The American Left should stop and smell the roses


As I read the various PC-related threads and posts here, I can't help but wonder why the PC Police continues with all the anger and name-calling and personal insults.

Holy crap folks, you've won. Have fun with it.

Americans from coast to coast are now literally afraid to say what they're actually thinking. You can constantly hear people say stuff like "I don't mean to offend, but...." - literally apologizing BEFORE and JUST IN CASE. You can sense them changing words in mid-sentence so that no one can say they're "offended". You've achieved massive success in controlling what Americans are allowed to say, and you've done it without even messing with the Constitution.

Seriously, that's quite an achievement, and I'd think you'd want to celebrate it.

They have only won assuming the premise "gays are a race of people" is correct. Otherwise, if it is seen legally that LGBT is an incomplete set of sexually-deviant behaviors, they have lost on all counts and a re-hearing of the various cases is in order.

Leading researchers agree: gayness is learned:
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The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

True. They seem to live every day as perpetually miserable people, hence the reason they should be given nothing and constantly treated like the spoiled rotten juveniles they are.

You think mudwhistle, rottewilerr, healthmyths, longknife, The T, Political Hick, etc... sound happy? When was the last time they were happy, when Zimmerman offed Trayvon

If you do, you're not paying attention. I'll give you that some liberals here are delusional but your statement that liberals are the ones who are "perpetually miserable" is silly.
The problem is that liberals and progressives are never satisfied with their current achievements.

True. They seem to live every day as perpetually miserable people, hence the reason they should be given nothing and constantly treated like the spoiled rotten juveniles they are.

You think mudwhistle, rottewilerr, healthmyths, longknife, The T, Political Hick, etc... sound happy? When was the last time they were happy, when Zimmerman offed Trayvon

If you do, you're not paying attention. I'll give you that some liberals here are delusional but your statement that liberals are the ones who are "perpetually miserable" is silly.

What? All of those people are very "happy go lucky" kind and gentle souls. They ooze joy. You forgot a few.....but it hardly matters. They are a fun bunch.
you dont want the attention? Shut the fuck up.

And there it is again.

Lots of confirmation of my point on this thread, and pretty much all of them.

Keep your opinions to yourself, or there will be consequences.

After all, this is America.


you are right Mac...but so is Plasma.....if you open your mouth and say have to be willing to deal with the response you may get.....otherwise,like you said....Keep your opinions to yourself......just sayin...
How much does Exxon pay? 50% of their earnings? No? Not even close?

You should be upset by that.

Government through taxes make more than the oil companies do off a gallon of gas. That should make us all upset.
Exxon must be struggling under all of Obama's oppressive high taxes, right?

big companies just pass most of those taxes on to their customers
None of you pay anything like 50%. Look it up.

30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.

in my State they are trying to figure out how to tax how many turds you drop at each shitting....diarrhea will be a flat rate....
you dont want the attention? Shut the fuck up.

And there it is again.

Lots of confirmation of my point on this thread, and pretty much all of them.

Keep your opinions to yourself, or there will be consequences.

After all, this is America.


you are right Mac...but so is Plasma.....if you open your mouth and say have to be willing to deal with the response you may get.....otherwise,like you said....Keep your opinions to yourself......just sayin...

Of course, freedom of expression means that I can respond to someone's words. But there is a clear and significant distinction here.

When someone says something that is racist or anti-gay or whatever, that provides me with an opportunity to engage them in debate. Perhaps I can change their hearts and minds, perhaps I can soften their stand. If nothing else, they'll know that there is a mature and reasoned counter-argument to their bigoted approach. Perhaps it will cause them to finally re-think things a little.

But that isn't even close to what the American Left does, in two ways.

First, they'll scream "racist" or "homophobe" at every opportunity, whether it's true or not, whether it's even in context or not, for no other reason than to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation. Once the target is on the defensive, the Left has successfully taken the conversation away from the original point.

Second, there is a massive difference between responding in kind something and issuing "consequences". I can't imagine that this isn't abundantly obvious. It's quite clear that the Left has decided to make itself judge, jury and executioner, and the final arbiter of what words Americans are and are not allowed to say without fear of a retribution that goes far beyond debate.

They want to issue "consequences", I do not. I'm not afraid of a messy society in which debate is not muffled.

And precisely how does screaming "racist" or "homophobe" or issuing consequences change hearts & minds? I don't think it does. They're not interested in changing hearts and minds, they're interested in intimidation and threats and forcing conformity.

I can think of several societies in which citizens walked around afraid of saying the wrong things in fear of annoying the wrong people, and no thanks, I'm not interested, nor will I ever be. As democrat Kirsten Powers said: "How ironic that the persecutors this time around are the so-called intellectuals. They claim to be liberal while behaving as anything but. The touchstone of liberalism is tolerance of differing ideas. Yet this mob exists to enforce conformity of thought and to delegitimize any dissent from its sanctioned worldview. Intolerance is its calling card."

