The Anti-Government Republican Base is Totally Dependent On Government

I'm an Indi and I believe in smaller Govt and believe me I don't owe a damned thing to the Govt.

Anything I have I worked my ass of for.

The NYT?? Really?? The mouthpeice of liberal America?? WOW Guess I'll give them all the consideration that they are due. NONE.

You're not an indie, cut the bullshit you fucktard, you're a mouthpiece for rightwing batshit crazy America.

Fuck off fucktard asshole. I'm a registered Independent voter and I sure as shit won't be voting for Barry boy in Nov.

Your the mouthpeice for the batshit crazy Dems and Liberals in America.

I am voting for Barry, he will win so sit your ass down and spin asswipe, get mad and ready for four more years of progress. You're a rightwing dick in the mouth faggot.
No one is more dependant on government handouts, receives more government welfare than any other group and has more unecessary tax payer dollars being spent on them, than this group...

Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Electric, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, United Technologies, BAE Systems, and SAIC.
...if you're serious about reducing the deficit, you take money from them.

Well. Get rid of all the tax loopholes, tax breaks, subsidies and EIC. Let the Govt keep all its tax dollars.

Vote for some folks who will make that happen.

Oh wait. I forgot. The Clown in Congress don't want that to happen. Never mind.

You Repugs don't want to get rid of tax loopholes and tax breaks, that the mantra of the party, to give more of that shit to the rich, whatever happened to your support for keeping more of your own money? Dumbass fucktard piece of rightwing shit.
Keep up the anti-government bullshit you Repugs, :lol: we know you all love govrnment even when you're too damn dumb to realize you benefit from it, support the batshit crazy rightwingers and vote against your interests and and blame the Democrats for the aftermath like you've ben doing the past 30 years, :lol:

So lack of government spending is the problem?

Yeah, right. Every rocket scientist believes that.

You're a fucking moron.
Government handouts are great as long as they go to big businesses, the contradictory bullshit of the rightwing mantra, they think outsourcing to private companies and firing federal workers reduces spending and government but the same money will be spent.
The biggest problem with that breed of government recipients, is that they own both parties. Doesn't matter if you're right or left, lib or con, dem or rep, if you wanna get elected, you need pac money to do it. And the only way you can get your campaign funded, is to become their little "tossed salad".

And if you don't, you're a one term guy and no high paying lobbiest job will be waiting for you when you leave office.

The only solution I see to this, is to keep voting out incumbants at every election. They pay to get their people in there, we vote'em out at the next election. They'll eventually run out of money, while our votes never expire.

But that ain't gonna happen until we end this left-right paradigm.
You're not an indie, cut the bullshit you fucktard, you're a mouthpiece for rightwing batshit crazy America.

Fuck off fucktard asshole. I'm a registered Independent voter and I sure as shit won't be voting for Barry boy in Nov.

Your the mouthpeice for the batshit crazy Dems and Liberals in America.

I am voting for Barry, he will win so sit your ass down and spin asswipe, get mad and ready for four more years of progress. You're a rightwing dick in the mouth faggot.

LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.
Fuck off fucktard asshole. I'm a registered Independent voter and I sure as shit won't be voting for Barry boy in Nov.

Your the mouthpeice for the batshit crazy Dems and Liberals in America.

I am voting for Barry, he will win so sit your ass down and spin asswipe, get mad and ready for four more years of progress. You're a rightwing dick in the mouth faggot.

LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.

The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.
I am voting for Barry, he will win so sit your ass down and spin asswipe, get mad and ready for four more years of progress. You're a rightwing dick in the mouth faggot.

LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.

The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.

my gawd, just vote for your Dear Leader and SHUT UP
I am voting for Barry, he will win so sit your ass down and spin asswipe, get mad and ready for four more years of progress. You're a rightwing dick in the mouth faggot.

LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.

The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.

Retarded ass?? Yep. Thats you to a tee.

Your the most batshit crazy dick on the forum, even fucking dumber that Truthspatters and she's a flamming moron.

You're in good company dickhead.
LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.

The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.

Retarded ass?? Yep. Thats you to a tee.

Your the most batshit crazy dick on the forum, even fucking dumber that Truthspatters and she's a flamming moron.

You're in good company dickhead.

but really dear, no sense arguing with idiots...
LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.

The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.

Retarded ass?? Yep. Thats you to a tee.

Your the most batshit crazy dick on the forum, even fucking dumber that Truthspatters and she's a flamming moron.

You're in good company dickhead.

You, Palin, Bachmann and Coulter are all the same, thats great fucking company isn't it? AFBCRW, Association For Batshit Crazy Rightwing Women.
The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.

