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Texans are fools to pass up on Johnny Football.here is why.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I remember hearing a couple years ago from a friend of mine to look out for a guy known as Johnny Football and I never forgot his name because what he told me blew me away.

That he was at some stadium and before a live crowd, he threw a football from the VERY TOP of the stadium nosebleed seats in the upper level and made a basket through the hoop of basketball goal they had on the stadium.Not once,but TWICE!!!!

Once you can chalk it up to a miracle fluke but TWICE!!!! no way.the guy is an extremely rare talent.from what all the experts are saying,they expect the texans to pass on him though.:cuckoo: I guess they must not be aware of that amazing accomplishment he achived. Kurt Warner also thinks basically thinks they are crazy pretty much if they pass up on him.listen to his comments.

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Manziel is one of the most accurate QBs I have ever seen. THAT is a big part of why he is so dangerous.
I think the Bills should take him at number 9. I'm not sold on EJ manuel.
I remember hearing a couple years ago from a friend of mine to look out for a guy known as Johnny Football and I never forgot his name because what he told me blew me away.

That he was at some stadium and before a live crowd, he threw a football from the VERY TOP of the stadium nosebleed seats in the upper level and made a basket through the hoop of basketball goal they had on the stadium.Not once,but TWICE!!!!

Once you can chalk it up to a miracle fluke but TWICE!!!! no way.the guy is an extremely rare talent.from what all the experts are saying,they expect the texans to pass on him though.:cuckoo: I guess they must not be aware of that amazing accomplishment he achived. Kurt Warner also thinks basically thinks they are crazy pretty much if they pass up on him.listen to his comments.

Johnny Manziel's pro day preview - YouTube

Kurt Warner: Johnny Manziel is top QB in draft - YouTube

Unfortunately for Johnnie Football there will be defenders like Richard Sherman and Kam Chancellor defending the basketball hoop in the NFL and the "hoop" will be moving at the speed of a world class sprinter.

If you think Manzeil is more accurate than Peyton Manning you have officially lost your mind.

There won't be any points scored this season with trick shots.

I'm sure Johnnie will be taken in the first round because this draft has no Andrew Lucks or RGIII's.. and they were not even the best of 2012.

Manzeil got more than his share of hype. No doubt he got over on some scouts and GMs.

I've seen several Texas A & M games and Johnnie missed plenty of throws that are fairly routine in the NFL.

I wouldn't trade him for Russell Wilson and ANY amount of money.
I remember hearing a couple years ago from a friend of mine to look out for a guy known as Johnny Football and I never forgot his name because what he told me blew me away.

That he was at some stadium and before a live crowd, he threw a football from the VERY TOP of the stadium nosebleed seats in the upper level and made a basket through the hoop of basketball goal they had on the stadium.Not once,but TWICE!!!!

Once you can chalk it up to a miracle fluke but TWICE!!!! no way.the guy is an extremely rare talent.from what all the experts are saying,they expect the texans to pass on him though.:cuckoo: I guess they must not be aware of that amazing accomplishment he achived. Kurt Warner also thinks basically thinks they are crazy pretty much if they pass up on him.listen to his comments.

Johnny Manziel's pro day preview - YouTube

Kurt Warner: Johnny Manziel is top QB in draft - YouTube

Unfortunately for Johnnie Football there will be defenders like Richard Sherman and Kam Chancellor defending the basketball hoop in the NFL and the "hoop" will be moving at the speed of a world class sprinter.

If you think Manzeil is more accurate than Peyton Manning you have officially lost your mind.

There won't be any points scored this season with trick shots.

I'm sure Johnnie will be taken in the first round because this draft has no Andrew Lucks or RGIII's.. and they were not even the best of 2012.

Manzeil got more than his share of hype. No doubt he got over on some scouts and GMs.

I've seen several Texas A & M games and Johnnie missed plenty of throws that are fairly routine in the NFL.

I wouldn't trade him for Russell Wilson and ANY amount of money.

I never follow college football, but it looks like you missed the games that Winterborn saw where he was EXTREMLY accurate when his receivers were covered.

Oh and this thread isnt about Russel Wilson being the greatest quarterback in the NFL right now or being better than Manziel.:cuckoo:

Its about the texans being idiots enough to pass up on Manziel.Johnny Football IS available for the Texans,Wilson isnt..

