Texas for Hillary

The hostages were returned alive and unharmed
Showing that Carter was correct in not overreacting to the situation like Republicans and the media were demanding. It cost him his job
If Carter had sent in special forces and 10-20 hostages got killed, he would be looked at as a hero
Everyone knew Carter was weak and vacillating. Still, he did attempt a military rescue mission which failed. They were deathly afraid of Reagan, and with good reason.

Carter image suffers not only from his failure, but in contrast to the successes of his successor.

No question Carter was called weak for not attacking Iran. In fact, ignoring a public outcry to make Iran pay took great strength
Or great weakness and incompetence.
America is the only country I know of that being a coward and a pushover is celebrated.

Refusing to jump in and fight at every provocation is not cowardice. Use of the military should be a last resort, not a first
Refusal to defend yourself when attacked is cowardly.

How should Carter have defended himself?
Everyone knew Carter was weak and vacillating. Still, he did attempt a military rescue mission which failed. They were deathly afraid of Reagan, and with good reason.

Carter image suffers not only from his failure, but in contrast to the successes of his successor.

No question Carter was called weak for not attacking Iran. In fact, ignoring a public outcry to make Iran pay took great strength
Or great weakness and incompetence.
America is the only country I know of that being a coward and a pushover is celebrated.
nah, there's all of europe too.
I've been there.....uh-uh.

This is the only country i know of that literally celebrates weakness.
Why is that?

It's the only country that let's people that hate us teach our kids to hate the United States and it's founders.
the operative word is let, or allow. that comes with the high price of defending ourselves and those other nations under our protective defense umbrella. they could give more back. people talk about how great european life is, how civilised.

the high price of defending those other nations under our protective defense umbrella is a lot, when we need the dough here at home to fix security and black lives genocide everyday in chicago. there are so many other inner cities plagued by this, but let's start with my home town in chicago. please and soon.

we allow our parents to teach their kids as they see fit because other countries don't.
we can always be strong as a nation and still have great political dissent. everyone was on the same page on 911. the first one, not benghazi.
Dissent is one thing.

These people train our kids to despise America.
Everyone knew Carter was weak and vacillating. Still, he did attempt a military rescue mission which failed. They were deathly afraid of Reagan, and with good reason.

Carter image suffers not only from his failure, but in contrast to the successes of his successor.

No question Carter was called weak for not attacking Iran. In fact, ignoring a public outcry to make Iran pay took great strength
Or great weakness and incompetence.
America is the only country I know of that being a coward and a pushover is celebrated.

Refusing to jump in and fight at every provocation is not cowardice. Use of the military should be a last resort, not a first
Refusal to defend yourself when attacked is cowardly.

How should Carter have defended himself?
Carter was quick to defend himself.
People he put in harm's way were on their own.

Another poll showing Texas to be a tight race. RCP currently has Texas as +5.4 for Trump but includes many older polls that show Trump up 7%. Including these 2-4% polls will move Texas into tossup category

This means Trump will HAVE to defend Texas. He can't allow Clinton to steal it. But who in Texas can Trump depend on to defend him?

Former Presidents Bush? Hardly
Ted Cruz? I think he is busy that day
The alt right and far right fools really believe (1) the election is rigged, and (2) the polls are lying.

If the election, fools, could be rigged, orange creepy would have done it long ago.
Why don't you sit on a big orange dildo?

Another poll showing Texas to be a tight race. RCP currently has Texas as +5.4 for Trump but includes many older polls that show Trump up 7%. Including these 2-4% polls will move Texas into tossup category

This means Trump will HAVE to defend Texas. He can't allow Clinton to steal it. But who in Texas can Trump depend on to defend him?

Former Presidents Bush? Hardly
Ted Cruz? I think he is busy that day

Former Texas Republican Congressman and Presidential contender Ron Paul, also says he will not vote for Trump!
Funny how most Texas Republicans were bragging about all those Californians flooding into Texas. Now they are turning purple! LOL
Well, to be fair, TexAss has been trending purple so it was only a matter of time before they went blue. This election may turn the entire country blue.

"trending" by the court throwing out their voter ID rule...probably half a million illegals will vote in Tejas.....do you think that's a good thing?

Another poll showing Texas to be a tight race. RCP currently has Texas as +5.4 for Trump but includes many older polls that show Trump up 7%. Including these 2-4% polls will move Texas into tossup category

This means Trump will HAVE to defend Texas. He can't allow Clinton to steal it. But who in Texas can Trump depend on to defend him?

Former Presidents Bush? Hardly
Ted Cruz? I think he is busy that day

Former Texas Republican Congressman and Presidential contender Ron Paul, also says he will not vote for Trump!

Major problem for Trump is he has a ground game in so few states. I doubt if he has anything in Texas
If Hillary starts running ads on the Texas stations and runs a get out the vote over the next three weeks....how can Trump respond

I don't know of many heavy hitters in Texas politics that will rally in his support

Another poll showing Texas to be a tight race. RCP currently has Texas as +5.4 for Trump but includes many older polls that show Trump up 7%. Including these 2-4% polls will move Texas into tossup category

This means Trump will HAVE to defend Texas. He can't allow Clinton to steal it. But who in Texas can Trump depend on to defend him?

Former Presidents Bush? Hardly
Ted Cruz? I think he is busy that day

Former Texas Republican Congressman and Presidential contender Ron Paul, also says he will not vote for Trump!

Somebody should send Ron Paul for a tick dip....he's selling some gadget to freeze-dry food for the Apocalypse on the radio here in Arizona.
Its moved beyond the Presidency

Democrats need to ride Hillary's coat tails to wins in the Senate, House and a Liberal SCOTUS
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.
I doubt Texas will go to Hillary.

The last time the Democrats won that state was in 1976 when Carter won. Hell I voted for that boob and it just goes to show mistakes do happen. LOL
BTW, what was your reason for voting for Carter?

I believed what he was saying. Unfortunately for him Carter is probably the worst President this country has ever had.

You're a moron. Carter was a victim of events. In a history course at CAL, one of the Blue Book midterm exams asked the question: Does man make history, or does history make the man.

You would have flunked.

You are a fool. Carter was the worst President this country has ever had and only a MORON like you would think otherwise.

What specific actions made Carter the worst president?

Balancing the budget?
Middle East peace accord?

Trying to convince the American public that it would be in our best interest to become as energy independent as possible. It was a hard path to get unhook from Cheap ME oil. Carter had to be demonized. The spice must flow....opps I meant to say, the oil must flow......
Its moved beyond the Presidency

Democrats need to ride Hillary's coat tails to wins in the Senate, House and a Liberal SCOTUS
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
Its moved beyond the Presidency

Democrats need to ride Hillary's coat tails to wins in the Senate, House and a Liberal SCOTUS
With that in mind, move beyond whining about Trump and focus downballot.

The Beast's support is tentative enough fpr one terrorist attack or one significant email that she cannot pawn off on her legion of sleazy supporters. And by that I mean not you, Donna Brazile or Podesta. The next presidency may well be in the hands of foreigners because of Hillary's paranoia.

She is too scummy to be president, and even you, in your abject ignorance, know that.

Mocking Trump IS how we focus down ballot

THIS is the party that selected Trump
THIS is the candidate running with Trump
This candidate agrees with Trump on......

Spread the stink of Trump around
So, would you say it's like the Dems focusing on Obama's successes in 2012?

Btw, your olfactory sense seem to be compromised if you cannot pick up the sense of smell emanating out of Hillary and her campaign.

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