The 'Angry White Male' Phenomena in America = WTF Is Going On???

Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

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If you check the stats whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes as blacks. And your response will be arguing per capita which is an argument with no merit. No, you don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's another dumb excuse.

Why are white men mad in the first place?
You are mathematically disabled. If there are 10X more white people then 3X more crime is actually lower than statistics would indicate
It’s Libbie 101 to try and pass off hard numbers and percentages as the same thing.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

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If you check the stats whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes as blacks. And your response will be arguing per capita which is an argument with no merit. No, you don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's another dumb excuse.

Why are white men mad in the first place?
You are mathematically disabled. If there are 10X more white people then 3X more crime is actually lower than statistics would indicate
It’s Libbie 101 to try and pass off hard numbers and percentages as the same thing.

There aren't 10x more whites and not everyone from any race commits crimes. So the accurate way to measure this is by the numbers of a race that participates in crime. Whites participated in nearly 3 times the number of crimes than blacks. By both percentage and numbers whites commit the most crime, specifically white men.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

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If you check the stats whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes as blacks. And your response will be arguing per capita which is an argument with no merit. No, you don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's another dumb excuse.

Why are white men mad in the first place?
You are mathematically disabled. If there are 10X more white people then 3X more crime is actually lower than statistics would indicate
It’s Libbie 101 to try and pass off hard numbers and percentages as the same thing.

There aren't 10x more whites and not everyone from any race commits crimes. So the accurate way to measure this is by the numbers of a race that participates in crime. Whites participated in nearly 3 times the number of crimes than blacks. By both percentage and numbers whites commit the most crime, specifically white men.
As a percentage of the population white men do not commit more crimes than black men. The gross number of crimes committed by white men May be higher than black men because there are so many more white men.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you check the stats whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes as blacks. And your response will be arguing per capita which is an argument with no merit. No, you don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's another dumb excuse.

Why are white men mad in the first place?
You are mathematically disabled. If there are 10X more white people then 3X more crime is actually lower than statistics would indicate
It’s Libbie 101 to try and pass off hard numbers and percentages as the same thing.

There aren't 10x more whites and not everyone from any race commits crimes. So the accurate way to measure this is by the numbers of a race that participates in crime. Whites participated in nearly 3 times the number of crimes than blacks. By both percentage and numbers whites commit the most crime, specifically white men.
As a percentage of the population white men do not commit more crimes than black men. The gross number of crimes committed by white men May be higher than black men because there are so many more white men.

As a percentage of the population that participates in criminal activity white men commit nearly 3 times the number of crimes than black men. You don't get to commit more crimes because you have more people. Whites also have more of the things that prevent crime.
Its just best to let them get it out of their system!
I tried twice to give him the facts but his type of retardation can be contagious even through the internet so would you mind giving it one shot?
In 2017 there were 8,162,849 arrests. There is just over 330 million people here. If a different person was arrested each time that would equal 2.5 percent of the American population. The per capita argument begins with an erroneous premise that is based on a misuse of percentages. For example, the claim that blacks commit 50 percent of the murders. The numbers show that 5,025 blacks were arrested for murder. While that is 53 percent of the arrests, if a different black person was arrested you're talking about 1000th of 1 percent of the population.

The entire black or white race are not responsible for committing crimes. In 2017 there were 8,162,849 arrests, 5.6 million of those arrested were white. 69 percent of Americans participating in criminal activity were white. 2.5 times more whites participated in criminal activity than blacks or anyone else.

Numbers I use are from the “ 2017 FBI Uniform Crime Report”. At the time of writing the 2018 report was in it’s preliminary stages. The tired use of per capita must stop. The math we can use to be more accurate is exists and it is elementary. Since all people of any race do not commit crime. At minimum we can only assess crime fairly by looking only at the number of people by race who commit or are arrested for crimes. If we want to talk about population, we can only measure the number of participants in crime as a percentage of the population. This has been done by many who honestly study these matters, but this book is written for us regular Joes and Joannes who do not spend their days analyzing such data.

As I stated earlier, the math is elementary. In this case, I divided the number of people arrested by race against the population of the United States in 2017 that was provided in the Uniform Crime Report.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?

Black males who commit crimes normally do not do so because of a political, race-based, gender-based, or religion-based motive. These "angry white men" are trying to play identity politics. Nobody did anything to them as a group. Zilch, zero, nada. There is no comparison with what these guys are trying to do and common street crime. You are just trying to deflect.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?
My shit is together. But maybe you brown folks should quit poking da bear.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

You are a very angry person.
Good thing hes too stupid to act on his anger.
It's best that whites like you started looking at the facts.

The facts are multiple groups of people can't get along. The solutions is to separate them.

No! We must continue to force wildly divergent groups to live in close proximity and continuously demean the most successful group as being to blame for the other's inadequacies because that's working out so well for us.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?

Black males who commit crimes normally do not do so because of a political, race-based, gender-based, or religion-based motive. These "angry white men" are trying to play identity politics. Nobody did anything to them as a group. Zilch, zero, nada. There is no comparison with what these guys are trying to do and common street crime. You are just trying to deflect.
Mushroom clouds are the goal...We will fuse all identities together.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?

Black males who commit crimes normally do not do so because of a political, race-based, gender-based, or religion-based motive. These "angry white men" are trying to play identity politics. Nobody did anything to them as a group. Zilch, zero, nada. There is no comparison with what these guys are trying to do and common street crime. You are just trying to deflect.

No, they usually do it for dumb ass reasons because they're dumb asses.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?

Black males who commit crimes normally do not do so because of a political, race-based, gender-based, or religion-based motive. These "angry white men" are trying to play identity politics. Nobody did anything to them as a group. Zilch, zero, nada. There is no comparison with what these guys are trying to do and common street crime. You are just trying to deflect.

No, they usually do it for dumb ass reasons because they're dumb asses.
Yep. Usually to satisfy very basic "needs."

You got nice shoes.

I like nice shoes.

Gimmie them nice shoes or I kill you.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?

Black males who commit crimes normally do not do so because of a political, race-based, gender-based, or religion-based motive. These "angry white men" are trying to play identity politics. Nobody did anything to them as a group. Zilch, zero, nada. There is no comparison with what these guys are trying to do and common street crime. You are just trying to deflect.

No, they usually do it for dumb ass reasons because they're dumb asses.
Yep. Usually to satisfy very basic "needs."

You got nice shoes.

I like nice shoes.

Gimmie them nice shoes or I kill you.

there's not a single shop window in my neighborhood that hasnt got the urban black male treatment. Seriously why rob a fucking daycare center?

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