Texas To Eliminate Rape

Lol, like I said. I never seen people so mad about saving lives. Oh and by the way Fauci was for the lock downs to save lives. Cost us over 600,000, if we did what Trump wanted. We would be over this right now. Biden is bringing it back.
Either have I, they're nuts.
Just one of thousands of nut jobs.

September 8, 2021
A Texas woman angry about COVID-19 mask mandates confronted a judge shopping at an H-E-B grocery store in San Antonio, calling him a traitor, communist, and supporter of the devil, video shared by the woman shows.

As she trails behind Wolff, a masked H-E-B employee comes up to speak with her. “You’re a traitor, too,” she tells him, before turning her attention back to the judge.

She keeps following Wolff through the parking lot, yelling at him the whole time.

“How are you going to support the devil and not God? Straight communism,” she said.

Wolff goes about loading his groceries as the accusations continue.

“You’re going to go to jail, they’re going to hang you. Treason, crimes against humanity, Nuremberg trial. You’re going down,” the woman said. “You better enjoy your freedom while it lasts, buddy, and you got to answer to God.”

" Oh and by the way Fauci was for the lock-downs to save lives. Cost us over 600,000".

No, he didn't, that was Trump, lying, moron.

If Trumptards could have stayed put for more than the 3 weeks they did, and wore a mask, we might have had half a chance.
But NOOOOOOOOOOO, they wanted everything open, no mask wearing, no social distancing and no restrictions on large gatherings, so THEY could attend Trump's ego/pity rallies.

" if we did what Trump wanted. We would be over this right now".
Yeah, most of us would.........................because most of us would be dead.

Isn't it time for your next dose of head lice treatment?
No, abortion has been federally protected for almost 50 years.
Funny how you kids yammer about "state's rights" until a state does something you don't agree with.
THEN? It's EVIL!! :evil:
Give me an example of me doing that, kid.
Abbott said it so of course you gullible Trumptards fall for another line of bullshit from a Republican shitbag.
I don't know anything about what Abbott said. I just know that it's not uncommon for Mexicans to have sex with family members and it isn't really taboo with them like it is in the US. Fathers arrested for having sex with their daughters have expressed their surprise because it's no big deal among many Mexicans. You can blame it on Trump or Trump supporters all you want but those are the facts.
I have been saying all along that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution and now you just proved my point. LOL!

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Wow, you're such a moron.
"I have been saying all along that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology".

"Proved your point"?

"Infanticide is when a mother kills her newborn infant and up to a year in age".

When did Huggies come out with 2nd trimester diapers?
Third trimester diapers?

"Moon Bats"?

Don't think he's one of ours.

June 9, 2021
“I understand from what’s been testified to [by] the Forest Service and the [Bureau of Land Management], you want very much to work on the issue of climate change,” Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert said, addressing witness Jennifer Eberlein, who is the associate deputy chief for the National Forest System.

“I was informed by the immediate past director of NASA that they have found that the moon’s orbit is changing slightly, and so is the Earth’s orbit around the sun. We know there’s been significant solar flare activity,” He added before asking, “Is there anything that the national Forest Service or the BLM can do to change the course of the moon’s orbit or the Earth’s orbit around the sun?”

Damn. If they had the ability to do this...why have they waited till now to do it?

This remembers me how someone here in Germany - years ago - wrote on a shield in a demonstration "Let's make laws against crimes!". I'm not sure wether I saw green antennas under his cap - but I fear they are among us. Everywhere! And now they'll even come in flying Stetsons.
Lol, like I said. I never seen people so mad about saving lives. Oh and by the way Fauci was for the lock downs to save lives. Cost us over 600,000, if we did what Trump wanted. We would be over this right now. Biden is bringing it back.

Oh by the way: The climate change will reduce the gross national product of the world around 37% up to the end of this century. That's also a reason to fight against.

And a scientist like Dr. Fauci speaks not about money and economy - he speaks about the biological side of a biological problem - and no one - ecxcept he is an idiot like Donald Trump - expects anything else.

Another example: Here in Germany many politicians drove nearly crazy because the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (an independent scientific institution) was a long time not able to say whether it makes sense or not to vaccinate teens from the age of 12-18 years. Finally they found out it's much better to do so than not to do so. The reason for this difference in time: Scientists need facts and have to interpret this facts correctly. This needs time. But politicians are able to act intuitive, spontanous and fast. And in this special case they lived in fear of the mothers, if the Paul-Ehrlich Institut had found out it is not senseful to do so. But they had been always able to make the decisions to let vaccinate teens. The Paul-Ehrlich Institut is only a consultant and not a decision-maker.

