The 10 wealthiest billionaires DOUBLED their assets during the Covid pandemic.

Nope. My entire fortune is being held back to pay the $7500 per annum land tax on my property. We bought a small farm when we moved from Wyoming back to my home state of Texas so I wouldn't feel fenced in by neighbors who broke the federal law to get even with me for putting a bird feeder in the front yard instead of the back yard. I love birds. Now I have the joy of looking out back at a threatened specie called Great White Egrets. One year I saw the mama and papa egret training their 3 youngsters how to fly for their annual migration to warmer climates in the tropics than here in the summer where it can freeze any time after January 1 through the middle of March. And when it's good and warm those world's most elegant and beautiful huge birds come back to the same manmade lake behind my farmhouse that has shallows for fishing that they love and depths to grow the kind of fish they like to eat. *sigh*. It's not cheap to make sure the wild birds have their shrinking world has a place to come back to while the population of my home state skyrockets because people are sick of being lied to in Democrat States that are losing population for their bullying instead of representing their own people in Congress. They are by far the most elegant and family-loving birds on the face of the earth. Lucky me for leaving a hostile neighborhood and being close to my sister who was dying of cancer, but got well after I got here in 2009. Later on, she died of other causes. So I'm all alone now, but the animals here make my life worthwhile. I love them.

Nice pictures.
You're happy if a government lockdown causes someone to miss their payments and some rich cat with IRS connections swoops in and steals his hard-earned land....that's ok ?
I'm against government lockdowns. Regardless, If you're making payments on something, it isn't totally yours yet. If a contract stipulates repossession for non-payment, that contract is binding.
Nice pictures.
Due respect to the Bing images on my computer. I don't have a camera and wouldn't know how to use one if I did. I do, however have 2 months of enjoying seeing my egrets fish and annoy other birds. The year of an oil spill in Louisiana, 5 flamingos landed on the west side of the lake. All 5 of them went as a group to confront the egret on the other side of the lake for their fishing permissions. I saw him stand up straight, elegantly stabbing them one by one until they flew back to the other side. They appeared to be having a conference. Five huge flamingos of greater weight against the one slender and underweight egret didn't work. A few minutes after their little chat, they flew as a group and headed south for a different hunting ground. I don't know why I found that so amusing to this day. I think the oil slick was sometime around 2012 - 2014. The years pass so quickly now. The event made me love my beautiful egret friends even more. In war, egrets are quite elegant. They hide out at night in nearby taller trees, some of which have died through drought and through tornados. We live on the tornado side of mighty hurricanes 100-ish miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico. I laugh every time I think of those wooly bully flamingos. <giggle>
Liberal disdain for wealth and accomplishment is nauseating
Jealousy on parade
Always carrying on like that sort of money just falls on you or is stolen
Get out of your moms basement and quit being a wretch
I'm against government lockdowns. Regardless, If you're making payments on something, it isn't totally yours yet. If a contract stipulates repossession for non-payment, that contract is binding.
Having to pay rental rates in the form of taxes gives taxpayers a little shell shock, my tax/rent is $650 a month. Fortunately, I have just enough egg money left to stay here till I die. Too bad when you save money for a lifetime of work to take trips wherever you want, only to realize you only have enough to pay taxes on your property. No, I'm not gonna move. I'm gonna scrimp, save, and live my life out here loving the egrets while they have a 3 month stay out back. 🤍 They, the endangered, will have a home as long as I'm alive.
Having to pay rental rates in the form of taxes gives taxpayers a little shell shock, my tax/rent is $650 a month. Fortunately, I have just enough egg money left to stay here till I die. Too bad when you save money for a lifetime of work to take trips wherever you want, only to realize you only have enough to pay taxes on your property. No, I'm not gonna move. I'm gonna scrimp, save, and live my life out here loving the egrets while they have a 3 month stay out back. 🤍 They, the endangered, will have a home as long as I'm alive.
I am against property taxes. You don't truly own property if the government can take it away from you for not paying a tax.
I am against property taxes. You don't truly own property if the government can take it away from you for not paying a tax.
It's okay, Orangecat. They have to do constant road repairs in this part of the world. Some years it rains a lot and the earth turns to jello, which leaves the roads pothole victims. In dry years when droughts visit us all year, the heated blacktop also turns to jello with a similar result, except hotter. It all comes down to country roads, not to mention the traffic from 3 shifts a day at 7 prison campuses in the area. Roads take a licking here from ma nature and pa man. That takes money. And it employs very good public servants who have to take the heat of the sun and the cold air of winter to keep the streets safe and free from potholes. I'd rather see people working than take a trip around the world and come home to people suffering because they have no job. Besides, I have this computer now, and I can take vicarious trips around the world without being browbeaten by those who prey on visitors for a living. And if I left here in the good weather, I wouldn't get to look at the 900 species of birds who fly through here, most of which I have no idea what kind of a bird they are. I love birds, and I need to put some birdseed out there right now. Have a great day. Hey, I came into the world with nothing. It doesn't bother me in the least to leave the same way some day. In the meantime I'm gonna love life and live it in total joy because at my age, every day you wake up is a good one. :laugh2:
It's okay, Orangecat. They have to do constant road repairs in this part of the world. Some years it rains a lot and the earth turns to jello, which leaves the roads pothole victims. In dry years when droughts visit us all year, the heated blacktop also turns to jello with a similar result, except hotter. It all comes down to country roads, not to mention the traffic from 3 shifts a day at 7 prison campuses in the area. Roads take a licking here from ma nature and pa man. That takes money. And it employs very good public servants who have to take the heat of the sun and the cold air of winter to keep the streets safe and free from potholes. I'd rather see people working than take a trip around the world and come home to people suffering because they have no job. Besides, I have this computer now, and I can take vicarious trips around the world without being browbeaten by those who prey on visitors for a living. And if I left here in the good weather, I wouldn't get to look at the 900 species of birds who fly through here, most of which I have no idea what kind of a bird they are. I love birds, and I need to put some birdseed out there right now. Have a great day. Hey, I came into the world with nothing. It doesn't bother me in the least to leave the same way some day. In the meantime I'm gonna love life and live it in total joy because at my age, every day you wake up is a good one. :laugh2:
Those issues could be addressed with a fuel tax, imo. Road maintenance paid for by those who use the fuel needed to travel on them. Property tax basically says you don't really own the property you've paid for, but are just renting it from the government.
Wrong. It isn't a matter of personal opinion. It's an economic fact. The most prosperous time in America, was between 1945-1980. Success in America is based upon societal wealth, not individual wealth. Those millions of Americans EARNED their wealth. The difference being by hard work, not government subsidy, due to tax law, or political connections, which is how every billionaire got their wealth.

