The Ancient Black Hebrews

What people fit this description? The Ashkenazi Jews were never enslaved and transported via ship. We know they dont literally mean Egypt because they wouldnt need a ship to get to Egypt. Also using your own interpretation Egypt means misery or in the case for Black people the US.

Bible Gateway passage: Deuteronomy 28 - New International Version

And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.

There is no mention of slavery but there is the one verse that disproves your point...
62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou didst not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.
Jews have faced persecutions throughout history that have kept their numbers below 13 million.
I believe there are way more Blacks than Jews.

Also keep in mind that history has not been particularly kind to many peoples due to oppression.
One verse doesnt disprove a point and yes a bondsman is another name for a slave. You still have not answered to the other prophecies. When you take each group and line them up next to the prophecies the vast majority of the prophecies match Black people and not the Ashkenazi Jews. The proponderance of the evidence shows Black dark skinned people are the real Hebrews.

One glaring example is that the Jews are not supposed to return to Israel until the coming of god. Another glaring example is the prophecy that the name of Israel will be lost to you. The Ashkenazi Jews are in Israel right now and they never lost the understanding that they were Jews.

Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 83:1-4 - King James Version

1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

(Whites have been caught in too many lies to count concerning Black people)

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

This is the kicker. Askenazi Jews have always known they were Jews as a group. Most Black people would look at you like you were crazy if a Black person said they were Hebrew. Whites even try to deny the egyptian descendants of Ham are Black and the founders of Sumer are Black even though it plainly states Nimrod a son of Cush founded it. I know its because its too close to this issue we are discussing right now.

Do yourself a favor, if you're going to quote a Psalm, quote the whole thing.
Nowhere in this Psalm does it say the enemies of God and the Jews succeed.
In fact, the verses are pretty concrete and don't support your thesis at all.

And please stop dismissing the verses that I quote to deflate your general statements.
I only quoted the per tenant parts. If you have something that says the enemies of god and the Hebrews will not succeed please post it. From what I have been told those verses are prophecies that are absolutely going to come true. Again if you have something to the contrary please post it instead of just assuming I will take your word for it.

Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.

There is some charm to your delusions...
The Brothers completely gave up and Jews disappeared from the face of the earth.
A few million European Honkies came along and decided to be butchered and persecuted by Christians and Muslim for over 1,000 years and converted to Judaism even though the Brothers weren't around to show European Honky how to concert properly and Honky Jew simply recreated their own version of Judaism from scratch.

Did you get this from Mel Brooks?

Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.
What people fit this description? The Ashkenazi Jews were never enslaved and transported via ship. We know they dont literally mean Egypt because they wouldnt need a ship to get to Egypt. Also using your own interpretation Egypt means misery or in the case for Black people the US.

Bible Gateway passage: Deuteronomy 28 - New International Version

And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.

There is no mention of slavery but there is the one verse that disproves your point...
62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou didst not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.
Jews have faced persecutions throughout history that have kept their numbers below 13 million.
I believe there are way more Blacks than Jews.

Also keep in mind that history has not been particularly kind to many peoples due to oppression.
One verse doesnt disprove a point and yes a bondsman is another name for a slave. You still have not answered to the other prophecies. When you take each group and line them up next to the prophecies the vast majority of the prophecies match Black people and not the Ashkenazi Jews. The proponderance of the evidence shows Black dark skinned people are the real Hebrews.

One glaring example is that the Jews are not supposed to return to Israel until the coming of god. Another glaring example is the prophecy that the name of Israel will be lost to you. The Ashkenazi Jews are in Israel right now and they never lost the understanding that they were Jews.

Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 83:1-4 - King James Version

1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

(Whites have been caught in too many lies to count concerning Black people)

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

This is the kicker. Askenazi Jews have always known they were Jews as a group. Most Black people would look at you like you were crazy if a Black person said they were Hebrew. Whites even try to deny the egyptian descendants of Ham are Black and the founders of Sumer are Black even though it plainly states Nimrod a son of Cush founded it. I know its because its too close to this issue we are discussing right now.