Same is Dr. Fauci - and I have to say he made an excellent good job - specially also under Donald Trump - where no one was able to make a good job - although he was set under heavy pressure in many ways. He must be an extraordinary strong man that he did not react on many unqualified insults against his person, because this had been only a waste of time. It's clear that Dr. Fauci always tried to do the best he was able to do for all citizens of the USA - independent from any political opinion.

Oh - and by the way and not to forget: Also senator John McCain was a very honorful man. He also always did do what was in his eyes the best for his people: the best for all US-Americans.
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Either have I, they're nuts.
Just one of thousands of nut jobs.

September 8, 2021
A Texas woman angry about COVID-19 mask mandates confronted a judge shopping at an H-E-B grocery store in San Antonio, calling him a traitor, communist, and supporter of the devil, video shared by the woman shows.

As she trails behind Wolff, a masked H-E-B employee comes up to speak with her. “You’re a traitor, too,” she tells him, before turning her attention back to the judge.

She keeps following Wolff through the parking lot, yelling at him the whole time.

“How are you going to support the devil and not God? Straight communism,” she said.

Wolff goes about loading his groceries as the accusations continue.

“You’re going to go to jail, they’re going to hang you. Treason, crimes against humanity, Nuremberg trial. You’re going down,” the woman said. “You better enjoy your freedom while it lasts, buddy, and you got to answer to God.”

" Oh and by the way Fauci was for the lock-downs to save lives. Cost us over 600,000".

No, he didn't, that was Trump, lying, moron.

If Trumptards could have stayed put for more than the 3 weeks they did, and wore a mask, we might have had half a chance.
But NOOOOOOOOOOO, they wanted everything open, no mask wearing, no social distancing and no restrictions on large gatherings, so THEY could attend Trump's ego/pity rallies.

" if we did what Trump wanted. We would be over this right now".
Yeah, most of us would.........................because most of us would be dead.

Isn't it time for your next dose of head lice treatment?
We did what Fauci wanted, and here we go again.
From the article: "Let's make something very clear: Rape is a crime," Abbott said while signing a major GOP election-reform bill. "And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets."

I can't say that I am surprised that the Cult of Xiden has a problem with that.
You honestly believe it’s actually possible to eliminate rape? :laugh2:
The filthy lying Libtard assholes claim abortion is about rape. It ain't. It is about abortion on demand for the sake of convenience. 96% of the abortions are simply because the mother don't want to be bothered with the child and that is despicable.

Nobody should have the right to kill a child just for the sake of convenience. That ain't cool. They have a word of it - infanticide.

The stupid immoral low life Moon Bats are always dishonest about things like this.

By the way, Moon Bat. A child should not have to suffer a death sentence because the father was an asshole. Something else you immoral shitheads don't understand.

"96% of the abortions are simply because the mother don't want to be bothered with the child and that is despicable.""

Post a link to that statistic or sit down on your fat ass and shut your pie hole, you lying motherfucker.
The Governor of Texas makes a positive statement that the state will work towards taking rapists off the streets and the "Insiders" Rebecca Cohen and Grace Panetta spin it to the ludicrous claim that "Texas will eliminate rape". The story obviously biased and untrue so why doesn't Twitter cancel the Insider's internet account?
Is rape eliminated in Texas yet?
"96% of the abortions are simply because the mother don't want to be bothered with the child and that is despicable.""

Post a link to that statistic or sit down on your fat ass and shut your pie hole, you lying motherfucker.

Over the years I have posted references dozens of time but stupid little lying Moon Bat shitheads like you always ignore it.

Here is an article from a Moon Bat source that says only 1% of abortions are for rape and incest.

If it is not rape or incest the only other two reasons are medical and convenience. Medical is also very low.

If you look at Table 2 of this report you also see rape and incest at 1.5%. Legitimate medical reasons wasn't even mentioned. All the rest of the stupid reasons were because the murdering bitches didn't want to be bothered with the child.


There are plenty of other studies that show about the same thing. Actually saying 96% is for convenience is being generous.

Using murder for birth control is not a good thing and you assholes shitheads that support it are absolutely despicable.

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