Texas Abortion Restrictions Struck Down As Unconstitutional

A medically invasive procedure illegally restricts women’s rights, a federal judge ruled.

A federal judge has struck down Texas restrictions on a common second-trimester abortion procedure, ruling that the law blocks a woman’s constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

The Texas law, Senate Bill 8, which was supposed to go into effect in September, would have required doctors to stop the heart of a fetus before it could be removed in an abortion. U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the law imposed an unnecessary medical procedure on women with no known benefit to them.

“The Act does not further the health of the woman before the fetus is viable,” Yeakel wrote in the Nov. 22 decision.

“That a woman may make the decision to have an abortion before a fetus may survive outside her womb is solely and exclusively the woman’s decision,” Yeakel ruled. “The power to make this decision is her right.”

I applaud the federal judge for upholding women's constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

Do you have a link to the article in the Constitution where it's written that women can have unborn children murdered?

Yes, moron, it's well documented in Roe v. Wade. Read it.
Wrong. The Constitution says nothing about abortion.

Roe v Wade was bad law and has resulted in a holocaust of unimaginable proportions....but lefties are brainwashed to think murdering the unborn is a right.

And since the Constitution says nothing about abortion, there is no constitutional protection for a fetus as a person, a citizen, or anything of the sort.

Therefore, the WOMAN"S rights, which are constitutionally protected, must prevail.

Murder is NEVER a right of any kind. Murder is ALWAYS illegal.
A medically invasive procedure illegally restricts women’s rights, a federal judge ruled.

A federal judge has struck down Texas restrictions on a common second-trimester abortion procedure, ruling that the law blocks a woman’s constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

The Texas law, Senate Bill 8, which was supposed to go into effect in September, would have required doctors to stop the heart of a fetus before it could be removed in an abortion. U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the law imposed an unnecessary medical procedure on women with no known benefit to them.

“The Act does not further the health of the woman before the fetus is viable,” Yeakel wrote in the Nov. 22 decision.

“That a woman may make the decision to have an abortion before a fetus may survive outside her womb is solely and exclusively the woman’s decision,” Yeakel ruled. “The power to make this decision is her right.”

I applaud the federal judge for upholding women's constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

Do you have a link to the article in the Constitution where it's written that women can have unborn children murdered?

Yes, moron, it's well documented in Roe v. Wade. Read it.
Wrong. The Constitution says nothing about abortion.

Roe v Wade was bad law and has resulted in a holocaust of unimaginable proportions....but lefties are brainwashed to think murdering the unborn is a right.

And since the Constitution says nothing about abortion, there is no constitutional protection for a fetus as a person, a citizen, or anything of the sort.

Therefore, the WOMAN"S rights, which are constitutionally protected, must prevail.

Murder is NEVER a right of any kind. Murder is ALWAYS illegal.

Murder in the law is the killing of a person. Since the constitution does not convey personhood onto a fetus, your claim is fallacious.
A medically invasive procedure illegally restricts women’s rights, a federal judge ruled.

A federal judge has struck down Texas restrictions on a common second-trimester abortion procedure, ruling that the law blocks a woman’s constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

The Texas law, Senate Bill 8, which was supposed to go into effect in September, would have required doctors to stop the heart of a fetus before it could be removed in an abortion. U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the law imposed an unnecessary medical procedure on women with no known benefit to them.

“The Act does not further the health of the woman before the fetus is viable,” Yeakel wrote in the Nov. 22 decision.

“That a woman may make the decision to have an abortion before a fetus may survive outside her womb is solely and exclusively the woman’s decision,” Yeakel ruled. “The power to make this decision is her right.”

More: Texas Abortion Restrictions Struck Down As Unconstitutional

I applaud the federal judge for upholding women's constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

Except it’s not a constitutional right.

Ever hear of Roe v Wade?

Yes, it’s a ruling, not a law. The ruling does not create a “right to abortion”, and it actually gives the states the ability to regulate abortion as they see fit, as the pregnancy progresses.

Parroting Roe v Wade as a “constitutional right to abortion” over and over doesn’t make it true.

It's a ruling that creates 'case LAW'.

case law
ˈkās ˌlô/
noun: case law; noun: caselaw
  1. the law as established by the outcome of former cases.
A medically invasive procedure illegally restricts women’s rights, a federal judge ruled.

