That was the Awfullest speech I've ever heard a Pres make

One thing is for sure, Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan. Reagan was an uniter, Trump on the other hand, is a divider. As a matter of fact, the US has not had such a blatant divider as present in modern history. Trump thinks he can effectively govern, when the thinks that anyone who disagrees with him in "the enemy." Amazing.
-------------------------- what issue could i be united with the enemy liberal on . Its best to be divided Kiwi !!
It was a bunch of dumb fucking yokels, begging Trump to fuck them harder.
That's rich......coming from Democrat voters.
I guess you're used to it by now.....getting fucked by Democrats and being told it's for your own good.

What's best for the U.S. is stopping Trump's agenda. Surprisingly, lots of members of the GOP have joined the efforts to defend America from Trump, which shocks me as I thought there was no integrity left in the GOP.
What's best for the U.S. is keeping Democrats from being in power.
After 8 years of Obama's disastrous results you still cannot recognize it.......mainly because you really don't care.
I personally, did not think the USA could survive the the wall street and mortgage crashes and housing bubble bust of 2007/ 2008 and am grateful Obama helped get us through the biggest world wide financial and economic crisis in our lifetime! All economic numbers are northbound, compared to when he first got started. :clap:
I don't remember Obama lifting a finger to reverse the housing bubble (which was a crash). Mainly all he did was once the GOP took control of Congress much of the damage he was prepared to do had to be shelved until Hillary took office. So Obama was stopped and he was left to making changes thru federal court appointments and through backing groups like Blackliesmatter.
You live in an alternative universe!!! :eek: :cuckoo:
Nothing new from the cheeto. Just the lies he's been spewing all along. What's interesting is that he even repeated some of the things he's already flip flopped and/or backed down on. And still the trumpkins fell for it. And, notice they loved it when he said he still wants to gut the constitution.

Honestly, I think that's what patriotic Americans should be paying attention to - the trumpkins are in favor of gutting, possibly even scrapping the US Constitution.

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Gut the Constitution?
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

You can't even spell "most awful" correctly on your title and are criticizing speeches made by beacons of competence.


And of course CNN finds every Trump speech a horror story. They are the Clinton News Network, after all.
Norman, I'm fully aware that 'awfullest' is not a word. I'm an English teacher and I choose my words carefully, make them up when I feel it will work best. LOL

A Marxist English teacher who can't spell? How painfully original...

I wish you would choose your profession as carefully as your words, maybe then you would not have to be resentful to the ones that did and earn far more. Not to mention, they don't have to accept all the Marxist nonsense at face value:

Don't troll, Norman; it's Sunday.
ISIS is still killing our people and our allies.

Economic growth this quarter was .7%.

10% less illegals were deported in the first three months of this year than in the same time last year.

No wall. No start on a wall. No funding for a wall. No wall.

No tax bill.

No repeal and replace. Three of our American want ACA as is or improved, not made to disappear.

ISIS is still killing our people and our allies.

So now your admitting Obama brought in troops?

Well now that Trump's war on government transparency includes not reporting troop levels anywhere, who knows if we really have troops there or not?

How do we know anything now? He's as sneaky as he is incompetent. Even before the election, he was sneaking people in the backdoor and he still is.

His pay for pay scams are shamelessly blatant. Same with outright stealing from us.

I really never believed we could have such an incompetent criminal in the WH.

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There is a difference between the person and the political agenda. The two are different. I disagree with the agenda but it's not much different then the platform other republicans have run on. But I don't like what I've seen in the man.

Then i take it you have personally taken all of your 19 to 30 year old loved ones down to the local recruiter as military offerings to your elected god.?
------------------------------------- take it anyway you like but if you have young people [kiddos] you might want to start getting them ready for the 'norks' and iran that mrobama and other administration have allowed to prosper and build themselves up JQP !!
Hmmm. It seems Obama was listening to the American people when they collectively suggested they were tired of war. Also, surely you remember the economic mess Obama inherited, don't you? After all Republicans had destroyed the economy with unfunded wars and undermined the war effort by giving tax breaks to the rich. How was Obama expected to stop Iran or any other nation under those circumstances? He certainty couldn't rely on a hostile Congress; one top heavy with racist demagoguery.
-------------------------------------------------- mrobama kissed iranian azz with his nukes deal and transfer of billions of USA dollars to 'iran' .
We owed it to them, Pismoe, and an international court ordered us to pay it. We pay our bills.
----------------------------------------international court [spit] , they have no power . Who they going to send to the USA to collect OldLady ??

