Thank the lord Reagan is not alive to see today GOP!

Today GOP would most likely would have enraged Ronald Reagan had he been alive in today time. The bickering and the extreme nutterism that I have been seeing with today GOP make me reflect on Ronald Reagan and his ability to unite the Political Party even though there were many that would have eaten their own.

The GOP badly need another Reagan and not the nonsense that is being sold today.

As Cruz rises in U.S. presidential polls, Trump calls him "maniac"

I believe Trump is going to make it impossible for anyone within the GOP to support him except his supporters if he does win the nomination, and will cost the GOP next November.

Also I already know his supporters will chant about Clinton while ignoring the glaring fact the GOP is actually tiring of Trump comments, and he need to dial it down a little.

Trump is a "progressive" acting like a "progressive", the only tin that separates Trump from the far left is the letter behind his name..

Cruz and his I don't do shit ideas are far worse.

Says the racist far left drone!

Have to run with that narrative..
An interesting opinion.

When we can talk to dead people, first thing we should do is ask him if you are correct.

maybe you should read some of his speeches and ask yourself how different Trump is from Reagan, but I am sure you will disagree and try to paint Reagan as the second coming of Reagan.

Different times, and I'm not sure at the time that Reagan was right to play so nice to people who were so vile to him.

Yeah, right!

The fact is you need to have those like Cruz and Bush behind you, and if you do not and win the GOP nomination then you have no chance carrying the General Election because you have fracture the GOP.

Reagan united the party while Trump is dividing the party, and Reagan understood sometime you have to play nice to get more done.

A fracture GOP will not win in next November and I want you to mark my thread and bring it up and if I am wrong then I will write a full page thread admitting you were correct but if I am correct do not say a word and just read the warning that was given.

Reagan was a better leader than Trump will ever be!

We cons have not been the ones playing harder ball with our fellow republicans than with the dems.

That's been the County Club Republicans and their Establishment.

If they would rather lose than join in, there is nothing we can do about that.

My God!

So you would rather lose than compromise?

That is retarded as can be, and you have to work together and give and take and not tell those that do not agree with you that it is your way or the highway.

That is a dangerous way of thinking, and you need a coalition and a united front, and Trump is making clear he will not have that by the comments he has made against even Cruz.

When you are even attacking someone that is far right and calling the person a maniac you are not uniting but causing a split.

A Trump nomination will be a fail come next November but as i wrote I will put it in writing if he win I will do a thread pointing out the fact I was incorrect but if the GOP does nominate him and he loses just remember I wrote it and stated he will and did fracture the party and caused the defeat and no one is to blame but him!

Dude, I voted for McCain, Ok?

These fuckers owe me.

If Trump wins the nomination, it will be on them to join in and support the candidate.

They are the ones having a hissy fit because some one who isn't part of their little club might win.
Kennedy is rolling in his grave on what the democrats have become. Hell, our founding fathers have spun so much they are now in the very center of the earth and there is no place left to roll to.
Today GOP would most likely would have enraged Ronald Reagan had he been alive in today time. The bickering and the extreme nutterism that I have been seeing with today GOP make me reflect on Ronald Reagan and his ability to unite the Political Party even though there were many that would have eaten their own. The GOP badly need another Reagan and not the nonsense that is being sold today. As Cruz rises in U.S. presidential polls, Trump calls him "maniac"
I believe Trump is going to make it impossible for anyone within the GOP to support him except his supporters if he does win the nomination, and will cost the GOP next November.Also I already know his supporters will chant about Clinton while ignoring the glaring fact the GOP is actually tiring of Trump comments, and he need to dial it down a little.
The 11th Commandment seems to be out the window. To him there was no such thing as a RINO.
Reagan would be Super Rino today by the hard right's standards.


Reagan worked with the democrats
Passed a amnesty for 3 million people
Was the father of the current space station
Believed in investment in science and infrastructure
Brought in 200,000 refugees per year
Believed in free trade to the core


And how did that work out?
"Thank the lord Reagan is not alive to see today GOP!"

Actually Reagan bears a great deal of responsibility for what the GOP is today.

Beneficiary of the racist Southern Strategy, Reagan helped facilitate the rise of the social right and religious fundamentalism, fiscal extremists who sought to propagate the wrongheaded fiscal dogma known as 'trickle-down economics' along with a destructive policy of unwarranted deregulation, and pursued a disastrous foreign policy agenda giving license to war-mongering neocons who laid the foundation for the failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No, today's GOP is very much Reagan's GOP, a party he'd recognize and whose policies of fear, hate, and reactionaryism he'd indeed endorse.
If Trump wins the nomination, it will be on them to join in and support the candidate. They are the ones having a hissy fit because some one who isn't part of their little club might win.
If Trump doesn't win, he's the one threatening a hissy fit. You didn't see Hillary doing that.
Today GOP would most likely would have enraged Ronald Reagan had he been alive in today time. The bickering and the extreme nutterism that I have been seeing with today GOP make me reflect on Ronald Reagan and his ability to unite the Political Party even though there were many that would have eaten their own.

