The American Resurgence

Should Federal Income Tax Be Eliminated for Earnings Below $150,000

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Eliminating The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps) will save the Federal Government $70.9bn based on the cost of the program in 2016.

America would be spending $700bn every decade on SNAP if we continue this trend.

Low Income Workers should be freed from Federal Income Tax, Payroll Taxes.

What is the point in taking tax from low income workers then giving it back in SNAP and other Welfare spending.

It makes no sense to me...
In reducing the welfare budget even further non US citizens should be stopped from accessing Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or food stamps), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid. This would reduce Federal Government expenditure even further..

Local and State Governments should also be reforming their tax systems to eliminate taxation on the low and middle income groups to further reinforce the benefit of working for a living as opposed to living off welfare.

I have often said to friends that State Government should not start taxing its citizens through Income Tax until they earn $40,000 because this would reduce the Disincentive to Work forced upon people by the Welfare State and its bureaucratic rules and lack of clear logical organisation. No change there then folks...
Let's get DOD in half.

We will have plenty for defense and American needs.
Your personal insult is simply lame. Consider that I have done very well in life, have several homes paid for, a wonderful retirement that probably exceeds your annual income by six to eight times each year, and have all the time I want to post about silly posters' posts.

Once again, reining the DOD and put cost savings on the rest of the fed budget would greatly relieve the pressures on the working poor.
Most of the Federal Government is unconstitutional. They are not supposed to have that power. They shouldnt and they still get more power every day.
A real revolution needs to consist of putting the fed gov back in their damn place. Not discriminating against ambitious people.

They waste so much money, it's pathetic.
Your personal insult is simply lame. Consider that I have done very well in life, have several homes paid for, a wonderful retirement that probably exceeds your annual income by six to eight times each year, and have all the time I want to post about silly posters' posts.

Once again, reining the DOD and put cost savings on the rest of the fed budget would greatly relieve the pressures on the working poor.
the dumbest people on the internet are always loaded :rolleyes:
Eliminating The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps) will save the Federal Government $70.9bn based on the cost of the program in 2016.

America would be spending $700bn every decade on SNAP if we continue this trend.

Low Income Workers should be freed from Federal Income Tax, Payroll Taxes.

What is the point in taking tax from low income workers then giving it back in SNAP and other Welfare spending.

It makes no sense to me...
Thats a pretty good point..
The American Resurgence can only be achieved through a revolutionary reform of the US Federal Tax Code.

It is time for wealth redistribution from the Federal Government to every single American Citizen through exempting every American Family from Income Tax if they earn less than $150,000 per annum.

The elimination of the Federal Gasoline Tax will end the War on The American Motorist because American Families have been over taxed by high spending - high spending administration for far too long.

The New American Revolution beats in the hearts and minds of the American People who want their taxes back, their jobs back and their country back.

Cutting Payroll Taxes will reduce the cost of employing American Workers and will reduce the cost differential between creating Jobs in America and creating Jobs outside of America.

Why do you want to make big business more filthy rich?

Why do you want to further deny our nation the needed revenues that pay our bills, runs and maintains our government?

Why don't you want wage distribution more fair?

Why do you think it's the federal government's job to pay people?

The answer isn't more tax cuts. It's raising wages and making sure proper benefits are available to all workers.

You're suggesting more of the same garbage from conservatives. You're denying our nation the proper revenues to be a super power to pay workers wages that employers should be paying.

Meanwhile our roads are falling apart. Our bridges are falling down. Schools in rural areas are being closed due to not having enough money to keep them open. Our deficit and debt skyrocketing because of all the tax cuts.

Please take an honest economics course or read a reputable economics book.

The federal government can raise the minimum wage, they can pass a law that requires all employers to offer a minimum benefit package that includes health insurance. And not limit it to those who work 20 hours or more but for everyone to encourage employers to offer 40 hour work weeks to everyone who wants them. Make overtime pay more fair. Make good and affordable child care available.

Start taxing high wages and salaries at a higher rate. Which isn't designed to actually collect that revenue but to encourage the filthy rich from taking high wages from the company which will result in lower prices for goods and services, allow employees to get paid much better with better benefits, will be one of the fastest ways to close that wage gap. It will also cause money to remain in the company making the company stronger thus allowing them to get through bad economies better without having to run to us tax payers to bail them out. Basically put some restrictions on greed.

