The Beginning of the End of Free Health Care For Illegal Aliens

Why cant you deal with the question ?
Stopping healthcare for illegals will kill Americans. You ok with that ?

Why is it that the left creates problems and then wants everyone else deal with those problems? Like I said quarantine them and SEND THEM BACK! Treat American CITIZENS for the disease and keep the infected illegal aliens OUT!! I think I already basically said that but apparently you didn't comprehend.
Why cant you deal with the question ?
Stopping healthcare for illegals will kill Americans. You ok with that ?

Why is it that the left creates problems and then wants everyone else deal with those problems? Like I said quarantine them and SEND THEM BACK! Treat American CITIZENS for the disease and keep the infected illegal aliens OUT!! I think I already basically said that but apparently you didn't comprehend.
You want Americans to die to save a few bucks.
There is a humanitarian reason to help people but I wont bother pushing that. The practical reason should be enough but that supposes you are talking to a functioning adult.You fail on both counts.
stop all that shit
stop them from coming up here
put out posters on the Inet/everywhere of dead illegals who tried to get in

You Republicans do enjoy death. Pathetic.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk's called SELF DEFENSE--what the police do when they shoot these jackass, dangerous, etc criminals
...terrorists can easily cross the border and kill YOU all the other reasons I have posted numerous times on USMB
You want Americans to die to save a few bucks.
There is a humanitarian reason to help people but I wont bother pushing that. The practical reason should be enough but that supposes you are talking to a functioning adult.You fail on both counts.

Is it 'humanitarian' to inflict Ebola, carried by illegal aliens, on your fellow citizens? YOU and your ilk, CAUSED that problem. Now YOU want everyone else to PAY for your bumbling ineptitude. Tell you what, why don't YOU harbor these illegal aliens in YOUR home? We will build a wall around your house so illegals and now YOU don't escape and spread deadly viruses before you ultimately die from it. If you want to wear the badge of 'humanitarian' that is the least you could do.
stop all that shit
stop them from coming up here
put out posters on the Inet/everywhere of dead illegals who tried to get in

You Republicans do enjoy death. Pathetic.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Nope but they do enjoy illegals being sent home minus welfare, Medicaid and anything else they can get here that cost we the taxpayers 2 billion a year.

If you think so highly of them then take some into your home and you fund them.
Harmonica stated "stop all that shit
stop them from coming up here
put out posters on the Inet/everywhere of dead illegals who tried to get in"
Death and hate is what Republicans are all about.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I bet you support abortion. Hypocritical idiot.
You want Americans to die to save a few bucks.
There is a humanitarian reason to help people but I wont bother pushing that. The practical reason should be enough but that supposes you are talking to a functioning adult.You fail on both counts.

Is it 'humanitarian' to inflict Ebola, carried by illegal aliens, on your fellow citizens? YOU and your ilk, CAUSED that problem. Now YOU want everyone else to PAY for your bumbling ineptitude. Tell you what, why don't YOU harbor these illegal aliens in YOUR home? We will build a wall around your house so illegals and now YOU don't escape and spread deadly viruses before you ultimately die from it. If you want to wear the badge of 'humanitarian' that is the least you could do.
Why cant you just admit that punishing illegals is more important to you than protecting Americans ?.
I want to build a wall and deport illegals so they don't spread their diseases here. Instead they can fight for healthcare in their own countries.
When homos talk, people laugh.
When thick fuckers like you spout shite - sensible people shake their heads and wonder.

Would you deny medical help to an illegal with Ebola ?
Deport his ass.
He has been in the US for weeks spreading his disease.
So. Deport him. Immediately.
You want Americans to die to save a few bucks.
There is a humanitarian reason to help people but I wont bother pushing that. The practical reason should be enough but that supposes you are talking to a functioning adult.You fail on both counts.

Is it 'humanitarian' to inflict Ebola, carried by illegal aliens, on your fellow citizens? YOU and your ilk, CAUSED that problem. Now YOU want everyone else to PAY for your bumbling ineptitude. Tell you what, why don't YOU harbor these illegal aliens in YOUR home? We will build a wall around your house so illegals and now YOU don't escape and spread deadly viruses before you ultimately die from it. If you want to wear the badge of 'humanitarian' that is the least you could do.
Why cant you just admit that punishing illegals is more important to you than protecting Americans ?.
How does letting his disease stay here protect Americans?
You want Americans to die to save a few bucks.
There is a humanitarian reason to help people but I wont bother pushing that. The practical reason should be enough but that supposes you are talking to a functioning adult.You fail on both counts.