But I would wager you have probably never done an honest days work in your life, so your reply comes as no surprise.

It takes a really special kind of entitled ignorance, to think a failed middleclass, in favor of a hand full of billionaires, is economic success.

Not to mention anti American.
How entirely arrogant and stupid to accuse someone you do not know of never doing a hard day of work. I think you made that statement because you don't know what hard work is. You are clueless and a waste of my time.
Due respect to the Bing images on my computer. I don't have a camera and wouldn't know how to use one if I did. I do, however have 2 months of enjoying seeing my egrets fish and annoy other birds. The year of an oil spill in Louisiana, 5 flamingos landed on the west side of the lake. All 5 of them went as a group to confront the egret on the other side of the lake for their fishing permissions. I saw him stand up straight, elegantly stabbing them one by one until they flew back to the other side. They appeared to be having a conference. Five huge flamingos of greater weight against the one slender and underweight egret didn't work. A few minutes after their little chat, they flew as a group and headed south for a different hunting ground. I don't know why I found that so amusing to this day. I think the oil slick was sometime around 2012 - 2014. The years pass so quickly now. The event made me love my beautiful egret friends even more. In war, egrets are quite elegant. They hide out at night in nearby taller trees, some of which have died through drought and through tornados. We live on the tornado side of mighty hurricanes 100-ish miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico. I laugh every time I think of those wooly bully flamingos. <giggle>
You need one of those affordable military grade drones to sneak up on them ....they can go up to like 3000 feet away ? I'm pretty sure.

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