The 10 wealthiest billionaires DOUBLED their assets during the Covid pandemic.

It's a sign of a failed economic policy.
Why is it that when an individual who is most likely smarter than yourself succeeds, it is due to a failure somewhere else? Wrong, and 99.99% of the time successful people attained their position in life because they EARNED it. The unsuccessful are just jealous.
Thanks for the link:

Governor DeSantis Issues Executive Order 2021-102​

Governor DeSantis has issued Executive Order 21-102, which suspends all remaining local emergency orders based on the COVID-19 Emergency, effective July 1, 2021 and shall be immediately filed with the Division Administrative Hearings.

Getting folks back to work was a key goal of the GOP Govs...not in places like NY and Cali though

and "DeWine said the stay-at-home order will start to be enforced Tuesday by local health departments and local law enforcement, and last for at least two weeks."

States opened up after shutting down. Red states and blue states.
The Cares Act dumped 4 trillion into the economy, of course the rich will double up, that is how the bills were designed. Scraps for the masses, and massive amounts of money to the rich. The last time this happened it was TARP creating the obscene growth of wealth among the rich.

What is frustrating is people will continue to vote for those who give the rich their money and wealth growth.
Looks like you would rather give my money to the uneducated, the lazy, and the criminal element amongst us. That's the liberal American way, isn't it? I'll put my money on the group that would give me a job.

Governor DeSantis Issues Executive Order 2021-102​

Governor DeSantis has issued Executive Order 21-102, which suspends all remaining local emergency orders based on the COVID-19 Emergency, effective July 1, 2021 and shall be immediately filed with the Division Administrative Hearings.

Getting folks back to work was a key goal of the GOP Govs...not in places like NY and Cali though

and "DeWine said the stay-at-home order will start to be enforced Tuesday by local health departments and local law enforcement, and last for at least two weeks."
What I find interesting is how DeSantis has actually been taking a LIBERAL approach much like Sweden did, but authoritarian leftists all hate him.
Looks like you would rather give my money to the uneducated, the lazy, and the criminal element amongst us. That's the liberal American way, isn't it? I'll put my money on the group that would give me a job.
You obviously don’t know me. Get a life moron.
What I find interesting is how DeSantis has actually been taking a LIBERAL approach much like Sweden did, but authoritarian leftists all hate him.
Libs like to look to Sweden as some socialist utopia...but they are very pro-capitalist, and actually made the smart move to privitize their SS years ago when they recognized it was on the path ours is doom
The typical white family today has eight times the wealth of the typical Black family and five times the wealth of the typical Hispanic family, according to the Federal Reserve. The United States’ wealthiest top 10% owned 76% of the wealth as of 2019, also according to the Fed. And overall inequality has grown in recent decades, with the highest-earning households steadily increasing their share of all U.S. income, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data.

The richest U.S. billionaire holds more wealth than the bottom 40% of the country, and American billionaires’ wealth has risen $2 trillion during the pandemic, says a recent report on taxing “extreme wealth” by the Fight Inequality Alliance, the Institute for Policy Studies, Oxfam and Patriotic Millionaires.
I am only a moron but smart enough to know that I do not want to know such a shining star as yourself.
Not a shining star Cletus, I am a fiscal conservative that is worried about too much government spending and interference.
The typical white family today has eight times the wealth of the typical Black family and five times the wealth of the typical Hispanic family, according to the Federal Reserve. The United States’ wealthiest top 10% owned 76% of the wealth as of 2019, also according to the Fed. And overall inequality has grown in recent decades, with the highest-earning households steadily increasing their share of all U.S. income, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data.

