The American Left should stop and smell the roses

Does "People saying what they want to say" include racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, white Christian Republican gibberish? You're still allowed to say what you want, but we're allowed to tell you that you're a dumb fuck who only votes Republican because you're too stupid to learn.

Yes, you are allowed to tell anyone whatever enters your petty little mind. After they finish laughing at you, you are allowed to tell them what you think of that.

I have yet to meet a liberal/socialist that didn't have diarrhea of the mouth. They talk a lot, but say very little, and rarely say anything of any real value. They talk in bumper sticker slogans and sound bites that they have picked up from their dear leaders. When challenged, they repeat them louder and with more emotion. If that doesn't work, they utter a few four letter words and stomp off.

Take the word "racist" for instance. A racist is someone who believes that his/her race is superior in some way to someone of another race, and conforms their words and actions to that belief. There are people like that, but for the most part, they are of the liberal/socialist bent. These people believe that Blacks, and in some cases, Browns, are not quite up to competing equally with Whites, and their words and actions reflect that belief. They are racist, and most of them are too damn dumb to even recognize that they are.

Liberal/socialists are not the brightest bulbs in the string.
Not even close, you just think you are.

It's almost exact. Libturds like you are deluded about how much we pay in taxes. Furthermore, you don't even care because the majority of libturds are sucking on the government tit.

None of you pay anything like 50%. Look it up.

30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.
What happened? Did you feel compelled to call someone a bad name and then chickened out? Next time don't be afraid, strike a blow for the those who wish to be a total asshole without consequence. Seriously, every society has unwritten rules of what constitutes acceptable behavior, might as well be bitching about the weather and blaming it on the weatherman.

Liberal Dictionary:
Total asshole - someone who isn't afraid to speak the truth.

Does speaking the truth mean calling every homosexual a pedophile?

Or all black people inferior and lazy?

Or in your case, calling every single mother stupid and irresponsible?

Assuming an entire group of people is something negative isn't "telling the truth," it's bigoted and wrong. Would you be okay with me saying all conservatives are retards? No. Why? Because saying an entire group of people is something negative is wrong.

So quit saying it's the truth because you know damn well it isn't.
It's almost exact. Libturds like you are deluded about how much we pay in taxes. Furthermore, you don't even care because the majority of libturds are sucking on the government tit.

None of you pay anything like 50%. Look it up.

30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.
You don't pay anything like 30% payroll taxes for starters, nor anything like 36% on gas. If you could do the math you'd know what an idiot you are.
It's almost exact. Libturds like you are deluded about how much we pay in taxes. Furthermore, you don't even care because the majority of libturds are sucking on the government tit.

None of you pay anything like 50%. Look it up.

30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.
None of you pay anything like 50%. Look it up.

30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.
Cry me a river.
30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.
Cry me a river.

Given your attitude, explain why anyone should give a crap about poor people.
You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.
Cry me a river.

Given your attitude, explain why anyone should give a crap about poor people.
In this country, we don't.
None of you pay anything like 50%. Look it up.

30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.
I just named a few, paint my house should be renamed paint sniffer, cause he doesn't have a clue.
30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.
I just named a few, paint my house should be renamed paint sniffer, cause he doesn't have a clue.
You could name them all and it wouldn't matter. You can't do the math, obviously.
Define Welfare and Poor? Always start with the basics, which in your case will be a serious challenge for you.

You're weaseling. The government has already defined "poverty." Stick with that definition.

Apparently you have no complaints if we eliminate all welfare programs, right?
Post your "facts", then we argue.

I haven't mentioned anything that requires any evidence to support it.

You're just weaseling because you know you've backed yourself into a corner.
You're weaseling. The government has already defined "poverty." Stick with that definition.

Apparently you have no complaints if we eliminate all welfare programs, right?
Post your "facts", then we argue.

I haven't mentioned anything that requires any evidence to support it.

You're just weaseling because you know you've backed yourself into a corner.
There's no corner but for the one who can't define what he means and post the numbers. You've lost the debate before you started.

As I read the various PC-related threads and posts here, I can't help but wonder why the PC Police continues with all the anger and name-calling and personal insults.

Holy crap folks, you've won. Have fun with it.

Americans from coast to coast are now literally afraid to say what they're actually thinking. You can constantly hear people say stuff like "I don't mean to offend, but...." - literally apologizing BEFORE and JUST IN CASE. You can sense them changing words in mid-sentence so that no one can say they're "offended". You've achieved massive success in controlling what Americans are allowed to say, and you've done it without even messing with the Constitution.

Seriously, that's quite an achievement, and I'd think you'd want to celebrate it.

And it gets even better for you. You've actually made it - this "civil society" that you're pretending to be after -- so that the only people who don't have to be civil are liberals! That's freakin' genius, I wouldn't have thought of that in a thousand years. I don't know if that was the goal all along, but you're really nailed it.

Anyway, just a friendly suggestion. Enjoy your victory. It's taken a while, but you have been persistent and patient. This is for you:


What an interesting post. What's next?

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