The American Left should stop and smell the roses

ah... compassionate conservatives... fighting for the right to be bigots.

i love it.

no one is saying you can't say whatever stupid thing goes through your lbrains. but that doesn't mean others aren't going to note the stupidity.


You appear to be addressing me.

"Conservative". Okay Jillian, tell me, what are my positions on:

  • War
  • Foreign policy
  • Gay rights
  • Abortion
  • Individual income taxation
  • Health Care
Go ahead, you must know.


your positions have been clearly stated in your posts.

but that isn't what we are talking about. you are whining about some nebulous feeling that you can't say what you think for fear of retribution. that is the only issue i thought this thread was referencing.

and i said that you can say whatever you want. but people are going to respond accordingly.

As I read the various PC-related threads and posts here, I can't help but wonder why the PC Police continues with all the anger and name-calling and personal insults.

Holy crap folks, you've won. Have fun with it.

Americans from coast to coast are now literally afraid to say what they're actually thinking. You can constantly hear people say stuff like "I don't mean to offend, but...." - literally apologizing BEFORE and JUST IN CASE. You can sense them changing words in mid-sentence so that no one can say they're "offended". You've achieved massive success in controlling what Americans are allowed to say, and you've done it without even messing with the Constitution.

Seriously, that's quite an achievement, and I'd think you'd want to celebrate it.

And it gets even better for you. You've actually made it - this "civil society" that you're pretending to be after -- so that the only people who don't have to be civil are liberals! That's freakin' genius, I wouldn't have thought of that in a thousand years. I don't know if that was the goal all along, but you're really nailed it.

Anyway, just a friendly suggestion. Enjoy your victory. It's taken a while, but you have been persistent and patient. This is for you:


Yup. Congrats to the thought police. But shame on "regular Joe" Americans who let it happen and who allow themselves to be bullied into submission. You CAN turn the tide by simply turning the tables. Say what you believe and to hell with the PC goons. If everyone ignores the rules and regulations of the PC Regulatory Board then they will return to the stone from whence they crawled out from under.
I don't care enough about them as people to want to "change" their minds. HOnestly, if they are completely fucking miserable watching two dudes kiss on TV, I'm really kind of good with that.

Well, we're different people, and I may well be Pollyanna. But we are what we are.

I think there are usually reasons for behavior, and sometimes a reason may be a lack of information, or bad information. No doubt the way they were raised can play a part. Or maybe that person has just never had someone show them the basic human respect of listening to them. Everyone deserves to be heard, and sometimes just giving someone the respect of listening to them opens their mind a bit.

ah... compassionate conservatives... fighting for the right to be bigots.

i love it.

no one is saying you can't say whatever stupid thing goes through your lbrains. but that doesn't mean others aren't going to note the stupidity.


You appear to be addressing me.

"Conservative". Okay Jillian, tell me, what are my positions on:

  • War
  • Foreign policy
  • Gay rights
  • Abortion
  • Individual income taxation
  • Health Care
Go ahead, you must know.


your positions have been clearly stated in your posts.

but that isn't what we are talking about. you are whining about some nebulous feeling that you can't say what you think for fear of retribution. that is the only issue i thought this thread was referencing.

and i said that you can say whatever you want. but people are going to respond accordingly.

Mac is a pro choice, anti war, gay friendly, single payer ( if private ) liberal who wants to reduce taxes on corporations to 10% or less and he is never offended by anything......except when someone else gets offended and speaks up. He can't stand that shit. Mac trusts the free market to protect the rights of minorities. We don't need no stinkin' laws for that.

Mac despises President Obama and bought fully into the "you didn't build that" fake outrage.

Mac also despises George Bush, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren and every other potential US president.

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I don't care enough about them as people to want to "change" their minds. HOnestly, if they are completely fucking miserable watching two dudes kiss on TV, I'm really kind of good with that.

Well, we're different people, and I may well be Pollyanna. But we are what we are.

