The Anti-White Party

Do you really think I had an issue with Obama or his family being Black? My issues with him stopped with the edges of his policies.
But, nice try at the race baiting dude. It's a really sad tactic, but that is expected. A white man weaponizing the color of the skin
for what I don't know.

The problem with everything you have said about democrats is that republicans not only have delivered nothing for blacks but want to get rid of what little has helped blacks. Welfare is used mostly by whites, so why you racists keep talking about welfare like only blacks get it, kinda gives you away.
You're full of shit as usual, IM2. More whites use welfare than blacks because there are more whites than blacks.
Try using a percentage when comparing the two next some honesty for once in your life.
What have the democrats given you other than lip some honesty when you answer that.
What was the president's party who said that we'll have those N+++++++ voting democrat for the next 100 years?
It wasn't a republican, was it?
Seems that the Black unemployment is the lowest it been in 70 years, IM2. That damn racist Trump.
You are shameful, IM2.
You white boys use percentage only when it supports your arguments. How many Blacks are denied jobs by white peopel and what percentage of businesses are white owned?
"White boys"? II see the racist posters have taken off their gloves and exposing just who they really are. Good to know. Carry on with your racists remarks.

We aren't racists. We're just tired of your racism.
You see, IM2....I'm not racist....but you seem to have to broad brush everyone. Calling me a white boy, is you know.
I guess if you think having a Black man with a beautiful Black family in the white house hurts me then I will be hurt all day long. :rolleyes:
Do you really think I had an issue with Obama or his family being Black? My issues with him stopped with the edges of his policies.
But, nice try at the race baiting dude. It's a really sad tactic, but that is expected. A white man weaponizing the color of the skin
for what I don't know.

The problem with everything you have said about democrats is that republicans not only have delivered nothing for blacks but want to get rid of what little has helped blacks. Welfare is used mostly by whites, so why you racists keep talking about welfare like only blacks get it, kinda gives you away.
You're full of shit as usual, IM2. More whites use welfare than blacks because there are more whites than blacks.
Try using a percentage when comparing the two next some honesty for once in your life.
What have the democrats given you other than lip some honesty when you answer that.
What was the president's party who said that we'll have those N+++++++ voting democrat for the next 100 years?
It wasn't a republican, was it?
Seems that the Black unemployment is the lowest it been in 70 years, IM2. That damn racist Trump.
You are shameful, IM2.
You white boys use percentage only when it supports your arguments. How many Blacks are denied jobs by white peopel and what percentage of businesses are white owned?
"White boys"? II see the racist posters have taken off their gloves and exposing just who they really are. Good to know. Carry on with your racists remarks.
Yes white boys. You use percentages when it suits you. Its what you white boys do. Its none of my business that you think I am a racist so I'm not worried about being called one.
Do you really think I had an issue with Obama or his family being Black? My issues with him stopped with the edges of his policies.
But, nice try at the race baiting dude. It's a really sad tactic, but that is expected. A white man weaponizing the color of the skin
for what I don't know.

The problem with everything you have said about democrats is that republicans not only have delivered nothing for blacks but want to get rid of what little has helped blacks. Welfare is used mostly by whites, so why you racists keep talking about welfare like only blacks get it, kinda gives you away.
You're full of shit as usual, IM2. More whites use welfare than blacks because there are more whites than blacks.
Try using a percentage when comparing the two next some honesty for once in your life.
What have the democrats given you other than lip some honesty when you answer that.
What was the president's party who said that we'll have those N+++++++ voting democrat for the next 100 years?
It wasn't a republican, was it?
Seems that the Black unemployment is the lowest it been in 70 years, IM2. That damn racist Trump.
You are shameful, IM2.
You white boys use percentage only when it supports your arguments. How many Blacks are denied jobs by white peopel and what percentage of businesses are white owned?
"White boys"? II see the racist posters have taken off their gloves and exposing just who they really are. Good to know. Carry on with your racists remarks.
Yes white boys. You use percentages when it suits you. Its what you white boys do. Its none of my business that you think I am a racist so I'm not worried about being called one.
I respect you for admitting that you're racist
The problem with everything you have said about democrats is that republicans not only have delivered nothing for blacks but want to get rid of what little has helped blacks. Welfare is used mostly by whites, so why you racists keep talking about welfare like only blacks get it, kinda gives you away.
You're full of shit as usual, IM2. More whites use welfare than blacks because there are more whites than blacks.
Try using a percentage when comparing the two next some honesty for once in your life.
What have the democrats given you other than lip some honesty when you answer that.
What was the president's party who said that we'll have those N+++++++ voting democrat for the next 100 years?
It wasn't a republican, was it?
Seems that the Black unemployment is the lowest it been in 70 years, IM2. That damn racist Trump.
You are shameful, IM2.
You white boys use percentage only when it supports your arguments. How many Blacks are denied jobs by white peopel and what percentage of businesses are white owned?
"White boys"? II see the racist posters have taken off their gloves and exposing just who they really are. Good to know. Carry on with your racists remarks.
Yes white boys. You use percentages when it suits you. Its what you white boys do. Its none of my business that you think I am a racist so I'm not worried about being called one.
I respect you for admitting that you're racist
I'm not concerned with what you respect.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.
Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.
You mean besides the over policing and racism?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.

