
Check out all the Liberals hatin' on a person of color.
Liberals are the biggest racists on the planet. I mean, they gave us the KKK and Jim Crow, not to mention enslaving blacks to welfare. Look what they did to Condi Rice and Ben Carson. They're racists.
Lots of interesting commentary and opinion on they guy who will probably get my vote when the time comes. I wanted to offer my comments on what I am hearing...

Eligibility: Is Ted Cruz even eligible to run for president? In my opinion, yes he is. Keep in mind, Ted Cruz is intimately familiar with the Constitution. Some would say it's his field of expertise. I seriously doubt he would announce he is running if he knew he couldn't. Granted, the specific wording in the Constitution ,makes it a little unclear but there have been several SCOTUS cases brought in the past and there seems to be a pretty solid consensus on this issue from the court.

Some like to think that if the question is ambiguous and it's not certain he could run, that he wouldn't be allowed to run, but not according to previous findings by SCOTUS. When the issue is ambiguous and uncertain, benefit of the doubt rests with the will of the people. So it has to be proven clearly beyond reasonable doubt that Cruz is absolutely ineligible to run, and that can't be established.

Cruz will end up losing to Bush who the Establishment GOP want.

This is possible. The GOP is currently a divided party and it hasn't been cordial. Cruz will have to be tested by the fire because the Establishment GOP has no intention of riding off quietly into the sunset. You'll see hideous accusations made about Cruz, his family will be put through the wringer, all his past dealings scrutinized, all the skeletons shaken out before the GOP primaries because the Establishment are fighting for their political lives.

To complicate matters further, the Tea Party conservatives are not all behind Cruz, some like Scott Walker a whole lot, others like Ben Carson..., so this entire battle still has to play out in the debates and such. The TP can't really afford to dilute their vote between 12 candidates, so someone will have to emerge as the front-runner in order to defeat Bush or whoever the Establishment settles on. Still lots of political football to be played before picking who will be in the Super Bowl.

Conventional questions of accomplishments and experience: Honestly, this has simply not mattered since Nixon in 1972. Cruz is extremely smart and that makes up for quite a bit. He is as passionately articulate on conservatism as Reagan, and that appeals to people. I think he has the energy and message to change the dialogue in the party whether he wins the nomination or not. The Establishment will have to face him and defend their weak conservative positions.

I like him but he is too extreme right wing to win the general election.

They said exactly the same thing about Reagan. For all the mind blowing commentary from left-wing loons ("wetback" comments? Really?) the best thing about Cruz is that is is unabashedly conservative. As he schools America on the virtues of conservatism, his opponents will grow increasingly more bizarre with their rhetoric. I think it's a brilliant way to expose them for the nuts they are, and we don't have to do a thing, they'll do all the work for us!
He'll siphon votes away from Santorum and Huckabee if they decide to run but I don't believe he'll have very much appeal to the other factions of the GOP. We'll see how it all plays out.

He forces serious candidates to the right during the primaries. When the GOP finally nominates one, they will have to retract what they said during the primes and then get the flip flopper tap put on them.

Just what the Dr. Ordered.
That does tend to happen in BOTH parties.
Hillary about Obama AND Bush about RWR.

The difference is that Hillary needn't do it (it remains to be seen if she does do it). She can win without pandering to the hard left wing of the party. Liberals are smart enough to know that you are not going to get it all in any candidate so you'll have those who hold their nose and vote for her even if she isn't their preferred candidate. The same goes for any DNC nominee.

The eventual republican nominee has to pander to the TEA part. A few weeks ago, we saw this at CPAC and it was hilarious. They have to portray themselves as being just as blood thirsty, just as hateful, just as maniacal as the TEA party folks to get their support in the primaries. Then, when they have to tack back to the middle in the General Election....oh well; game over.
Lots of interesting commentary and opinion on they guy who will probably get my vote when the time comes. I wanted to offer my comments on what I am hearing...

Eligibility: Is Ted Cruz even eligible to run for president? In my opinion, yes he is. Keep in mind, Ted Cruz is intimately familiar with the Constitution. Some would say it's his field of expertise. I seriously doubt he would announce he is running if he knew he couldn't. Granted, the specific wording in the Constitution ,makes it a little unclear but there have been several SCOTUS cases brought in the past and there seems to be a pretty solid consensus on this issue from the court.

Some like to think that if the question is ambiguous and it's not certain he could run, that he wouldn't be allowed to run, but not according to previous findings by SCOTUS. When the issue is ambiguous and uncertain, benefit of the doubt rests with the will of the people. So it has to be proven clearly beyond reasonable doubt that Cruz is absolutely ineligible to run, and that can't be established.

Cruz will end up losing to Bush who the Establishment GOP want.

This is possible. The GOP is currently a divided party and it hasn't been cordial. Cruz will have to be tested by the fire because the Establishment GOP has no intention of riding off quietly into the sunset. You'll see hideous accusations made about Cruz, his family will be put through the wringer, all his past dealings scrutinized, all the skeletons shaken out before the GOP primaries because the Establishment are fighting for their political lives.

