The Battle of Bunkerville: Restoring the Rule of Law

When the United States admitted Nevada into the Union, Nevada became the Sovereign of its own Land, even if the Feds own portions of it.

He's right, doc.

How can a state be sovereign when 86% of it's land is owned by the government?

In New York v. United States 505 U.S. 144 (1992) the "Take Title" provision of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act, passed in 1985, was deemed unconstitutional. In it, the court ruled that the government cannot commandeer state governments to participate in a federal regulatory program, or as it can be construed, any programs; nor force them to legislate according to it's scheme. This case acknowledges state sovereignty, as granted by the 10th Amendment. Government cannot force states to do anything that violates their constitutional rights. This was also the case in Mack and Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997), which ironically dealt a blow to gun control activism.

How is that relevant? The federal government isn't forcing the state of Nevada to do anything at all.

They are. By snapping up most of the land, they have the state by the balls. Land can be used as leverage. This can hold sway over the state's legislative processes concerning land. That's how it's relevant. States aren't sovereign when you own 86% of them. You aren't giving the people much free roam over the state they live in.
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Cliven Bundy is a millionaire who would buy you and sell you as quickly as he could if it would make more money for himself. The right-wing "militia" monkeys are fighting against their own country's government for a rich man's "right" to use public land for free. You'll never brandish those guns against the rich man for taking from the People for his own gain, right?

You Conservative "rebels" sure as fuck won't ever take those guns to Wall Street and drag bankers out in chains. After all, you've got their hands so far up your asses that they're practically typing for you.
Buy snapping up most of the land, they have the state by the balls. Land can be used as leverage. This can hold sway over the state's legislative processes concerning land. That's how it's relevant. States aren't sovereign when you own 86% of them. You aren't giving the people much free roam over the state they live in.

The feds owned the land, when Mexico ceded it.

When NV became a state, the feds kept a large portion, which is the right of We the People.
The Battle of Bunkerville or the rise of the fed up.

The left doesn't begin to realize what's happening. Cliven Bundy is really just an example of the cumulative disgust the people are developing against the government. It's not this ranch. It's everything. It's Benghazi, NSA abuse, It's everything. Every one is carrying their own grievances. That's what the left is missing.

Cliven Bundy is really just an example of the cumulative disgust, he's a multimillionaire screwing taxpayers.
97% of Americans flatly reject the nonsense of the type put out by Katzndogz.
He's right, doc.

How can a state be sovereign when 86% of it's land is owned by the government?

In New York v. United States 505 U.S. 144 (1992) the "Take Title" provision of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act, passed in 1985, was deemed unconstitutional. In it, the court ruled that the government cannot commandeer state governments to participate in a federal regulatory program, or as it can be construed, any programs; nor force them to legislate according to it's scheme. This case acknowledges state sovereignty, as granted by the 10th Amendment. Government cannot force states to do anything that violates their constitutional rights. This was also the case in Mack and Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997), which ironically dealt a blow to gun control activism.

How is that relevant? The federal government isn't forcing the state of Nevada to do anything at all.

They are. Buy snapping up most of the land, they have the state by the balls. Land can be used as leverage. This can hold sway over the state's legislative processes concerning land. That's how it's relevant. States aren't sovereign when you own 86% of them. You aren't giving the people much free roam over the state they live in.

You're still not getting it. The fed isn't "snatching up" anything - they have ALWAYS owned it. Any random arguments you have about it not being "fair" to Nevada is the state of Nevada's business, and they've had 150 years to figure it out. The way it stands now, there's not the slightest question about what the law is - and it's not on Bundy's side.
The Updated Declaration of Intolerable Acts

he history of the self styled King of the United States of America is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused to enforce the laws duly passed by the People through Congress and instead chosen which he would enforce and which he would not, or which he would change to his own benefit
He has sued the Governors of States when they passed laws of immediate and pressing importance to the People of that State and prevented these govenors from carrying out the People’s business.
He has refused to meet with lawmakers unless he has a guarantee that the Will of the people they represent will be submerged to his own forcing those people to relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has refused to protect our borders and invited all manner of murderers thieves and terrorists into the country and further forced the People of the United States to support the very people who intend to harm them.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
He has combined with other nations and the United Nations to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent by concealing those taxes in reams of unimportant legislation.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign immigrant Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has divided the people and excited domestic insurrections amongst us.
He has seized the education of children indoctrinating them instead of educating them.
He has directed his forces to harass our Citizens in the form of their worship.
We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends

My bet is [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] plagiarized this because he's stupid enough to believe it but not near smart enough to have written it.

Between this and the idiotic OP - this thread will make history as the smelliest pile of dog doo we've seen in a while.

You are so very very right. Most of it was taken right out of the Intolerable Acts from our very own Declaration of Independence.