That's not what these guys say.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”
The problem with everything you have said about democrats is that republicans not only have delivered nothing for blacks but want to get rid of what little has helped blacks. Welfare is used mostly by whites, so why you racists keep talking about welfare like only blacks get it, kinda gives you away.
You're full of shit as usual, IM2. More whites use welfare than blacks because there are more whites than blacks.
Try using a percentage when comparing the two next some honesty for once in your life.
What have the democrats given you other than lip some honesty when you answer that.
What was the president's party who said that we'll have those N+++++++ voting democrat for the next 100 years?
It wasn't a republican, was it?
Seems that the Black unemployment is the lowest it been in 70 years, IM2. That damn racist Trump.
You are shameful, IM2.
You white boys use percentage only when it supports your arguments. How many Blacks are denied jobs by white peopel and what percentage of businesses are white owned?
"White boys"? II see the racist posters have taken off their gloves and exposing just who they really are. Good to know. Carry on with your racists remarks.

We aren't racists. We're just tired of your racism.
You see, IM2....I'm not racist....but you seem to have to broad brush everyone. Calling me a white boy, is you know.

I don't broad brush shit. I specifically point out whites who are racists. That's not every white person here. But it is you. And the term white boy does not have a history of racist connotations behind it. Again, you white boys used that term since day 0one to denote your racial superiority. Now that you have been unable to freely call somebody the n word, you want to create a false equivalence by claiming white boy is racist. I know what is and is not racist. I don't need you to tell me.

Let me show you the difference between the n word and white boy.

At no time in the history of this nation has the word ****** as used by whites ever implied anything positive. It is one of the most derogatory descriptors of a human that has ever been created.

Historically the N word has been used by whites to describe blacks as lazy, dumb, uneducated, worthless, scum, less than human and parasites. It has stood for nothing coming out of the mouth of whites but insults and to denigrate black people. For over 240 years this has been the primary use of the word by whites. The word coming from whites has carried a belief of superiority. It was them saying they are better than us just because they exist. The pre school age white child could freely call elderly black men or women who had lived a full life and had wisdom that child may never receive that word and it’s parents said nothing about respecting your elders. The term coming from whites simply means no respect. In addition the word has meant:

  • ******, v. To wear out, spoil or destroy.

  • Niggerish, adj. Acting in an indolent and irresponsible manner.

  • Niggerlipping, v. Wetting the end of a cigarette while smoking it.

  • Niggerlover, n. Derogatory term aimed at whites lacking in the necessary loathing of blacks.

  • ****** luck, n. Exceptionally good luck, emphasis on undeserved.

  • ******-flicker, n. A small knife or razor with one side heavily taped to preserve the user's fingers.

  • ****** heaven, n. a designated place, usually the balcony, where blacks were forced to sit, for example, in an integrated movie theater or church.

  • ****** knocker, n. axe handle or weapon made from an axe handle.

  • ****** rich, adj, Deeply in debt but ostentatious.

  • ****** shooter, n. A slingshot.

  • ****** steak, n. a slice of liver or a cheap piece of meat.

  • ****** stick, n. police officer's baton.

  • ****** tip, n. leaving a small tip or no tip in a restaurant.

  • ****** in the woodpile, n. a concealed motive or unknown factor affecting a situation in an adverse way.

