Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
I believe in intelligent debate. You should too.
I noticed that you didnt answer the question. Is that because you are a stupid fuck, or just an ignorant fuck, because you cant say if men with tits are women, because as a slave, you are required to say "yes" men with tits are women, proving how insane you are...
Off topic comments directed towards your homophobic grievances and hate, aren't being entertained for several reasons. The best reason I am guessing, is that you suffer from small dick syndrome, and the subject of your own anatomy keeps you from staying on topic?
I am talking about your Sanity. Do you think men with tits are women? Really, just squirreling away from the answer must prove that you DO believe men with tits are women, because your prog masters have told you so. You are suck a prog slave..
See picture below..
Yea, my first guess was right. You have a flawed mental state with small dick syndrome, while using your racist and homophobic hate as a tool to get through your withdrawals. Seek help.
Yet you cant answer a very simple question, "do you consider men with tits a woman". So now i am also a racist when i never used color or ethnicity in the argument. You are a very sad, pitiful prog slave..

Trump has tits AND bleached blonde hair. I'd say that qualifies her as a woman.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
I believe in intelligent debate. You should too.
I noticed that you didnt answer the question. Is that because you are a stupid fuck, or just an ignorant fuck, because you cant say if men with tits are women, because as a slave, you are required to say "yes" men with tits are women, proving how insane you are...
Off topic comments directed towards your homophobic grievances and hate, aren't being entertained for several reasons. The best reason I am guessing, is that you suffer from small dick syndrome, and the subject of your own anatomy keeps you from staying on topic?
I am talking about your Sanity. Do you think men with tits are women? Really, just squirreling away from the answer must prove that you DO believe men with tits are women, because your prog masters have told you so. You are suck a prog slave..
See picture below..
Yea, my first guess was right. You have a flawed mental state with small dick syndrome, while using your racist and homophobic hate as a tool to get through your withdrawals. Seek help.
Yet you cant answer a very simple question, "do you consider men with tits a woman". So now i am also a racist when i never used color or ethnicity in the argument. You are a very sad, pitiful prog slave..

Trump has tits AND bleached blonde hair. I'd say that qualifies her as a woman.

Well, America certainly just grabbed him by the pussy.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
I believe in intelligent debate. You should too.
I noticed that you didnt answer the question. Is that because you are a stupid fuck, or just an ignorant fuck, because you cant say if men with tits are women, because as a slave, you are required to say "yes" men with tits are women, proving how insane you are...
Off topic comments directed towards your homophobic grievances and hate, aren't being entertained for several reasons. The best reason I am guessing, is that you suffer from small dick syndrome, and the subject of your own anatomy keeps you from staying on topic?
I am talking about your Sanity. Do you think men with tits are women? Really, just squirreling away from the answer must prove that you DO believe men with tits are women, because your prog masters have told you so. You are suck a prog slave..
See picture below..
Yea, my first guess was right. You have a flawed mental state with small dick syndrome, while using your racist and homophobic hate as a tool to get through your withdrawals. Seek help.
Yet you cant answer a very simple question, "do you consider men with tits a woman". So now i am also a racist when i never used color or ethnicity in the argument. You are a very sad, pitiful prog slave..

Wow, what a shallow hateful individual you are. You need help buddy.
And again, you wont answer the question. Is a man with tits a woman, if you dont answer this time then i assume you agree with that question...

Fucking lunatic leftist progressive slaves, their masters tell them that men with tits are women, and they believe what their masters tell them.

why do liberals think that MEN can be women? | Yahoo Answers

why do liberals think that MEN can be women?
How can someone with male sex organs and XY chromosomes be a woman? Can I identity as a toaster oven if I feel that I was misrepresented at birth

Liberals believe men can be women and others (genderque*r) can change their gender literally by the day, but somehow at the same time believe Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who "identifies" as black, is the epitome of racism and white privilege.

Rachel is now writing a book on identity and transrace-ism.


The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.
And Trumps toadies have been reduced to total fools once again. I cant imagine the feeling of drinking Trumps Kool-aid every day, just to look stupid all over again.