Is it 'humanitarian' to inflict Ebola, carried by illegal aliens, on your fellow citizens? YOU and your ilk, CAUSED that problem. Now YOU want everyone else to PAY for your bumbling ineptitude. Tell you what, why don't YOU harbor these illegal aliens in YOUR home? We will build a wall around your house so illegals and now YOU don't escape and spread deadly viruses before you ultimately die from it. If you want to wear the badge of 'humanitarian' that is the least you could do.
Why cant you just admit that punishing illegals is more important to you than protecting Americans ?.
Punishment would be imprisoning them after a trial.
This is just refusing to give them handouts.


Dear OHP community partners,

As you may be aware, the proposed new public charge rule was published in the Federal Register today. Below, you will find a statement from OHA Director Pat Allen. Note that you can access this statement on the OHA website in both Oregon Health Authority : OHA: Federal immigration rule proposal could impact health access, outcomes : External Relations Division : State of Oregon and Oregon Health Authority : OHA: El cambio propuesto a una regla federal de inmigración puede impactar el acceso a servicios de salud : External Relations Division : State of Oregon. An FAQ on public charge will also soon be available.

Kind Regards,
The Community Partner Outreach Program

OHA: Federal immigration rule proposal could impact health access, outcomes

Salem, Ore. -- Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen released the following statement in response to Department of Homeland Security’s proposed public charge rule change, which was published in the Federal Register today:

OHA is closely monitoring the proposed change to the Department of Homeland Security’s federal public charge rule that could impact access to essential services like health care for some Oregon immigrant communities. It is important to know that the rule has not yet changed, and eligibility criteria for our programs have not changed.

However, we are aware that families are concerned, fearful, and faced with difficult choices. We will continue our work with local health care providers, advocates, attorneys, and community leaders to address the fears and respond to the changing immigration landscape while maintaining our focus on improving the health of Oregonians.

We know that health coverage contributes to healthier pregnancy, birth, and childhood outcomes, better education, and reduced emergency department visits and hospitalizations. OHA will continue to focus on transforming health care for all Oregonians.

Public charge is a term used in immigration law to describe an individual who is likely to become dependent on the government in the future. Being considered a public charge can result in the denial of a green card (permanent residency) application. Currently, the only public assistance that can be considered when determining a person will become a public charge is cash assistance (e.g., Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Social Security Income) and assisted long-term care at the government’s expense.

The proposed changes would expand the list of programs that could impact public charge determinations to include non-emergency Medicaid (full Oregon Health Plan), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) and housing assistance. Homeland Security is also considering including the Children’s Health Insurance Program on the list and has requested public comment on that aspect.

OHA, led by Governor Kate Brown’s Office and together with Oregon Department of Human Services and Oregon Housing and Community Services, will closely monitor this proposed rule, study its impacts and work with community partners to support affected Oregonians.

One in 10 Oregon residents is an immigrant, while about one in eight U.S. born children has at least one immigrant parent, according to the American Immigration Council.

The public may submit comments to the Federal Register on the proposed rule change for 60 days, until December 10, 2018. You can comment by visiting the FFederal Register :: Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds


Federal Register :: Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds
Federal Proposal Broadens "Public Charge" Definition for Immigrants: What Are the Implications for States? - NASHP
Proposed Changes to “Public Charge” Policies for Immigrants: Implications for Health Coverage

Again conflating "immigrants" with "illegals" but meh.
When homos talk, people laugh.
When thick fuckers like you spout shite - sensible people shake their heads and wonder.

Would you deny medical help to an illegal with Ebola ?
Deport his ass.
He has been in the US for weeks spreading his disease.
So. Deport him. Immediately.
No, he has been here a while with a disease that you wont treat him for. Wouldnt it be better to treat him and save American lives ?
When homos talk, people laugh.
When thick fuckers like you spout shite - sensible people shake their heads and wonder.

Would you deny medical help to an illegal with Ebola ?
Deport his ass.
He has been in the US for weeks spreading his disease.
So. Deport him. Immediately.
No, he has been here a while with a disease that you wont treat him for. Wouldnt it be better to treat him and save American lives ?
No. Deport him and save American lives. He has been here spreading disease long enough. End his being a contagion vector. Deport him.
Why cant you just admit that punishing illegals is more important to you than protecting Americans ?.