We are a lawful nation not a lawless one, like NK. Are you advocating lawlessness and theft?
------------------------------------- take it anyway you like but if you have young people [kiddos] you might want to start getting them ready for the 'norks' and iran that mrobama and other administration have allowed to prosper and build themselves up JQP !!
Hmmm. It seems Obama was listening to the American people when they collectively suggested they were tired of war. Also, surely you remember the economic mess Obama inherited, don't you? After all Republicans had destroyed the economy with unfunded wars and undermined the war effort by giving tax breaks to the rich. How was Obama expected to stop Iran or any other nation under those circumstances? He certainty couldn't rely on a hostile Congress; one top heavy with racist demagoguery.
-------------------------------------------------- mrobama kissed iranian azz with his nukes deal and transfer of billions of USA dollars to 'iran' .
We owed it to them, Pismoe, and an international court ordered us to pay it. We pay our bills.
----------------------------------------international court [spit] , they have no power . Who they going to send to the USA to collect OldLady ??

We are a lawful nation not a lawless one, like NK. Are you advocating lawlessness and theft?
----------------------------------------------------- i advocate INDEPENDENCE and Sovereignty for the USA plus having military force that can easily overwhelm ANY bogus bill collectors or fureign rules and laws on the USA Coyote !!
------------------------------------- take it anyway you like but if you have young people [kiddos] you might want to start getting them ready for the 'norks' and iran that mrobama and other administration have allowed to prosper and build themselves up JQP !!
Hmmm. It seems Obama was listening to the American people when they collectively suggested they were tired of war. Also, surely you remember the economic mess Obama inherited, don't you? After all Republicans had destroyed the economy with unfunded wars and undermined the war effort by giving tax breaks to the rich. How was Obama expected to stop Iran or any other nation under those circumstances? He certainty couldn't rely on a hostile Congress; one top heavy with racist demagoguery.
-------------------------------------------------- mrobama kissed iranian azz with his nukes deal and transfer of billions of USA dollars to 'iran' .
We owed it to them, Pismoe, and an international court ordered us to pay it. We pay our bills.
----------------------------------------international court [spit] , they have no power . Who they going to send to the USA to collect OldLady ??

We are a lawful nation not a lawless one, like NK. Are you advocating lawlessness and theft?
Anarchists and revolutionaries don't believe in laws....unless they can use them against their enemies.
Hmmm. It seems Obama was listening to the American people when they collectively suggested they were tired of war. Also, surely you remember the economic mess Obama inherited, don't you? After all Republicans had destroyed the economy with unfunded wars and undermined the war effort by giving tax breaks to the rich. How was Obama expected to stop Iran or any other nation under those circumstances? He certainty couldn't rely on a hostile Congress; one top heavy with racist demagoguery.
-------------------------------------------------- mrobama kissed iranian azz with his nukes deal and transfer of billions of USA dollars to 'iran' .
We owed it to them, Pismoe, and an international court ordered us to pay it. We pay our bills.
----------------------------------------international court [spit] , they have no power . Who they going to send to the USA to collect OldLady ??

We are a lawful nation not a lawless one, like NK. Are you advocating lawlessness and theft?
----------------------------------------------------- i advocate INDEPENDENCE and Sovereignty for the USA plus having military force that can easily overwhelm ANY bogus bill collectors or fureign rules and laws on the USA Coyote !!

So, you advocate stealing money and assets from other sovereign nations?
I can't listen to him for more than 1 minute without feeling the need for a shower and falling to my knees asking God to please save us from this abomination of a man with the lack of human decency...

so I did not listen to his speech other than little cuts of it...

interesting that he told THAT useless Snake story again about immigrants....

it always makes me think it is HE... that is the 'serpent of old', in scripture.... :eek:

Remember this pic? It's as if the serpent within was peeking out, giving us a short glimpse of the demon within...

