Thank You, Ben


Except he wasnt violent so the redemption story is bullshit...almost like a bad 80's movie

YOU can either believe it, subversive, or believe this....

  • Ben Carsonā€™s former colleague: He told me the story about stabbing someone before he became famous

    Another nice catch by Andrew Kaczynski and BuzzFeed to go with the old clipping of Carsonā€™s mother telling a newspaper in 1997 that the stabbing incident most certainly happened. Nothingā€™s going to prove that definitively, but knowing for a fact that Carson was telling this story before he had any reason to (when he had every professional reason not to) is the next best thing. And every time one of Carsonā€™s biographical anecdotes is tested and checks out upon close scrutiny, the impulse to believe him among those who are already well disposed to him and see him as...

Ben Carson scored big:

. . . Ben Carson said the United States should deny refugees from the Middle East admittance into the country.

ā€œThere are those out there who have a thirst for innocent blood in an attempt to spread their philosophy and their will across this globe,ā€ . . .


ā€œWe must redouble our efforts and our resolve to resist them. Not only to contain them, but to eliminate that kind of hatred in the world."

Carson called the ā€œglobal Islamic movementā€ an ā€œexistential threatā€ and said lawmakers should block the Obama administration from allowing more refugees from the Middle East into the United States.


ā€œIf weā€™re going to be bringing 200,000 people over here from that region ā€” if I were one of the leaders of the global jihadist movement and I didnā€™t infiltrate that group of people with my people, that would almost be malpractice,ā€ Carson added.

November 13, 2015, 09:32 pm
Carson: Don't let Middle Eastern refugees into US
By Caitlin Yilek

Carson: Don't let Middle Eastern refugees into US

but if Carson wants to get back in my good graces he will have demonstrate that he knows the blame is on the United Nations.

Iā€™ve read everything Iā€™m going to read about Paris. So far nobody mentioned that Muslims pouring into Europe began with the United Nations long before millions of ā€œeconomic refugeesā€ arrived to strengthen the Muslims already in Europe. The tragedy is that nobody mentions the United Nations; i.e., the New World Order crowd, let alone blame the UN for anything that happens. Iā€™d like to hear Carson call for passing H. R. 75:

The final sentence in Simonā€™s article says it all. My only hope is that Muslims start killing the United Nations:

Tonight, from a jihadi on Twitter: ā€œThe American blood is the best blood and we will taste it soon.ā€ Trust me ā€” they mean it.

Why Paris Happened
by Roger L Simon
NOVEMBER 14, 2015 - 1:39 AM

Why Paris Happened

NOTE: Imagine countries taking in millions of known-Fascists from Nazi Germany and Italy, or taking in millions of known-Communists from the Soviet Union in the 1930s or during the Cold War, yet that is exactyly what is happening with Muslims. Also note that pictures of the poor helpless Muslims always includes children. No doubt Nazis and Communists would have used their children in their propaganda photos.

The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting
The Associated Press Posted: Nov 06, 2015 7:33 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 07, 2015 7:55 AM ET

Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting
Taqiyya the Liar claimed he is a Christian, but his decisions empower Islam. Everything wannabe spiritual leaders say is based on their personal moral view of how every American should behave.
If you want one sentence that sums up the governing abilities of spiritual leaders it is this:

The highway to hell is paved with good intentions.
Hallelujah brother. The scum in the White House is getting help:

A coalition of more than 1,000 faith leaders from across the U.S. has signed an open letter ā€œadamantly rejectingā€ the moves by 27 Republican governors to close their states to Syrian Muslim refugees.

The coalition, called Faith in Public Life and including Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders, has direct ties to President Barack Obama.

Obama-linked 'faith leaders' scorch ban on Syrian refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 11/19/2015 @ 8:29 pm

Obama-linked ā€˜faith leadersā€™ scorch ban on Syrian refugees
"In a fit of pique Ben Carson made the mistake of telling the truth"

No, he's just repeating the same ridiculous lie.

There is no "secular progressive movement," the notion is unfounded idiocy.
In a fit of pique Ben Carson made the mistake of telling the truth:

Sunday on NBCā€™s ā€œMeet the Press,ā€ Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said the extra scrutiny his past is under is because he is being targeted by the ā€secular progressive movement.ā€

Carson: Iā€™m Being Targeted By the ā€˜Secular Progressive Movementā€™
by Pam Key
8 Nov 2015

Carson: I'm Being Targeted By the 'Secular Progressive Movement' - Breitbart

Carson is not being ā€œ. . . targeted by the ā€secular progressive movement.ā€. He is being targeted because he is guilty of campaigning as a spiritual leader. His comment proves it.

Carsonā€™s problem is that Taqiyya the Liar got there first. Had the media nailed Taqiyya in 2008 he never would have won the nomination let alone won the general election. Assuming that 2012 was not rigged, a lot of Americans were wising up to his game by then. Taqiyyaā€™s second win was a testament to the power of media bias more than it was a vote for a spiritual leader. Hell, the truth behind the attack in Benghazi was enough to topple the spiritual leader.

Just to clear on this. There is nothing wrong with being a decent spiritual man in their private lives. Speaking for myself, if I wanted a wannabe spiritual leader governing the country I would be the Chicago sewer ratā€™s number one cheerleader.

For Carson to make such a statement clearly shows he must believe that parochial is more important than secular.

My point: Forget about the separation of church and state. Concentrate on separating spiritual hustlers from government if you do not want to end up living in a theocracy governed by garbage like Taqiyya the Liar.