If you have other quarterbacks in the draft you think should go ahead before manziel, then by all means list them and your reasons why you think so,but leave Wilson out of this thread since its about Johnny Football and how the texans are going to be idiots if the sports writers are indeed right,that they arent going to draft a quarterback in the first round.

why the Texans WOULDNT use their first round draft pick in a year when there are many good choices is beyond me and makes me flabbergasted and confused as hell especially since they still dont have a proven quarterback.:confused:

I cant possisbly understand WHY they would not draft a quarterback with the golden opportunity they have now before them and why not Johnny Football.:cuckoo: He is too much of a you can pass up prospect. The Raiders and The Vikings would like to get them the writers are saying but they think the same thing i do that he wont be around that long and will go by the 4th or 5th pick.

sorry Hug,but as much as I hate Kurt Warner,I think he knows a little something more about quarterbacks than you.lol.

I guantee,if he can stay out of trouble,he is going to be a force to be reckoned with in the NFL in the future.IF the Texans ARE as stupid as these sports writers seem to think they are,The Lambs will be equally as stupid since they are saying they dont think they will take him either which will be a major mistake on their part as well since Bradford is CLEARLY not the answer that they seem to think he will be.they STILL actually think he will amount to something.:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::D:cuckoo:

If The Lambs move back to LA like they are expected to next year and once again are that TRUE team,The LA RAMS,I will be pissed as hell they blew this chance to pass up on such a great talent.:mad:
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I think the Bills should take him at number 9. I'm not sold on EJ manuel.

Im not sold on him either but I dont think your Bills will get the chance to draft him since like I said,he will probably be gone by the 4th or 5th round with either Cleveland or jacksonville probably taking him.
Manziel is one of the most accurate QBs I have ever seen. THAT is a big part of why he is so dangerous.

as I said,Kurt Warner seems to share your view as well.Warner if you heard in that video,was watching all the quarterbacks throw to recievers and while a couple of them impressed him,they did not wow him like johnny football did because there were some throws they made that were off taget and hit the ground where NONE of Manziels hit the ground.

Warner said that Manziel just made him go wow!!!!! at the football combine watching his throws and how he was so accurate,none of them hit the floor like they did with the other quarterbacks throwing.Warner also said that he would take Manziel ahead of the others bases on his pocket presence and what he brings to the game with his intangilbles.

The first couple seasons he'll struggle i think,but after his second season in the NFL,I think he'll learn to stay more patient in the pocket and get used to the fast pace and speed of the game and by that time,I think he will start wowing people by his third season and turn that organization that drafts him around into a constant winner like Tom Brady did and Russell Wilson has done with the Seahawks.
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Speaking as a Texans and Aggies fan, it's a tough call...

Manziel or Clowney...

thats what the majority of the sportswriters are saying that they think the texans will take Clowney with their first pick or The Lambs will take him with the second if they pass him up.

Tell me,being a Texans fan,WHY is it not a no brainer,why do you even consider taking Clowney over Manziel? the quarterback position is the most important position that you make the right choice at and when you have a cant miss prospect like Manziel,seems to me its a no brainer.:confused:

Especially since they dont even have a quarterback.You can build a team around a quarterback like manziel,sometimes a special quarterback like Tom Brady or Russel wilson comes along in a great blue moon that makes everyone on the team much better players than they are. I believe Manziel is in that same catagory,WHY pass on him for Clowney?

Defensive players dont have that kind of an effect on a team like the quarterback does.Well Ray Lewis was the rare exception

you cant build a team around a defensive player.to me,its a no brainer,you go with johnny football and take your chance that your right,that he is every bit the hype they give him.after all,you got Kurt warner saying you got to take him when you have that chance.that to me,is another reason why its a no brainer.
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For me, it's a combination of things...

As an Aggies fan, I love Johnny Fucking Football. After what happened with David Carr and Matt Schaub, I'd like my favorite college QB to go somewhere his offensive line won't get him killed and shorten his career. As a Texans fan I recognize their need for a QB, but I also know they need some work on the offensive line.

As for Clowney, the dude is a force to be reckoned with and I am reminded of the Texans' first, first round pick, Mario Williams. I was pissed they went with a defensive player, but I was wrong. Williams was clutch.

