Thanks To Obama's Open Borders Policy, Zika Virus Now In 5 States

November 2014, did the GOP candidates, every gotdamn one of em, did they or did they not run campaigns based on illegal immigrants and open borders, yes or fuckin no?????????? Did they or did they not, all of em scare the hell out of you simple minded rednecks, got your votes based solely on what they planned to do about illegals and our open borders, yes or no??????? Now, they have the majority of both houses and you mean to tell me, your still stupid enough to blame all this shit on OBama?????Get the f outta here and educate yourself!!
The executive order to give amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens originated with Obama. And the vote on Sanctuary Cities was almost 100% Democrats in favor of them, Republicans against them.
And it will get worse and worse. This is what happens when you have a president who was not born to two U.S. citizens parents making him a non-natural born citizen. If he was born to two US citizen parents, it would have ensured him having sole allegiance to America at birth thus making him want to protect our sovereignty by closing the borders to all third world diseased scum. But with voter fraud and dumb masses of voters ignorant of our Constitution and citizenship laws to think he was a natural born citizen eligible for Article 2 Section 1, they helped get him elected twice. Now citizens will suffer from this disease he's responsible for allowing in our nation.

Over a dozen cases of birth defect-causing Zika virus confirmed in 5 states
What are you talking about?
He's got it covered!
obama mosquito coil.jpg
And it will get worse and worse. This is what happens when you have a president who was not born to two U.S. citizens parents making him a non-natural born citizen. If he was born to two US citizen parents, it would have ensured him having sole allegiance to America at birth thus making him want to protect our sovereignty by closing the borders to all third world diseased scum. But with voter fraud and dumb masses of voters ignorant of our Constitution and citizenship laws to think he was a natural born citizen eligible for Article 2 Section 1, they helped get him elected twice. Now citizens will suffer from this disease he's responsible for allowing in our nation.

Over a dozen cases of birth defect-causing Zika virus confirmed in 5 states

Two questions:
a) What open border policy?
b) Why are you blaming illegal immigrants for a disease which is mosquito borne?

Because that's what white america does best....blame every gotdamned body on the fuckin planet, but was poor black people's fault that jew mf's ripped off the banks and crippled the worlds economy....yes, it was some poor black mf's fault. Its illegals who are taken all the good jobs from white men, never mind Jew Street in NY. Its blacks who make cops shoot them unarmed, its Obama's fault that white people are racist, he's a divider, its muslims fault that we're in a constant state of fear and still we own half the planets arsenol of weapons and on and on and on and on...always always somebody's fault when ignorant Jethro fail to think for himself!!
November 2014, did the GOP candidates, every gotdamn one of em, did they or did they not run campaigns based on illegal immigrants and open borders, yes or fuckin no?????????? Did they or did they not, all of em scare the hell out of you simple minded rednecks, got your votes based solely on what they planned to do about illegals and our open borders, yes or no??????? Now, they have the majority of both houses and you mean to tell me, your still stupid enough to blame all this shit on OBama?????Get the f outta here and educate yourself!!
The executive order to give amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens originated with Obama. And the vote on Sanctuary Cities was almost 100% Democrats in favor of them, Republicans against them.

And????? What's your point? You've given us Obama's take and what he's tried to lets name some legislation you right winged nuts put forth....and I don't have all frickin day, either.......:blahblah:
How come we don't see Americans working on the strawberry farms, rare in convalescence home, cleaning toilets or scrubbing floor?
Don't know much about the immigration issue, I see. The reason why these immigrants get these jobs is because of the very low wages they work for. And employers restrict their hiring to just the immigrants. Hadn't you heard ? And the survey done 10 years ago (with updates) by Center for Immigration Studies, showed that in over 400 occupations frequented by immigrants, Americans were in the majority working in those occupations. So the notion that these are jobs "Americans won't do" was disproven over a decade ago. You're a bit late. Better late than never.

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Jobs Americans Won't Do? | NumbersUSA

One more time, why do we, as tax payers consistantly let Corp. America off the hook when they shove knives up our ass's? 50% of the jobs where I live, all are manned by immigrants...have nothing to do with low wage, nothing to do with jobs americans' won't do...but has every gotdamned thing to do with a group of people who will show up to work, who don't give mf's attitudes and who by all accounts make black folk look like fools....I love me some black people, but these young bloods today are a joke in the work force
Damn Obama. Doing nothing to keep those illegal mosquitoes from crossing the border!
Try understanding a subject before you post about it.
There you go asking for the impossible again; libtards dont learn anything if it contradicts their idiotology.
Umm... in case you didn't notice ... this thread is built on rightwingnut bullshit. The Zika virus making its way into the U.S. has nothing to do with Obama's border policies. Everything since the OP is nothing but making fun of rightards. :thup:
Damn Obama. Doing nothing to keep those illegal mosquitoes from crossing the border!
Try understanding a subject before you post about it.
There you go asking for the impossible again; libtards dont learn anything if it contradicts their idiotology.
Umm... in case you didn't notice ... this thread is built on rightwingnut bullshit. The Zika virus making its way into the U.S. has nothing to do with Obama's border policies. Everything since the OP is nothing but making fun of rightards. :thup:
You're wrong.
If he really loved America he would have thousands of Border Security down there armed with Raid.
And it will get worse and worse. This is what happens when you have a president who was not born to two U.S. citizens parents making him a non-natural born citizen. If he was born to two US citizen parents, it would have ensured him having sole allegiance to America at birth thus making him want to protect our sovereignty by closing the borders to all third world diseased scum. But with voter fraud and dumb masses of voters ignorant of our Constitution and citizenship laws to think he was a natural born citizen eligible for Article 2 Section 1, they helped get him elected twice. Now citizens will suffer from this disease he's responsible for allowing in our nation.