A federal judge has struck down Texas restrictions on a common second-trimester abortion procedure, ruling that the law blocks a woman’s constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

The Texas law, Senate Bill 8, which was supposed to go into effect in September, would have required doctors to stop the heart of a fetus before it could be removed in an abortion. U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the law imposed an unnecessary medical procedure on women with no known benefit to them.

“The Act does not further the health of the woman before the fetus is viable,” Yeakel wrote in the Nov. 22 decision.

“That a woman may make the decision to have an abortion before a fetus may survive outside her womb is solely and exclusively the woman’s decision,” Yeakel ruled. “The power to make this decision is her right.”

More: Texas Abortion Restrictions Struck Down As Unconstitutional

I applaud the federal judge for upholding women's constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

Except it’s not a constitutional right.

Ever hear of Roe v Wade?

Yes, it’s a ruling, not a law. The ruling does not create a “right to abortion”, and it actually gives the states the ability to regulate abortion as they see fit, as the pregnancy progresses.

Parroting Roe v Wade as a “constitutional right to abortion” over and over doesn’t make it true.

that is false. we live in a common law country. that means our laws are comprised of the constitution, federal statutes and the body of caselaw construing those things. on a state by state basis, the laws are comprised of state constitution, state statutes and state caselaw. nothing in the states can confer fewer rights than the federal law (including caselaw, which is absolutely law unless overturned by the Supreme Court).

feel free to study that. mmmkay?
Do you have a link to the article in the Constitution where it's written that women can have unborn children murdered?

Yes, moron, it's well documented in Roe v. Wade. Read it.
Wrong. The Constitution says nothing about abortion.

Roe v Wade was bad law and has resulted in a holocaust of unimaginable proportions....but lefties are brainwashed to think murdering the unborn is a right.

And since the Constitution says nothing about abortion, there is no constitutional protection for a fetus as a person, a citizen, or anything of the sort.

Therefore, the WOMAN"S rights, which are constitutionally protected, must prevail.

Murder is NEVER a right of any kind. Murder is ALWAYS illegal.

Murder in the law is the killing of a person. Since the constitution does not convey personhood onto a fetus, your claim is fallacious.
Well then murder is okay. Do you silly abortionists ever think?

It is rote with you people. The left elite says abortion is a right, and you dumbly agree.

Even Obama knows a fetus is a BABY. Since when is a baby not human?

"When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include -- which should include abstinence education and teaching the children -- teaching children, you know, that sex is not something casual. But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."
A medically invasive procedure illegally restricts women’s rights, a federal judge ruled.

A federal judge has struck down Texas restrictions on a common second-trimester abortion procedure, ruling that the law blocks a woman’s constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

The Texas law, Senate Bill 8, which was supposed to go into effect in September, would have required doctors to stop the heart of a fetus before it could be removed in an abortion. U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the law imposed an unnecessary medical procedure on women with no known benefit to them.

“The Act does not further the health of the woman before the fetus is viable,” Yeakel wrote in the Nov. 22 decision.

“That a woman may make the decision to have an abortion before a fetus may survive outside her womb is solely and exclusively the woman’s decision,” Yeakel ruled. “The power to make this decision is her right.”

More: Texas Abortion Restrictions Struck Down As Unconstitutional

I applaud the federal judge for upholding women's constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion.

Except it’s not a constitutional right.

Ever hear of Roe v Wade?

Yes, it’s a ruling, not a law. The ruling does not create a “right to abortion”, and it actually gives the states the ability to regulate abortion as they see fit, as the pregnancy progresses.

Parroting Roe v Wade as a “constitutional right to abortion” over and over doesn’t make it true.

that is false. we live in a common law country. that means our laws are comprised of the constitution, federal statutes and the body of caselaw construing those things. on a state by state basis, the laws are comprised of state constitution, state statutes and state caselaw. nothing in the states can confer fewer rights than the federal law (including caselaw, which is absolutely law unless overturned by the Supreme Court).

feel free to study that. mmmkay?

I agree with that. But a case law is not a “constitutional right”. If the Supreme Court overturns it, it wouldn’t be taking away a constitutional right, now would it?

Of course this could all be settled with allowing the people and/or Congress to create a law about abortion, but Dems are terrified at the prospect of allowing the people to have a say on the issue.

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