
I don't know why I have to go through the same crap with Republicans every four years. I tell you years in advance who your candidate is and you reply......it is too early for you to tell

When are you going to figure out that Republicans are conservatives to the bone and it is not hard to predict who their eventual candidate will be. You always pick the obvious candidate......ALWAYS

I have not been wrong about the eventual Republican candidate since before Nixon and I will not be wrong in 2016
You'd better put your protective cup on, the fun has only just begun. By the time we're done, Rafael won't be able to get a discount at Ben and Jerry's. Welcome to American Politics, where if you fathered a bastard, and even if you didn't, we're going to discus it, at length.

And make stuff up when you can't find enough real dirt to throw.
NO, you dumb fuck! The last thing in the world I want is for some stupid fucking liberal like you (or anybody ELSE) imposing your religious views on anybody! Got it, moron???

A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
Hey, you're the one who attacked me because I asked you to show me where the Constitution defines separation of church and state. You ASSumed I was advocating a religion based government from that. And when I explained where you were wrong in your ASSumption, you continued to attack me instead of admitting you misunderstood what I was saying. Either that, or you're just too stupid to comprehend what I was saying in the first place. So which is it, your pride or your stupidity?

BTW . . . I did NOT attack you. I said that you had better hope there is separation, and YOU were the one starting with the name calling. Perhaps you should go back and read.

Also, insisting that I'm a liberal because I want separation of church and state when you know NOTHING of me or my beliefs. Just because a person disagrees with you or believes differently than you does not make that person a "liberal."
Here's where the exchange began. You clearly were the one starting shit.

texas-senator-ted-cruz-announce-presidential-run-report Page 19 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A liberal like me? Lol. Well I am a libertarian, and I don't really have any religious views, so I guess I'd make a great president. Ha ha! :D

Also, I think I'm MUCH more intelligent than the likes of you. You are one of those cheerleaders cheering for your side who really never adds anything of substance to any thread. Your contribution, like so many others, is like "Duh, Obama Sucks." "Duh, go Ted Cruz." Nothing of substance or worth reading there! :lol:

And look at you, getting all worked up. :mad: Funny. :lol:
No, you're not. You're a liberal, don't try to hijack the term.

Oh really? Well, I'm pro 2nd amendment. I'm against Obama's deal with Iran. I am for lowering taxes on businesses. Tell me again how I'm a liberal. I know some of you partisan hacks could not possibly FATHOM the idea that a person truly believes in INDIVIDUAL liberty, but there it is.
Hey, you're the one who attacked me because I asked you to show me where the Constitution defines separation of church and state. You ASSumed I was advocating a religion based government from that. And when I explained where you were wrong in your ASSumption, you continued to attack me instead of admitting you misunderstood what I was saying. Either that, or you're just too stupid to comprehend what I was saying in the first place. So which is it, your pride or your stupidity?

BTW . . . I did NOT attack you. I said that you had better hope there is separation, and YOU were the one starting with the name calling. Perhaps you should go back and read.

Also, insisting that I'm a liberal because I want separation of church and state when you know NOTHING of me or my beliefs. Just because a person disagrees with you or believes differently than you does not make that person a "liberal."
Here's where the exchange began. You clearly were the one starting shit.

texas-senator-ted-cruz-announce-presidential-run-report Page 19 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I disagree. Here is my quote. Why? Because I called you "smart guy?" :crybaby: So you go on to call me a "dumb bitch" and other such names? Eff you.

Well, you'd had better hope to hell there is a separation because sometime in the future there could be Muslims in the government. Ever think of that, smart guy?
You'd better put your protective cup on, the fun has only just begun. By the time we're done, Rafael won't be able to get a discount at Ben and Jerry's. Welcome to American Politics, where if you fathered a bastard, and even if you didn't, we're going to discus it, at length.

And make stuff up when you can't find enough real dirt to throw.
That's certainly done in American politics, but that will be a while. There is vast amount to dig up first. So many laws broken by his family we've yet to be able to count them.
And here is YOUR response to being called a "smart guy."

Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?
No, stupid, I was responding to this.

Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.

And this.

Many, many, many of us citizens do not follow YOUR personal religious beliefs, and we don't want a government that enforces your dumb beliefs either.
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country
It was mandatory, therefore it was forced.

Glad I could help you out with that.

Isn't it cool that cons believe they are entitled to force people to listen to them.
Whole thing is ridiculous.

Americans would NEVER elect a person with this sort of track record:

1. No executive experience
2. Non-white ethnic background (black, hispanic, oriental or other n-w)
3. A foreign-sounding name
4. Harvard-educated law grad (can't trust damn lawyers!)
5. One brief U.S. Senate term
6. Regularly attended church (religious fanatic!)
7. Questionable place of birth
and the final, damning one: 8. MALE heterosexual

NEVER, I tell you, NEVER....NEVER....NEVER.....

Except for two isolated instances.....
And here is YOUR response to being called a "smart guy."

Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?
No, stupid, I was responding to this.

Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.

And this.

Many, many, many of us citizens do not follow YOUR personal religious beliefs, and we don't want a government that enforces your dumb beliefs either.

I'm putting you on my ignore list now. See ya.
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country

"Famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz ranks Sen. Ted Cruz among the school’s smartest students, adding that the Canada-born Texan can run for president in 2016.

Cruz was a “terrific student,” Dershowitz told The Daily Caller. “He was always very active in class, presenting a libertarian point of view. He didn’t strike me as a social conservative, more of a libertarian.”

“He had brilliant insights and he was clearly among the top students, as revealed by his class responses,” Dershowitz added."
Dershowitz Ted Cruz one of Harvard Law s smartest students The Daily Caller
Dershowitz? lol. He's been debunked for copynpasting just like..... wait for it..... YOU!!! PoliticalSpice PoliticalChic

The feud began when Finkelstein charged that Dershowitz’s book The Case for Israel (2003) was partially plagiarized and wholly false. Finkelstein ultimately published his critique as part of a book of his own, entitled Beyond Chutzpah (2005). The book quotes Dershowitz as offering, in an interview, to "give $10,000 to the PLO" if anyone can "find a historical fact in [The Case for Israel] that you can prove to be false." (p. 91) Finkelstein maintains, to the contrary, that "[t]he genuine challenge is to unearth any meaningful historical fact in The Case for Israel." (p. 91) Finkelstein goes on to quote one assertion after another from The Case for Israel, examine Dershowitz’s supporting evidence, and then adduce his own evidence that the assertions are false and Dershowitz’s evidence is worthless.

Finklestein is Jewish & had family members perish in WWII so leave yopur screams of "anti-semite!!!" at the door :eusa_hand:
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country
Why would dems target this guy. He hurts Walker and helps Jeb. If I'm a dem, I don't want a guy who is guaranteed to take Fla.
And here is YOUR response to being called a "smart guy."

Hey dumb bitch, where did I say I advocated a religion based government? I just want you to show us where there actually IS a separation of church and state, you stupid twit. Or is this too much for your pea brain to process?
No, stupid, I was responding to this.

Thankfully we have separation of church and state in this country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be much different from the Muslim run countries with some of these religious whackadoodles we have running around on these forums.
Show us where the Constitution defines separation of church and state.

Keep your damn religious beliefs in your church where they belong and out of OUR government.

And this.

Many, many, many of us citizens do not follow YOUR personal religious beliefs, and we don't want a government that enforces your dumb beliefs either.

I'm putting you on my ignore list now. See ya.
I guess that's better than admitting you were wrong. :lol:.
I watched his speech on MSNBC. As soon as he concluded MSNBC went on to start said destruction. Their very first comment on his speech was that the students were FORCED to attend his event.

And so the lies & bullshit have officially begun.

Next up:
Child abuse
Dog torture
Eats cats
Locks Granny in tool shed
Is double agent for foreign country

"Famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz ranks Sen. Ted Cruz among the school’s smartest students, adding that the Canada-born Texan can run for president in 2016.

Cruz was a “terrific student,” Dershowitz told The Daily Caller. “He was always very active in class, presenting a libertarian point of view. He didn’t strike me as a social conservative, more of a libertarian.”

“He had brilliant insights and he was clearly among the top students, as revealed by his class responses,” Dershowitz added."
Dershowitz Ted Cruz one of Harvard Law s smartest students The Daily Caller
Dershowitz? lol. He's been debunked for copynpasting just like..... wait for it..... YOU!!! PoliticalSpice PoliticalChic

The feud began when Finkelstein charged that Dershowitz’s book The Case for Israel (2003) was partially plagiarized and wholly false. Finkelstein ultimately published his critique as part of a book of his own, entitled Beyond Chutzpah (2005). The book quotes Dershowitz as offering, in an interview, to "give $10,000 to the PLO" if anyone can "find a historical fact in [The Case for Israel] that you can prove to be false." (p. 91) Finkelstein maintains, to the contrary, that "[t]he genuine challenge is to unearth any meaningful historical fact in The Case for Israel." (p. 91) Finkelstein goes on to quote one assertion after another from The Case for Israel, examine Dershowitz’s supporting evidence, and then adduce his own evidence that the assertions are false and Dershowitz’s evidence is worthless.

Finklestein is Jewish & had family members perish in WWII so leave yopur screams of "anti-semite!!!" at the door :eusa_hand:

You use 'cut and paste' as though it were a pejorative....
...I'll wait while you borrow a dictionary....
....yet you cannot explain why support of a premise via 'cut and paste' is less than enviable.

Go ahead.
If Dem candidates are smarter, enlightened, geniuses, they have nothing to fear from the right. Why don't they just campaign on their brilliant ideas and accomplishments? Why even waste their time attacking a right wing opponent like a pack of rabid foaming at the mouth dogs?

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