The 'Angry White Male' Phenomena in America = WTF Is Going On???

I read it, in absolute numbers we white folks are the winner.
Thats because we are the majority, yet black people commit FAR more mass shootings and murders per capita. Its not even close.
Also some considerable debate about the definition of mass shootings.
Yeah, they changed the definition because black gangbangers drove up the numbers, which showed black people are committing the most mass shootings. As a result, they do not count gang violence in mass shooting statistics anymore. If they did, we wouldnt even be having a "per capita" debate right now.

If they make stricter gun laws be prepared for the crime rate to rocket up. Liberal morons don’t realize that no matter what bad guys will always get guns and knowing that people can’t protect themselves. More home invasions, robberies and other crimes.

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This fails as a confirmation bias fallacy.

Typical faulty reasoning common to most on the right.

Your wrong. Coming from law enforcement and having friends in the Government agencies. It’s a fact. Only liberals try to sell the bullshit of gun laws.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?
They've been angry since the 1980s, mainly because they refuse to see blacks and women as equals.

Actually probably in the 70s too, as there was a lot of rape back then, but they didn't have as much of an ideology.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?
They've been angry since the 1980s, mainly because they refuse to see blacks and women as equals.

Actually probably in the 70s too, as there was a lot of rape back then, but they didn't have as much of an ideology.

And today it’s gay and transgender Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims.

Again: anyone different, anyone who dissents, anyone who doesn’t conform is perceived as a ‘threat’ by conservatives, most of whom are angry white men.
I know right!!!
Maybe it's me, i never get the memo...

I'm old, white , and not really PO'ed at anyone

I live way out , rural, don't read the newspapers, don't get tv (boring)

I get up, work everyday , take care of my animals

yeah i've the 'net , no i don't believe most of it...

But i just don't have a bone to pick with anyone really

Is there a support group for sorts like me?

They've shown amazing restraint.

Anyway, it's on now so watch out for whitey. Any one of them could be sighting in on you at this instant.
like Acosta--you have no facts to back you up
blacks commit murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes over twice the rate
sexual assault over twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
the only thing whites do better is graduate--hahahahhahahhahaha
Why doesn't your pretty chart cite/show the source of your data?

Did you graduate? If you did high school or college? And how did you manage to graduate without them teaching and you subsequently learning how to cite your sources when you publish your work for public consumption?

I don't know what you're laughing at, that supposed superior race/intellect is falling down AGAIN.
There is clearly a white male problem in this country...we need to find out what the hell is going on....profiling maybe ?
The simple and unpallatable truth is this: The Republicans pander to white nationalists because it works. And it works, because there a lot more white nationalists in this country than we want to admit.
Do you know how they distinguish themselves from white racists? Because I was under the impression that they find being called a racist offensive (outside of the usual "I will not tolerate you calling me that vilen name). I was also under the impression that this was an attempt to find another word for the same thing, that the words are essentially synonyms.
On one end, we have left wing white males who are drenched in White Guilt and will do or say anything to assuage their brittle, hypersensitive conscience.

Naw, Stormy, we just don't try to rationalize racism as "anti-PC" like you do.

On the other end, we have right wing white males who have been whipped into an angry froth by the usual suspects and have pretty much lost their shit.

Again, nothing new here, Stormy, they've been doing that since Nixon.

As with most other issues, reason and nuance have left the building a long, long time ago. The rest of us will just enjoy the show.

Really? Because honestly, Stormy, you get on here and whine and snivel and cry that no one wants to try your mix and match menu of Islamophobia and Homophobia mixed with wanting more spending.
like Acosta--you have no facts to back you up
blacks commit murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes over twice the rate
sexual assault over twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
the only thing whites do better is graduate--hahahahhahahhahaha
Why doesn't your pretty chart cite/show the source of your data?

Did you graduate? If you did high school or college? And how did you manage to graduate without them teaching and you subsequently learning how to cite your sources when you publish your work for public consumption?

I don't know what you're laughing at, that supposed superior race/intellect is falling down AGAIN.
1. anyone that has done any research on racial graduation KNOWS the rates---so they must be a newbie or racist if they don't know that
2. I put up the 2 links---Offenders and Sexual Assault
3. what does it matter?? those are all facts/true

Black Africa--MAJOR fail/shithole--undeniably proven many times
blacks in America:
crime higher rates
graduation rates low
.....the truth HURTS you--doesn't it?? people are hurt and don't like it when they realize they are not smart at all--they are really stupid
graduation rates information is all over the net
The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)
Maybe it's me, i never get the memo...I'm old, white , and not really PO'ed at anyone I live way out , rural, don't read the newspapers, don't get tv (boring) I get up, work everyday , take care of my animals yeah i've the 'net , no i don't believe most of it...But i just don't have a bone to pick with anyone really Is there a support group for sorts like me? ~S~
Looks like you gave a gentleman's farm. Lots of those here in WI.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Well aside from the fact the MAGA bomber wasn’t even white, there is the fact that the vast majority of violence is perpetrated by males, and America is majority white. I think you’ll find the majority of violence in African countries are perpetrated by blacks, and in asian countries by Asians.

But, you seem to have something against whites, as if they are supposed to be immune towards natural human male tendencies towards violence. Do you think whites are superior to other races or something, so they should never be violent?
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Well aside from the fact the MAGA bomber wasn’t even white, there is the fact that the vast majority of violence is perpetrated by males, and America is majority white. I think you’ll find the majority of violence in African countries are perpetrated by blacks, and in asian countries by Asians.

But, you seem to have something against whites, as if they are supposed to be immune towards natural human male tendencies towards violence. Do you think whites are superior to other races or something, so they should never be violent?

So, white males in America are naturally violent?

I was thinking the same thing.

Maybe they should obey the laws, and sign up for anger management class.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

Well aside from the fact the MAGA bomber wasn’t even white, there is the fact that the vast majority of violence is perpetrated by males, and America is majority white. I think you’ll find the majority of violence in African countries are perpetrated by blacks, and in asian countries by Asians.

But, you seem to have something against whites, as if they are supposed to be immune towards natural human male tendencies towards violence. Do you think whites are superior to other races or something, so they should never be violent?

So, white males in America are naturally violent?

I was thinking the same thing.

Maybe they should obey the laws, and sign up for anger management class.
They aren't sissy enough. They're casing your place as we speak.

Look outside. There's one now!
like Acosta--you have no facts to back you up
blacks commit murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes over twice the rate
sexual assault over twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
the only thing whites do better is graduate--hahahahhahahhahaha
Why doesn't your pretty chart cite/show the source of your data?

Did you graduate? If you did high school or college? And how did you manage to graduate without them teaching and you subsequently learning how to cite your sources when you publish your work for public consumption?

I don't know what you're laughing at, that supposed superior race/intellect is falling down AGAIN.
1. anyone that has done any research on racial graduation KNOWS the rates---so they must be a newbie or racist if they don't know that
2. I put up the 2 links---Offenders and Sexual Assault
3. what does it matter?? those are all facts/true

Black Africa--MAJOR fail/shithole--undeniably proven many times
blacks in America:
crime higher rates
graduation rates low
.....the truth HURTS you--doesn't it?? people are hurt and don't like it when they realize they are not smart at all--they are really stupid
graduation rates information is all over the net
The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)
Why should your uneducated opinions hurt my feelings? I am none of the things you're citing and you still didn't answer my question. Did you graduate and from where and how did you manage to do so without learning how to property cite your work?

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