Texas board of Ed. starts to cave on evolution debate


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
The anti-science young earthers have no cred.

That's a start for the Board, but it has a long way to go.
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
Humans didn't "evolve from an ape. Humans are an ape....an upright one...and all current species of apes evolved from something now gone.....We are cousins of the gorilla, not the children of.
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
Humans didn't "evolve from an ape. Humans are an ape....an upright one...and all current species of apes evolved from something now gone.....We are cousins of the gorilla, not the children of.
OK. Can you show us that is the argument with the Board: apes?
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
How does science lose credibility?
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
How does science lose credibility?

Why argue with people who think Science is God and never wrong. WHen in fact science is wrong all the time.
or the Liberal universities teach how and what they want to teach in order to keep the same path of thinking when in fact their view of facts does not make it a face. It is only a fact because dumbed down education wants people to be just that dumbed down.
Gotta fkn go and dig up everything...........


Forbes India Magazine - Science Is Not Always Right
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
How does science lose credibility?

Why argue with people who think Science is God and never wrong. WHen in fact science is wrong all the time.
or the Liberal universities teach how and what they want to teach in order to keep the same path of thinking when in fact their view of facts does not make it a face. It is only a fact because dumbed down education wants people to be just that dumbed down.
Science is wrong all the time. It is constantly evolving. Because we learn new things every day.
Science should never lose credibility.
The Texas Board of Education has voted preliminarily to ease, but not completely get rid of, the state high school curriculum requirement that educators should help students question the theory of evolution. The Board of Education’s 10 Republicans and five Democrats voted Wednesday to remove the mandate that “all sides” be presented.
Texas Board of Ed. Starts to Cave on Evolution Debate

There's a lot of logic to humans did not evolve from an ape. Science lost their credibility a long time ago.
Humans didn't "evolve from an ape. Humans are an ape....an upright one...and all current species of apes evolved from something now gone.....We are cousins of the gorilla, not the children of.

If humans were from fkn apes, there would often be a baby born looking like a fkn ape, if you have lets say a black couple who has a baby and that baby ends up being white where the hell do you think that gene came from outer space. Well same thing with apes we have handed down genetics all though time you mean to tell me not one time has a human been born with an APES genetics. We as humans would have still been carrying the ape genetics.

Every thing we're taught in school didn't make it the truth bible of facts.


Writing at Evolution News and Views, David Klinghoffer points out that the “99%” myth is based on hopelessly outdated research. But it got a shot in the arm after researchers at the Genome Consortium announced in 2005 they’d sequenced chimp DNA and compared it with our own.

Humans Aren’t Apes: It’s Past Time We Evolve Past This Outdated Assertion
If humans were from fkn apes, there would often be a baby born looking like a fkn ape,
Some people are born with vestigial tails. Some people are a lot hairier than others. It's extremely unlikely that someone would be born looking like an ape. The time and number of genetic mutations involved, precludes that.

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