
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Well, you'd had better hope to hell there is a separation because sometime in the future there could be Muslims in the government. Ever think of that, smart guy?
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Many, many, many of us citizens do not follow YOUR personal religious beliefs, and we don't want a government that enforces your dumb beliefs either.
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
What we need in the White House is a moderate who is not associated with either of the major political parties that are monopolizing our government. Both the left and right wing have become WAY too extreme. I, for one, am tired of it, as I believe most people under 40 are indeed also tired of it.
Someone who believes in individual freedoms, someone who is NOT a religious freak, someone who has good foreign policy ideas that make sense for a change, someone with some new and fresh ideas. I am so SICK and TIRED of all this crap with the left wingers and right wingers. Any moderate who reads some of these threads would be absolutely disgusted. It's just disgusting, old and tiresome.
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

Please, you aren't agreeing with me. Otherwise you would NOT have made that statement. Some of you would just love your religious views pushed upon everyone. Well, fortunately, you cannot legislate morality. That is an individual personal matter and not something the government should EVER involve itself in. This is the reason why abortion has NOT been banned, as some of you would like.
Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
Thankfully, the way things are right now, what individuals do in their personal lives and with their own bodies is none of your fucking business.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???
Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?

Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.
Obviously, you are one of the religious whackadoodles. Just keep your religion in your church and out of the government. K?
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
This is why I hate the left AND the right. Bunch of partisan hacktards.
Obviously, you are too stupid to recognize that I am agreeing with you. I don't want some fucking muslim or liberal wacko teaching my kids about God. Grow a fucking brain you idiot.

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
Hey, you're the one who attacked me because I asked you to show me where the Constitution defines separation of church and state. You ASSumed I was advocating a religion based government from that. And when I explained where you were wrong in your ASSumption, you continued to attack me instead of admitting you misunderstood what I was saying. Either that, or you're just too stupid to comprehend what I was saying in the first place. So which is it, your pride or your stupidity?
No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
Hey, you're the one who attacked me because I asked you to show me where the Constitution defines separation of church and state. You ASSumed I was advocating a religion based government from that. And when I explained where you were wrong in your ASSumption, you continued to attack me instead of admitting you misunderstood what I was saying. Either that, or you're just too stupid to comprehend what I was saying in the first place. So which is it, your pride or your stupidity?

So what ARE you saying then? You don't think there is a separation between church and state? Well, that is how we do things and have for a long time. And that is the way it NEEDS to be.
I'll say it again. Government's job is to run the government, not to interfere in OUR personal lives in any manner whatsoever, unless we are breaking a secular law.
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
Hey, you're the one who attacked me because I asked you to show me where the Constitution defines separation of church and state. You ASSumed I was advocating a religion based government from that. And when I explained where you were wrong in your ASSumption, you continued to attack me instead of admitting you misunderstood what I was saying. Either that, or you're just too stupid to comprehend what I was saying in the first place. So which is it, your pride or your stupidity?

So what ARE you saying then? You don't think there is a separation between church and state? Well, that is how we do things and have for a long time. And that is the way it NEEDS to be.
What I'm saying (if you would let your guard down for a minute) is that the Constitution does not specifically address separation of church and state. And being a real libertarian, I don't want ANY religion taught in school or practiced in government. It's something that should be taught to kids by their parents and no one else. Your idea of my faith may be different than MY idea of it. I was simply pointing out to you that there is NO definitive separation of church and state in our Constitution. Like I said several post ago, I am trying to agree with you but you seem more interested in a confrontation than a dialogue.

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