Either way, I'll be watching. Even after last season. The Season of Tears...
For me, it's a combination of things...

As an Aggies fan, I love Johnny Fucking Football. After what happened with David Carr and Matt Schaub, I'd like my favorite college QB to go somewhere his offensive line won't get him killed and shorten his career. As a Texans fan I recognize their need for a QB, but I also know they need some work on the offensive line.

As for Clowney, the dude is a force to be reckoned with and I am reminded of the Texans' first, first round pick, Mario Williams. I was pissed they went with a defensive player, but I was wrong. Williams was clutch.

Either way, I'll be watching. Even after last season. The Season of Tears...

Well good luck to your Texans.I kinda have a soft spot for them since the football fans in that city got screwed by A hole Bud Adams with the oilers leaving. I hate football teams that have moved their teams,colts,Rams,Cards,ect ect.

as you can see from my FIRST reply to Huggy on this thread,I am a die hard LA RAMS fan and wish i could be there to see Georgia Frontier burn in hell for moving that team not even respecting her husbands wishes to keep them in LA.:mad:If he was STILL alive,they would still be in LA.:mad:

I expect that to change though.That fraud team in st louis,their lease expires at the end of this year and they are free to move if they desire because of a clause in their lease and their owner recently purchased some land next to the staples center where the Lakers play big enough for a football field and there has been all kinds of talk in LA that they think there is an excellent chance they will move back there in LA next year.

that stadium in st louis is half empty all the time with terrible fan support,they rank 31st in the league of all 32 teams and unlike in LA,they have no following out there with terrible attendance and horrible viewership.:D that would change drastically with the move to LA.that place was packed all the time,I remember.

their new owner stan kronike also has a home in LA so I see him moving that team back there next year.dont want to get my hopes up TOO high though so I get dissapointed if things dont go my way.

Adams at least isnt evil since he left the TEAM name there in Houston changing it to the Titans.Dont know why the city of Houston didnt demand the name Oilers back.:confused:

Back to Johnny Football.For your sake,the best thing that can happen is if they do the wise thing and sign Johnny Football.

They just might do that and those sportswriters around the country just might be idiots thinking they will take Clowney after all, look at this.
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on the other hand,that link I just posted in my last post doesnt really mean anything.He is going to visit the Raiders as well.Being a california boy at HEART and all,I hope the Raiders do sign him.

My favorite team the past 20 years has been The chargers -dont live and die with them like I did with the LA RAMS,but they replaced them as my favorite team-same colors and being in california and all, so i wish THEY were in position to sign him but their not so it will be either the Browns or The Raiders that get Manziel according to what most the writers think so again,I am crossing my fingers its the Raiders.

Would love to have the chance as a chargers fan,to get that chance to watch him twice a year.

It really looks like your Texans will indeed take Clowney though as you can see from this link below of a mock draft from ESPN.

NFL Mock Draft 2014: What Every Team Should Do with 1st-Round Pick | Bleacher Report
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Damn. I hate the Raiders. Used to like them, back in the day. Even went to the Coliseum to watch them play (I lived in Ventura County for 30+ years). The Davis fucked L.A.

Then Georgia fucked L.A....

The Oilers moved (my childhood team)...

I've been getting screwed by football teams for years...
Damn. I hate the Raiders. Used to like them, back in the day. Even went to the Coliseum to watch them play (I lived in Ventura County for 30+ years). The Davis fucked L.A.

Then Georgia fucked L.A....

The Oilers moved (my childhood team)...

I've been getting screwed by football teams for years...

Dude if you supported the Oakland Faders when they were in LA then you along with thousands of others there in california,should be ashamed of yourself. thats the trouble with the world,there are too many thiefs in it. those fans i st louis,indy,and arizona are thiefs.keeping something that was stolen from someone else knowingly.:mad:

All those fans in arizona that cheer on the cardinals or the ones in Indy that cheer on the colts and the ones in stank louis that cheer on the lambs,they are a disgrace to the NFL because they all have supported those thief owners who took them away from their loyal fans who should burn in hell for taking their team away from the fans that all supported them.:mad: those owners are all thiefs and should have been sent to jail for stealing.:mad:

the fans are jerks as well for supporting a thief owner like they do.:mad:

Now if you ONLY supported the Raiders when they were in Oakland,thats one thing.But thats not the way it sounds to me.

