHIP yourself completely powerful government overlords. The kind that ignore REAL kitchen table issues and have time to pass a bill requiring breathalyzers in all cars (vehicles?) as of 2026.. You're gonna be blowing into a tube 8 or 9 times to run 7 errands and WISH you could secede from this madness.
You thnk a country could function with rapid fluctuations like Bitcoin?
You're too in the past. With currencies like Bitcoin and blockchain ideology a state can exist without MISHANDLING and excessive printing of money.

And as far as FEMA is concerned, they "build back" nothing. They just offer low-cost loans and cash. With the amounts NOT SENT to Wash D.C. -- insurance funds and retirement entitlements would be better off.

Soc Sec and Medicare have been factually bankrupt since about 2010.. The Fed govt now ISSUES NEW DEBT to write each and every benefit check. REBOOTING a system like that -- would result in MORE financial security for the elderly..

But you WORSHIP yourself completely powerful government overlords. The kind that ignore REAL kitchen table issues and have time to pass a bill requiring breathalyzers in all cars (vehicles?) as of 2026.. You're gonna be blowing into a tube 8 or 9 times to run 7 errands and WISH you could secede from this madness.

Nonsense - Social Security will be solvent until at least 2033. At present, nobody is "issuing new debt to write each and every benefit check".

Simple solution - Tax the wealthiest 400 families more than the 6% on average they are paying now. Add to that, tax the wealthiest corporations that are currently paying BUPKIS and our social safety net will be just fine.

IOW, no more tax dodging by "reinvesting profits". Those profits become taxable immediately.

Nonsense - Social Security will be solvent until at least 2033. At present, nobody is "issuing new debt to write each and every benefit check".

You're ignorant.. All the SS "excess income" was looted and stolen.. The Trust Fund is a cynical ploy to cover the larceny.. There is NOTHING in Trust Fund of VALUE to be used to PAY ANYTHING.. It's mafia book-keeping.. In 2010 when Obama instituted FICA payroll cuts -- he hastened the day of reckoning so that the ACTUAL CASH FLOW into/out of the Trust Fund went negative and keeps GROWING TODAY.. THIS is large part of Deficit as the Treasury is FORCED to ISSUE NEW debt and rob everybody again to pay the "Trust Fund Debt".

Let's NOT do this HERE -- but PLEASE lets' step into the BullRing forum and have a one on one debate about this so you can get woke...

Social Security’s total expenditures have exceeded non-interest income of its combined trust funds since 2010, and the Trustees estimate that Social Security cost will exceed non-interest income throughout the 75-year projection period. The deficit of non-interest income relative to cost was about $49 billion in 2010, $45 billion in 2011, and $55 billion in 2012. The Trustees project that this cash-flow deficit will average about $75 billion between 2013 and 2018 before rising steeply as income growth slows to the sustainable trend rate after the economic recovery is complete and the number of beneficiaries continues to grow at a substantially faster rate than the number of covered workers
You're ignorant.. All the SS "excess income" was looted and stolen.. The Trust Fund is a cynical ploy to cover the larceny.. There is NOTHING in Trust Fund of VALUE to be used to PAY ANYTHING.. It's mafia book-keeping.. In 2010 when Obama instituted FICA payroll cuts -- he hastened the day of reckoning so that the ACTUAL CASH FLOW into/out of the Trust Fund went negative and keeps GROWING TODAY.. THIS is large part of Deficit as the Treasury is FORCED to ISSUE NEW debt and rob everybody again to pay the "Trust Fund Debt".

Let's NOT do this HERE -- but PLEASE lets' step into the BullRing forum and have a one on one debate about this so you can get woke...

Social Security’s total expenditures have exceeded non-interest income of its combined trust funds since 2010, and the Trustees estimate that Social Security cost will exceed non-interest income throughout the 75-year projection period. The deficit of non-interest income relative to cost was about $49 billion in 2010, $45 billion in 2011, and $55 billion in 2012. The Trustees project that this cash-flow deficit will average about $75 billion between 2013 and 2018 before rising steeply as income growth slows to the sustainable trend rate after the economic recovery is complete and the number of beneficiaries continues to grow at a substantially faster rate than the number of covered workers
Social Security works

Been doing so for 80 years
Social Security works

Been doing so for 80 years

Define works? It's been dead ass broke for a decade now and NO ONE in power wants to admit that we've HIT the Baby Boomer crisis that WE ALL KNEW was coming 40 or 60 years ago..

The "Trust Fund" has only notebooks with "orders to pay" on the treasury.. Cant pay bills with an accounting ledger. We HAD THE CHANCE to make this less costly when Bush was trying to allow "partial opt-outs" for volunteers when there STILL WAS SURPLUS that would have paid for the optouts who AGREED to take SMALLER benefits when they reached retirement. THAT -- was financial planning.

But like the Highway Trust Fund and the stolen Indian Trust Fund, these are all mafioso accounting gimmicks to hide the larceny of the SURPLUSES that were being run from the 80s..

It WORKS -- well yeah.. But now it's NOT "Universal" at all because the only way to get SS solvent is to make it intp more of welfare program than anything universal.. AND REAL DEBT TO OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN is being booked AGAIN now every month that the income thru FICA doesn't match or exceed the check run..

OR -- since this is all "hush hush" top secret -- we can just not TELL people what's going on and kick the can down the road. But the DEBT can is about to blow..

