The 'Angry White Male' Phenomena in America = WTF Is Going On???

On one end, we have left wing white males who are drenched in White Guilt and will do or say anything to assuage their brittle, hypersensitive conscience.

On the other end, we have right wing white males who have been whipped into an angry froth by the usual suspects and have pretty much lost their shit.

As with most other issues, reason and nuance have left the building a long, long time ago. The rest of us will just enjoy the show.
On one end, we have left wing white males who are drenched in White Guilt and will do or say anything to assuage their brittle, hypersensitive conscience.

On the other end, we have right wing white males who have been whipped into an angry froth by the usual suspects and have pretty much lost their shit.

As with most other issues, reason and nuance have left the building a long, long time ago.

Why does it always have to be a right vs left thing with you? Most of the time, the motives for these crimes have nothing to do with politics.
On one end, we have left wing white males who are drenched in White Guilt and will do or say anything to assuage their brittle, hypersensitive conscience.
On the other end, we have right wing white males who have been whipped into an angry froth by the usual suspects and have pretty much lost their shit.
As with most other issues, reason and nuance have left the building a long, long time ago.
Why does it always have to be a right vs left thing with you? Most of the time, the motives for these crimes have nothing to do with politics.
The behaviors are delightfully consistent and usually easy to predict.
On one end, we have left wing white males who are drenched in White Guilt and will do or say anything to assuage their brittle, hypersensitive conscience.
On the other end, we have right wing white males who have been whipped into an angry froth by the usual suspects and have pretty much lost their shit.
As with most other issues, reason and nuance have left the building a long, long time ago.
Why does it always have to be a right vs left thing with you? Most of the time, the motives for these crimes have nothing to do with politics.
The behaviors are delightfully consistent and usually easy to predict.

The only thing that is consistent and easy to predict is the way the left will point fingers at "white males" and "the right" immediately afterwards.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

I am betting you are white, angry and never looked in a damn mirror!!!

I am white, male, 57 years old, firearms owner BUT I do NOT use my firearms for people.

I go to the shooting range. :04:
Mass shootings are a symptom of a diseased society. Despite the almost non-existent gun control laws at the time, when little boys played with realistic toy guns, this shit just didnt happen in pre-1960s america, the culture that the left always accuses the right of wanting to "regress" to.

Why is that, I wonder? What changed since then? Did America become more conservative or...?
U.S.: mass shootings by race 1982-2018 | Statista

The statistic shows the number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and September 20, 2018, by race and ethnicity of the shooter(s). Between 1982 and September 2018, 59 out of 104 mass shootings were initiated by White shooters.

The chart demonstrates 59 mass shootings initiated by whites.

The next highest rating on the chart is for black shooters at 17 mass shootings.

White shooters are represented 3.47 times more than the next highest represented demographic.

This IMO certainly backs up the idea of the ANGRY, WHITE, MALE in America.
On one end, we have left wing white males who are drenched in White Guilt and will do or say anything to assuage their brittle, hypersensitive conscience.

On the other end, we have right wing white males who have been whipped into an angry froth by the usual suspects and have pretty much lost their shit.

As with most other issues, reason and nuance have left the building a long, long time ago. The rest of us will just enjoy the show.

Once you find yourself grabbing absolutes, like "will do or say anything", you should realize that "reason and nuance have left the building".

Moreover, once you find yourself pointing to the extremes on either end of the scale and imply that's the whole "show", you should realize that "reason and nuance have left the building".

I, for one, find that the screeching about "White Guilt" is just a rightarded trope that plays well with the hypocritical screeching about "reverse racism", and you know what happens to reason and nuance. Mostly, there are some (not very many but growing in number) white males coming to grips with how their group's domineering position worked to the detriment of all other groups, historically, and urge awareness of that history and the persistent phenomenon in order to create a fairer environment. I can't say I find fault with that.

