Thankfully someone has the balls to stand up to Obummer

My, where's Tonto when you need him. "Look at all those hostile indians out there. What are we going to do"

"We? What do you mean by that, white man?"

AMES, Iowa – Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, told WND that he plans to file a motion in federal court to block the Obama administration from implementing a controversial executive order announced this week excluding many young illegal immigrants from deportation.

The order is aimed at illegals who were brought to the U.S. before they turned 16 years old and are currently younger than 30. The president says it’s unfair to punish those young people for decisions their parents made and argues those young adults are already contributing to society.

But King says Obama’s move defies the U.S. Constitution by attempting to create new laws via executive order after the DREAM Act, a bill that would have similarly granted benefits to young illegal aliens, failed to pass Congress.

“I don’t need Congress to defend the Constitution,” King said, indicating he was open to others in Congress joining him, but that he planned to proceed, alone if he must.

He's correct. Obama has stated several times he was going to find ways to bypass the Congress. I would urge the court to hear the case.
It is intolerable that a president should pick and choose what he wants to enforce.
My, where's Tonto when you need him. "Look at all those hostile indians out there. What are we going to do"

"We? What do you mean by that, white man?"

I have more American Indian in me then Elizabeth Warren yet she benefits from it :cuckoo:
Obama is a Dictator-he needs his put in place, he needs to be impeached, can you imagine this arrogant asshole with an unrestrained 4 more years,his rein of terror will destroy this Country.:cuckoo::cuckoo:




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