  • ****** work, n. Demeaning, menial tasks.(Green, 1984, p. 190)

    Dr. David Pilgrim and Dr. Phillip Middleton, “****** and Caricature”
Now show me the equivalent for white boy.
I'll use a percentage. 61 percent of the people on welfare are white. And if we count corporate and farm welfare, the percentages rise even higher. Johnson signed our second emancipation proclamation. And black unemployment was sinking before trump took office. So go elsewhere with that weak shit white boy.

That's why you avoid ever telling the truth. The truth and facts never bode well for you.

As you said 61% (according to you with no supporting link) of the people on welfare are white. As Paul Harvey used to say, "now the rest of the story".

Seventy-three percent of our population is white and 12.7% are black. Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?

Here are the ACTUAL demographics of those on welfare are as follow. NOT what you threw out.

Welfare Demographics
The following percentages are recipients of welfare based on race.

• White – 38.8%
• Black – 39.8%
• Hispanic – 15.7%
• Asian – 2.4%
• Other – 3.3%

15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment

Oh wow, that's awkward for you, isn't it?
I'll use a percentage. 61 percent of the people on welfare are white. And if we count corporate and farm welfare, the percentages rise even higher. Johnson signed our second emancipation proclamation. And black unemployment was sinking before trump took office. So go elsewhere with that weak shit white boy.

That's why you avoid ever telling the truth. The truth and facts never bode well for you.

As you said 61% (according to you with no supporting link) of the people on welfare are white. As Paul Harvey used to say, "now the rest of the story".

Seventy-three percent of our population is white and 12.7% are black. Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?

Here are the ACTUAL demographics of those on welfare are as follow. NOT what you threw out.

Welfare Demographics
The following percentages are recipients of welfare based on race.

• White – 38.8%
• Black – 39.8%
• Hispanic – 15.7%
• Asian – 2.4%
• Other – 3.3%

15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment

Oh wow, that's awkward for you, isn't it?
"Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?"

Actually no white person should be on welfare since they own everything and have never had any laws denying them the ability to get ahead. Face it. You lazy whites are an abysmal failure. If not for racist laws you would be even more pitiful than you already are.
Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.

That's not what these guys say.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”


I'm only going to waste time on one of the things you posted although none are policies.

Yes, there is a differential between homeownership between blacks and whites. The problem comes from the FACT that when compared, regardless of race and only by the merits of the loans, credit scores, steady employment, etc, there was a negligible difference, well within the statistical margin of error.

Look, all you have are your old tired worn hysterical rants and diatribes claiming that the reason for your failures. Curious because we have already determined that you are white, your wife black and you have a mixed-race child.

Grow up.
Wrong answer junior. And Brandon Gaille is not Health and Human services.



Now while you want to talk shit, you don't want to talk about how poverty impacts race.


3 times the number of blacks live in poverty than whites. 1 out of every 3 blacks people live at or below poverty in this country. 1 out of every 9 whites. And why is that? Not because blacks don't want to work, your white asses are telling us that black unemploymemnt is the lowest in history and at 6 percent, that means 94 percent of all blacks are working. So if 9 out of 10 blacks are working why is it that 6 out of those 10 working blacks live in poverty?

You want to argue stats chump, so now you're going to get taught a lesson.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

So here we have it. White racist public policy is why so many blacks are in poverty. That means blacks are on welfare because of racist public policy. Why are so many whites getting food stamps and assistance junior. Public policy has not hampered whites near as much. Whites live below the national poverty rate and their unemployment is below the national average. White median income is above the national average, yet more whites get food stamps. Use credible sources if you want to take me on. Using other racists isn't going to get the job done boy.
Last edited:
Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.

That's not what these guys say.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”


I'm only going to waste time on one of the things you posted although none are policies.

Yes, there is a differential between homeownership between blacks and whites. The problem comes from the FACT that when compared, regardless of race and only by the merits of the loans, credit scores, steady employment, etc, there was a negligible difference, well within the statistical margin of error.

Look, all you have are your old tired worn hysterical rants and diatribes claiming that the reason for your failures. Curious because we have already determined that you are white, your wife black and you have a mixed-race child.

Grow up.

