Thank you GOP for making Hillary look so very presidential!



Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -


Get this, when Trey (Malfoy) Gowdy was asked, after 11 hours of testimony, if he got anything new, he answered uh, no.

Millions in taxpayer money and nothing new.

When she was asked why she testified again, Mrs. Clinton said it was because if the Republicans found something new, let them present it. The American public has a right to know.

She also talked about the hundred attacks and the dozens who had died since 2001.

As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.
Superwoman= Hillary Clinton when she wins the white house, put her on the 10 dollar bill, all those other retarded Repug nutsacks wanted to put their sorry ass wives on the bill, fuck that, the first Woman President belongs on the bill..
Superwoman= Hillary Clinton when she wins the white house, put her on the 10 dollar bill, all those other retarded Repug nutsacks wanted to put their sorry ass wives on the bill, fuck that, the first Woman President belongs on the bill..

Valerie Jarrett?
Conservatives may continue to contrive and attempt to propagate their ridiculous lies, conservatives may continue to believe whatever nonsense they want – the fact is the American people know the truth: that the 'hearings' were solely partisan, that there were no 'crimes' or 'cover ups' on the part of Clinton and the Administration, and that as a consequence of their blind partisanism, republicans have unwittingly benefited Clinton's campaign to become president.
Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -


Get this, when Trey (Malfoy) Gowdy was asked, after 11 hours of testimony, if he got anything new, he answered uh, no.

Millions in taxpayer money and nothing new.

When she was asked why she testified again, Mrs. Clinton said it was because if the Republicans found something new, let them present it. The American public has a right to know.

She also talked about the hundred attacks and the dozens who had died since 2001.

As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.

You're welcome. That's as close as she'll actually get to the office though.
Conservatives may continue to contrive and attempt to propagate their ridiculous lies, conservatives may continue to believe whatever nonsense they want – the fact is the American people know the truth: that the 'hearings' were solely partisan, that there were no 'crimes' or 'cover ups' on the part of Clinton and the Administration, and that as a consequence of their blind partisanism, republicans have unwittingly benefited Clinton's campaign to become president.

You're absolutely correct. The American people know that she is a liar. The facts are there. As also were Rice and Obama.
This on Sept 12, 2012

The New York Times
reported: "American and European officials said that while many details about the attack remained unclear, the assailants seemed organized, well trained and heavily armed, and they appeared to have at least some level of advance planning." The article also noted that a senior Obama administration official told reporters that “it was clearly a complex attack,” but provided no details.[4]

Then why was it that on Sept.16 2012 Susan Rice went on all the Sunday shows saying it was a video that caused it as if it was just one of those things.
Does this issue have a name like truther or birther yet to denote it's status as a lost cause built on misinformation and yet still believed by the delusional? It does not deserve a "-gate" suffix.
After 11 hours....Gowdy was soaked in sweat

Hillary was still fresh
Well, what if you spent millions of taxpayer money looking for something that wasn't there? What if some people even wanted you to answer for it?
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Toward the end I thought Hilly was about to say....
Fuck this BS I'm outta here.
And take her foot off of Gowdy's throat? No I think she could have gone another 11 hours. Gowdy was starting to look like he could have a heart attack at any moment though. He needs to really watch his blood pressure. In fact, has Gowdy been seen in public since the debate?
This on Sept 12, 2012

The New York Times
reported: "American and European officials said that while many details about the attack remained unclear, the assailants seemed organized, well trained and heavily armed, and they appeared to have at least some level of advance planning." The article also noted that a senior Obama administration official told reporters that “it was clearly a complex attack,” but provided no details.[4]

Then why was it that on Sept.16 2012 Susan Rice went on all the Sunday shows saying it was a video that caused it as if it was just one of those things.
Oh I don't know. Could it be the hundreds of riots happening all over the world at the same time and the dozens who died during violent protests?

Hillary Clinton weathers House Benghazi committee hearing -


Get this, when Trey (Malfoy) Gowdy was asked, after 11 hours of testimony, if he got anything new, he answered uh, no.

Millions in taxpayer money and nothing new.

When she was asked why she testified again, Mrs. Clinton said it was because if the Republicans found something new, let them present it. The American public has a right to know.

She also talked about the hundred attacks and the dozens who had died since 2001.

As wild and crazy as the Republicans appeared, Mrs. Clinton looked thoughtful, informed and presidential.

You're welcome. That's as close as she'll actually get to the office though.
Her chances are even better now. She was the only adult there, and she took it like a man, not good for the GOP panty-wetters...

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