To complicate matters further, the Tea Party conservatives are not all behind Cruz, some like Scott Walker a whole lot, others like Ben Carson..., so this entire battle still has to play out in the debates and such. The TP can't really afford to dilute their vote between 12 candidates, so someone will have to emerge as the front-runner in order to defeat Bush or whoever the Establishment settles on. Still lots of political football to be played before picking who will be in the Super Bowl.

Conventional questions of accomplishments and experience: Honestly, this has simply not mattered since Nixon in 1972. Cruz is extremely smart and that makes up for quite a bit. He is as passionately articulate on conservatism as Reagan, and that appeals to people. I think he has the energy and message to change the dialogue in the party whether he wins the nomination or not. The Establishment will have to face him and defend their weak conservative positions.

I like him but he is too extreme right wing to win the general election.

They said exactly the same thing about Reagan. For all the mind blowing commentary from left-wing loons ("wetback" comments? Really?) the best thing about Cruz is that is is unabashedly conservative. As he schools America on the virtues of conservatism, his opponents will grow increasingly more bizarre with their rhetoric. I think it's a brilliant way to expose them for the nuts they are, and we don't have to do a thing, they'll do all the work for us!

The "virtues of conservatism" are bizarre enough.
Bush will not pander to the TPM and will be the candidate.

Makes him harder to defeat in the national.

Dems don't like that.
...just as blood thirsty, just as hateful, just as maniacal as the TEA party folks....

Those are some strange adjectives to describe those who stand for fiscally responsible constitutional limited government. This is the kind of bizarre left-wing loon stuff we're going to hear all throughout the campaign, and I think that is wonderful. You go out there and preach this message to the American people. Good luck!
After this tug Obama and his nasty ass administration . and the people kicked Democrats out congress with the last two elections

THE TIME IS RIGHT. lets roll people. kick that party Completely out of our lives
how about we kick both of these useless self serving parties out of our lives?.........

I wouldn't mind kicking out half of Congress and closing down a bunch Federal agencies. but we know how that would go over.

as for the parties: I still feel the Republicans aren't as bad as the Democrats, but it looks like they are trying hard to catch up
Good bye democrats! It's ALL over.

My add to the list..
6, Put Holder in jail.
7, Put Hillary in.
8, Put Pelosi in a mental hospital.
9, Ban abortion.
10 Ban gay marriage.

And YES thank God HE's IN!!
Ted Cruz will launch his presidential campaign Monday. His model Ronald Reagan. - Vox

Finally a man that a country CAN be proud of!!

If he is modeling Reagan then he will be pro-science and infrastructure! ;) The guy might even fund our science instutions more!!!! Reagan started the "international space station"(spacestation freedom at the time) and was all for r&d into advance tech.

And who is gutting NASA?

I heard him talking on NASA. he never said to gut them

It was a Obama ref, Stef

oh darn. sorry dear I misunderstood:beer:
...just as blood thirsty, just as hateful, just as maniacal as the TEA party folks....

Those are some strange adjectives to describe those who stand for fiscally responsible constitutional limited government. This is the kind of bizarre left-wing loon stuff we're going to hear all throughout the campaign, and I think that is wonderful. You go out there and preach this message to the American people. Good luck!

Do you really know what Ted Cruz stands for?
If he is modeling Reagan then he will be pro-science and infrastructure! ;) The guy might even fund our science instutions more!!!! Reagan started the "international space station"(spacestation freedom at the time) and was all for r&d into advance tech.
And who is gutting NASA?

I heard him talking on NASA. he never said to gut them
The liberal LIES will come fast and hard now. Their whipping is coming and they KNOW it.
Hillary just wet herself.

hortysir is usually one the good guys. I don't know what he's talking about there. But I did hear Cruz talking about Nasa
I didn't realize I was quoting Matthew.

I though it was more Fake shit.

I was digging at Obama for NASA cuts

Yes, I recognize that now
...just as blood thirsty, just as hateful, just as maniacal as the TEA party folks....

Those are some strange adjectives to describe those who stand for fiscally responsible constitutional limited government. This is the kind of bizarre left-wing loon stuff we're going to hear all throughout the campaign, and I think that is wonderful. You go out there and preach this message to the American people. Good luck!

Do you really know what Ted Cruz stands for?

Was that supposed to be a rhetorical question like "does anyone really know what time it is?"
All we can really judge anyone by is their character and integrity. Whether or not you like or agree with Cruz, the man has integrity and stands up for principles he believes in, even when he is the only one standing for them. This is a strong leadership quality for anyone to have.

I've listened to many of his speeches, and he gets it... he can articulate conservatism for me, I stand behind everything he has had to say about it so far. He very much reflects my personal view with regard to conservative principles.

Politics is a big chess game, and I've actually argued for this strategy since before Bob Dole. Nominate a true conservative, disregard the "radical right" labels and support the conservative because this will defeat loony-tunes liberal lefties every single time. As we can see already in this thread, lefties unable to resist calling Cruz "wetback" ...tsk, tsk... we aren't going to be appealing to those Latino voters this way, are we? Then we see "blood-thirsty, hateful and maniacal" being bandied about.. this kind of cray-cray talk gets you Mondale and McGovern numbers at the polls. So already out of the gate, the "radical rightie" has got you people stuttering and stammering like a bunch of morons, and the hits will just keep on coming.

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