The 'Angry White Male' Phenomena in America = WTF Is Going On???

Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

You do realize that blacks and hispanics actually murder more people...right?

NOT AFA 'mass murders' they do not.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Keep this in mind, faggot: If we get mad enough, cucks like you will all be obliterated.

Keep poking the bear, dumbass.

I kill and eat bears. You?

You kill HotPockets.

Wow, look; John Wayne calls other members "faggot," "cucks," and "dumbass."

That makes you sound like some inbred white trailer trash hick eating out of a garbage can.

Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Keep this in mind, faggot: If we get mad enough, cucks like you will all be obliterated.

Keep poking the bear, dumbass.

I kill and eat bears. You?

You kill HotPockets.

Wow, look; John Wayne calls other members "faggot," "cucks," and "dumbass."

That makes you sound like some inbred white trailer trash hick eating out of a garbage can.


You can call me anything but late for dinner, cupcake. ;)
"What is clear, however, is that regardless of ideological motivation, or even in the complete absence of any such drive, these kinds of attacks are usually presaged by some clear warning signs."

Perspective | What do most mass shooters have in common? Hint: It isn’t politics, video games or religion.

"I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun"

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."
"What is clear, however, is that regardless of ideological motivation, or even in the complete absence of any such drive, these kinds of attacks are usually presaged by some clear warning signs."

Perspective | What do most mass shooters have in common? Hint: It isn’t politics, video games or religion.

"I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun"

Perspective | I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."
They always dig deep into the psyche but never notice political affiliations.
This thread aged well.

Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

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What is the trumpanzee's obsession with Chicago?

It's all they have.
Love how we always have to bring skin color into everything.

Fact of the matter is that across America, more people are killed in one weekend by black people than all of the serial killers and shooters combined.
Love how we always have to bring skin color into everything.

Fact of the matter is that across America, more people are killed in one weekend by black people than all of the serial killers and shooters combined.
That's a lie.
Love how we always have to bring skin color into everything.

Fact of the matter is that across America, more people are killed in one weekend by black people than all of the serial killers and shooters combined.

Is that a fact that you can back up?
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you check the stats whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes as blacks. And your response will be arguing per capita which is an argument with no merit. No, you don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's another dumb excuse.

Why are white men mad in the first place?
It's all they have.

From your perspective as a fat, Jewish kid, does the constant racism against white people pushed by the Stalinist democrat party and the flying monkey minions of the DNC media have any responsibility for this?

This scumbag (why did the cops not shoot the fucker?) wrote of his fear of being replaced, does the hourly drumbeat of the white hate from the left and the media feed the rage of unhinged fools like this?

Maybe you scum should dial back the level of racist hatred you unleash against the designated scapegoats? :dunn:
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

How many elections do you guys have to lose before you realize racism is bad for business?

How did 2018 work out for you again?
It's all they have.

From your perspective as a fat, Jewish kid, does the constant racism against white people pushed by the Stalinist democrat party and the flying monkey minions of the DNC media have any responsibility for this?

Give me some examples of the racism that they are pushing.

This scumbag (why did the cops not shoot the fucker?) wrote of his fear of being replaced, does the hourly drumbeat of the white hate from the left and the media feed the rage of unhinged fools like this?

Who was he afraid of being replaced by? When did the left start telling white folks that illegals were going to replace them?

Maybe you scum should dial back the level of racist hatred you unleash against the designated scapegoats? :dunn:

What racist hatred are you speaking of? Sounds like you dumb ass doesn't have a clue what you are talking about.

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