Davis didnt fuck LA.He fucked Oakland moving them away from that city and invading LA like he did.I wish I could go visit hell to watch him and Georgia suffer for their evil deeds that i guarantee,they are paying for now as is that fucking late owner of the colts .:mad:

Davis might not suffer eternally because HE at least did the right thing in the end.He at least moved them BACK to Oakland where they belong with all those other scumbag sewer dwelling rats in Oakland so his suffering wont last near as long as Georgia or the colts owner who both will burn in hell eternally for NEVER doing the right thing and moving them back.:mad:

Im not even a colts fan but I hate asshole owners who move their team away from their founding city like those 3 did and Bill Bidwell of the cardinals have done.:mad:

The only time in my lifetime that i WAS happy about an NFL team moving away from a city to another was when Davis did the right thing and moved them BACK to Oakland where they belong.:clap:

I guess I actually have Davis to thank in the end it turns out for being the A hole that he was moving the team away twice like he did because when the Rams move back to LA next year,the NFL has said they would like to have two NFL teams play there in the future.

But it WONT be the Raiders joining them because the owners dont want the raiders back there again because of mark davis whos father was a traiter.the apple doesnt fall very far from the tree.also all the business establishments and the politicinas dont want them in LA either because they dont want any of I belong here you dont bickering going on like what transpired when the raiders and Rams were both here so thank god for that that it at least wont be the Raiders in the future if there is another one.

the only one that would be possible would be my chargers which i would be okay with I guess.I would of course prefer them to do the right thing and stay in san diego for the fans sake and have an expansion team go there to LA if the owners just HAVE to have two teams in the NFL play there.:mad: thats stupid though because chicago doesnt have two teams in the NFL so why should LA have to have two of them?:cuckoo:

Chicago has two BASEBALL teams yeah,but not football so the Rams are the one and ONLY team that should be allowed to play in LA.thats where they belong and they were there first way way before that asshole Davis brought them there.:mad:
I'm sorry if I don't get it...but what does ANY of this have to do with the success of Russell Wilson or the Seattle Seahawks?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tloHnOtq_l0]The Crystals (Blossoms) - He's A Rebel (original recording) - YouTube[/ame]
Manziel is Doug Flutie

Texans would be crazy to pass on Clowney

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I'm not sure I would take Manziel with the first pick....but what do I know I picked Denver....

yeah as I told you before,stick to politics.thats a subject you at LEAST have a great knowledge of.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao:

or stay away from football and stick with baseball or basketball.you got to be much more knowledgeble about those two sports than you are on football.:lol::lol::lol::D

see If you had picked the NINERS in the superbowl the year before,I wouldnt think you ignorant about football because even though i thought the Ravens were going to win that superbowl,unlike the Hawks/donkeys game,I wasnt confidant they would win like I was with the Hawks game.

The Hawks game I was so confidant,I put down a thousand dollars that I won.:dance: and Im not a rich guy.Thats not a bet I would have ever taken on the Ravens the year before.Normally in superbowls,I'll just bet something like 50 bucks or a dinner,but this one was so obvious they would lose and would be a blowout.:cuckoo:
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Manziel is Doug Flutie

Texans would be crazy to pass on Clowney


this coming from a fool who thought the donkeys actually had a prayer against Huggys Hawks.:D:lol::lol::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

DESPITE the fact he had said way back in the middle of the season the year before when they lost to the falcons in the playoffs,that they would get to the superbowl by the next season,this past season.:cuckoo:

Even AFTER he said all that to you,and even AFTER they beat the team that was in the superbowl the previous season,the niners,you STILL doubted Huggy.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

man what drugs were you taking that whole time?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

even I wasnt stupid as you were.I picked them to lose against the niners in the NFC championsip game but I at LEAST was smart enough to say that entire week leading up to the game,the winner of the NFC championship game would win the supernbowl.I at least wasnt a fool not to realise that those were the two best teams in the NFL and that THAT was the real superbowl.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I at least learned my lesson.you NEVER learn.:cuckoo:

the fact two posters who were actually dense enough to pick the donkeys to win,I can pretty much take it to the bank now that he will be a great quarterback in the NFL now.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you both made sure of that with your predictions.two people dense enough to pick the donkeys. you two sealed the deal for Johnny right there:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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