Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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He doesn't belong out policing anything. Doesn't he know enough to avoid trouble? If I were his father he'd have not been within 20 miles of the riot. If he did I'd take his guns and car keys away for years. He's no hero.
Teenagers always go looking for adventure, and often find trouble.

Nothing new about that.
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school

There was NO reason to arrest him. You don't arrest someone for walking home from the store..........unless you are black of course.

You arrest people for not following commands...?

Certainly don't struggle

Guy was either crazy or just so angry he was in that moment manic

Yes, he had social anxiety issues. But cops are going to learn that you don't assault someone while doing nothing illegal just because they do not jump when you say jump.

We will get there or the country will burn.

Again as soon as he failed to follow commands he was doing something illegal

No he wasn't.

It was his fault he has fucking anxiety not the worlds

Cops did the right thing. Even sent him off in an ambulance instead of beating teh shit out of him and putting him in a cell. Maybe the paramedics killed him or his anxiety. Wasn't the cops

The cops only assaulted him which lead to the rest. If they had left him alone like they should have none of it happens.

Failing to follow a lawful order is illegal

Now had he said get on your knees and give me a bj yea he'd have a right to not comply

All he had to do was stop and look at them, then sue them

It wasn't lawful.

Yes it was....

Your redress is suing the officers not struggling.

No it was not. He had done nothing wrong and the police had no reason to believe he had. In that case they have no lawful reason to stop you.

It doesn't matter. If a cop tells me to stop I have to stop. Whether i was doing something wrong or not.

That's how our law works.

I'm sure there is a legal phrase for it that google would reveal. You don't seem to understand how our law around policing works.

If they want to detain me and I physically resist....that's resisting arrest

Whether or not was a good arrest needs lawyers. As a citizen I have to submit.
Weren’t the cops called there? Why? by the way, them showing up put their lives in harms way. If one can’t appreciate that they are not worth any further part of this

Some lady called and said that while she didn't know that the person had done something illegal that there was a black man walking home in an animated manner. There is nothing illegal in that.
How does it change the cops entering into an unknown scenario? Are you saying their lives don’t matter? What if they’re black?

I'm saying that there is still no facts to show that they had any reason to stop him from going home.

It's too bad we'll never know and he would have never won taht suit because he resisted a lawful order and justified everything they were doing.

They probably wouldn't have arrested him tho. For what?

He didn't do anything besides resist

This is why the cities are burning.

If that's all? Then i'm behind killing people too

Again not an example to riot over

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

Or this one, where the guy was told to get his license then the guy shot him for doing what he was told.

Putting down people who resist lawful orders is just how the country works. You think white people get away with resisting arrest?

Here is a white guy dying in the same way floyd died

Pick better victims

Yes, I showed where I got away with telling an officer no. He had no legal right to demand otherwise but if you prefer to see the country burn...........

The protests are going to expand beyond sports also. When it starts affecting people with money bottom lines they are going to demand change also.

Those with can not defeat those without. They have little to lose.

Telling him no means nothing. He was a fucking masseuse not a lawyer. Even if he was a lawyer the cops don't have to care.

That's something for the DA and your lawyers to sort out. A judge if it gets that far

If you resist when a cop grabs you, you've committed a crime. Rest doesn't matter. At all. THere is no legal carve out to resist a lawful order.

And just because a judge later finds the stop wasn't constitutional or have any legal backing doesn't make the order unlawful.

That thousands get huge pay days says it is. You don't get paid off for refusing a lawful order. Civil rights still mean at least something in this country.

A lawyer will tell you it's all about the context

In this case, as another user pointed out. If they just come up and harass you a bit. There isn't much you can do beyond file a complaint if you want

You will get no redress from a court

That's all that should have happened. If he really wanted to milk it he could have just silently looked at them like he was deaf and mute and they definitely would have arrested him and he would ahve got paid. I'm like 95%+ sure.

But more than likely they woulda just asked for ID, he might have said yes or no. And if they were smart they would have just let him walk because he wasn't doing anything. And it wouldn't be worth the lawyer to even try to sue em

He had an active warrant. Active felony warrant.

different guy he's talking about

this guy was just a black nerdy lookin guy who had no criminal record. No one was shot

They didn't even take him to jail they put him in an ambulance because he was so mad.

They took him in an ambulance because the officers choked him out.

You don't sedate some one because they've been choked out....

And yet they did.

No they didn't

They did it because he was having a mental breakdown over the racism he was experiencing.

Really obvious
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

I saw in the previously posted video a burning Molotov cocktail. . . so. . . if he did NOT light that bag on fire? Your video has nothing to do with that other video. . . SORRY!

IDIOT propagandist.
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

Yup. That is so very true.
Really? We had guns as kids. Even took them to school LEGALLY

I remember growing up in Montana, and during hunting season there were lots of kids who had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks. But, the school only allowed it during hunting season, and the guns had to stay inside the vehicle while on school grounds. And yeah, I've seen a couple of them bag a deer on their way into school (lots of open prairie and grassland around where I grew up). But then again, that was back in the mid 70's to early 80's.

