The 10 wealthiest billionaires DOUBLED their assets during the Covid pandemic.

I liked Leno's idea of nationalizing Microsoft.

Jump to 4 minutes.

With the exception of Xbox, MS has accomplished nothing since 1998 except for supposed upgrades to whatever shitty software they have.
I do have to admit that I love SQL Server.
Since 1998, Bill Gates has spent 100% of his time bribing our so-called representatives to destroy our economic base.
Most are also democrats so follow that killer,lol. Which are also richest in wonder, it is very lucrative selling off Americans secrets to China and Russia.Hellery and Bill, Biden and son and the list goes on and on.

Wonder if Pelosis son will get away with the latest heist.
selling off Americans secrets to China and Russia

To be honest, GW and Cheney had our military technology produced in China.
Actually, no.

When the government kills small business quite deliberately, tells people to stay home and then gives everybody 2800 dollars to spend whether or not they were affected by this targeted policy, those who did not suffer from the policies took their windfall and spent it online instead of at local businesses. Jeff Bezos is the chief beneficiary of this redistribution of income away from small business.

It's the great reset in action.
I missed the $2800. lol
selling off Americans secrets to China and Russia

To be honest, GW and Cheney had our military technology produced in China.

Thats because Peanut Carter and Stained Dress Clinton gave them the technology to do so, byt yes I'm aware of what a snake The Grinner is also Yosemite Cheney,LOL

The company I work for now ships parts all over
for natural gas lines, including one in Wyoming that sends them to Ukraine. It's all I know, except it happens to be where Dick Cheney resides.

I'll post a video next week of one of the machines.
Halliburton is among the most diversified companies in the world - impossible to pin down to any misdeeds.
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Doubling any amount of wealth in 2 years is a neat trick, but I'm sure there's no formula for it with billionaires except for having already rigged the system that got them there.
I admit that I wasn't being very serious with my flippant remark. I tawwy. :blowpop:

You mean THIS Bill Gates is the edifice of judgment???

You didn't receive two 1400 dollar checks?
Nope. My entire fortune is being held back to pay the $7500 per annum land tax on my property. We bought a small farm when we moved from Wyoming back to my home state of Texas so I wouldn't feel fenced in by neighbors who broke the federal law to get even with me for putting a bird feeder in the front yard instead of the back yard. I love birds. Now I have the joy of looking out back at a threatened specie called Great White Egrets. One year I saw the mama and papa egret training their 3 youngsters how to fly for their annual migration to warmer climates in the tropics than here in the summer where it can freeze any time after January 1 through the middle of March. And when it's good and warm those world's most elegant and beautiful huge birds come back to the same manmade lake behind my farmhouse that has shallows for fishing that they love and depths to grow the kind of fish they like to eat. *sigh*. It's not cheap to make sure the wild birds have their shrinking world has a place to come back to while the population of my home state skyrockets because people are sick of being lied to in Democrat States that are losing population for their bullying instead of representing their own people in Congress. They are by far the most elegant and family-loving birds on the face of the earth. Lucky me for leaving a hostile neighborhood and being close to my sister who was dying of cancer, but got well after I got here in 2009. Later on, she died of other causes. So I'm all alone now, but the animals here make my life worthwhile. I love them.






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hy is it that when an individual who is most likely smarter than yourself succeeds, it is due to a failure somewhere else? Wrong, and 99.99% of the time successful people attained their position in life because they EARNED it. The unsuccessful are just jealous.

Wrong. It isn't a matter of personal opinion. It's an economic fact. The most prosperous time in America, was between 1945-1980. Success in America is based upon societal wealth, not individual wealth. Those millions of Americans EARNED their wealth. The difference being by hard work, not government subsidy, due to tax law, or political connections, which is how every billionaire got their wealth.

But I would wager you have probably never done an honest days work in your life, so your reply comes as no surprise.

It takes a really special kind of entitled ignorance, to think a failed middleclass, in favor of a hand full of billionaires, is economic success.

Not to mention anti American.
Nope. My entire fortune is being held back to pay the $7500 per annum land tax on my property. We bought a small farm when we moved from Wyoming back to my home state of Texas so I wouldn't feel fenced in by neighbors who broke the federal law to get even with me for putting a bird feeder in the front yard instead of the back yard. I love birds. Now I have the joy of looking out back at a threatened specie called Great White Egrets. One year I saw the mama and papa egret training their 3 youngsters how to fly for their annual migration to warmer climates in the tropics than here in the summer where it can freeze any time after January 1 through the middle of March. And when it's good and warm those world's most elegant and beautiful huge birds come back to the same manmade lake behind my farmhouse that has shallows for fishing that they love and depths to grow the kind of fish they like to eat. *sigh*. It's not cheap to make sure the wild birds have their shrinking world has a place to come back to while the population of my home state skyrockets because people are sick of being lied to in Democrat States that are losing population for their bullying instead of representing their own people in Congress. They are by far the most elegant and family-loving birds on the face of the earth. Lucky me for leaving a hostile neighborhood and being close to my sister who was dying of cancer, but got well after I got her. Later on, she died of other causes. So I'm all alone now, but the animals here make my life worthwhile. I love them.

I have the occasional bald eagle near me nesting in some cottonwoods. It's always a thrill when I see one.
While they attack Russia China is buying up Africa farmlands and minerals. They already have most of ours so I left that out.

I'll be damned! I just caught where he blamed it on Trump for Africans selling out their people again.Its the white mans fault that African leaders are selling their people out 'AGAIN; Trumps fault!

I clicked to the victimhood BS ,


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