Is secession sounding a bit LESS crazy to you now?? :stir:
Why just threaten? Why not actually DO something instead of whining like little children?

Those who hate America enough to want to secede from the union don't have to wait until their state actually tries.

All they have to do is pack up their belongings. Sell home, if they own one, and move to another nation.

Anyone can do it at anytime.

All these conservatives are saying with the talk of leaving the union, is that they hate the United States of America.
Sounds good to me.

Or, all the commies can get the fuck out. That's easier.

But whatever. We can do it the hard way.

Why are you still in the United States of America?

You obviously hate this nation.

All you have to do is sell your home, if you own one, pack your bags and move to another nation.

It's simple.

You don't have to wait for your state to do something that they will never do.

You obviously are miserable here and hate the United States.

So don't wait for something that will never happen, you are perfectly free to leave.

All your post scream is how much you hate the United States of America so you should just leave since you hate this nation so much.

People who love the United States never want to leave the union. They don't talk about it and they don't threaten anyone.
Define works? It's been dead ass broke for a decade now and NO ONE in power wants to admit that we've HIT the Baby Boomer crisis that WE ALL KNEW was coming 40 or 60 years ago..

The "Trust Fund" has only notebooks with "orders to pay" on the treasury.. Cant pay bills with an accounting ledger. We HAD THE CHANCE to make this less costly when Bush was trying to allow "partial opt-outs" for volunteers when there STILL WAS SURPLUS that would have paid for the optouts who AGREED to take SMALLER benefits when they reached retirement. THAT -- was financial planning.

But like the Highway Trust Fund and the stolen Indian Trust Fund, these are all mafioso accounting gimmicks to hide the larceny of the SURPLUSES that were being run from the 80s..

It WORKS -- well yeah.. But now it's NOT "Universal" at all because the only way to get SS solvent is to make it intp more of welfare program than anything universal.. AND REAL DEBT TO OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN is being booked AGAIN now every month that the income thru FICA doesn't match or exceed the check run..

OR -- since this is all "hush hush" top secret -- we can just not TELL people what's going on and kick the can down the road. But the DEBT can is about to blow..

Is secession sounding a bit LESS crazy to you now?? :stir:
Social Security has paid its obligations for 80 years
No indication it will not continue to do so
Sorry Ted, that ain't the way it works. If Texas secedes, we take NASA and the military. ALL of it including the Coast Guard. Next hurricane or freeze - No FEMA so you're on your own buddy. And you'll be out of a job after Texas has no more representation in Congress. Maybe you can organize a citizen army and capture Cancun? :)

Sen. Ted Cruz has called on his home state to secede from the U.S. if Democrats "fundamentally destroy the country," adding that Texas should "take" NASA, the military and the country's oil supply along with it.​
"If they pack the Supreme Court, if they make D.C. a state, if they federalize elections and massively expand voter fraud, there may come a point where it's hopeless," Cruz said during a speaking event at Texas A&M last month.​
"We're not there yet, and if there comes a point where it's hopeless, then I think we take NASA, we take the military, we take the oil," the Republican added.​

Technically, NASA is part of the federal government and therefore, Texas can't "take it," as for the military I'm sure he means the Texas National Guard, which would no longer answer to Washington, D.C., this Texas can do. As for the U.S. Coast Guard, they just have to create their own version to patrol their waters and as Texas has a coastline, there is no barrier to international trade. One significant problem that Texas would have to face would be any and all of those retired federal personnel that receive a pension. Government pensioners can and do live abroad whild drawing their retirement pay, but as a state seceding from the USA, Texas would more likely be considered an "adversary" nation and thus those retirees checks would end. This would lead to a migration out of Texas, Texas negotiating for those retired personnel to continue receiving their checks or, Texas funding them somehow.
When you see your nation sliding towards becoming a Marxist authoritarian state, your state should be allowed to secede from the union. What we should not see is the bloodshed that occurred with the Civil War of 1861-1865. Each should just go their own way, peacefully.
BTW...the ports in Houston and Nederland are occupied with fueling ships and tankers. These are the ports that distribute the crude oil and NGLs to the world.

Not sure about Port Arthur or the others.
Texas has 11 "deep-draft" ports.

The main ports are (in order of freight in U.S.):
  • Port Houston (second)
  • Port of Beaumont (fourth)
  • Port of Corpus Christi (fifth)
  • Port of Texas City (15th)
  • Port of Port Arthur (17th) (this is Nederland)

Texas Ports - Texas DOT

I forgot about Beaumont. I suppose I assumed it was connected with Port Arthur.
Why are you still in the United States of America?

You obviously hate this nation.

All you have to do is sell your home, if you own one, pack your bags and move to another nation.

It's simple.

You don't have to wait for your state to do something that they will never do.

You obviously are miserable here and hate the United States.

So don't wait for something that will never happen, you are perfectly free to leave.

All your post scream is how much you hate the United States of America so you should just leave since you hate this nation so much.

People who love the United States never want to leave the union. They don't talk about it and they don't threaten anyone.
I do plan to "move" to another nation---The Republic of Texas

All this back and forth and NO ONE has been able to give me ONE GOOD THING the FedGov does to better my life or the lives of millions of others.

It's USELESS, yet we still send tons of money in and get very little return on it, if any.

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