Giving more tax cuts that will do more harm to our nation will only allow employers to keep paying low wages and pocket all the profits while they keep increasing the price of their goods and services. Which causes the wage gap to continue to be huge and very much out of control.

Your solution isn't a solution and will make the problem even more worse than it is now while denying our nation the proper revenues we need to remain a super power.
Well if people werent taxed on low and middle incomes they would no longer need welfare benefits.

If they were paid proper wages they wouldn't need welfare benefits either.

The companies have the money to pay those wages yet they don't and give the ceos and executives huge salaries with fantastic benefits and perks.

It's not a good idea to cause more huge debt on the nation while allowing a small group of people to become even more filthy rich.
Right America has had stimulus packages that included large amounts of money spent on infrastructure under Obama. Where has all that money gone?

What did we get for the money..

Who said about big business being made more wealthy I was concentrating on individuals and Families. In America if you earn under $150,000 you are hardly wealthy..

I do read voluminously read economics from the Left and the Right.

Every year $100 is reduced in purchasing power because of the the Federal Reserve.

If that $100 was not reduced in purchasing power there would far fewer poor people in America today..

Inflation attacks the poor and those who are on fixed incomes and that is why you will never combat poverty unless you stop Inflation dead in its tracks.

Big Business does not like free markets because in free markets business has to compete on price and price competition means lower prices for goods in order to persuade consumers to shop at Shop A versus Shop B if you pump the economy full of money those big businesses will simply sit back and raise prices..

The Cost of Living should be attacked and attacked most violently through States abolishing Sales Taxes that inflate the cost of living.

We need to radically restructure, reform, and replace parts our of local and national government.

I believe in Lower Taxes
I believe in Lower Public Spending
I believe in National Debt Control
I believe in America

I do not believe that all the dollars spent on welfare, corporate welfare, Foreign Aid, pensions and payoffs for Politicians has been money well spent.

I believe there is an alternative to the malaise that this country has been slowly dragged into over decades.

I believe those responsible for creating the problems should pay for the burden.

Hence why I have advocated in earlier posts cutting salaries, pensions, perks, deductions for Politicians.

I believe in rebuilding America into the great nation it was and will be again.
He was the only smaller government candidate on ballots in every state.
How many electoral votes did he get? Did he get any?

Not that I know of. Our system of winner take all was well designed to keep anyone from upsetting the uni-party we have now

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Oh. I was just wondering.

Ron Paul wasn't on the ballot but he picked up 1 electoral vote. That's who I wrote in. There's still some refuseniks out there.

Our current system is terrible and discourages people from voting in my opinion. In almost all states you know before the election who is going to win the state and a vote for anyone but them is a wasted vote.

I agree.

Maine is trying a new way to vote this year and the people there will be able to vote whether to make that system permanent.

It's called "rank choice." Where you don't vote for just one person but can vote for your second and third choice too. Which is a good solution to the wasted vote problem we have now. So if one candidate doesn't get over 50% of the vote, there's a run off with the second choice winner. So a person can vote for that 3rd party knowing that vote isn't going to be a wasted vote. If their first choice doesn't win, their second choice could thus giving people more choice, encouraging more people to vote and helping to get rid of the feeling voting is futile because your vote is wasted.

We can also get rid of all the barriers states have put in place to prevent people from voting.
Eliminating The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps) will save the Federal Government $70.9bn based on the cost of the program in 2016.

America would be spending $700bn every decade on SNAP if we continue this trend.
Yeah, fuck the poor! They're lazy.
Nobody said they were lazy I know many disabled low income people personally and I was unemployed for few years myself actually...
Economic Theory of Regulation George Stigler articulated a viewpoint that stated that in the relationship between Regulators and those who are Regulated.

Interest groups and other political participants will use the regulatory and coercive powers of government to shape laws and regulations in a way that is beneficial to them.

I believe that the State should be run for every single citizen not select groups of citizens be they Labor Unions, Bankers, Government Employees...

The American Government serves The American People I believe it is time to put that principle back into Government because I have heard Liberals back track and even Conservatives back track.
Tax and Welfare Simplification should include the elimination of Federal Social Security Taxes for all Citizens earning below $150,000 because there is no rational logic in deducting taxes from people and then giving it back in Food Stamps, School Lunches and associative welfare benefits.

It is time for a welfare revolution in America because from the people I have spoken to believe in the ladder of opportunity not the queue for welfare.

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