The American Genocide of the Indians—Historical Facts and Real Evidence

Yet you and your fellow con artists and parasites won't do the right thing and leave. lol and Diversity shills tell us all about how 'buffalo soldiers won the West n stuff', so you can feel good about being parasites.
The con artists are parasites have been white.

You stole the land from the First Nations and built wealth using our labor.

That's what parasites do.

I was born here and if you can complain about a government built to give you preference, don't say ---- to me. So do the right thing and return to Europe.
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In my state its legal to shoot someone who breaks in to your house. I welcome any and all colonizers.
Looks like they willl colonize the graveyard if they try moving you out of your house.
No Dudley, what I said was not fake news.

It's truth your racists cannot face.
No Dudley, what I said was not fake news.

It's truth your racists cannot face.

Biden isn't going to rob Whitey to give you free shit. Get over it, dumbass. They're replacing you with latinos as fast as they can. lol by 2024 you gimps aren't a blip on the electoral map, and Trump will get over 20% of the black vote.
There is no American unless you count the First Nations.

The Native Americans and First Nations were the original "Americans".

But I was responding to rupol's claim "...there are no European genes in the United States".
Biden isn't going to rob Whitey to give you free shit. Get over it, dumbass. They're replacing you with latinos as fast as they can. lol by 2024 you gimps aren't a blip on the electoral map, and Trump will get over 20% of the black vote.
Whitey has got free shit and we were robbed so it could happen. You really need to stop repeat that delusional garbage because the truth of this nation is documented and no matter how much snark you try, the fact remains that "whitey" has sucked so much milk from the government tit that the government has dropped from a DD to an A cup.
Whitey has got free shit and we were robbed so it could happen. You really need to stop repeat that delusional garbage because the truth of this nation is documented and no matter how much snark you try, the fact remains that "whitey" has sucked so much milk from the government tit that the government has dropped from a DD to an A cup.

Actually Europeans made promises to them in order to stop them from killing whites as they went west. Then they broke the promises.

They could have killed every white person who first got off the boats and there would not have been a damn thing Euros could have done about it but wonder what happened. The white man who could not make it and ran away from European shitholes have benefitted greatly from the goodness of the First Nations.
No they couldn’t. Indian society was too socially primitive. Even if they had recognized the Europeans as a threat, none of the tribes were willing to put aside their animosities and quarrels with each other to deal with an external threat. The fights were never Europeans versus Indians, they were always Europeans and Indians against other Indians. Cortez conquered the Mayans with less than two hundred men. The Mayans could field armies of over a hundred thousand soldiers. He defeated them by organizing their enemies against them. The British conquered their empire the same way. The Americans did the same. Whites defeated other races because they were better organized, not because they had greater numbers or better technology. In the Americas the native’s weapons were actually more effective than the matchlocks, crossbows and arquebuses the Europeans were armed with. Bows had a much higher rate of fire and left no cloud of smoke to betray the shooter’s position.
Whitey has got free shit and we were robbed so it could happen. You really need to stop repeat that delusional garbage because the truth of this nation is documented and no matter how much snark you try, the fact remains that "whitey" has sucked so much milk from the government tit that the government has dropped from a DD to an A cup.

Whitey produced all the milk, the fact you losers can't admit; all you minorities were just over fed house pets.
Tradish elders in my tribe don't consider us Native or Americans as we are older than both concepts. They would say Aniyunwiya or 'real human beings.'

Translates into drunken deadbeats and organized crime syndicates, which is all most reservations are these days, as well as rape factories for the 'braves'.
You really should not talk like that. Whites make the alcohol and there are plenty more white drunks.

And they never had any problems selling it to you or 'natives'. lol Most of your 'cultures' worship dope slinging and murder.

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