Retarded ass?? Yep. Thats you to a tee.

Your the most batshit crazy dick on the forum, even fucking dumber that Truthspatters and she's a flamming moron.

You're in good company dickhead.

You, Palin, Bachmann and Coulter are all the same, thats great fucking company isn't it? AFBCRW, Association For Batshit Crazy Rightwing Women.

and you are a TYPICAL Liberal..... shrill, vulgar and stupid
I know several Romney supporters who are on food stamps. It's a mentality I do not understand.
I know several Romney supporters who are on food stamps. It's a mentality I do not understand.

Maybe they would prefer not to be on food stamps.

After the fire at the oil platform in the Gulf when obama put a moratorium on drilling a displaced worker asked obama what he (the worker) was expected to do without a job. obama told him not to worry, he'd get unemployment. There's a guy pushed into getting government money, by government actions, but would rather work.
I know several Romney supporters who are on food stamps. It's a mentality I do not understand.

Maybe they would prefer not to be on food stamps.

After the fire at the oil platform in the Gulf when obama put a moratorium on drilling a displaced worker asked obama what he (the worker) was expected to do without a job. obama told him not to worry, he'd get unemployment. There's a guy pushed into getting government money, by government actions, but would rather work.

That would be a lot more believable if there weren't stories about people who travel the country organizing "tea party" events while collecting SSDI. They're too disabled to work, but not too disabled to travel the country railing about mooches.
The Repugs who fucked it in the Bush years are the same dickheads we should vote to put back in office again? Love your logic you fucktard, how far is your gead up yur ass? You're the dumbest, most batshit crazy broad in the forum, even fucking dumber than Stephanie's retarded ass.

Retarded ass?? Yep. Thats you to a tee.

Your the most batshit crazy dick on the forum, even fucking dumber that Truthspatters and she's a flamming moron.

You're in good company dickhead.

You, Palin, Bachmann and Coulter are all the same, thats great fucking company isn't it? AFBCRW, Association For Batshit Crazy Rightwing Women.

Speaking of batshit crazy.
Cuba is bad. We don't want to go down that road.

You batshit crazy people don't know what communism/socialism is, don't start with that shit. You can't call for bullshit such as cuts in government benefits when you are getting govt handouts you dickhead, I bet all of the Tea Bastards are taking that EIC and using that Medicare/Medicaid, if they truly wanted to cut back because they believe in less government they would start with their fucking selves instead of worrying about cutting other people's shit.

What a moron.
You advocating for Commiehood?
Fuck off fucktard asshole. I'm a registered Independent voter and I sure as shit won't be voting for Barry boy in Nov.

Your the mouthpeice for the batshit crazy Dems and Liberals in America.

I am voting for Barry, he will win so sit your ass down and spin asswipe, get mad and ready for four more years of progress. You're a rightwing dick in the mouth faggot.

LMAO Progress? Is that what you call UE at 8.1 percent?? The economy in the toilet??

WOW guess you perception of progress and mine differ greatly.

Guess you'll be in for a surprise when he doesnt' win in Nov.

You're a left wing dick of gigantic proportions and your dick is definetley in you big assed mouth.

See. I can sling the insults just as well as you. I'm still LMAO. Your a moron and the biggest dick on this board. Asshole.
I anticipate a rash of retard suicides when Obama loses.
Cuba is bad. We don't want to go down that road.

You batshit crazy people don't know what communism/socialism is, don't start with that shit. You can't call for bullshit such as cuts in government benefits when you are getting govt handouts you dickhead, I bet all of the Tea Bastards are taking that EIC and using that Medicare/Medicaid, if they truly wanted to cut back because they believe in less government they would start with their fucking selves instead of worrying about cutting other people's shit.

What a moron.
You advocating for Commiehood?

Fuck out of here with those strawmans, :lol:
I know several Romney supporters who are on food stamps. It's a mentality I do not understand.

I know a woman the is a hard HARD right winger. She works for a family business and claims no income. Just takes money from the till. Pays no income tax of course but bitches like crazy that taxes are to high and that Obama keeps raising taxes.

And I ask her what the hell, you are screwing ALL americans by cheating on YOUR taxes.
And you want to bitch about taxes?

And she is fine with that. On top of that, she has two kids who are full fledged mooches.
No jobs, plenty of tats, plenty of drugs and barely literate. She enables all of that.

What a great example of Rethugs she is. But she isn't on food stamps. Thanks to her mom and dad. Who ALWAYS bail her out. When the money you take from the till just isn't enough, why just call home.

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