The abortion issue troubles me mightily

Definitions are powerful.

Prolife people tend to define the unborn fetus as the most innocent, a human being that has the right to life just like the rest of us.

Pro-choice people tend to define the unborn fetus as a clump of cells in a woman's body that has no more rights than the woman's appendix.

If you want to understand both sides of the issue, look at the issue through the prism of both those definitions.
I'd venture to say pro-life people have a mystical/spiritual connection to that fertilized egg. They see what it can become. Pro-choice folk take a more secular view and see that egg as it is.

Then why are pro abortion people support of forcing gay marriage? And harbor a hatred of christianity? Support gun control? Oppose Trump?
The evil is part and parcel of their being.
Those who support the legality of abortion do not seek to force anything on anyone.

Those who are against the legality actively seek to control others, and the full heat of their wrath falls on the poor and working class.

Those who are against rape/murder/theft seek to impose their laws on others. its what civilizations do. Democratic ones reflect their citizens..totalitarians ones dont. As in abortion.
150 years ago Democrats thought that some human lives were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Looks like nothing has changed.

Sad but true. But to be fair, there are Democrat and liberal pro-lifers. As well as atheist pro-lifers, etc.


There are no democrat pro-lifers. If they were they wouldnt support a party which imposes abortion. And it is not a peripheral issue. Along with homosexuality and socialism abortion is a sacrament to democrats.
There are no democrat pro-lifers. If they were they wouldnt support a party which imposes abortion. And it is not a peripheral issue. Along with homosexuality and socialism abortion is a sacrament to democrats.

Yes there are. Don't make statements that are demonstrably untrue.

Democrats For Life of America (DFLA)

Whole Life: Pro-life Democrats, Progressives, and Feminists

Pro Life Socialists

Pro-Life Atheists

Etc. etc.…

If they were pro life they WOULD NOT elect abortionists to office. It is that simple. And demonstrable.
Definitions are powerful.

Prolife people tend to define the unborn fetus as the most innocent, a human being that has the right to life just like the rest of us.

Pro-choice people tend to define the unborn fetus as a clump of cells in a woman's body that has no more rights than the woman's appendix.

If you want to understand both sides of the issue, look at the issue through the prism of both those definitions.

Think about what pro-life people want to do to healthcare and laws about religious freedom then reread the definition post.

They seek to control and limit your choices in life.
150 years ago Democrats thought that some human lives were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Looks like nothing has changed.

Actual born human beings are different than zygotes jackass.
Definitions are powerful.

Prolife people tend to define the unborn fetus as the most innocent, a human being that has the right to life just like the rest of us.

Pro-choice people tend to define the unborn fetus as a clump of cells in a woman's body that has no more rights than the woman's appendix.

If you want to understand both sides of the issue, look at the issue through the prism of both those definitions.

Think about what pro-life people want to do to healthcare and laws about religious freedom then reread the definition post.

They seek to control and limit your choices in life.
150 years ago Democrats thought that some human lives were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Looks like nothing has changed.

Actual born human beings are different than zygotes jackass.
At conception a new genetically distinct human being has come into existence. One who has never existed before and will never exist again. It is wholly human and has all of the attributes it is supposed to have for that stage of its human life cycle.
After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence. An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point.

Dr. William Reville and Dr Jerome LeJeune

I notice they keep ignoring the quotes from doctors and scientists. It's actually kind of surprising how much ignorance and out of date thinking there is around here, on this issue.. Here is that quote you posted, again for them.

If someone kills a fetus in a car accident, they have to answer to it. An obstetrician has a legal responsibility for a fetus. If they do any harm to it they can be sued. A fetus has legal inheritance rights. And one could offer other examples.

So why is it life one time but not another time?

Sounds like you should ask that question to the Supreme Court. They seem pretty sure that early term abortions are no longer illegal.
If, If, and If. If pigs could fly. Get back to me when you are appointed to sit on the bench and reverse the decision of the court. In the meantime, the religious Right has not yet turned this country into a christian version of a muslim nation.
It was the central question.

Don't be so overly emotional. It would just go back to letting the states decide.


I grew up in the South during the civil rights struggle. I am not interested in watching Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana trample all over the people's rights again in my lifetime. They would do it again in a New York second, if allowed to.
Some would argue that the civil rights of new and genetically distinct human beings are being trampled on today.

...and some would be wrong, because legally, a fetus is not a human being, at least until it is a viable life outside the womb.
DNA says they are new and genetically distinct human beings.

