Teen Racial Violence A National Problem

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Well, there's one way to find out, but I see your butt buddy who talks the most shit disappeared, and I don't see you stepping up to the plate, so I guess it's a moot point, huh?

You are gonna beat up your screen? Use a hammer please. It will benefit all.
You're talking to the wrong guy. SlackJaw made the challenge. When I accepted, he disappeared (like they always do). Hazlnut is all talk too. What can I say?

All you desire, cease writing, and talk a lot.
Well, there's one way to find out, but I see your butt buddy who talks the most shit disappeared, and I don't see you stepping up to the plate, so I guess it's a moot point, huh?

You are gonna beat up your screen? Use a hammer please. It will benefit all.
You're talking to the wrong guy. SlackJaw made the challenge. When I accepted, he disappeared (like they always do). Hazlnut is all talk too. What can I say?

"They", all conservative admirers of John Locke always disappear? I think he was baiting you in any event.
You are gonna beat up your screen? Use a hammer please. It will benefit all.
You're talking to the wrong guy. SlackJaw made the challenge. When I accepted, he disappeared (like they always do). Hazlnut is all talk too. What can I say?

"They", all conservative admirers of John Locke always disappear? I think he was baiting you in any event.
No doubt he was, and that's all it will ever be. Asswipeas, same thing.
You're talking to the wrong guy. SlackJaw made the challenge. When I accepted, he disappeared (like they always do). Hazlnut is all talk too. What can I say?

All you desire, cease writing, and talk a lot.
Whatever you say, Peaches. Good night.

Morning actually. This could be you & LockeJaw putting us on, but BikerSailor always seems moderate. Take care, in any case.
Where in SOCAL you at, honky? It ain't nothing but a thang to me boy. I'm in Mesa, AZ.

Where you want to meet and try me, faggot?

If you aren't going to nut up and put your knuckles where your mouth is, STFU.
What a Groid :lol:
Hollywood even jokes about it. There are places in the greatest Country in the world that white citizens dare not enter and government authority is meaningless. The first thing Police Officers ask when they find a dead white kid in a "bad" neighborhood isn't "who killed him" it's "what was he doing there". The same Police Officers would be fired if they asked the same question about a black kid found dead in a "white" neighborhood. When I visited the Phoenix area a couple of years ago I saw an article in the paper where a kid was found dead in a "known crack house". What's wrong with this picture? How are "known crack houses" allowed to exist?
You're talking to the wrong guy. SlackJaw made the challenge. When I accepted, he disappeared (like they always do). Hazlnut is all talk too. What can I say?

"They", all conservative admirers of John Locke always disappear? I think he was baiting you in any event.
No doubt he was, and that's all it will ever be. Asswipeas, same thing.

Boy trust and believe you don't want to meet me. The most you will ever do is turn pink and red like that last white boy did that I slapped the shit out of. You can talk all you want behind the keyboard and I'm going to laugh. Face it. Everyone in the world knows you pussy ass white boys dont want to get caught up in some darkness. :lol:
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Nothing can be done to change the violent ways of the negro. Due to their low IQ's and high testosterone levels their violent actions are natural. Just look at the talk of the negros on this thread, they can't help themselves.
We already know we frighten you little tank. Your problem is going to be figuring out what you can do about it. The laws are not on your side and the present generation of Blacks will put a foot in your ass for disrespect instead of moving aside. :lol:
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No I punched him for hitting me with a book. He ran so i didnt get to beat his ass like I wanted to. What does that have to do with you getting your ass beat as a kid for calling Black people out of their name?

No I punched him for hitting me with a book. He ran so i didnt get to beat his ass like I wanted to. What does that have to do with you getting your ass beat as a kid for calling Black people out of their name?


I'm sure it was a white teacher in this fantasy, too. :doubt:

No this guy wasnt white. He was middle eastern. I did slap the shit out of a couple of KKK members. All they did was turn pink then red with anger but they never swung back. Pussies just like you.
No this guy wasnt white. He was middle eastern. I did slap the shit out of a couple of KKK members. All they did was turn pink then red with anger but they never swung back. Pussies just like you.

Sure...sure..whatever you say, tough guy. :doubt:

I knew you would see it my way soft guy. :lol:

Ever heard of the "playing chess with a pigeon" analogy?

Wait..I'll save you the trouble..here;

Analogy Definition

n. noun

1. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.

2. A comparison based on such similarity.

3. Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.

Trying to have an intelligent discussion with you is like playing chess with a pigeon.
The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like it won.

So yeah tough guy, you've really intimidated me by typing words on a computer. I'm shaking so hard I can hardly reply. :doubt:

Please don't type any more about people you slapped and beat up. I'm terrified already.

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