Do yourself a favor, if you're going to quote a Psalm, quote the whole thing.
Nowhere in this Psalm does it say the enemies of God and the Jews succeed.
In fact, the verses are pretty concrete and don't support your thesis at all.

And please stop dismissing the verses that I quote to deflate your general statements.
I only quoted the per tenant parts. If you have something that says the enemies of god and the Hebrews will not succeed please post it. From what I have been told those verses are prophecies that are absolutely going to come true. Again if you have something to the contrary please post it instead of just assuming I will take your word for it.

Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.


I just looked up your link and it leads to a book written by an Ashkenazi Jew. Thats not an objective source at all.

There is some charm to your delusions...
The Brothers completely gave up and Jews disappeared from the face of the earth.
A few million European Honkies came along and decided to be butchered and persecuted by Christians and Muslim for over 1,000 years and converted to Judaism even though the Brothers weren't around to show European Honky how to concert properly and Honky Jew simply recreated their own version of Judaism from scratch.

Did you get this from Mel Brooks?

Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.


There is some charm to your delusions...
The Brothers completely gave up and Jews disappeared from the face of the earth.
A few million European Honkies came along and decided to be butchered and persecuted by Christians and Muslim for over 1,000 years and converted to Judaism even though the Brothers weren't around to show European Honky how to concert properly and Honky Jew simply recreated their own version of Judaism from scratch.

Did you get this from Mel Brooks?

Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.


Not until you give me the link I asked for.
There is no mention of slavery but there is the one verse that disproves your point...
62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou didst not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.
Jews have faced persecutions throughout history that have kept their numbers below 13 million.
I believe there are way more Blacks than Jews.

Also keep in mind that history has not been particularly kind to many peoples due to oppression.
One verse doesnt disprove a point and yes a bondsman is another name for a slave. You still have not answered to the other prophecies. When you take each group and line them up next to the prophecies the vast majority of the prophecies match Black people and not the Ashkenazi Jews. The proponderance of the evidence shows Black dark skinned people are the real Hebrews.

One glaring example is that the Jews are not supposed to return to Israel until the coming of god. Another glaring example is the prophecy that the name of Israel will be lost to you. The Ashkenazi Jews are in Israel right now and they never lost the understanding that they were Jews.

Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 83:1-4 - King James Version

1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

(Whites have been caught in too many lies to count concerning Black people)

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

This is the kicker. Askenazi Jews have always known they were Jews as a group. Most Black people would look at you like you were crazy if a Black person said they were Hebrew. Whites even try to deny the egyptian descendants of Ham are Black and the founders of Sumer are Black even though it plainly states Nimrod a son of Cush founded it. I know its because its too close to this issue we are discussing right now.

Do yourself a favor, if you're going to quote a Psalm, quote the whole thing.
Nowhere in this Psalm does it say the enemies of God and the Jews succeed.
In fact, the verses are pretty concrete and don't support your thesis at all.

And please stop dismissing the verses that I quote to deflate your general statements.
I only quoted the per tenant parts. If you have something that says the enemies of god and the Hebrews will not succeed please post it. From what I have been told those verses are prophecies that are absolutely going to come true. Again if you have something to the contrary please post it instead of just assuming I will take your word for it.

Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.

You didn't read all 19 verses.
The Psalmist is asking God to intercede in a possible situation.
You have not yet learned to read each and every word, sentence and the entire paragraph.
There are many instances in which a Psalmist asks God to intercede and the reader must read Samuel or Kings to find out what actually happened.

There is some charm to your delusions...
The Brothers completely gave up and Jews disappeared from the face of the earth.
A few million European Honkies came along and decided to be butchered and persecuted by Christians and Muslim for over 1,000 years and converted to Judaism even though the Brothers weren't around to show European Honky how to concert properly and Honky Jew simply recreated their own version of Judaism from scratch.