I never said that, in fact, I basically said YOU should step up. Apparently you want to preach and not participate. Protecting Americans would be to build a wall and institute an immigration ban from countries infected with Ebola. I am not against sending help to those countries to help them with their diseases IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES. Why do you want to punish American citizens? What about the UN, aren't they the first organization to help? Why don't you blame THEM?
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I want to build a wall and deport illegals so they don't spread their diseases here. Instead they can fight for healthcare in their own countries.
When homos talk, people laugh.
When thick fuckers like you spout shite - sensible people shake their heads and wonder.

Would you deny medical help to an illegal with Ebola ?
If he's illegal he's already been denied free medical care. See OP for details.

Also, he's deported back to England.

So he is free to spread his disease because you want the country to save a few dollars ?

Not one of you stupid fuckers can defend this. You make me smile you are so stupid.
You already said that and I responded.

Do all homos talk in circles? We heteros continue forward.

Yep, Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year.

There has long been a consensus among economists -- based on the a variety of empirical data -- that illegal immigrants are net contributors to the economy, including to government via taxes.

See for example: (ignore the price, the PDF is available for free via the "Free PDF" link)

The Truth About Undocumented Immigrants and Taxes - The Atlantic

They have to be pretty creative to come up with stats that favor importing dependents. It is pretty tough making up a story where educating feeding, and giving healthcare is not a problem because they pick crops. I'm not sure how anyone can seriously believe that. These are the same genius economists that say capitalism is bad for the economy.
Why cant you just admit that punishing illegals is more important to you than protecting Americans ?.

I never said that, in fact, I basically said YOU should step up. Apparently you want to preach and not participate. Protecting Americans would be to build a wall and institute an immigration ban from countries infected with Ebola. I am not against sending help to those countries to help them with their diseases IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES. Why do you want to punish American citizens? What about the UN, aren't they the first organization to help? Why don't you blame THEM?
I can see that you have all given up on this ridiculous argument. Americans will die so that you can be mean to illegals. Trumps America.
You right wing loons are so short sighted. No healthcare for immigrants ?

Lets hope that none of them have Ebola or some other nasty virus.

As a cost in protecting the public it probably ranks near to a Trump golf weekend.

I cant stress enough how stupid you all are.

Yes maybe we can let them all in and eventually have a system as wonderful as your NHS is doing with all the immigrant, amirite?

You right wing loons are so short sighted. No healthcare for immigrants ?

Lets hope that none of them have Ebola or some other nasty virus.

As a cost in protecting the public it probably ranks near to a Trump golf weekend.

I cant stress enough how stupid you all are.

Yes maybe we can let them all in and eventually have a system as wonderful as your NHS is doing with all the immigrant, amirite?

They are already in Sue. And they are spreading diseases amongst Americans because of your idiotic decision to deny them healthcare.
You right wing loons are so short sighted. No healthcare for immigrants ?

Lets hope that none of them have Ebola or some other nasty virus.

As a cost in protecting the public it probably ranks near to a Trump golf weekend.

I cant stress enough how stupid you all are.

Yes maybe we can let them all in and eventually have a system as wonderful as your NHS is doing with all the immigrant, amirite?

They are already in Sue. And they are spreading diseases amongst Americans because of your idiotic decision to deny them healthcare.

I said: maybe you should just copy how wonderful your NHS is. Remember when you used to brag about how grand that was? I do. I remember that cheesy display at the 2012 London Olympics. Now you get 4 hour ambulance wait times if you're lucky and just awful service top down. Also the system is in financial near-ruin. Oh, but that doesn't stop the Brits from STILL chastising Americans. The Brits still love chastising us about everything, almost as if THEY won that war way back in the 1700s.

Ain't that a kick in the head? You know what else is funny? Brits never heard of colonialism. Nope, all America with that crap....oh yeah
That is no justification for those who seek to circumvent our immigration laws. Sad that you guys look for any reason to encourage illegal immigration.

This is wrong. I'm not looking for reasons to justify circumventing laws. In fact, my view is that data like that provides a strong argument for changing the laws. It's the passage of laws like the IRCA in the 1980s that created the situation we have now. In fact there really are no options for immigrants from Latin America who wish to immigrate legally, it's essentially impossible unless you have existing relations who are citizens. Yet, not only are immigrants beneficial to the American economy, there are sectors of the economy which explicitly depend on immigrants to function. We've created an entirely irrational state of affairs because of the disconnect between the economic and legal realities. The fix for that isn't ignoring the law, it's changing it.
You learn your terms. No one in this thread is arguing against immigration.

Illegals aka border jumpers, are NOT immigrants. Border jumpers are a net loss to the American economy to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

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