Parenthetically, liberals attack Americaā€™s Founders on moral grounds. After all, they were slave holders; Thomas Jefferson banged the black broad and so on.

Liberals dare not attack the Founders on their intellects and governing abilities. They had the wisdom to govern Colonial Americans who were, themselves, a moral people. Together they understood that religion and government do not mix. Among them they created a form of government that can only be toppled from within.

Carson, Taqiyya the Liar, et al. truly believe they can govern on the strength of their morals. Part of it is that morals are a helluva lot easier to govern by than actually doing something that accomplishes the most good for the most people.

The fact is: For centuries priesthoods of every stripe attempted to employ the power of government to govern by morals ā€”ā€” yet they all failed miserably. You would think that self-defined spiritual leaders would have noticed the failure rate by now.

NOTE: Islamā€™s theocracy is the biggest failure of all. If you ainā€™t a Muslim in a Muslim country you are in deep trouble.

In Short: I do not know if religious conservatives will be offended, but I sure as hell would have more confidence in Ben Carson if he displayed a portrait of any one of the Founding Fathers standing over him:


Will Ben Carson's painting of himself & Black Jesus offend religious conservatives?

Will Ben Carson's painting of himself & Black Jesus offend religious conservatives?

Finally, a portrait of a black Jesus does not necessarily mean Ben Carson is a black racist. My fear is that Carson sees the black race as morally superior based on pigmentation.

The current spiritual leader in the White House lacked the intelligence to invent the sweetest long-running con job all black racists get away with ā€”ā€” the black race is morally superior race to every other race.

Taqiyya the liar simply incorporated superior black race ideology into his immigration policies for totalitarian government along the lines of Nazi Germanyā€™s racial purity. The only part I love is that white touchy-feely freaks will believe him right up until the day black racists march them off to the ovens.
Ben carson has a role in the primaries and it isn't to win the nomination.

He is being used as a wedge issue. To divide the masses.

He is being used as an uncle Tom. Race is a wedge issue and the GOP use Ben to get us arguing about race.

Ben's role is also to rally the crazy right wing. Ben will say things you would never hear jeb rubio or kasich say.
Ben carson has a role in the primaries and it isn't to win the nomination.

He is being used as a wedge issue. To divide the masses.

He is being used as an uncle Tom. Race is a wedge issue and the GOP use Ben to get us arguing about race.

Ben's role is also to rally the crazy right wing. Ben will say things you would never hear jeb rubio or kasich say.
To sealybobo: I said this in August:

His job is to erase the image set in stone by Taqiyya the Liar: All black men are liars.

Start Thinking About A Tea Party Veep | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Ben carson has a role in the primaries and it isn't to win the nomination.

He is being used as a wedge issue. To divide the masses.

He is being used as an uncle Tom. Race is a wedge issue and the GOP use Ben to get us arguing about race.

Ben's role is also to rally the crazy right wing. Ben will say things you would never hear jeb rubio or kasich say.
To sealybobo: I said this in August:

His job is to erase the image set in stone by Taqiyya the Liar: All black men are liars.

Start Thinking About A Tea Party Veep | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Ben Carson is being used by the rich and powerful to divide us. Like Herman Cain he has a purpose and that purpose isn't to win the nomination. I wonder how/when/why Ben will drop out.

Remember this?

Herman Cain, the insurgent populist whose candidacy has been ensnared by allegations of sexual impropriety, said Saturday that he is leaving the race for the Republican presidential nomination, saying that the allegations have cast a "cloud of doubt over me and this campaign."

"As of today, with a lot of prayer and soul searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign," he said at an event in Atlanta. "I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction, the continued hurt . . . on me, on my family, not because we are not fighters, not because I am not a fighter."

Cain's campaign had sent mixed signals as to his future since Ginger White, an Atlanta woman who claims to have had an affair with Cain for more than a decade, went public with her story earlier this week. While Cain has said he has been "reassessing" his candidacy, he also, at times, has been fiercely defiant, suggesting that unnamed enemies have been trying to do him in and vowing to press forward.
The Chicago sewer rat never told voters that his decisions would be based on his own moral code when he campaigned on ā€œHope & Change.ā€ Look at his immigration policies and the ACA for starters if you doubt me. Those policies are moral decisions forcing Americans to behave in a certain way. Note that the sewer ratā€™s moral code benefits the few while harming the majority. Such policies have nothing to do with governing the country or even good government. Carson will be more of the same. Maybe Carsonā€™s motives will not be as meanspirited as the sewer ratā€™s, but the results will be the same. If you want one sentence that sums up the governing abilities of spiritual leaders it is this:

The highway to hell is paved with good intentions.
Rush made my day. My reason for not trusting Ben Carson in the White House is different than Rushā€™s, but he basically has doubts.

Front-running GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson is ā€œprobably notā€ equipped right now to be president, according to talk-radio star Rush Limbaugh, but the top-rated host in America says heā€™d ā€œabsolutelyā€ vote for the former neurosurgeon over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Limbaugh: Ben Carson not equipped to be president
Posted By Joe Kovacs On 11/22/2015 @ 3:37 pm

Limbaugh: Ben Carson not equipped to be president

Unlike Rush, I will not vote for any Republican just to beat the Democrat even if it should be Hillary Clinton. If I do not get a conservative I believe in, I will not vote on the presidentā€™s line, or I might write in Ronald Reagan. To me, I would be crazy to vote for an establishment Republican the media pushes. I see no difference between Democrat party incrementalism and Republican party death by inches.

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