The 'Angry White Male' Phenomena in America = WTF Is Going On???

Not true. Most of
It's best that whites like you started looking at the facts.

The facts are multiple groups of people can't get along. The solutions is to separate them.
Wrong. They can and they do. Ever been to New York, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, San Francisco, L.A., and points in between? It seems that everyone was getting along fine in El Paso until some nutjob drove 650 miles to try and divide the people. It appears to be more the case that these clowns just can't get along because they are too lazy and stuck up to try. Remember "plays well with others"?
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?

Black males who commit crimes normally do not do so because of a political, race-based, gender-based, or religion-based motive. These "angry white men" are trying to play identity politics. Nobody did anything to them as a group. Zilch, zero, nada. There is no comparison with what these guys are trying to do and common street crime. You are just trying to deflect.

No, they usually do it for dumb ass reasons because they're dumb asses.
Yep. Usually to satisfy very basic "needs."

You got nice shoes.

I like nice shoes.

Gimmie them nice shoes or I kill you.

there's not a single shop window in my neighborhood that hasnt got the urban black male treatment. Seriously why rob a fucking daycare center?

And whites haven't committed crimes in day care centers?
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

go tell it to the people doing the shooting. They are the ones with the problem, not us you dummy.
WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

America is created by founders as a country for white Christians. Not all whites can accept a smoothly transformation of it to a turd world sh.thole full of 'people of color', crime, where politic is incapable for simple things like removing of human feces from the streets, for example in CA
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Well, I don't buy your theory that all white men are angry. I'm not. And, thats like saying, why are all Arabs terrorists? after all the sunnis and Shia are always blowing each other up on the way to Mecca. There were more killings in Baltimore than in Honduras last year, so why are so many black people angry that they have to kill each other at a higher rate than an entire central american nation? and at a higher percentage in the US than white people?
Well, you see,, like yours thats just a bullshit generalization about an entire race of people. Shit happens in different places for different reasons, under different circumstances regardless of their color. don't know why you people (racists ) cant let that argument go.
People have been commiting horrendous crimes against each other since the begining of time and the thing with humans is they always have contradictory tendencies. It's inside all of us, for example when you think of Japanese these days, you think of a society so polite that they honk their car horns in traffic to apologize, and they have 4 times less crime per capita than in the US, yet these are the same people who also slaughtered innocent Chinese civilians, threw babies on bayonettes, committed horrific medical experiments on captured prisoners of war, .. so how is it possible that yellow people can be so angry? then later on not so angry? It's because all humans have that switch inside them, it only takes a trigger.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Check the stats and see who commits more crime. Oh Chicago, where the brothers shoot up the town every weekend. Nice try though.

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What is the trumpanzee's obsession with Chicago?
Whats with leftwingers completely ignoring Chicago's violence? Hell, if someone even brings it up around you people, you angrilly paint them in a bad light.
There are no angry white males. There are personal failure liberals who like to point elsewhere and cast aspersions
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Even in the years when blacks only commit 45% of murders, it's still much much higher than it should be for a minority population. I know you struggle with that concept though. You guys want to sit and pretend that black crime is a focus of attention and blown out of proportion but the truth is the media is scared to death to report on the numerous cases of little black girls and boys who die after getting caught in the crossfire of black male rage over petty bullshit- so and so disrespected me or wore the wrong color shirt etc. That seems to me way more "racist" than simply acknowledging there's a problem with violence in black communities.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Even in the years when blacks only commit 45% of murders, it's still much much higher than it should be for a minority population. I know you struggle with that concept though. You guys want to sit and pretend that black crime is a focus of attention and blown out of proportion but the truth is the media is scared to death to report on the numerous cases of little black girls and boys who die after getting caught in the crossfire of black male rage over petty bullshit- so and so disrespected me or wore the wrong color shirt etc. That seems to me way more "racist" than simply acknowledging there's a problem with violence in black communities.
He did not understand, and argued about, percentage of population versus totals. These are the feelings freaks that are leading the charge against America and conservative Americans.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Well, I don't buy your theory that all white men are angry. I'm not. And, thats like saying, why are all Arabs terrorists? after all the sunnis and Shia are always blowing each other up on the way to Mecca. There were more killings in Baltimore than in Honduras last year, so why are so many black people angry that they have to kill each other at a higher rate than an entire central american nation? and at a higher percentage in the US than white people?
Well, you see,, like yours thats just a bullshit generalization about an entire race of people. Shit happens in different places for different reasons, under different circumstances regardless of their color. don't know why you people (racists ) cant let that argument go.
People have been commiting horrendous crimes against each other since the begining of time and the thing with humans is they always have contradictory tendencies. It's inside all of us, for example when you think of Japanese these days, you think of a society so polite that they honk their car horns in traffic to apologize, and they have 4 times less crime per capita than in the US, yet these are the same people who also slaughtered innocent Chinese civilians, threw babies on bayonettes, committed horrific medical experiments on captured prisoners of war, .. so how is it possible that yellow people can be so angry? then later on not so angry? It's because all humans have that switch inside them, it only takes a trigger.

I didn't say all whites are mad. But I do ask why are white men angry at all.

You ask why are blacks so angry? Really?

There were not more murders in Baltimore last year than Honduras.