I've done better than you. And you have determined incorrectly. So get help for your psychosis bitch.
I'll use a percentage. 61 percent of the people on welfare are white. And if we count corporate and farm welfare, the percentages rise even higher. Johnson signed our second emancipation proclamation. And black unemployment was sinking before trump took office. So go elsewhere with that weak shit white boy.

That's why you avoid ever telling the truth. The truth and facts never bode well for you.

As you said 61% (according to you with no supporting link) of the people on welfare are white. As Paul Harvey used to say, "now the rest of the story".

Seventy-three percent of our population is white and 12.7% are black. Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?

Here are the ACTUAL demographics of those on welfare are as follow. NOT what you threw out.

Welfare Demographics
The following percentages are recipients of welfare based on race.

• White – 38.8%
• Black – 39.8%
• Hispanic – 15.7%
• Asian – 2.4%
• Other – 3.3%

15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment

Oh wow, that's awkward for you, isn't it?
"Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?"

Actually no white person should be on welfare since they own everything and have never had any laws denying them the ability to get ahead. Face it. You lazy whites are an abysmal failure. If not for racist laws you would be even more pitiful than you already are.

Go away, or grow up.
I'll use a percentage. 61 percent of the people on welfare are white. And if we count corporate and farm welfare, the percentages rise even higher. Johnson signed our second emancipation proclamation. And black unemployment was sinking before trump took office. So go elsewhere with that weak shit white boy.

That's why you avoid ever telling the truth. The truth and facts never bode well for you.

As you said 61% (according to you with no supporting link) of the people on welfare are white. As Paul Harvey used to say, "now the rest of the story".

Seventy-three percent of our population is white and 12.7% are black. Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?

Here are the ACTUAL demographics of those on welfare are as follow. NOT what you threw out.

Welfare Demographics
The following percentages are recipients of welfare based on race.

• White – 38.8%
• Black – 39.8%
• Hispanic – 15.7%
• Asian – 2.4%
• Other – 3.3%

15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment

Oh wow, that's awkward for you, isn't it?
"Logically, 73% of those on welfare would be white, right?"

Actually no white person should be on welfare since they own everything and have never had any laws denying them the ability to get ahead. Face it. You lazy whites are an abysmal failure. If not for racist laws you would be even more pitiful than you already are.

Go away, or grow up.
No and I'm already grown. Youre just mad your ancestors knew you would need a headstart yet you still became a failure. :laugh:
Markle, shut the fuck up. Do that until your white ass turns black and tries living that way.
Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.

That's not what these guys say.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”


I'm only going to waste time on one of the things you posted although none are policies.

Yes, there is a differential between homeownership between blacks and whites. The problem comes from the FACT that when compared, regardless of race and only by the merits of the loans, credit scores, steady employment, etc, there was a negligible difference, well within the statistical margin of error.

Look, all you have are your old tired worn hysterical rants and diatribes claiming that the reason for your failures. Curious because we have already determined that you are white, your wife black and you have a mixed-race child.

Grow up.

I've done better than you. And you have determined incorrectly. So get help for your psychosis bitch.

Yeah I know repubs have done "more" historically. However that doesnt change the fact that the Southern Strategy occurred. Also there is no real credit in what they did. They simply did what they should have done when the constitution was first written by the hypocritical founding fathers. The fact that special legislation had to be enacted just shows how racist whites are and continue to be. When whites finally admit they have and have always had a financial head start here in the US and correct that inequality then you can come talk to me about just having a good economy. As it stands today whites as a group are in pole position and Blacks as a group are riding a broken down ten speed. If I were white I would be embarrassed that I had such a headstart and still wanted to hold Blacks back.


Please show us the policies which are designed to hold back blacks today.

You can't because there are none.

That's not what these guys say.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”


I'm only going to waste time on one of the things you posted although none are policies.

Yes, there is a differential between homeownership between blacks and whites. The problem comes from the FACT that when compared, regardless of race and only by the merits of the loans, credit scores, steady employment, etc, there was a negligible difference, well within the statistical margin of error.

Look, all you have are your old tired worn hysterical rants and diatribes claiming that the reason for your failures. Curious because we have already determined that you are white, your wife black and you have a mixed-race child.

Grow up.

I've done better than you. And you have determined incorrectly. So get help for your psychosis bitch.


Weak white people join forums like this because they get to talk shit they never would say to a black persons face.

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