I think there are usually reasons for behavior, and sometimes a reason may be a lack of information, or bad information. No doubt the way they were raised can play a part. Or maybe that person has just never had someone show them the basic human respect of listening to them. Everyone deserves to be heard, and sometimes just giving someone the respect of listening to them opens their mind a bit.


Yeah. I agree.
You appear to be addressing me.

"Conservative". Okay Jillian, tell me, what are my positions on:

  • War
  • Foreign policy
  • Gay rights
  • Abortion
  • Individual income taxation
  • Health Care
Go ahead, you must know.


your positions have been clearly stated in your posts.

but that isn't what we are talking about. you are whining about some nebulous feeling that you can't say what you think for fear of retribution. that is the only issue i thought this thread was referencing.

and i said that you can say whatever you want. but people are going to respond accordingly.

Mac is a pro choice, anti war, gay friendly, single payer ( if private ) liberal who wants to reduce taxes on corporations to 10% or less and he is never offended by anything......except when someone else get offended. He can't stand that shit. Mac trusts the free market to protect the rights of minorities. We don't need no stinkin' laws for that.

Mac despises President Obama and bought fully into the "you didn't build that" fake outrage.

Mac also despises George Bush, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren and every other potential US president.


Are YOU right? Of course you are and funny as hell also.

But I never did understand how a person with Macs obvious listening skills believed that the "you didn't build that" comment wasn't taken out of context and misused.

As Mac has used that comment repeatedly in posts, it leaves me to believe that his vaunted listening and understanding skills suck. IMO. But then, I am on Mac's ignore list also.
I don't care enough about them as people to want to "change" their minds. HOnestly, if they are completely fucking miserable watching two dudes kiss on TV, I'm really kind of good with that.

Well, we're different people, and I may well be Pollyanna. But we are what we are.

I think there are usually reasons for behavior, and sometimes a reason may be a lack of information, or bad information. No doubt the way they were raised can play a part. Or maybe that person has just never had someone show them the basic human respect of listening to them. Everyone deserves to be heard, and sometimes just giving someone the respect of listening to them opens their mind a bit.


NO, they really don't.

Frankly, you seem to spend a lot of time worried about homophobes like Sil and Kondor not being "heard", but you don't spend a lot of time listening to them.

I've tried reasoning with these people, realized they can't be reasoned with, and just concluded the best approach is to run them over with a bulldozer.

You want to be a bigot, fine. But if you spew that shit in public, you will lose your job. YOu will lose business. We will yank you off your TV show or not give you one to start with.

And I'm totally good with that.
your positions have been clearly stated in your posts.

but that isn't what we are talking about. you are whining about some nebulous feeling that you can't say what you think for fear of retribution. that is the only issue i thought this thread was referencing.

and i said that you can say whatever you want. but people are going to respond accordingly.

Mac is a pro choice, anti war, gay friendly, single payer ( if private ) liberal who wants to reduce taxes on corporations to 10% or less and he is never offended by anything......except when someone else get offended. He can't stand that shit. Mac trusts the free market to protect the rights of minorities. We don't need no stinkin' laws for that.

Mac despises President Obama and bought fully into the "you didn't build that" fake outrage.

Mac also despises George Bush, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren and every other potential US president.


Are YOU right? Of course you are and funny as hell also.

But I never did understand how a person with Macs obvious listening skills believed that the "you didn't build that" comment wasn't taken out of context and misused.

As Mac has used that comment repeatedly in posts, it leaves me to believe that his vaunted listening and understanding skills suck. IMO. But then, I am on Mac's ignore list also.

What? He ignores you too? My goodness! How odd.
I don't care enough about them as people to want to "change" their minds. HOnestly, if they are completely fucking miserable watching two dudes kiss on TV, I'm really kind of good with that.

Well, we're different people, and I may well be Pollyanna. But we are what we are.

I think there are usually reasons for behavior, and sometimes a reason may be a lack of information, or bad information. No doubt the way they were raised can play a part. Or maybe that person has just never had someone show them the basic human respect of listening to them. Everyone deserves to be heard, and sometimes just giving someone the respect of listening to them opens their mind a bit.


