The American Left should stop and smell the roses


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

As I read the various PC-related threads and posts here, I can't help but wonder why the PC Police continues with all the anger and name-calling and personal insults.

Holy crap folks, you've won. Have fun with it.

Americans from coast to coast are now literally afraid to say what they're actually thinking. You can constantly hear people say stuff like "I don't mean to offend, but...." - literally apologizing BEFORE and JUST IN CASE. You can sense them changing words in mid-sentence so that no one can say they're "offended". You've achieved massive success in controlling what Americans are allowed to say, and you've done it without even messing with the Constitution.

Seriously, that's quite an achievement, and I'd think you'd want to celebrate it.

And it gets even better for you. You've actually made it - this "civil society" that you're pretending to be after -- so that the only people who don't have to be civil are liberals! That's freakin' genius, I wouldn't have thought of that in a thousand years. I don't know if that was the goal all along, but you're really nailed it.

Anyway, just a friendly suggestion. Enjoy your victory. It's taken a while, but you have been persistent and patient. This is for you:

What happened? Did you feel compelled to call someone a bad name and then chickened out? Next time don't be afraid, strike a blow for the those who wish to be a total asshole without consequence. Seriously, every society has unwritten rules of what constitutes acceptable behavior, might as well be bitching about the weather and blaming it on the weatherman.
Does "People saying what they want to say" include racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, white Christian Republican gibberish? You're still allowed to say what you want, but we're allowed to tell you that you're a dumb fuck who only votes Republican because you're too stupid to learn.
What happened? Did you feel compelled to call someone a bad name and then chickened out? Next time don't be afraid, strike a blow for the those who wish to be a total asshole without consequence. Seriously, every society has unwritten rules of what constitutes acceptable behavior, might as well be bitching about the weather and blaming it on the weatherman.

Does "People saying what they want to say" include racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, white Christian Republican gibberish? You're still allowed to say what you want, but we're allowed to tell you that you're a dumb fuck who only votes Republican because you're too stupid to learn.

Aw, come on folks. Lighten up. Have fun with it, that's my point.

Here, let me help:

The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

They feel they must be continually marching on in quest of their utopian vision for society.

Facilitated by group think and PC constraints on life and language.

Liberals/progressives are fascists hell bent on eradicating tradition, religion, culture, and the family.

And replacing it with a police state based on forced equality; were everyone has nothing; and the people share the subsequent misery equally. ... :doubt:
Does "People saying what they want to say" include racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, white Christian Republican gibberish? You're still allowed to say what you want, but we're allowed to tell you that you're a dumb fuck who only votes Republican because you're too stupid to learn.

And then after you try to level an emotional outrage we're allowed to laugh at your stupidity.
The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

They feel they must be continually marching on in quest of their utopian vision for society.

Facilitated by group think and PC constraints on life and language.

Liberals/progressives are fascists hell bent on eradicating tradition, religion, culture, and the family.

And replacing it with a police state based on forced equality; were everyone has nothing; and the people share the subsequent misery equally. ... :doubt:

You'll notice that their immediate response to my post was the same personal insults and name-calling to which I had referred.

I swear, they can't help themselves.

The world has seen this before.

What happened? Did you feel compelled to call someone a bad name and then chickened out? Next time don't be afraid, strike a blow for the those who wish to be a total asshole without consequence. Seriously, every society has unwritten rules of what constitutes acceptable behavior, might as well be bitching about the weather and blaming it on the weatherman.

Liberal Dictionary:
Total asshole - someone who isn't afraid to speak the truth.
The left has succeeded yet. They are marshaling their forces to succeed by bringing together Islamic militants, drug cartels and race based gangs so that they can succeed, but there is still part of America that breathes.
The left has succeeded yet. They are marshaling their forces to succeed by bringing together Islamic militants, drug cartels and race based gangs so that they can succeed, but there is still part of America that breathes.
Yeah, that's what Liberals want, brilliant Republican. Liberals want to end Nixon's piece of shit drug war because we want drug cartels to be stronger. You're very smart.

What is a "race-based gang"? Is that like the white-trash Confederate KKK, or are you only talking about black people?

Also, Reagan was supplying Islamic militants with weapons and money for eight straight years. Was Ronald Reagan a filthy Liberal Progressive who wanted terrorists to win?
The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

True. They seem to live every day as perpetually miserable people, hence the reason they should be given nothing and constantly treated like the spoiled rotten juveniles they are.
The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

True. They seem to live every day as perpetually miserable people, hence the reason they should be given nothing and constantly treated like the spoiled rotten juveniles they are.
Just because you morons want to live in the past with no future doesn't mean the rest of us do. Some of us would actually like the world to be a better place.
The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

True. They seem to live every day as perpetually miserable people, hence the reason they should be given nothing and constantly treated like the spoiled rotten juveniles they are.
Just because you morons want to live in the past with no future doesn't mean the rest of us do. Some of us would actually like the world to be a better place.

Who is trying to live in the past? I'm not the one pushing 19th century Marxist propaganda and 1950s level tax rates and economy destroying unions from the Hoffa years.
True. They seem to live every day as perpetually miserable people, hence the reason they should be given nothing and constantly treated like the spoiled rotten juveniles they are.
Just because you morons want to live in the past with no future doesn't mean the rest of us do. Some of us would actually like the world to be a better place.

Who is trying to live in the past? I'm not the one pushing 19th century Marxist propaganda and 1950s level tax rates and economy destroying unions from the Hoffa years.

Taxes are too low, which is a problem, and vast wealth is concentrated, which is another problem, both of which Adam Smith was well aware of. Pushing to save the middle class before it's gone is rather 1950's but hardly Marxism. If you want a healthy Capitalism you have to get that cash flowing, which means people have to have it in the first place.
the fun thing is you think its just the left doing this. That is your weakness, because its everyone. The reality is this: Lets pretend a guy named Sal says something like, Woman in texas are fat, or gays shouldnt marry, or gays should marry, or two guys holding hands on Tv is a good thing, Or trannies are evil....Take any one of those and here is what happens.

You have groups who defend these niches and want attention. From the LGBT to Focus on the family. So they press companies or that individual to apologize. It gives these groups power with these certain issues.

now here is the thing. Sal has every right to say what he wanted. The groups have every right to demand an apology and request a show be taken down. The tv channel has the right to listen or ignore them as well.

Take Charles Barkley who commented on how women in a Texas city tend to be fat. A fat group went after him. He ignored them, and the issue went away.

But the overall story is this. You have the right to say what you want, but you dont get to cry when people disagree and come after you. those are the consequences of your actions. You can ignore them and the will most likely go away, but that is your personal choice.

You have the personal responsibility with your actions. ( yeah here is this argument again) you dont want the attention? Shut the fuck up.

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