Over a dozen cases of birth defect-causing Zika virus confirmed in 5 states

Two questions:
a) What open border policy?
b) Why are you blaming illegal immigrants for a disease which is mosquito borne?

Because that's what white america does best....blame every gotdamned body on the fuckin planet, but was poor black people's fault that jew mf's ripped off the banks and crippled the worlds economy....yes, it was some poor black mf's fault. Its illegals who are taken all the good jobs from white men, never mind Jew Street in NY. Its blacks who make cops shoot them unarmed, its Obama's fault that white people are racist, he's a divider, its muslims fault that we're in a constant state of fear and still we own half the planets arsenol of weapons and on and on and on and on...always always somebody's fault when ignorant Jethro fail to think for himself!!
You are lost.. Too lost to even communicate with. Just pitiful. YEAH, it is those moron young black jerks faults for causing cops to have to shoot them, and it doesn't matter if they're armed or not. I am multi-military trained to kill in 2 dozen ways while completely unarmed. Every person is a threat, whether armed or not, and the word "armed" is misunderstood. A ball point pen can be a lethal weapon if shoved into someone's eye and straight back into their brain. Is someone carrying a ball point pen "armed" ?

And the cop doesn't know how armed anyone is or isn't. Want to stay alive when in confrontation with a cop. First off, don't be doing anything that puts you in that confrontation. Secondly, if you are, do what he says. Morons like Micheal Brown and Walter Scott got shot because they were stupid. Answer ? Don't be stupid.
One more time, why do we, as tax payers consistantly let Corp. America off the hook when they shove knives up our ass's? 50% of the jobs where I live, all are manned by immigrants...have nothing to do with low wage, nothing to do with jobs americans' won't do...but has every gotdamned thing to do with a group of people who will show up to work, who don't give mf's attitudes and who by all accounts make black folk look like fools....I love me some black people, but these young bloods today are a joke in the work force
Plenty of white people who will show up for work, and get the jobs done, without giving attitudes.
And it will get worse and worse. This is what happens when you have a president who was not born to two U.S. citizens parents making him a non-natural born citizen. If he was born to two US citizen parents, it would have ensured him having sole allegiance to America at birth thus making him want to protect our sovereignty by closing the borders to all third world diseased scum. But with voter fraud and dumb masses of voters ignorant of our Constitution and citizenship laws to think he was a natural born citizen eligible for Article 2 Section 1, they helped get him elected twice. Now citizens will suffer from this disease he's responsible for allowing in our nation.

Over a dozen cases of birth defect-causing Zika virus confirmed in 5 states


Never underestimate the stupidity of the RWNJs. I'll bet they still blame President Obama for MOSQUITOS.

The disease isn't coming by mosquitoes. When thr diseased get here they already have it.
One more time, why do we, as tax payers consistantly let Corp. America off the hook when they shove knives up our ass's? 50% of the jobs where I live, all are manned by immigrants...have nothing to do with low wage, nothing to do with jobs americans' won't do...but has every gotdamned thing to do with a group of people who will show up to work, who don't give mf's attitudes and who by all accounts make black folk look like fools....I love me some black people, but these young bloods today are a joke in the work force
Plenty of white people who will show up for work, and get the jobs done, without giving attitudes.
Bullshit! never had a job?
Everyone comes to work with an attitude and they give it .
Any more non knowledge would you like to impart to the thread?
oh shit, stop yourselves. mosquitos are not responsible for the babies heads. If anyone actually researched this, they would find that babies are born with deformed heads in the US yearly without the evil zikas virus. LOL you bunch of losers who believe anything you hear. It is amazing the stupid in this country.

Here from Jon Rappoport's blog:

Is the dreaded Zika virus another giant scam?

"Hysteria sells and…

It’s hysteria time again. Let me run it down for you.

This is the word: The dreaded Zika virus! Watch out! It’s carried by mosquitos! It can cause birth defects—babies are born with very small heads and impaired brains!"

What a bunch of stupid people you all are.

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