I would have to read up on their laws, but I think carrying a loaded firearm in public is different than carrying an empty gun on a gun rack. In our state, if you do not have a CCW, the ammo has to be separate (out of arms reach) from your weapon. The gun goes in your glove compartment and ammo in the trunk of your car.

Just doing a web search looks like you might be right. It’s illegal to open carry a firearm under age 18. If that’s the case, he may lose his ability to claim self defense as he was committing a crime.
What crime would that be? The crime of self defense?

Did you read my post? It looks like it might be illegal to open carry a firearm under 18. Not to mention he was breaking curfew.
So? Are laws applying to the rioters who also had guns and were out past curfew? Or just this guy?

Obviously the issue here is that this kid killed 2 people and almost killed a third. If any of the other rioters killed people, I expect the same laws to apply.
except for this kid did it to protect himself and the rioters are trying to hurt others,,,
Dunno what he was trying to do. He might have gone there looking for any reason to cause harm. We certainly see the right celebrating violence when it suits them.

My point is that this kid may have committed crimes which might prevent him from claiming self defense. Not a lawyer though
when that happens you let me know,,,until then he was defending himself,,,
I believe he was illegally carrying a firearm.

You would be wrong then again .............Wisconsin, you are allowed to carry weapons--as long as you don't have a criminal record I believe.
He was under 18, which I think is why it might be illegal.
It will depend on the laws of the state. There is no federal law against it.
The law in Wisconsin is it's a crime to be in possession of a firearm if you're under 18.
Most black men aren't all that left. But that doesn't mean they aren't hitched to the left
94%, unless Trump won a good percentage over.
See. . . that's the thing about this video by this emotional woman;

I know that black men own guns. . . but this whole paradigm. . . if the shooting starts? I don't think the inner city black men WANT to burn down civilization like ANTIFA does, I honestly don't.

I don't think this chick gets it.

The only reason folks got killed is because folks were STOPPING mobs from burning down the city. Do I really think Black Men want to support the radical lefts plans to destroy the city?

Most black men aren't all that left. But that doesn't mean they aren't hitched to the left
94%, unless Trump won a good percentage over.

Voting democrat doesn't make you left

Most black men are against gay marriage

And certainly aren't economic commies

They are socially the most conservative major ethnic group


When the shooting starts, I just can't see them dying for a Marxist Agenda.

Burning down their own communities?

It just doesn't make sense. . . .
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.
He was running from a mob lol it’s on video, One guy was going to execute them at point-blank range if he wasn’t skilled enough to shoot his fucking arm off
He started running after shooting his first victim even though no one was chasing him.
He was chased by the shootee ,, he was cornered, he immediately called the cops and said he killed someone.. than he was chased, again by the mob
Cornered? Where? he ran between two parked cars and then around one of them after shooting his victim. How is that possible if he was cornered?
He was tired of running,, no man should run from a mob,, same guy called him a ****** earlier, why did he hide his face with his shirt?

You poor, demented Russian troll, he wasn't running from a mob. :eusa_doh:
Lol there is video of it,, they were throwing stuff at him one looked like a bottle that was on fire
Yes, there is. And it shows him being chased by 1 guy, not a mob. Like I said, you're demented. :cuckoo:
Not what I saw .. I saw man in the street
One guy was chasing him, that's it. No mob was chasing him. But then you also saw a twig on the ground and thought it was a hammer. So there's that.

Good you admitted he crashed him and he paid the price .. View attachment 380406theracist democrat kelts saying nicca .. why?
And now the teen murderer will spend the rest of his life in prison.

He killed in defense of his life. He will be exonerated if he even goes to trial. The video is very clear.
Nope. Wisconsin self defense laws don't cover folks in the commission of a crime.

Yeah, your history of understanding the law is pretty poor. Nick Sandmann and his 80 million from cnn are proof of that.
Oh? What did I get wrong?
Most black men aren't all that left. But that doesn't mean they aren't hitched to the left
94%, unless Trump won a good percentage over.
See. . . that's the thing about this video by this emotional woman;

I know that black men own guns. . . but this whole paradigm. . . if the shooting starts? I don't think the inner city black men WANT to burn down civilization like ANTIFA does, I honestly don't.

I don't think this chick gets it.

The only reason folks got killed is because folks were STOPPING mobs from burning down the city. Do I really think Black Men want to support the radical lefts plans to destroy the city?

"Fuck America"
Most black men aren't all that left. But that doesn't mean they aren't hitched to the left
94%, unless Trump won a good percentage over.

Voting democrat doesn't make you left

Most black men are against gay marriage

And certainly aren't economic commies

They are socially the most conservative major ethnic group


When the shooting starts, I just can't see them dying for a Marxist Agenda.

Burning down their own communities?