The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.
And Trumps toadies have been reduced to total fools once again. I cant imagine the feeling of drinking Trumps Kool-aid every day, just to look stupid all over again.


This suit was always just theater for dipshits. It never had a chance of succeeding.

They never stopped looking stupid for believing it had any merit.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
I believe in intelligent debate. You should too.
I noticed that you didnt answer the question. Is that because you are a stupid fuck, or just an ignorant fuck, because you cant say if men with tits are women, because as a slave, you are required to say "yes" men with tits are women, proving how insane you are...
Off topic comments directed towards your homophobic grievances and hate, aren't being entertained for several reasons. The best reason I am guessing, is that you suffer from small dick syndrome, and the subject of your own anatomy keeps you from staying on topic?
I am talking about your Sanity. Do you think men with tits are women? Really, just squirreling away from the answer must prove that you DO believe men with tits are women, because your prog masters have told you so. You are suck a prog slave..
See picture below..
Yea, my first guess was right. You have a flawed mental state with small dick syndrome, while using your racist and homophobic hate as a tool to get through your withdrawals. Seek help.
Yet you cant answer a very simple question, "do you consider men with tits a woman". So now i am also a racist when i never used color or ethnicity in the argument. You are a very sad, pitiful prog slave..

Trump has tits AND bleached blonde hair. I'd say that qualifies her as a woman.

Well, America certainly just grabbed him by the pussy.
  • Thanks
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The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
People, not just progressives, typically enjoy talking to people with intelligence, sanity, honesty, and accurate information. Try going down that road for a change. You might just like it.
The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
People, not just progressives, typically enjoy talking to people with intelligence, sanity, honesty, and accurate information. Try going down that road for a change. You might just like it.

What you're really saying is agree with you, and that just ain't gonna happen...
The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
People, not just progressives, typically enjoy talking to people with intelligence, sanity, honesty, and accurate information. Try going down that road for a change. You might just like it.

What you're really saying is agree with you, and that just ain't gonna happen...
I agree, it won't. Without an intelligent brain, some sanity, honesty, and accurate information, it will be a cold day in hell before people like you will agree with anything. On that we agree.
Is this it ?
Who will concede ?
My wife and I are going to go watch some Andy Griffith reruns.
Its been an educational experience thus far.
I hope our country never experiences this again, and I hope we get our voting system changed and/or secured.
There was obviously a problem with it to some degree or we wouldnt be here right now.
Fat chance. If it worked once, they will do it again and again and again. What's going to stop them?
Is this it ?
Who will concede ?
My wife and I are going to go watch some Andy Griffith reruns.
Its been an educational experience thus far.
I hope our country never experiences this again, and I hope we get our voting system changed and/or secured.
There was obviously a problem with it to some degree or we wouldnt be here right now.
Our voting system worked fine. The problem was the grifter who opted to lie massively about massive fraud in lieu of conceding.
"Worked fine" means it produced the result you wanted. Bank robbing works fine for bank robbers.
The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
People, not just progressives, typically enjoy talking to people with intelligence, sanity, honesty, and accurate information. Try going down that road for a change. You might just like it.

What you're really saying is agree with you, and that just ain't gonna happen...
I agree, it won't. Without an intelligent brain, some sanity, honesty, and accurate information, it will be a cold day in hell before people like you will agree with anything. On that we agree.

Unfortunately for you, you will never get me to believe that this election was on the up and up...But, with that said, it doesn't look like Trump will prevail in either keeping the WH, or saving the integrity of the vote, so going forward, it is only going to get worse...This is how our freedoms start coming to an end....
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.

The more adjectives you use in the first few words of a post, the more we know it's nothing more than your delusions and idiocy.
In other words, you are argument free. No surprises there.

No, just pointing out as usual that your post has no point except to show what a mouth breathing gutter wench you are.
Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden You were saying?

They punted, as I pretty much expected. No argument or even discussion of the merits.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.

The more adjectives you use in the first few words of a post, the more we know it's nothing more than your delusions and idiocy.
In other words, you are argument free. No surprises there.