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And there it is again.

Lots of confirmation of my point on this thread, and pretty much all of them.

Keep your opinions to yourself, or there will be consequences.

After all, this is America.


you are right Mac...but so is Plasma.....if you open your mouth and say have to be willing to deal with the response you may get.....otherwise,like you said....Keep your opinions to yourself......just sayin...

Of course, freedom of expression means that I can respond to someone's words. But there is a clear and significant distinction here.

When someone says something that is racist or anti-gay or whatever, that provides me with an opportunity to engage them in debate. Perhaps I can change their hearts and minds, perhaps I can soften their stand. If nothing else, they'll know that there is a mature and reasoned counter-argument to their bigoted approach. Perhaps it will cause them to finally re-think things a little.

But that isn't even close to what the American Left does, in two ways.

First, they'll scream "racist" or "homophobe" at every opportunity, whether it's true or not, whether it's even in context or not, for no other reason than to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation. Once the target is on the defensive, the Left has successfully taken the conversation away from the original point.

Second, there is a massive difference between responding in kind something and issuing "consequences". I can't imagine that this isn't abundantly obvious. It's quite clear that the Left has decided to make itself judge, jury and executioner, and the final arbiter of what words Americans are and are not allowed to say without fear of a retribution that goes far beyond debate.

They want to issue "consequences", I do not. I'm not afraid of a messy society in which debate is not muffled.

And precisely how does screaming "racist" or "homophobe" or issuing consequences change hearts & minds? I don't think it does. They're not interested in changing hearts and minds, they're interested in intimidation and threats and forcing conformity.

I can think of several societies in which citizens walked around afraid of saying the wrong things in fear of annoying the wrong people, and no thanks, I'm not interested, nor will I ever be. As democrat Kirsten Powers said: "How ironic that the persecutors this time around are the so-called intellectuals. They claim to be liberal while behaving as anything but. The touchstone of liberalism is tolerance of differing ideas. Yet this mob exists to enforce conformity of thought and to delegitimize any dissent from its sanctioned worldview. Intolerance is its calling card."


Please point to an example of you doing this here. And before you is all you have. We only know you for what you post here.

I would really appreciate it if a bright guy like you would take some of our bigots to task.....maybe changing a heart or two with reasoned debate. I would gladly join you. Give me that opportunity, please.

Maybe I have missed it? If sincere apologies.
30% payroll taxes
6% sales tax
8% tax on prepared food
36% tax on a gallon of gas
About a $7.00 tax on my phone bill
$20.00 tax on my monthly water bill
Property tax
Car tax
Federal tax on my power bill
I was being nice saying 50%, I cannot help your to ignorant to understand.

You left out state income taxes, capital gains taxes, inheritance tax, hotel tax, rental car tax, battery tax, special district taxes, airline ticket tax, tolls on roads that we've already paid for, liquor tax, the hidden Obamacare tax, . . . yada, yada, yada.

The tax on my cell phone bill is about $40.

in my State they are trying to figure out how to tax how many turds you drop at each shitting....diarrhea will be a flat rate....

Seeing that in the opinion of politically correct guardians of Mother Earth cow farts are a major offender, you are not too far from being absolutely correct.

As I read the various PC-related threads and posts here, I can't help but wonder why the PC Police continues with all the anger and name-calling and personal insults.

Holy crap folks, you've won. Have fun with it.

Americans from coast to coast are now literally afraid to say what they're actually thinking. You can constantly hear people say stuff like "I don't mean to offend, but...." - literally apologizing BEFORE and JUST IN CASE. You can sense them changing words in mid-sentence so that no one can say they're "offended". You've achieved massive success in controlling what Americans are allowed to say, and you've done it without even messing with the Constitution.

Seriously, that's quite an achievement, and I'd think you'd want to celebrate it.

And it gets even better for you. You've actually made it - this "civil society" that you're pretending to be after -- so that the only people who don't have to be civil are liberals! That's freakin' genius, I wouldn't have thought of that in a thousand years. I don't know if that was the goal all along, but you're really nailed it.

Anyway, just a friendly suggestion. Enjoy your victory. It's taken a while, but you have been persistent and patient. This is for you:]

Hey, guy, usually when you are prefacing a sentence with "I don't mean to offend..." your intent is pretty much to offend.

You know on some level, you know what you are going to say is offensive, but you can't help yourself.

Reality check- people all throughout history have self-censored. Even liberals. We all say that we "admire' people who say what their thinking, but usually when people do that, they are crass and kind of expose themselves as ignoramuses, so maybe they are better off just shutting the fuck up.

The reality here is that for years, the wealthy have gotten stupid middle class Christian Whites to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, racial and religious anxieties, but that stuff doesn't fly anymore.

Because most of it was kind of silly to start with.

So tell me, Mack, what big important message do you want to say that you are just feeling SOOOOOO oppressed that you can't say it.

Go ahead, man, you go the floor.

Make the best of it.