The richest U.S. billionaire holds more wealth than the bottom 40% of the country, and American billionaires’ wealth has risen $2 trillion during the pandemic, says a recent report on taxing “extreme wealth” by the Fight Inequality Alliance, the Institute for Policy Studies, Oxfam and Patriotic Millionaires.
Why do so many people deny it? For the same reason that so many people deny why some never succeed regardless of all the wrong-headed, failed government help available.
Doubling any amount of wealth in 2 years is a neat trick, but I'm sure there's no formula for it with billionaires except for having already rigged the system that got them there.
My friend, do you have a link that would convince a person who doesn't know that the top ten billionnaires took advantage of people during the first year and months that Covid19 has been around? Was it coincidental? Did all of their doubled money come from investing in political trickery or reward for funds sent to the Democrat Party? I hope it's just a coincidence, but I think there are a lot of very wealthy people who donate to and derive benefits from a party that has to lie constantly to get votes, not realizing that the American people have had it with bs. I guess I don't understand where you are coming from, but I am hoping that God will deal with those who benefitted from the Covid virus, as it was pretty big news to hear that the highest paid federal employee in history funded the Wuhan lab that sent people in China back to the 4 corners of the world they came from, causing death all over the planet.

Here are the worldwide stats to date that I found:​

Coronavirus Cases:​

view by country





*China is not telling how many died there to date of the virus that is alleged to have been developed in the Wuhan province of China. So the above does not consider the most highly populated country that is, China. Instead of exonerating themselves, they spent trillions putting an eye in the sky last year that can target anyone they want to shut up.

Edit: Likely more information than is needed, but whether Fauci funded Wuhan or not is up in the air, but here are the different voices:
1. WorldNetDaily wrote that "New evidence ties COVID-19 creation to research funded by Fauci." Both the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance have denied that a grant to the Wuhan lab funded gain-of-function. Letter confirms Wuhan lab’s COVID-19 leak was funded by US taxpayers

2. It’s another Fauci flub. The National Institutes of Health has stunningly admitted to funding gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab — despite Dr. Anthony Fauci ...
* note, there are over 9 pages of links to this issue, many of which differ as a pick your own poison viewpoint. lol The later dated ones want the narrative to show that it is believed the virus came from animal, not lab sources. I'm not convinced that I can determine it without a gloves-on approach to the language barriers of opinion. I ran into one claim that 500 million worldwide were dead as of a few months ago. A lot of the sources are changing so quickly, one disappeared while I was researching how many worldwide had died fromthe Covid pandemic.
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Is that good or bad, or does it matter ?

I guess it depends on how many good jobs they create.
View attachment 594775
Unless they did something illegal, it doesn't matter. I'm happy for anyone who increases their wealth in this era of inflation and sinking currency value.
My friend, do you have a link that would convince a person who doesn't know that the top ten billionnaires took advantage of people during the first year and months that Covid19 has been around? Was it coincidental? Did all of their doubled money come from investing in political trickery or reward for funds sent to the Democrat Party? I hope it's just a coincidence, but I think there are a lot of very wealthy people who donate to and derive benefits from a party that has to lie constantly to get votes, not realizing that the American people have had it with bs. I guess I don't understand where you are coming from, but I am hoping that God will deal with those who benefitted from the Covid virus, as it was pretty big news to hear that the highest paid federal employee in history funded the Wuhan lab that sent people in China back to the 4 corners of the world they came from, causing death all over the planet.

Here are the worldwide stats to date that I found:​

Coronavirus Cases:​

view by country





*China is not telling how many died there to date of the virus that is alleged to have been developed in the Wuhan province of China. So the above does not consider the most highly populated country that is, China. Instead of exonerating themselves, they spent trillions putting an eye in the sky last year that can target anyone they want to shut up.

Unless they did something illegal, it doesn't matter. I'm happy for anyone who increases their wealth in this era of inflation and sinking currency value.
You're happy if a government lockdown causes someone to miss their payments and some rich cat with IRS connections swoops in and steals his hard-earned land....that's ok ?
Is that good or bad, or does it matter ?

I guess it depends on how many good jobs they create.
View attachment 594775

Most are also democrats so follow that killer,lol. Which are also richest in wonder, it is very lucrative selling off Americans secrets to China and Russia.Hellery and Bill, Biden and son and the list goes on and on.

Wonder if Pelosis son will get away with the latest heist.

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