Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

Since Nugent's "busy" schedule only includes a biker rally at a 6,000-seat venue in late March - I'd say he's just trying to keep his name in print.

He does ok. He has his loyal fans.

So much so that he does about two or three gigs a year at bigger bars and smaller arenas?

And without making outrageous political comments - he can't even sell tickets for those.

Yeah, doing great (you do know he filed for bankruptcy).
No, I mean Ted Nugent isn't much of a musician.

Again - that you are told to hate him due to his politics, has no impact on his ability to play - it just reveals you as a small minded fool - a leftist.

Left or right - Nugent is a sorry old has been/never was struggling to make a living with very little talent.

Just like his buddies, Huckabee and Palin.

Rocker Ted Nugent apparently still has the keys to an op-ed column over at the Washington Times, which has given him a forum to opine on how to deal with the deficit as lawmakers work to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.

According to Nugent, the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual "slaughter" of entitlement programs altogether.

"The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," Nugent wrote. "A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered."

Nugent argued that instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Barack Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody -- particularly the poorest 50 percent of Americans, whom Nugent accuses of mooching an "insane free ride."

The next step, wrote Nugent, was to suspend "the right to vote of any American who is on welfare."

More: Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Revoke Voting Rights For Welfare Recipients
Ted Nugent is a piece of shit, and always will be. What I would like to do to him I cannot post.
No, I mean Ted Nugent isn't much of a musician.

Again - that you are told to hate him due to his politics, has no impact on his ability to play - it just reveals you as a small minded fool - a leftist.

Yes, I was advised while attending an annual conference of Left Wing Haters to disparage the musical genius of Ted Nugent at every opportunity. It's just one more diabolical tactic being employed in the culture war. We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade.
Since Nugent's "busy" schedule only includes a biker rally at a 6,000-seat venue in late March - I'd say he's just trying to keep his name in print.

He does ok. He has his loyal fans.

So much so that he does about two or three gigs a year at bigger bars and smaller arenas?

And without making outrageous political comments - he can't even sell tickets for those.

Yeah, doing great (you do know he filed for bankruptcy).

He does ok. No one ever said he was perfect.
Left or right - Nugent is a sorry old has been/never was struggling to make a living with very little talent.

Just like his buddies, Huckabee and Palin.

Of course he is - it isn't like you are a mindless fucking hack, Pillowbite.

Huckabee and Palin, what sort of Music do they play?
Since Nugent's "busy" schedule only includes a biker rally at a 6,000-seat venue in late March - I'd say he's just trying to keep his name in print.

He does ok. He has his loyal fans.

So much so that he does about two or three gigs a year at bigger bars and smaller arenas?

And without making outrageous political comments - he can't even sell tickets for those.

Yeah, doing great (you do know he filed for bankruptcy).

He does ok. No one ever said he was perfect.

Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.
No, I mean Ted Nugent isn't much of a musician.

Again - that you are told to hate him due to his politics, has no impact on his ability to play - it just reveals you as a small minded fool - a leftist.

Yes, I was advised while attending an annual conference of Left Wing Haters to disparage the musical genius of Ted Nugent at every opportunity. It's just one more diabolical tactic being employed in the culture war. We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade.

"We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade."

I know you were attempting to be sarcastic, but sadly it does sum you Communists/Progressives up perfectly. So thanks for that. :)
Yes, I was advised while attending an annual conference of Left Wing Haters to disparage the musical genius of Ted Nugent at every opportunity.

Funny, most of you mindless hacks just log on to the hate sites - KOS, ThinkProgress, et al. to get that information.

I guess you're even dumber than the average leftist hack... :dunno:

It's just one more diabolical tactic being employed in the culture war. We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade.

I suspect you can't even take a crap, without shitting all over the seat.
Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.

When was it Nugent filed bankruptcy, Comrade?

Didn't you get obliterated on this earlier - IN THIS THREAD?

Are ya stupid boi? I realize you have no integrity, yer a leftist pile of shit, still - are ya just stupid?
Left or right - Nugent is a sorry old has been/never was struggling to make a living with very little talent.

Just like his buddies, Huckabee and Palin.

Of course he is - it isn't like you are a mindless fucking hack, Pillowbite.

Huckabee and Palin, what sort of Music do they play?