So, you advocate stealing money and assets from other sovereign nations?


In fact, it's what our supersize, overblown military should be used for: Pillaging and plundering small wealthy nations and bringing the loot back home for all to enjoy.

Now that would Make America Great again!
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

Most people don't pay attention to their 'sixth sense', when they sense something isn't right. It was clear to many and is becoming clear to most now that trump is a child trapped in a man's body. And he has the mentality and temper (or lack of) that a child has.

An astute observation that the crowds resembled the crowds for Kim Jong Un. Trump has praised a number of the vilest dictators around the world. He recently praised Kim Jong Un for doing a 'tough job at his age'. Trump is a danger to the Republic. He talks constantly about 'doing something about the press and the courts'. Doing something? Sorry chump you aren't a dictator and you have to eat the spoon fed shit the courts give you. The people that follow him don't operate on reason, they only operate on gut level emotion. This is true on a general level with conservatives but with trump followers it is an absolute.
The people that follow him don't operate on reason, they only operate on gut level emotion. This is true on a general level with conservatives but with trump followers it is an absolute.
I can't go that far; there are plenty of decent reasonable conservatives out there who for some reason thought they could control Trump once he got in office. I believe they were wrong and we will see more and more of the unpleasant side of him as he gets comfortable in his position. As you pointed out, the other two branches of government will hold him in check, so I'm not too worried about him demolishing the country. It's just disgusting to watch him.

However I didn't say 'the other two branches of government', I said the courts. The Republicans in Congress appear all too happy to let him do whatever he wants and I have no confidence that they will try to reign in his abuse of the Constitution. They themselves are guilty of it.
Using the "word" "awfullest" proves Democratic controlled public education is doing a great job dumbing down America and making Americans more dependent on big government HANDOUTS....
Search Google for

"US government spending per pupil by year" and

"US test scores by year"

The dumber the American, the more likely that American will become dependent on government, and hence forever vote Dem.
Hmmm. It seems Obama was listening to the American people when they collectively suggested they were tired of war. Also, surely you remember the economic mess Obama inherited, don't you? After all Republicans had destroyed the economy with unfunded wars and undermined the war effort by giving tax breaks to the rich. How was Obama expected to stop Iran or any other nation under those circumstances? He certainty couldn't rely on a hostile Congress; one top heavy with racist demagoguery.
-------------------------------------------------- mrobama kissed iranian azz with his nukes deal and transfer of billions of USA dollars to 'iran' .
We owed it to them, Pismoe, and an international court ordered us to pay it. We pay our bills.
----------------------------------------international court [spit] , they have no power . Who they going to send to the USA to collect OldLady ??

We are a lawful nation not a lawless one, like NK. Are you advocating lawlessness and theft?
----------------------------------------------------- i advocate INDEPENDENCE and Sovereignty for the USA plus having military force that can easily overwhelm ANY bogus bill collectors or fureign rules and laws on the USA Coyote !!
--------------- Sur 'ismork, we already that sovereignty and military.
Search Google for

"US government spending per pupil by year" and

"US test scores by year"

The dumber the American, the more likely that American will become dependent on government, and hence forever vote Dem.
Well, yeah, you voted for Trump, good point about you being dependent.
You know, for the past 3 months, almost every time Trump got on the television to give a speech, I would watch it. Not because I'm a Trump supporter, but rather because I'm an American and I like to hear what the president is thinking about and what his future plans are.

After his speech last night, I realized that he's not interested in uniting this country, he's not interested in doing anything for this country, and he damn sure doesn't know what he's doing. Even after the legislative problems he's had thus far, he is still convinced that Congress is going to fund his wall, and he also thinks that he's gonna get health care changed. Neither is gonna happen if he keeps on like he's been doing.

And, threatening to primary any GOP member that doesn't go along with him is worse than despicable. Trump isn't the one that elects the representative or senator, the people of that district are. Trump is trying to act like a dictator along the lines of what Putin does.

In summary, when I watched his speech last night, it was nothing more than a campaign stump speech that he used to make his ego feel better. No new information, no clear direction on policy, just a bunch of mean spirited jingoistic slogans.

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