Texas Governor Signs Toughest Sanctuary City Law in U.S.A.

Some snowflake liberal activist judge will block it again to slow down his progress. The SC is gonna be busy pretty soon with all these obstructionist judges clogging up the courts with their rulings they know are going to be overturned. Pathetic bastards.
I will just repeat this wise comment

" Texas is the best country in the world!" :2up:
God Bless Texas Governor Greg Abbott !!!

The new law is now the toughest anti-sanctuary city law in the United States and provides for criminal and civil penalties for police chiefs and sheriff’s that refuse to honor immigration detainers.!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Texas Governor Signs Toughest Sanctuary City Law in U.S.A.

From the link....a lot of crime in Texas alone by illegals..

In the past six years, criminal aliens have been charged with more than 566,000 crimes in Texas including kidnapping, homicide, burglary and much more. There is no excuse for endangering our communities by allowing criminal aliens who have committed a crime to go free.”

I'm glad someone is doing something against these sanctuary cities. Get the bad immigrants out and let the good ones in.
Well Texas has 2 sanctuary cities so this is just a squabble between the State Capitol and the State Capital.
I'm glad someone is doing something against these sanctuary cities. Get the bad immigrants out and let the good ones in.

For some reason they don't want , legal ones wiling to invest over $500,000 dollars in new companies and jobs.

The liberals want poor broke ass illegals, that rape murder and steal..

Liberals, what a terrible mind to waste on meth.

I'm glad someone is doing something against these sanctuary cities. Get the bad immigrants out and let the good ones in.

For some reason they don't want , legal ones wiling to invest over $500,000 dollars in new companies and jobs.

The liberals want poor broke ass illegals, that rape murder and steal..

Liberals, what a terrible mind to waste on meth.

Put 'em on welfare and have their vote from cradle to grave.
I'm glad someone is doing something against these sanctuary cities. Get the bad immigrants out and let the good ones in.

For some reason they don't want , legal ones wiling to invest over $500,000 dollars in new companies and jobs.

The liberals want poor broke ass illegals, that rape murder and steal..

Liberals, what a terrible mind to waste on meth.

Put 'em on welfare and have their vote from cradle to grave.

Exactly party over country, unbelievable that liberals protect broke ass illegal immigrants that rape , murder and steal just for votes.

And reject hard working , honest people that would love to move to our country legally and start a business that employs Americans.
The law will be enjoined in the Courts.

The Austin police are now following the Gov and the Lt Gov, itching to arrest them for anything.
^^ A libertarian enjoying a state government forcing a city government to follow federal laws.
^^ A libertarian enjoying a state government forcing a city government to follow federal laws.
Are we a nation of laws or a nation ruled by the whims of the elite? I know you prefer whims. I do not.
Yes, you are whimsical. You prefer what you prefer at the moment you prefer your preference. You are a libertarian only when it benefits you or your cause.
The law will be enjoined in the Courts.

The Austin police are now following the Gov and the Lt Gov, itching to arrest them for anything.

how so? Unlike the break between federal and State actions found in the US constitution, Local governance in the States is entirely dictated by "home rule" provisions via law and the State's own constitution. State governments have great leeway in deciding what their cities, villages, towns, and counties/parishes can and cannot do.
After all the years of Dick Perry cowtowing to the Mexican government and Gregg Abbot being right there doing it with him ol'wheels has allot of work to do to be believable. We will see if he is serious of just trying to be gimptrump when it comes time arrest Sally Hernandez. So far after all these years he has let her and her ilk ignore immigration and drug laws. What is the snatch still free ?Time that ho gets jammed up and stuffed in the county jail.

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