NO, they really don't.

Frankly, you seem to spend a lot of time worried about homophobes like Sil and Kondor not being "heard", but you don't spend a lot of time listening to them.

I've tried reasoning with these people, realized they can't be reasoned with, and just concluded the best approach is to run them over with a bulldozer.

You want to be a bigot, fine. But if you spew that shit in public, you will lose your job. YOu will lose business. We will yank you off your TV show or not give you one to start with.

And I'm totally good with that.

Please remember. Mac is not a bigot. Mac just wants to allow Bigots to decide for themselves that being a bigot ain't cool. No matter how long that takes and no matter how many are discriminated against in the process.

We need to be calm and mature when dealing with bigots. They deserve it!
Mac is a pro choice, anti war, gay friendly, single payer ( if private ) liberal who wants to reduce taxes on corporations to 10% or less and he is never offended by anything......except when someone else get offended. He can't stand that shit. Mac trusts the free market to protect the rights of minorities. We don't need no stinkin' laws for that.

Mac despises President Obama and bought fully into the "you didn't build that" fake outrage.

Mac also despises George Bush, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren and every other potential US president.


Are YOU right? Of course you are and funny as hell also.

But I never did understand how a person with Macs obvious listening skills believed that the "you didn't build that" comment wasn't taken out of context and misused.

As Mac has used that comment repeatedly in posts, it leaves me to believe that his vaunted listening and understanding skills suck. IMO. But then, I am on Mac's ignore list also.

What? He ignores you too? My goodness! How odd.

i don't understand putting people on ignore. its easy enough to scroll by someone you don't want to respond to.

Are YOU right? Of course you are and funny as hell also.

But I never did understand how a person with Macs obvious listening skills believed that the "you didn't build that" comment wasn't taken out of context and misused.

As Mac has used that comment repeatedly in posts, it leaves me to believe that his vaunted listening and understanding skills suck. IMO. But then, I am on Mac's ignore list also.

What? He ignores you too? My goodness! How odd.

i don't understand putting people on ignore. its easy enough to scroll by someone you don't want to respond to.


Holy crap, look at all this conversation about little ol' me.

Jillian, I just have two folks on ignore and it's really because of my own weakness. I've learned that it is essentially impossible to have honest conversations with them and I just don't want to be tempted to allow myself to be dragged into conversations with them. So yeah, it's my issue, not theirs.

Full disclosure: I wish there were a way I could also make my posts invisible to them, but I don't think there is. They keep posting to me and asking me questions, evidently hoping that someone else will quote them. Weird.

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What? He ignores you too? My goodness! How odd.

i don't understand putting people on ignore. its easy enough to scroll by someone you don't want to respond to.


Holy crap, look at all this conversation about little ol' me.

Jillian, I just have two folks on ignore and it's really because of my own weakness. I've learned that it is essentially impossible to have honest conversations with them and I just don't want to be tempted to allow myself to be dragged into conversations with them. So yeah, it's my issue, not theirs.


Nope. You mistake someone holding you accountable for your words with someone being dishonest. You don't like that. I get it.
What? He ignores you too? My goodness! How odd.

i don't understand putting people on ignore. its easy enough to scroll by someone you don't want to respond to.


Holy crap, look at all this conversation about little ol' me.

Jillian, I just have two folks on ignore and it's really because of my own weakness. I've learned that it is essentially impossible to have honest conversations with them and I just don't want to be tempted to allow myself to be dragged into conversations with them. So yeah, it's my issue, not theirs.

Full disclosure: I wish there were a way I could also make my posts invisible to them, but I don't think there is. They keep posting to me and asking me questions, evidently hoping that someone else will quote them. Weird.


Holy shit Mac. This is YOUR thread and YOUR opinions. Wtf are we supposed to talk about? The weather?