Wasn't Updated Intolerable Acts a CLUE. obama is just the updated King George.
The gigantic bureaucracy blinked and the citizens won....for now. The strange thing is that the democrat senator representing Nevada decides to back the gigantic federal bureaucracy and vows revenge over his own constituents.
The Battle of Bunkerville or the rise of the fed up.

The left doesn't begin to realize what's happening. Cliven Bundy is really just an example of the cumulative disgust the people are developing against the government. It's not this ranch. It's everything. It's Benghazi, NSA abuse, It's everything. Every one is carrying their own grievances. That's what the left is missing.

No, we get it.

What you don't get is that "cumulative disgust" is concentrated in a tiny minority of Americans - it adds up to nearly nothing in the greater scheme of things. It's nothing new or different, just the same as its always been.

It's not that we don't realize that you guys are fucking lunatics, it's that you don't realize how few of you there really are.
The Battle of Bunkerville or the rise of the fed up.

The left doesn't begin to realize what's happening. Cliven Bundy is really just an example of the cumulative disgust the people are developing against the government. It's not this ranch. It's everything. It's Benghazi, NSA abuse, It's everything. Every one is carrying their own grievances. That's what the left is missing.

OH no, they most certainly realize it more than anyone else, and their agents and plants in right-wing organizations are collecting information like mad now.

If the left didn't' realize the implications of the Bundy Ranch, CNN and MSNBC would not have deliberately chosen to NOT be present at Bunkerville when the entire internet was on fire over the crisis.

They can only hope their viewers on TV don't browse the internet. This demonstrated that the Leftist Lords of the Ivory Towers are horrified by this story and have decided it's best NOT to cover the story rather than spin it. CNN and leftist media organizations had ONLINE articles, since anyone who uses the internet for news would have immediately noticed the CNN and other leftist outlets weren't covering it.

Maybe CNN had one TV airing of it, not sure, did they?

I think Chris Matthews covered it after it was over, since FOX was airing it like mad once the Five show started.
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The gigantic bureaucracy blinked and the citizens won....for now. The strange thing is that the democrat senator representing Nevada decides to back the gigantic federal bureaucracy and vows revenge over his own constituents.

Cliven Bundy doesn't speak for the state of Nevada.

No, but the Jury of the People do, and they'll acquit anyone that the feds or other authorities attempt to crucify.
The gigantic bureaucracy blinked and the citizens won....for now. The strange thing is that the democrat senator representing Nevada decides to back the gigantic federal bureaucracy and vows revenge over his own constituents.

Cliven Bundy doesn't speak for the state of Nevada.

No, but the Jury of the People do, and they'll acquit anyone that the feds or other authorities attempt to crucify.

You do know that a "Jury of the People" ruled against Bundy, right?

He had his day in court - and he lost.
The standoff was Cliven Bundy refusing a court order. The rest of it was just a bunch of rednecks showing up to support him because they don't want a black President.
No, but the Jury of the People do, and they'll acquit anyone that the feds or other authorities attempt to crucify.

You do know that a "Jury of the People" ruled against Bundy, right?

He had his day in court - and he lost.

I'm talking about the standoff, you know that. They'll never rule against him now. Molon labe.


The funniest part about this is that I'm completely sure you really believe that.

Cliven Bundy will be back in court again soon - and just like last time, he's gonna lose.
The standoff was Cliven Bundy refusing a court order. The rest of it was just a bunch of rednecks showing up to support him because they don't want a black President.

Molon Labe.

You no longer have any authority, nor was your authority lawful beforehand.

As we Rally ARound the Flag, Boys We'll Rally Once Again, Shouting the Battle Cry of Freedom, The Union Forever, Hurrah Boys Hurrah, To Tyrants Never Yield.
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The gigantic bureaucracy blinked and the citizens won....for now. The strange thing is that the democrat senator representing Nevada decides to back the gigantic federal bureaucracy and vows revenge over his own constituents.

Cliven Bundy doesn't speak for the state of Nevada.

You dumb ass, I am talking about Harry Reid.

You're making the ridiculous assumption that many of Harry Reid's "constituents" support Bundy - that's the problem.

I think you'll find that Bundy has a lot more internet support than he does from his actual neighbors.
You're making the ridiculous assumption that many of Harry Reid's "constituents" support Bundy - that's the problem.

I think you'll find that Bundy has a lot more internet support than he does from his actual neighbors.

No, I'm making the certain assumption (fact) that the state could never find a Jury that would UNANIMOUSLY convict him. It would take some serious rigging in Jury selection process to manage such a feat.

He'd never be officially acquitted either, since there are enough loons like yourself that would shoot Americans to save turtles.

However, a hung Jury ultimately functions as an acquittal.

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