As I read the various PC-related threads and posts here, I can't help but wonder why the PC Police continues with all the anger and name-calling and personal insults.

Holy crap folks, you've won. Have fun with it.

Americans from coast to coast are now literally afraid to say what they're actually thinking. You can constantly hear people say stuff like "I don't mean to offend, but...." - literally apologizing BEFORE and JUST IN CASE. You can sense them changing words in mid-sentence so that no one can say they're "offended". You've achieved massive success in controlling what Americans are allowed to say, and you've done it without even messing with the Constitution.

Seriously, that's quite an achievement, and I'd think you'd want to celebrate it.

They have only won assuming the premise "gays are a race of people" is correct. Otherwise, if it is seen legally that LGBT is an incomplete set of sexually-deviant behaviors, they have lost on all counts and a re-hearing of the various cases is in order.

Leading researchers agree: gayness is learned:

The problem with this premise is that 1) You really haven't proven homosexuality is learned behavior and 2) It really doesn't make any difference if it is.

Religion is a learned behavior. Seriously, you have to spend years brainwashing people to believe there are magic sky fairies.
So tell me, Mack, what big important message do you want to say that you are just feeling SOOOOOO oppressed that you can't say it.

Go ahead, man, you go the floor.

Make the best of it.

Hmm. Can't really think of anything.

But since you're kind enough to give me the floor, I'll say this: In the real world, when someone says something against a race or against gays, I often try to open a mature, calm and civil discussion with them. Maybe I can sway them a little, just by a degree or so. Who knows. Every little bit helps. I have these types of conversations whenever I can.

I may be in dream land here, but I'd swear that once in a while I can get a bigot to think about stuff a little.

Strangely, it wouldn't occur to me to issue some kind of "consequence" to them. That's not really my place, and it seems pretty narcissistic to me. And it certainly is not constructive.

Anyway, thanks for yielding the floor.

ah... compassionate conservatives... fighting for the right to be bigots.

i love it.

no one is saying you can't say whatever stupid thing goes through your lbrains. but that doesn't mean others aren't going to note the stupidity.

ah... compassionate conservatives... fighting for the right to be bigots.

i love it.

no one is saying you can't say whatever stupid thing goes through your lbrains. but that doesn't mean others aren't going to note the stupidity.


You appear to be addressing me.

"Conservative". Okay Jillian, tell me, what are my positions on:

  • War
  • Foreign policy
  • Gay rights
  • Abortion
  • Individual income taxation
  • Health Care
Go ahead, you must know.

So tell me, Mack, what big important message do you want to say that you are just feeling SOOOOOO oppressed that you can't say it.

Go ahead, man, you go the floor.

Make the best of it.

Hmm. Can't really think of anything.

But since you're kind enough to give me the floor, I'll say this: In the real world, when someone says something against a race or against gays, I often try to open a mature, calm and civil discussion with them. Maybe I can sway them a little, just by a degree or so. Who knows. Every little bit helps. I have these types of conversations whenever I can.

I may be in dream land here, but I'd swear that once in a while I can get a bigot to think about stuff a little.

Strangely, it wouldn't occur to me to issue some kind of "consequence" to them. That's not really my place, and it seems pretty narcissistic to me. And it certainly is not constructive.

Anyway, thanks for yielding the floor.


I learned a long time ago, you can't get anyone to change their behavior unless there are consequences.

Do you know why I really want to crush the homophobes under a jackboot? Because they put Bush in for a second term. ANd Bush proceeded to fuck it up for everyone, gay and straight, black and white, rich and poor.

"Oooh, the country has been completely wrecked, but at least them fagoots can't get married!"

So, sorry, if I have to work three jobs to undo the mess George W. Bush made of my life, some homophobe should have to bake a fucking cake with two plastic dudes on top and they should smile when they fucking do it.

I don't care enough about them as people to want to "change" their minds. HOnestly, if they are completely fucking miserable watching two dudes kiss on TV, I'm really kind of good with that.
So tell me, Mack, what big important message do you want to say that you are just feeling SOOOOOO oppressed that you can't say it.

Go ahead, man, you go the floor.

Make the best of it.

Hmm. Can't really think of anything.

But since you're kind enough to give me the floor, I'll say this: In the real world, when someone says something against a race or against gays, I often try to open a mature, calm and civil discussion with them. Maybe I can sway them a little, just by a degree or so. Who knows. Every little bit helps. I have these types of conversations whenever I can.

I may be in dream land here, but I'd swear that once in a while I can get a bigot to think about stuff a little.

Strangely, it wouldn't occur to me to issue some kind of "consequence" to them. That's not really my place, and it seems pretty narcissistic to me. And it certainly is not constructive.

Anyway, thanks for yielding the floor.


Have you done the same here? Since you are ignoring don't know that I have asked this same question several times. You also don't know that I am eager to stand with you in this effort. Let's work together and open mature, calm discussions with bigots at the USMB. Whaddya say?

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