"Honest conversation" and "debate", I hear those terms used quite a bit on here. Why in the world anyone would think that a true "debate" could take place over the internet in this format is funny as hell. And proof that the person thinking this is a "debate" forum has their head up their ass when it comes to what a real "debate" is.

The other part "honest conversation" is equally as funny. No one on here is doing this to win the hearts and minds of other posters. This is much more like real life. Some people you come in contact with every day you don't like and fuck with them. Some you do like and let them know that. And others are just to fucking stupid to mess with so they get ignored.

But I don't put them on "ignore". Why would I do that? Sometimes the shit they write is funny. Like with Mac. Or the Rabbit. The T. Temple of Shit. The list could go on and on.

But we sure are having fun are we not? That's what this is all about. Trading insults and having fun. Oh and expressing our most heartfelt opinions and beliefs to be ridiculed and made fun of by assholes who don't hold the same heartfelt opinions and beliefs. LMAO.

And some of us started posting to learn to type better and faster. Worked for me.
i don't understand putting people on ignore. its easy enough to scroll by someone you don't want to respond to.


Holy crap, look at all this conversation about little ol' me.

Jillian, I just have two folks on ignore and it's really because of my own weakness. I've learned that it is essentially impossible to have honest conversations with them and I just don't want to be tempted to allow myself to be dragged into conversations with them. So yeah, it's my issue, not theirs.

Full disclosure: I wish there were a way I could also make my posts invisible to them, but I don't think there is. They keep posting to me and asking me questions, evidently hoping that someone else will quote them. Weird.


Holy shit Mac. This is YOUR thread and YOUR opinions. Wtf are we supposed to talk about? The weather?

"Honest conversation" and "debate", I hear those terms used quite a bit on here. Why in the world anyone would think that a true "debate" could take place over the internet in this format is funny as hell. And proof that the person thinking this is a "debate" forum has their head up their ass when it comes to what a real "debate" is.

The other part "honest conversation" is equally as funny. No one on here is doing this to win the hearts and minds of other posters. This is much more like real life. Some people you come in contact with every day you don't like and fuck with them. Some you do like and let them know that. And others are just to fucking stupid to mess with so they get ignored.

But I don't put them on "ignore". Why would I do that? Sometimes the shit they write is funny. Like with Mac. Or the Rabbit. The T. Temple of Shit. The list could go on and on.

But we sure are having fun are we not? That's what this is all about. Trading insults and having fun. Oh and expressing our most heartfelt opinions and beliefs to be ridiculed and made fun of by assholes who don't hold the same heartfelt opinions and beliefs. LMAO.

And some of us started posting to learn to type better and faster. Worked for me.

I'm still hunting and pecking.
What? He ignores you too? My goodness! How odd.

i don't understand putting people on ignore. its easy enough to scroll by someone you don't want to respond to.


Holy crap, look at all this conversation about little ol' me.

Jillian, I just have two folks on ignore and it's really because of my own weakness. I've learned that it is essentially impossible to have honest conversations with them and I just don't want to be tempted to allow myself to be dragged into conversations with them. So yeah, it's my issue, not theirs.

Full disclosure: I wish there were a way I could also make my posts invisible to them, but I don't think there is. They keep posting to me and asking me questions, evidently hoping that someone else will quote them. Weird.


er... you're the one who started the thread. i assume your intent was to have it discussed.


if not, i'd suggest you've gone about this wrong.

there are plenty of people on this board whose interaction with me consists of calling me names. and not ones i'd repeat... ignore? it's too much fun to watch people melt down.
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The left has succeeded yet. They are marshaling their forces to succeed by bringing together Islamic militants, drug cartels and race based gangs so that they can succeed, but there is still part of America that breathes.

what do you mean by the bolded above ? hummmmmmm !!
if not, i'd suggest you've gone about this wrong.

Wrong? Meh. I always offer my little opinions without personal insults and name-calling. That puts me in the minority here, so I'm usually comfortable with my approach.


You most certainly insult others. You do so without using the words usually associated with insults. The fact that you think we don't know this is yet another insult.

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