Lastly, I'd find it beneficial if the 'Angry White Male' phenomenon were to be discussed in light of the fact that white males in non-supervisory positions didn't get a raise, in real terms, since the 1970s. Moreover, the horrendous slaughterhouse that are some destitute, no-opportunity quarters in Chicago should be attributed to the fact that blacks in these quarters, with no opportunity to make a buck, kids, mostly, are forced by the so-called War on Drugs to defend their stash, their street corner, their turf, their livelihood, gun in hand, against rival gangs. Segregation in all its atrocity created the quarters, the War on Drugs drove the trade into illegality, and the resulting mayhem is brought about entirely by policies enacted by white males (overwhelmingly). Whoever thinks the effects thereof are attributable to defects in blacks should just have a look into a mirror.
The only thing that is consistent and easy to predict is the way the left will point fingers at "white males" and "the right" immediately afterwards.
I, for one, find that the screeching about "White Guilt" is just a rightarded trope that plays well with the hypocritical screeching about "reverse racism"....
And, for the zillionth time, the first line of my sig, illustrated vividly.

Thanks fellers!
I`m trying to figure out why I`m supposed to be afraid of poor unarmed brown people in a caravan coming to apply for asylum?
I`m trying to figure out why I`m supposed to be afraid of poor unarmed brown people in a caravan coming to apply for asylum?

No need to worry my friend....they wont be getting in so no reason to angst over it!:113:. That's what the people want so.....
A supernova would be better. In 8 minutes we`ll all be gone.

Yeah, but I was just thinking thin out the hell raisers. They won't last long if they have to be self-sufficient.

Though, it'd be worth a chuckle looking through the scope from up the holler and watching one of em chasing a rabbit around. lol. You know how rabbits can make those sharp fast turns? lol.
I, for one, find that the screeching about "White Guilt" is just a rightarded trope that plays well with the hypocritical screeching about "reverse racism"....
And, for the zillionth time, the first line of my sig, illustrated vividly.

Thanks fellers!

Okay, I've now seen your "sig" for the first time.

"It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the WINGERS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America."

I think it's probably wrong since the far-right has taken over the GOP. Also, I don't find your "sig" should count as backing up anything you'd like to demonstrate. Specifically, I see no confirmation that the White Guilt phenomenon you decry plays any role of any import, other than as a foil to besmirch liberals / progressives.
I, for one, find that the screeching about "White Guilt" is just a rightarded trope that plays well with the hypocritical screeching about "reverse racism"....
And, for the zillionth time, the first line of my sig, illustrated vividly.

Thanks fellers!

Okay, I've now seen your "sig" for the first time.

"It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the WINGERS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America."

I think it's probably wrong since the far-right has taken over the GOP. Also, I don't find your "sig" should count as backing up anything you'd like to demonstrate. Specifically, I see no confirmation that the White Guilt phenomenon you decry plays any role of any import, other than as a foil to besmirch liberals / progressives.
Of course you don't. No surprise there.
Of course you don't. No surprise there.
So, explain. How does that "White Guilt" phenomenon play out so powerfully as to affect "a MAJORITY of America", as alleged in your "sig". TIA.
Huh? Is that what you see in my sig, really? Wow. This place is constantly fascinating.

Look. One of my many, many flaws is that I don't know how to communicate with political fundamentalists online. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You don't see what I'm talking about, you won't see what I'm talking about, you'll never see what I'm talking about, because you don't WANT to see.

Guess what? I'm perfectly fine with that. Having seen your posts in the past, I would have been shocked if you had seen it.
Of course you don't. No surprise there.
So, explain. How does that "White Guilt" phenomenon play out so powerfully as to affect "a MAJORITY of America", as alleged in your "sig". TIA.
Huh? Is that what you see in my sig, really? Wow. This place is constantly fascinating.

Really, Mac?

You say, White Guilt is bad.

I say, I don't see it.

You say, illustrates my sig line, extremes against the majority.

I say, demonstrate how White Guilt affects the majority.

Now you say, I got it all wrong?

Perhaps, just perhaps, your presentation of your argument needs some work.
Well, here we are AGAIN; another ANGRY, WHITE, MALE, has to go blow shit up, or unload his RAGE on his fellow Americans citizens.

angry white male - Google Search

Recently we have the Trump MAGA bomber from Florida, the guy that shot up the building full of Jews in Pittsburgh, and now within the past 24 hours we have the guy in California that was 29 years old, former US Marine, living in Mom's basement, that shot up the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks.

WHAT THE HELL is going on with ANGRY, WHITE, MALES in the US?

Can't YOU angry, white, male, ass holes get your shit together?

The simple and unpallatable truth is this: The Republicans pander to white nationalists because it works. And it works, because there a lot more white nationalists in this country than we want to admit.

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