Thanks To Obama's Open Borders Policy, Zika Virus Now In 5 States

Damn Obama. Doing nothing to keep those illegal mosquitoes from crossing the border!
Try understanding a subject before you post about it.
How do you get from mosquitoes to homosexuality? :eusa_doh:

What's on your mind? :ack-1:
In reply to PYH, in Post # 10, mentioning "nature", And in Post # 78, I called for us to get back on topic, but someone else (like you now) kept on talking about homosexuality. Come to think of it I mentioned staying on topic again, in the very post you quoted. Looks like you ignored it too.
The very first post about homosexuality on this thread -- emanented from your keyboard. :ack-1:

Stop fantasizing about gay sex.
The very first post about homosexuality on this thread -- emanented from your keyboard. :ack-1:

Stop fantasizing about gay sex.
So what if I did ? I made a point, and it was a valid one. And I was the one who (twice) suggested getting back on topic. YOU are the one who now is perpetuating the off topic talk about homosexuality. Stop yammering about it.
obama wants every deadly disease known to mankind here. The only surprise is, he hasn't used Air Force One to spread anthrax. He's airlifting terrorists here as fast as he can. What else can we expect from the creature?
The very first post about homosexuality on this thread -- emanented from your keyboard. :ack-1:

Stop fantasizing about gay sex.
So what if I did ? I made a point, and it was a valid one. And I was the one who (twice) suggested getting back on topic. YOU are the one who now is perpetuating the off topic talk about homosexuality. Stop yammering about it.
All I did was question why you're thinking about homosexuals when folks are discussing mosquitoes.

Why are you getting sooo defensive? Did I strike a nerve?
And it will get worse and worse. This is what happens when you have a president who was not born to two U.S. citizens parents making him a non-natural born citizen. If he was born to two US citizen parents, it would have ensured him having sole allegiance to America at birth thus making him want to protect our sovereignty by closing the borders to all third world diseased scum. But with voter fraud and dumb masses of voters ignorant of our Constitution and citizenship laws to think he was a natural born citizen eligible for Article 2 Section 1, they helped get him elected twice. Now citizens will suffer from this disease he's responsible for allowing in our nation.

Over a dozen cases of birth defect-causing Zika virus confirmed in 5 states

November 2014, did the GOP candidates, every gotdamn one of em, did they or did they not run campaigns based on illegal immigrants and open borders, yes or fuckin no?????????? Did they or did they not, all of em scare the hell out of you simple minded rednecks, got your votes based solely on what they planned to do about illegals and our open borders, yes or no??????? Now, they have the majority of both houses and you mean to tell me, your still stupid enough to blame all this shit on OBama?????Get the f outta here and educate yourself!!
And it will get worse and worse. This is what happens when you have a president who was not born to two U.S. citizens parents making him a non-natural born citizen. If he was born to two US citizen parents, it would have ensured him having sole allegiance to America at birth thus making him want to protect our sovereignty by closing the borders to all third world diseased scum. But with voter fraud and dumb masses of voters ignorant of our Constitution and citizenship laws to think he was a natural born citizen eligible for Article 2 Section 1, they helped get him elected twice. Now citizens will suffer from this disease he's responsible for allowing in our nation.

Over a dozen cases of birth defect-causing Zika virus confirmed in 5 states

Two questions:
a) What open border policy?
b) Why are you blaming illegal immigrants for a disease which is mosquito borne?
Why are you blaming illegal immigrants for a disease which is mosquito borne?
Because they haven't got the word yet from Big Oil to blame the lack of DDT, so they are improvising on their own by blaming Obama and immigration. But give them time and once GOP hate radio gives them the word they will blame the Liberal EPA for banning DDT.
obama wants every deadly disease known to mankind here. The only surprise is, he hasn't used Air Force One to spread anthrax. He's airlifting terrorists here as fast as he can. What else can we expect from the creature?
That he will leave the US after his reign is over, and live in a palace in Iran (paid for with US taxpayers $$$)
How come we don't see Americans working on the strawberry farms, rare in convalescence home, cleaning toilets or scrubbing floor?
Don't know much about the immigration issue, I see. The reason why these immigrants get these jobs is because of the very low wages they work for. And employers restrict their hiring to just the immigrants. Hadn't you heard ? And the survey done 10 years ago (with updates) by Center for Immigration Studies, showed that in over 400 occupations frequented by immigrants, Americans were in the majority working in those occupations. So the notion that these are jobs "Americans won't do" was disproven over a decade ago. You're a bit late. Better late than never.

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Jobs Americans Won't Do? | NumbersUSA
Because they haven't got the word yet from Big Oil to blame the lack of DDT, so they are improvising on their own by blaming Obama and immigration. But give them time and once GOP hate radio gives them the word they will blame the Liberal EPA for banning DDT.
No radio is more "hate" than that which defends the Koran (AKA "the Book of Hate") That wouldn't be GOP radio, I can assure you of that.
How come we don't see Americans working on the strawberry farms, rare in convalescence home, cleaning toilets or scrubbing floor?
Don't know much about the immigration issue, I see. The reason why these immigrants get these jobs is because of the very low wages they work for. And employers restrict their hiring to just the immigrants. Hadn't you heard ? And the survey done 10 years ago (with updates) by Center for Immigration Studies, showed that in over 400 occupations frequented by immigrants, Americans were in the majority working in those occupations. So the notion that these are jobs "Americans won't do" was disproven over a decade ago. You're a bit late. Better late than never.

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Jobs Americans Won't Do? | NumbersUSA
You aught to amend that to say you don't know jack shit about anything.

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