The GOP badly need another Reagan and not the nonsense that is being sold today.

As Cruz rises in U.S. presidential polls, Trump calls him "maniac"

I believe Trump is going to make it impossible for anyone within the GOP to support him except his supporters if he does win the nomination, and will cost the GOP next November.

Also I already know his supporters will chant about Clinton while ignoring the glaring fact the GOP is actually tiring of Trump comments, and he need to dial it down a little.
If Jesus were alive he'd be a Trump supporter.
"Thank the lord Reagan is not alive to see today GOP!"

Actually Reagan bears a great deal of responsibility for what the GOP is today.

Beneficiary of the racist Southern Strategy, Reagan helped facilitate the rise of the social right and religious fundamentalism, fiscal extremists who sought to propagate the wrongheaded fiscal dogma known as 'trickle-down economics' along with a destructive policy of unwarranted deregulation, and pursued a disastrous foreign policy agenda giving license to war-mongering neocons who laid the foundation for the failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No, today's GOP is very much Reagan's GOP, a party he'd recognize and whose policies of fear, hate, and reactionaryism he'd indeed endorse.
Wow. Every sentence contains a fallacy, misinformation, or total lie.
"Thank the lord Reagan is not alive to see today GOP!"

Actually Reagan bears a great deal of responsibility for what the GOP is today.

Beneficiary of the racist Southern Strategy, Reagan helped facilitate the rise of the social right and religious fundamentalism, fiscal extremists who sought to propagate the wrongheaded fiscal dogma known as 'trickle-down economics' along with a destructive policy of unwarranted deregulation, and pursued a disastrous foreign policy agenda giving license to war-mongering neocons who laid the foundation for the failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No, today's GOP is very much Reagan's GOP, a party he'd recognize and whose policies of fear, hate, and reactionaryism he'd indeed endorse.

Thank you.

This is what I am talking about.

Reagan took the High Road and worked with people.

And look at the dishonest bile they have been spreading about him since.

It is time to challenge these lies and call out the liars that make them.
If Trump wins the nomination, it will be on them to join in and support the candidate. They are the ones having a hissy fit because some one who isn't part of their little club might win.
If Trump doesn't win, he's the one threatening a hissy fit. You didn't see Hillary doing that.

If Trump doesn't win, how likely is it that it will be because of some sort of dirty tricks on the part of the Party?

IMO, at this point? Very.

In that case, Fuck Them.
"Reagan united the party while Trump is dividing the party, and Reagan understood sometime you have to play nice to get more done."

Reagan may have united his party but he divided the Nation.

Indeed, it was during the Reagan years that the politics of division flourished among the right, where we saw attempts to vilify minorities by contriving lies about 'welfare queens,' along with unwarranted cuts in education and training programs beneficial to minorities.

Reagan made it acceptable again to disparage African-Americans, to blame them for their condition in life, fostering a culture of greed and indifference.
"Reagan united the party while Trump is dividing the party, and Reagan understood sometime you have to play nice to get more done."

Reagan may have united his party but he divided the Nation.

Indeed, it was during the Reagan years that the politics of division flourished among the right, where we saw attempts to vilify minorities by contriving lies about 'welfare queens,' along with unwarranted cuts in education and training programs beneficial to minorities.

Reagan made it acceptable again to disparage African-Americans, to blame them for their condition in life, fostering a culture of greed and indifference.
Yes, this looks like a nation divided for sure:
"Reagan united the party while Trump is dividing the party, and Reagan understood sometime you have to play nice to get more done."

Reagan may have united his party but he divided the Nation.

Indeed, it was during the Reagan years that the politics of division flourished among the right, where we saw attempts to vilify minorities by contriving lies about 'welfare queens,' along with unwarranted cuts in education and training programs beneficial to minorities.

Reagan made it acceptable again to disparage African-Americans, to blame them for their condition in life, fostering a culture of greed and indifference.


Reagan mentioned the Welfare Queen like ONCE.

Beneficial to minorities? LOL!

"Their condition in life"?

The Moynihan Report in 19 fucking 65 identified the real problem for the blacks, and it wasn't whitey.

And it was you libs who have spent the last 50 years using the Race Card to divide this nation, as you just did in this post.
"Reagan united the party while Trump is dividing the party, and Reagan understood sometime you have to play nice to get more done."

Reagan may have united his party but he divided the Nation.

Indeed, it was during the Reagan years that the politics of division flourished among the right, where we saw attempts to vilify minorities by contriving lies about 'welfare queens,' along with unwarranted cuts in education and training programs beneficial to minorities.

Reagan made it acceptable again to disparage African-Americans, to blame them for their condition in life, fostering a culture of greed and indifference.
Yes, this looks like a nation divided for sure:

Wow. That was so much better than my reply.

Yet we would not nominate Reagan as our candidate today in the GOP.

We would call him a dirty Rino.

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