No, just pointing out as usual that your post has no point except to show what a mouth breathing gutter wench you are.
Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden You were saying?

They punted, as I pretty much expected. No argument or even discussion of the merits.
LOl! "They threw an automatic interception to the opposite side on purpose with none of their receivers down field.

Republicans did nothing more than show the world that they are idiots, and decided to show the world, just how idiotic they really are. That was the point they made. Too bad for the rest of us, we already knew that.
The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
People, not just progressives, typically enjoy talking to people with intelligence, sanity, honesty, and accurate information. Try going down that road for a change. You might just like it.

What you're really saying is agree with you, and that just ain't gonna happen...
I agree, it won't. Without an intelligent brain, some sanity, honesty, and accurate information, it will be a cold day in hell before people like you will agree with anything. On that we agree.

Unfortunately for you, you will never get me to believe that this election was on the up and up...But, with that said, it doesn't look like Trump will prevail in either keeping the WH, or saving the integrity of the vote, so going forward, it is only going to get worse...This is how our freedoms start coming to an end....
I don't have to. Your own supreme court gave you the middle finger on even looking into it. Lol! I could give two shits whether you believe it or not.

However, just to put a footnote to your point, try and imagine the unbelievable stupidity of not believing, with zero evidence to support your position. This is how far the vegetable party has fell off the deep end.
The state of Texas has made a response, from SCOTUS website:

Dec 11 2020Reply of State of Texas submitted.
Main Document


Devistating to these states, and Biden's chances...
Bull, Texas has as much of a chance of getting the election overturned as this guy

Eric Metaxas Will Emcee National Right-Wing Prayer Rally to Overturn Presidential Election | Right Wing Watch

And that opinion is based on your years as what exactly? Dweller in mom's basement? Re runs of Keith Olberman? Too much listening to Brian Steltzer?

In any case, you nor I know how this will turn out, so, my advice to you is that you kindly stop being an asshole...But my hopes are low.
Right. Suggesting that I live in my mother's basement, trashing repected journalists and calling me an asshole really bolsters your credibility and attests to your emotional maturity and superior intelect.

None of which I claimed...However, it doesn't take a master intellect to see what you cheating assholes did in this election...As I said I would hope you could rise to a level of discourse that would further the discussion, however, you have proven me right that it is beyond you.
None of which I claimed.
You lie. It does not take master intelect to see that you people are either liers of mentally ill. My level of discourse is based on facts and logic. Yours is based on debunked conspiracy theories, lies, and fantasy.

Well then, have fun talking only to people you agree with...Because that seems to be the only thing you progressives want to do anyway...
People, not just progressives, typically enjoy talking to people with intelligence, sanity, honesty, and accurate information. Try going down that road for a change. You might just like it.

What you're really saying is agree with you, and that just ain't gonna happen...
You really aren't intelligent enough to read the tea leaves here boss. It isn't about agreeing with me. It's elementary logic. No evidence produced equals no case. If you can't get that, you have no business on political forums. Or any forums for that matter. You have zero understanding of simple logic.
Reading the latest it would appear Texas got itself a Texas-sized SMACKDOWN.


Looks from the animations as though you were worried for a few days there ----

I suddenly woke up and wondered if most of us had stopped paying attention too soon. I was surprised at all the support this measure got from states attorneys and from high-level GOP politicians.

However, it came to nothing.
Reading the latest it would appear Texas got itself a Texas-sized SMACKDOWN.


Looks from the animations as though you were worried for a few days there ----

I suddenly woke up and wondered if most of us had stopped paying attention too soon. I was surprised at all the support this measure got from states attorneys and from high-level GOP politicians.

However, it came to nothing.

Actually I was going for the shoot-self-in-the-foot gif and by chance came across the others.
I stole Iwo Jima from Dalia
Reading the latest it would appear Texas got itself a Texas-sized SMACKDOWN.


Looks from the animations as though you were worried for a few days there ----

I suddenly woke up and wondered if most of us had stopped paying attention too soon. I was surprised at all the support this measure got from states attorneys and from high-level GOP politicians.

However, it came to nothing.
Anything that originates from a cult is not surprising.

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