Viability does not determine humanity. If it did then anyone who was not viable due to injury or illness would not be human.

That sounds like a Trumpism. It makes no sense at all. Viable means able to live. It does not mean able to live unassisted.
Those who support the legality of abortion do not seek to force anything on anyone.

Those who are against the legality actively seek to control others, and the full heat of their wrath falls on the poor and working class.
If Republicans really cared about children and women, they would make it easier for the unfortunate women to give birth knowing their children will be taken care of and they will be helped.

But right here on the USMB, Republicans feel forcing a woman to have that baby will "teach her a lesson" and her punishment is that baby.

Imagine growing up knowing you're existence was a punishment. At least we'll know where criminals will be coming from.
So after losing the science debate it is on to your next logical fallacy straw-man of your own making? Well... that is easier than making a cogent argument.

I bet TN wants to get in on some of this... oh wait.. no he doesn't.
The fact is Republicans don’t care for the baby and they don’t care for the mother.
And that is not even under debate. Everyone already knows it.
If someone kills a fetus in a car accident, they have to answer to it. An obstetrician has a legal responsibility for a fetus. If they do any harm to it they can be sued. A fetus has legal inheritance rights. And one could offer other examples.

So why is it life one time but not another time?

Sounds like you should ask that question to the Supreme Court. They seem pretty sure that early term abortions are no longer illegal.

The founders would have hanged them a long time ago. Federalism and and states rights are what the constitution dictates to protect liberty. Not a swing vote on a God-like court.
If someone kills a fetus in a car accident, they have to answer to it. An obstetrician has a legal responsibility for a fetus. If they do any harm to it they can be sued. A fetus has legal inheritance rights. And one could offer other examples.

So why is it life one time but not another time?
The "choice" comes into play with that circumstance.
Too bad that innocent baby doesn't get a choice.
i dont see it as a baby so..

Same face, hands, feet fingers, toes, organs, hair....

But not the same human being. . .

Definitions are powerful.

Prolife people tend to define the unborn fetus as the most innocent, a human being that has the right to life just like the rest of us.

Pro-choice people tend to define the unborn fetus as a clump of cells in a woman's body that has no more rights than the woman's appendix.

If you want to understand both sides of the issue, look at the issue through the prism of both those definitions.
I'd venture to say pro-life people have a mystical/spiritual connection to that fertilized egg. They see what it can become. Pro-choice folk take a more secular view and see that egg as it is.
The only trouble with that is the pro birthers don't give two shits about the kid once it's born.
Definitions are powerful.

Prolife people tend to define the unborn fetus as the most innocent, a human being that has the right to life just like the rest of us.

Pro-choice people tend to define the unborn fetus as a clump of cells in a woman's body that has no more rights than the woman's appendix.

If you want to understand both sides of the issue, look at the issue through the prism of both those definitions.

Think about what pro-life people want to do to healthcare and laws about religious freedom then reread the definition post.

They seek to control and limit your choices in life.
150 years ago Democrats thought that some human lives were property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Looks like nothing has changed.

Actual born human beings are different than zygotes jackass.

You mean UNLESS you kill one in a criminal act and are prosecuted for their MURDER. Right?
Definitions are powerful.

Prolife people tend to define the unborn fetus as the most innocent, a human being that has the right to life just like the rest of us.

Pro-choice people tend to define the unborn fetus as a clump of cells in a woman's body that has no more rights than the woman's appendix.

If you want to understand both sides of the issue, look at the issue through the prism of both those definitions.
I'd venture to say pro-life people have a mystical/spiritual connection to that fertilized egg. They see what it can become. Pro-choice folk take a more secular view and see that egg as it is.
The only trouble with that is the pro birthers don't give two shits about the kid once it's born.

If anti aborts gave ten times more about born kids than they now do, you would still oppose them and defend abortion. You know it, we know it and all your bloviating isn't going to fool any of us.
The abortion issue bothers you so much you forget that thousand of kids die everyday on the planet and you say nothing about it..Only when you want/can control other folks is it an issue...
If someone kills a fetus in a car accident, they have to answer to it. An obstetrician has a legal responsibility for a fetus. If they do any harm to it they can be sued. A fetus has legal inheritance rights. And one could offer other examples.

So why is it life one time but not another time?

Sounds like you should ask that question to the Supreme Court. They seem pretty sure that early term abortions are no longer illegal.

The founders would have hanged them a long time ago. Federalism and and states rights are what the constitution dictates to protect liberty. Not a swing vote on a God-like court.

No doubt about it. You should form a militia and do what the founders would do!

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