It just doesn't make sense. . . .
No. It doesnt. Yet they do.
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

Yup. That is so very true.
Really? We had guns as kids. Even took them to school LEGALLY

I remember growing up in Montana, and during hunting season there were lots of kids who had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks. But, the school only allowed it during hunting season, and the guns had to stay inside the vehicle while on school grounds. And yeah, I've seen a couple of them bag a deer on their way into school (lots of open prairie and grassland around where I grew up). But then again, that was back in the mid 70's to early 80's.

I would have to read up on their laws, but I think carrying a loaded firearm in public is different than carrying an empty gun on a gun rack. In our state, if you do not have a CCW, the ammo has to be separate (out of arms reach) from your weapon. The gun goes in your glove compartment and ammo in the trunk of your car.

Just doing a web search looks like you might be right. It’s illegal to open carry a firearm under age 18. If that’s the case, he may lose his ability to claim self defense as he was committing a crime.
What crime would that be? The crime of self defense?

Did you read my post? It looks like it might be illegal to open carry a firearm under 18. Not to mention he was breaking curfew.
So? Are laws applying to the rioters who also had guns and were out past curfew? Or just this guy?

Obviously the issue here is that this kid killed 2 people and almost killed a third. If any of the other rioters killed people, I expect the same laws to apply.
except for this kid did it to protect himself and the rioters are trying to hurt others,,,
Dunno what he was trying to do. He might have gone there looking for any reason to cause harm. We certainly see the right celebrating violence when it suits them.

My point is that this kid may have committed crimes which might prevent him from claiming self defense. Not a lawyer though
when that happens you let me know,,,until then he was defending himself,,,
I believe he was illegally carrying a firearm.

You would be wrong then again .............Wisconsin, you are allowed to carry weapons--as long as you don't have a criminal record I believe.
He was under 18, which I think is why it might be illegal.
It will depend on the laws of the state. There is no federal law against it.
The law in Wisconsin is it's a crime to be in possession of a firearm if you're under 18.

It's a misdemeanor tho....How does that change anything?
Voting democrat doesn't make you left
Of course it does. It's not even debatable.

But see, that is the thing.

ON TEE VEE. . the Democrats are in total denial that rioting, burning, looting and destruction is even happening.

They have agent provocateurs in there doing it all. . . but it is PURPOSELY NOT BEING REPORTED. . .

. . . as that would be a boon to the GOP.

They are playing both sides, trying to please the ANTIFA and radicals, yet also trying to please the moderate to liberal side. . .
Most black men aren't all that left. But that doesn't mean they aren't hitched to the left
94%, unless Trump won a good percentage over.
See. . . that's the thing about this video by this emotional woman;

I know that black men own guns. . . but this whole paradigm. . . if the shooting starts? I don't think the inner city black men WANT to burn down civilization like ANTIFA does, I honestly don't.

I don't think this chick gets it.

The only reason folks got killed is because folks were STOPPING mobs from burning down the city. Do I really think Black Men want to support the radical lefts plans to destroy the city?

That's one psycho bitch.....

Oh well, fuck her.
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.
Most black men aren't all that left. But that doesn't mean they aren't hitched to the left
94%, unless Trump won a good percentage over.
See. . . that's the thing about this video by this emotional woman;

I know that black men own guns. . . but this whole paradigm. . . if the shooting starts? I don't think the inner city black men WANT to burn down civilization like ANTIFA does, I honestly don't.

I don't think this chick gets it.

The only reason folks got killed is because folks were STOPPING mobs from burning down the city. Do I really think Black Men want to support the radical lefts plans to destroy the city?

"Fuck America"
It is one thing to say. . . "Fuck America. . " it is quite another to burn down your own community. . .
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.

The guy who was aggressively chasing down the teenager? With apparently violent intent?

You mean that guy?
Ok here's my updated take on this.

1. He wasn't legally allowed to have a gun.

2. He probably shot the first guy in self-defense. I'm not sure what happened leading up to the guy throwing the molotov cocktail if that's really what it was.

3. He definitely shot the other two in self-defense.

Still pretty grey to me. Children shouldn't have guns, but he did defend himself.
There was no molotov cocktail. It was a bag of garbage. The victim can be seen shortly before, picking it up. Pay attention to the guy in the red shirt at the 0:56 mark...


You are a disingenuous piece of shit.

Burning trash? Molotov cocktail? WHO GIVES A SHIT AT THIS POINT!

As your own video clearly shows. . . from their own words. . . these are NOT peaceful protestors, but rioters and looters bent on destruction. Good lord man, did you even listen to what they were saying? Their intent was to loot and burn that gas station to the ground, they were deterred, so they switched targets to the police station. . .


Your own video clearly shows this!

There was nothing burning, ya moron.

What's that thing on fire flying through the air, then?

There's nothing on fire. The guy threw a plastic bag which was caught by the bright lights coming from the structure behind it. In another angle, the bag is visibly laying harmlessly on the ground as the guy who threw it is being murdered.

Show that picture of that bag on the ground from another angle please. . .
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