Did you get this from Mel Brooks?

Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.


Not until you give me the link I asked for.

You haven't given me the line where the enemy carries out their plan.
One verse doesnt disprove a point and yes a bondsman is another name for a slave. You still have not answered to the other prophecies. When you take each group and line them up next to the prophecies the vast majority of the prophecies match Black people and not the Ashkenazi Jews. The proponderance of the evidence shows Black dark skinned people are the real Hebrews.

One glaring example is that the Jews are not supposed to return to Israel until the coming of god. Another glaring example is the prophecy that the name of Israel will be lost to you. The Ashkenazi Jews are in Israel right now and they never lost the understanding that they were Jews.

Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 83:1-4 - King James Version

1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

(Whites have been caught in too many lies to count concerning Black people)

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

This is the kicker. Askenazi Jews have always known they were Jews as a group. Most Black people would look at you like you were crazy if a Black person said they were Hebrew. Whites even try to deny the egyptian descendants of Ham are Black and the founders of Sumer are Black even though it plainly states Nimrod a son of Cush founded it. I know its because its too close to this issue we are discussing right now.

Do yourself a favor, if you're going to quote a Psalm, quote the whole thing.
Nowhere in this Psalm does it say the enemies of God and the Jews succeed.
In fact, the verses are pretty concrete and don't support your thesis at all.

And please stop dismissing the verses that I quote to deflate your general statements.
I only quoted the per tenant parts. If you have something that says the enemies of god and the Hebrews will not succeed please post it. From what I have been told those verses are prophecies that are absolutely going to come true. Again if you have something to the contrary please post it instead of just assuming I will take your word for it.

Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.

You didn't read all 19 verses.
The Psalmist is asking God to intercede in a possible situation.
You have not yet learned to read each and every word, sentence and the entire paragraph.
There are many instances in which a Psalmist asks God to intercede and the reader must read Samuel or Kings to find out what actually happened.
So link the relevant passages that disprove what I have posted. That should be pretty simple.

There is some charm to your delusions...
The Brothers completely gave up and Jews disappeared from the face of the earth.
A few million European Honkies came along and decided to be butchered and persecuted by Christians and Muslim for over 1,000 years and converted to Judaism even though the Brothers weren't around to show European Honky how to concert properly and Honky Jew simply recreated their own version of Judaism from scratch.

Did you get this from Mel Brooks?

Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.


Not until you give me the link I asked for.

You haven't given me the line where the enemy carries out their plan.

Because you havent given me anything but talk. I need some proof.
Do yourself a favor, if you're going to quote a Psalm, quote the whole thing.
Nowhere in this Psalm does it say the enemies of God and the Jews succeed.
In fact, the verses are pretty concrete and don't support your thesis at all.

And please stop dismissing the verses that I quote to deflate your general statements.
I only quoted the per tenant parts. If you have something that says the enemies of god and the Hebrews will not succeed please post it. From what I have been told those verses are prophecies that are absolutely going to come true. Again if you have something to the contrary please post it instead of just assuming I will take your word for it.

Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.

You didn't read all 19 verses.
The Psalmist is asking God to intercede in a possible situation.
You have not yet learned to read each and every word, sentence and the entire paragraph.
There are many instances in which a Psalmist asks God to intercede and the reader must read Samuel or Kings to find out what actually happened.
So link the relevant passages that disprove what I have posted. That should be pretty simple.

That's your job, but listen to the class.
It's an hour long that I don't have available this evening.
There is some charm to your delusions...
The Brothers completely gave up and Jews disappeared from the face of the earth.
A few million European Honkies came along and decided to be butchered and persecuted by Christians and Muslim for over 1,000 years and converted to Judaism even though the Brothers weren't around to show European Honky how to concert properly and Honky Jew simply recreated their own version of Judaism from scratch.

Did you get this from Mel Brooks?
Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.

Not until you give me the link I asked for.
You haven't given me the line where the enemy carries out their plan.
Because you havent given me anything but talk. I need some proof.