There were approximatelty 2,500 murders in Honduras last year if yo go by the listed rate of 40/100,000
Crime in Honduras - Wikipedia

There were 310 in Baltimore.
Miscellaneous Posts: 2018 Baltimore City Homicides - List and Map
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Even in the years when blacks only commit 45% of murders, it's still much much higher than it should be for a minority population. I know you struggle with that concept though. You guys want to sit and pretend that black crime is a focus of attention and blown out of proportion but the truth is the media is scared to death to report on the numerous cases of little black girls and boys who die after getting caught in the crossfire of black male rage over petty bullshit- so and so disrespected me or wore the wrong color shirt etc. That seems to me way more "racist" than simply acknowledging there's a problem with violence in black communities.
He did not understand, and argued about, percentage of population versus totals. These are the feelings freaks that are leading the charge against America and conservative Americans.

No I'm talking about the total numbers of whites participating in crime. I am not cherry picking murder to make a claim about all crimes.
Not true. Most of
The facts are multiple groups of people can't get along. The solutions is to separate them.
Wrong. They can and they do. Ever been to New York, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, San Francisco, L.A., and points in between? It seems that everyone was getting along fine in El Paso until some nutjob drove 650 miles to try and divide the people. It appears to be more the case that these clowns just can't get along because they are too lazy and stuck up to try. Remember "plays well with others"?
The crazy white liberals in LA and NY want all Americans to live the crazy way they do. That ain't what we want. We need a border wall.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Even in the years when blacks only commit 45% of murders, it's still much much higher than it should be for a minority population. I know you struggle with that concept though. You guys want to sit and pretend that black crime is a focus of attention and blown out of proportion but the truth is the media is scared to death to report on the numerous cases of little black girls and boys who die after getting caught in the crossfire of black male rage over petty bullshit- so and so disrespected me or wore the wrong color shirt etc. That seems to me way more "racist" than simply acknowledging there's a problem with violence in black communities.
He did not understand, and argued about, percentage of population versus totals. These are the feelings freaks that are leading the charge against America and conservative Americans.
The concept of "per capita" eludes blacks. Seems to be too "advanced" for most to grasp.
Russians, racism, popular vote, gender confusion, angry white males.....
We know the drill.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Even in the years when blacks only commit 45% of murders, it's still much much higher than it should be for a minority population. I know you struggle with that concept though. You guys want to sit and pretend that black crime is a focus of attention and blown out of proportion but the truth is the media is scared to death to report on the numerous cases of little black girls and boys who die after getting caught in the crossfire of black male rage over petty bullshit- so and so disrespected me or wore the wrong color shirt etc. That seems to me way more "racist" than simply acknowledging there's a problem with violence in black communities.

Murder is approximately 1 percent of all crimes. The number of blacks participating in murder is perhaps 1/1,000 of the American population. The media is afraid to confront white violence as it should be addressed so we don't have to read this ignorance because if they come too strong, they'll lose their white audience and advertising dollars. In 2017, .0009 percent of the population participated in crimes and that was the extent of it in the black criminality. At the same time 2.2 percent of the population that were white participated in crime. 70 percent of whites and 13 percent of blacks have nothing to do with this. By both total numbers and percentages whites participated in crimes.

Out of 30 categories of crime listed by the FBI/DOJ Whites led in 27. Whites led in violent crime and whites led in property crime. These are the facts. The 2 million blacks participating in crime was 5 percent of the black population. 95 percent of all blacks are law abiding non criminal. 99.9 percent do not commit murder. You argument is dishonest and intellectually lazy.
What I don't understand is why these guys are so much more angry than the rest of us who somehow don't fit the description of white male. Of all the demographic groups in U.S. society, this group seems to have been targeted the least for attacks on their identity and white males still hold a majority of power positions in Washington and in state capitals. The rest of us have our complaints, too.

Are they really so much more angry than black males who go around murdering one another by the dozen on a daily basis or could it be the media is warping your perspective?
What are white men mad about? Your asses get most of everything and your punk asses are not even the fucking majority of your own race. That blacks killing each other shit is punk. In a nation of 300 million the difference in blacks killing each other and whites doing it is a few hundred and in some years whites have killed more. And since murder is not the only crime and white men commit more violent crime, you gotta ask why?

Even in the years when blacks only commit 45% of murders, it's still much much higher than it should be for a minority population. I know you struggle with that concept though. You guys want to sit and pretend that black crime is a focus of attention and blown out of proportion but the truth is the media is scared to death to report on the numerous cases of little black girls and boys who die after getting caught in the crossfire of black male rage over petty bullshit- so and so disrespected me or wore the wrong color shirt etc. That seems to me way more "racist" than simply acknowledging there's a problem with violence in black communities.
He did not understand, and argued about, percentage of population versus totals. These are the feelings freaks that are leading the charge against America and conservative Americans.
The concept of "per capita" eludes blacks. Seems to be too "advanced" for most to grasp.

The concept of per capita is meritless.
So once again we are in a thread of white male cluck clucks unable to take the personal responsibility they tell everyone else to.
Racist Impossible Mission Too-
Is 10 people in the room the same thing as 10% of the people in the room or is that “meritless” also?
So once again we are in a thread of white male cluck clucks unable to take the personal responsibility they tell everyone else to.
Nope. We expect "our" murderers to be executed.
You circle the wagons around your criminals and cry "RACISM!"

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