Thank the lord Reagan is not alive to see today GOP!

Anyone who flips the United States from Containment to Rollback is a conservative and a Patriot.

Anyone who gives a fuck about anything goibg on outside our borders is a LIVERAL. Nationalism and Isolationism are the proper international policies for a Conservative.
Anyone who flips the United States from Containment to Rollback is a conservative and a Patriot.

Anyone who gives a fuck about anything goibg on outside our borders is a LIVERAL. Nationalism and Isolationism are the proper international policies for a Conservative.

Not when Communism was on the march and had thousands of tanks in the middle of Germany and thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at US.

Isolationism in that context was just an ostrich with it's head in the sand.
Not when Communism was on the march and had thousands of tanks in the middle of Germany and thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at US.

Isolationism in that context was just an ostrich with it's head in the sand.

Yes, even then. Isolationism doesn't mean pacifism. It simply means protecting ourselves and letting everyone else do the same.
Not when Communism was on the march and had thousands of tanks in the middle of Germany and thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at US.

Isolationism in that context was just an ostrich with it's head in the sand.

Yes, even then. Isolationism doesn't mean pacifism. It simply means protecting ourselves and letting everyone else do the same.

The crushed Imperial powers of Western Europe were unable to deter the Soviet Union without our leadership. The Third World was ripe for the lies of Communism.

Isolationism would have just meant letting the Soviet Union choose the time and place of the Final Battle, when they felt that they were ready to win.

Even Patrick Buchanan was not an isolationist during the Cold War.
Thank you, Lord Reagan. <Bows head>

Or did I misunderstand the title of this thread?

Funny... I mean really Funny... Yeah, really funny...

The only thing that I pray to twice to three times a week goes by Jennifer, and her last name is not Reagan, but I will get a oh God you Devil from her...
Say what? After a quarter of a century of maligning Reagan the left uses a phrase like "thank the Lord"? What's going on in the hypocrite desperate left these days?
Say what? After a quarter of a century of maligning Reagan the left uses a phrase like "thank the Lord"? What's going on in the hypocrite desperate left these days?

Maybe thinking of Obama?
Reagan would be written off as RINO by today's GOP
Say what? After a quarter of a century of maligning Reagan the left uses a phrase like "thank the Lord"? What's going on in the hypocrite desperate left these days?
He's still a devil, but as the saying goes, "better the devil you know".

Reagan would be delighted at India and China's success.
At least his astrologer would be.
Reagan was not liberal.

Anyone who FORCES private businesses to provide services to individuals with no ability to pay for those services is a LIBERAL.

Donald Trump believes that government should force businesses to give up their property for the sake of other businesses.

Donald Trump: 'Eminent Domain Is Wonderful'

Pretty liberal, isn't it?

Well, I disagree with him. It might have been more important to that little old lady to stay in her home than have an extra million dollars.

But, note how he was able to argue his case without calling the other side bigots or racists.


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