Nothing I post will satisfy your cherry picking until you start from the beginning.
Torah is not a sound-bite contest.
I only quoted the per tenant parts. If you have something that says the enemies of god and the Hebrews will not succeed please post it. From what I have been told those verses are prophecies that are absolutely going to come true. Again if you have something to the contrary please post it instead of just assuming I will take your word for it.

Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.

You didn't read all 19 verses.
The Psalmist is asking God to intercede in a possible situation.
You have not yet learned to read each and every word, sentence and the entire paragraph.
There are many instances in which a Psalmist asks God to intercede and the reader must read Samuel or Kings to find out what actually happened.
So link the relevant passages that disprove what I have posted. That should be pretty simple.

That's your job, but listen to the class.
It's an hour long that I don't have available this evening.
I already did my job. You disagree so provide the proof.
Nope. The brothers didnt give up. According to the Romans over a million Black Hebrews fled into Africa like they always did when under attack. According to the Romans the Hebrews were Black. European converts indeed took up the mantle. Thats been proven since they didnt come from Shemetic stock. They were rewarded with the land of Israel.

Not until you give me the link I asked for.
You haven't given me the line where the enemy carries out their plan.
Because you havent given me anything but talk. I need some proof.

Nothing I post will satisfy your cherry picking until you start from the beginning.
Torah is not a sound-bite contest.
So you are claiming that passages in the Torah cannot stand on their own without reading the entire Torah? I wont accept that because its silly.
Read the Psalm and the Book of Samuel and...Oh, I give up!
You CAN'T learn anything Biblical piecemeal.

The Hirsch Tehillim (English and Hebrew)- New Revised edition (English and Hebrew Edition): Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch: 9781598260458: Books

Stop grasping at straws.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.

You didn't read all 19 verses.
The Psalmist is asking God to intercede in a possible situation.
You have not yet learned to read each and every word, sentence and the entire paragraph.
There are many instances in which a Psalmist asks God to intercede and the reader must read Samuel or Kings to find out what actually happened.
So link the relevant passages that disprove what I have posted. That should be pretty simple.

That's your job, but listen to the class.
It's an hour long that I don't have available this evening.
I already did my job. You disagree so provide the proof.

Sound bites, my friend, are meaningful only to those with an immediate agenda.
I see nothing here that says the prophecies will not come true.

Neither do you see where they came true.
Also, is the Psalmist relating an urgent situation or making a universal statement to thwart enemies for all times and places?
Yes I do see where they came true and stated as much. For example most Blacks have no clue they are the true Hebrews. "the name of Israel will not be remembered."
Not until you give me the link I asked for.
You haven't given me the line where the enemy carries out their plan.
Because you havent given me anything but talk. I need some proof.

Nothing I post will satisfy your cherry picking until you start from the beginning.
Torah is not a sound-bite contest.
So you are claiming that passages in the Torah cannot stand on their own without reading the entire Torah? I wont accept that because its silly.

There is saying in the Yeshiva world...
Why are laws that are similar in theme scattered throughout the Torah?
Because you have to know everything to know something.
God wants dedication, not Trivial Pursuit.
No. I am not going to let you off easy. Please post the pertinent verses that say the prophecies are not going to come true.

You didn't read all 19 verses.
The Psalmist is asking God to intercede in a possible situation.
You have not yet learned to read each and every word, sentence and the entire paragraph.
There are many instances in which a Psalmist asks God to intercede and the reader must read Samuel or Kings to find out what actually happened.
So link the relevant passages that disprove what I have posted. That should be pretty simple.

That's your job, but listen to the class.
It's an hour long that I don't have available this evening.
I already did my job. You disagree so provide the proof.

Sound bites, my friend, are meaningful only to those with an immediate agenda.
Your job is to prove the sound bites cannot stand on their own. For example. I can prove biblically that a Black man founded Sumer with 3 passages Gen 10:8-10

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