
Good bye democrats! It's ALL over.

My add to the list..
6, Put Holder in jail.
7, Put Hillary in jail.
8, Put Pelosi in a mental hospital.
9, Ban abortion.
10 Ban gay marriage.

And YES thank God HE's IN!!
Ted Cruz will launch his presidential campaign Monday. His model Ronald Reagan. - Vox

Finally a man that a country CAN be proud of!!

Music to Democrats' ears.
I don't see Bush ever becoming a candidate. His name is heavy baggage, and he's an immigrationist. Not what Republicans want. Enough of these stupid dynasties.
I agree the Bush name is poison, but you are wrong about Republicans not wanting immigration reform.

80 percent of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, want illegal immigrants to be granted legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is you anti-immigrationists who are outside the Republican camp, and way, way outside mainstream America.
...is still an idiot and will never be President.
Those words would seem to apply more to you than Ted.

I like Ted. I am glad he is tossing his hat into the ring, even though he won't be the candidate. I want his voice heard by more voters, than is currently being available mostly to cable news watchers. :thup: Go Ted.
I don't see Bush ever becoming a candidate. His name is heavy baggage, and he's an immigrationist. Not what Republicans want. Enough of these stupid dynasties.
I agree the Bush name is poison, but you are wrong about Republicans not wanting immigration reform.

80 percent of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, want illegal immigrants to be granted legal status or a path to citizenship.

It is you anti-immigrationists who are outside the Republican camp, and way, way outside mainstream America.

That's largely because you've been allowed to distort the rhetoric against our frankly incompetent leadership over the past 10 years. No one is against immigration except for those of you who want to allow illegal immigrants to flood our borders and collapse our infrastructures so you can implement socialism everywhere. Yes, you are clearly undermining LEGAL immigration, and you need to be called out for that.

The problem is ILLEGAL immigration. That point needs to be made every single time you lefties open your yaps. It needs to be continually made, as we go step by step through our very detailed plan to address and resolve this problem. First of all, the problem is not that we need MORE legislation, it's that we need to enforce legislation which has already been passed and is supposed to be the law. Passing more legislation that isn't going to be followed, is kind of a dumb thing to do. Enforce the laws already on the books, start deporting people who are here illegally and secure the borders.

If we DO this... THEN (and only then) would I entertain the idea of some sort of program to bring any illegal aliens into citizenship compliance if they report. We run a criminal background check, maybe send them to some citizenship classes, give them work visas or green cards, a 'path' to citizenship as it were. So like... here is your chance to get right with the law and not be here illegally... whether you're from Mexico or elsewhere... one time offer, take it or leave it.
Ted is not an idiot, but he lacks the executive experience necessary to be President.

He risks being the Obama for the right, which wouldn't be a good thing.
...just as blood thirsty, just as hateful, just as maniacal as the TEA party folks....

Those are some strange adjectives to describe those who stand for fiscally responsible constitutional limited government. This is the kind of bizarre left-wing loon stuff we're going to hear all throughout the campaign, and I think that is wonderful. You go out there and preach this message to the American people. Good luck!

I won't have to; the TEA party will preach it for me.

here is Teddy's website; please give liberally:

No shit. You want a Christian president preaching Christian values to everyone, correct?
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
Hey, you're the one who attacked me because I asked you to show me where the Constitution defines separation of church and state. You ASSumed I was advocating a religion based government from that. And when I explained where you were wrong in your ASSumption, you continued to attack me instead of admitting you misunderstood what I was saying. Either that, or you're just too stupid to comprehend what I was saying in the first place. So which is it, your pride or your stupidity?

BTW . . . I did NOT attack you. I said that you had better hope there is separation, and YOU were the one starting with the name calling. Perhaps you should go back and read.

Also, insisting that I'm a liberal because I want separation of church and state when you know NOTHING of me or my beliefs. Just because a person disagrees with you or believes differently than you does not make that person a "liberal."
I apologize for being a bit bitchy, but I tire of all the accusations and the outright RUDENESS, and I will fight back. :D
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country

"Famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz ranks Sen. Ted Cruz among the school’s smartest students, adding that the Canada-born Texan can run for president in 2016.

Cruz was a “terrific student,” Dershowitz told The Daily Caller. “He was always very active in class, presenting a libertarian point of view. He didn’t strike me as a social conservative, more of a libertarian.”

“He had brilliant insights and he was clearly among the top students, as revealed by his class responses,” Dershowitz added."
Dershowitz Ted Cruz one of Harvard Law s smartest students The Daily Caller
You'd better put your protective cup on, the fun has only just begun. By the time we're done, Rafael won't be able to get a discount at Ben and Jerry's. Welcome to American Politics, where if you fathered a bastard, and even if you didn't, we're going to discus it, at length.
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country

"Famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz ranks Sen. Ted Cruz among the school’s smartest students, adding that the Canada-born Texan can run for president in 2016.

Cruz was a “terrific student,” Dershowitz told The Daily Caller. “He was always very active in class, presenting a libertarian point of view. He didn’t strike me as a social conservative, more of a libertarian.”

“He had brilliant insights and he was clearly among the top students, as revealed by his class responses,” Dershowitz added."
Dershowitz Ted Cruz one of Harvard Law s smartest students The Daily Caller
So nice to hear that a Zionist approves, which is worthy of jack-shit.
Do we really need a gazillion threads on this?
The GOP could nominate the most admired person in America and the Dems would carp about something.
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

It was a mandatory attendance. So how is it a lie?

The Texas senator is speaking at the Christian university's convocation, a mandatory event for the school's students, held in the made-for-TV Vines center.

That certainly explains the limited enthusiastic response he received.
Do we really need a gazillion threads on this?
The GOP could nominate the most admired person in America and the Dems would carp about something.
Well at least let's have them nominate an actual American instead of El Señor Rafael Eduardo Cruz de Canada.

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