Ha, the nutters will be blaming DA BOOOSH and Ronald Reagan any minute now. They just can't shake their bizarre BDS/PDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome/Palin Derangement Syndrome). They may even resort to and fall back on their old tired Michele Bachmann Derangement Syndrome. Who knows? Anything's possible with the nutters. :cuckoo:
No, I mean Ted Nugent isn't much of a musician.

Again - that you are told to hate him due to his politics, has no impact on his ability to play - it just reveals you as a small minded fool - a leftist.

Yes, I was advised while attending an annual conference of Left Wing Haters to disparage the musical genius of Ted Nugent at every opportunity. It's just one more diabolical tactic being employed in the culture war. We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade.

"We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade."

I know you were attempting to be sarcastic, but sadly it does sum you Communists/Progressives up perfectly. So thanks for that. :)

We will one day impose upon you a communist paradise, right after we take your guns, outlaw Christianity, and make gay marriage mandatory.
Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.

When was it Nugent filed bankruptcy, Comrade?

Didn't you get obliterated on this earlier - IN THIS THREAD?

Are ya stupid boi? I realize you have no integrity, yer a leftist pile of shit, still - are ya just stupid?

You didn't know he filed for bankruptcy?
Yes, I was advised while attending an annual conference of Left Wing Haters to disparage the musical genius of Ted Nugent at every opportunity.

Funny, most of you mindless hacks just log on to the hate sites - KOS, ThinkProgress, et al. to get that information.

I guess you're even dumber than the average leftist hack... :dunno:

It's just one more diabolical tactic being employed in the culture war. We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade.

I suspect you can't even take a crap, without shitting all over the seat.

I'm still waiting for instructions from my communist masters.
Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.

When was it Nugent filed bankruptcy, Comrade?

Didn't you get obliterated on this earlier - IN THIS THREAD?

Are ya stupid boi? I realize you have no integrity, yer a leftist pile of shit, still - are ya just stupid?

Which time?
Since Nugent's "busy" schedule only includes a biker rally at a 6,000-seat venue in late March - I'd say he's just trying to keep his name in print.

He does ok. He has his loyal fans.

So much so that he does about two or three gigs a year at bigger bars and smaller arenas?

And without making outrageous political comments - he can't even sell tickets for those.

Yeah, doing great (you do know he filed for bankruptcy).

He does ok. No one ever said he was perfect.

Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.

Hey, he isn't filthy rich like your beloved Clintons, Pelosi's, and Kerrys. But he does ok. He gets by. He understands Communist/Progressive assholes like you wish him harm. He perseveres despite it.
Yes, I was advised while attending an annual conference of Left Wing Haters to disparage the musical genius of Ted Nugent at every opportunity.

Funny, most of you mindless hacks just log on to the hate sites - KOS, ThinkProgress, et al. to get that information.

I guess you're even dumber than the average leftist hack... :dunno:

It's just one more diabolical tactic being employed in the culture war. We will take your freedom and individual rights from you one way or another....comrade.

I suspect you can't even take a crap, without shitting all over the seat.

I'm still waiting for instructions from my communist masters.

Ha, you've already gotten em. You're just too dumb to realize it. ;)
Since Nugent's "busy" schedule only includes a biker rally at a 6,000-seat venue in late March - I'd say he's just trying to keep his name in print.

He does ok. He has his loyal fans.

So much so that he does about two or three gigs a year at bigger bars and smaller arenas?

And without making outrageous political comments - he can't even sell tickets for those.

Yeah, doing great (you do know he filed for bankruptcy).

He does ok. No one ever said he was perfect.

Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.

Hey, he's isn't filthy rich like your beloved Clintons, Pelosi's, and Kerrys. But he does ok. He gets by. He understands Communist/Progressive assholes like you wish him harm. He perseveres despite it.

Ted Nugent is real working class hero.
He does ok. He has his loyal fans.

So much so that he does about two or three gigs a year at bigger bars and smaller arenas?

And without making outrageous political comments - he can't even sell tickets for those.

Yeah, doing great (you do know he filed for bankruptcy).

He does ok. No one ever said he was perfect.

Filing for bankruptcy is not within my definition of "doing OK." If you are "doing OK", you pay your bills imho.

But to each his or her own, I guess.

Hey, he's isn't filthy rich like your beloved Clintons, Pelosi's, and Kerrys. But he does ok. He gets by. He understands Communist/Progressive assholes like you wish him harm. He perseveres despite it.

Ted Nugent is real working class hero.

Yeah, if NOT paying your bills makes you a hero.
I guess that means the public housing projects are just overflowing with working class heroes.

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