The Benefits Of Socialism

Is the government giving farmers and ranchers more than 20 billion dollars a year to control what they grow and harvest an example of socialism?
Is the government giving farmers and ranchers more than 20 billion dollars a year to control what they grow and harvest an example of socialism?
All of those programs should be stopped, they only have diminishing returns....
yea thats right. Socialism is a range of ideologies, but they all involve worker self-management. Quite ironic how we think of ourselves as a democratic society when no democracy exists in the workplace.

Not a word was written about anybody having a democratic workplace at the founding of this Country.

That is beyond the purview of The State.

You want democracy in the workplace? You are a child.

You have the right to quit work whenever you want if you find it too burdensome for your tender sensibilities.

We fought our costliest War over that.

For someone who claims to have written two books, it seems you missed the History of Labor in America. It is so sad that people on the right are anti intellectual and mock higher education where survey courses are few, and specific courses provide the detail in economic history, labor history and diplomatic history. Sad that you missed these three and Poli Sci too.

Socialism can be defined by one word... control

yea, here's your control
Better yet, look to Western Social Democracies and not nations which claim to be people's republicans which are in effect despotic and totalitarian.

One obscure author is one data point. Nation's such as Russia and China have become crony capitalistic systems and ours under Republicans control has become more plutocratic than democratic. We the People are not valued by the callous conservative set which goes by the misnomer Freedom Caucus and the rhetoric and behavior of Trump.

This is why I hate this place.

They allow FUCKING IDIOTS like you to offer STUPID FUCKING OPINIONS without ANY example(s) to back it up.

All you do is talk out of your fucking ass with some BULLSHIT fucking underclassman garbage and run away like you've made some kind of point.

Back up your lying mouth with some concrete examples or go back to the circle jerk at DailyKooks where you belong

F. U. Maybe you've never left "Broken Hollow" and traveled to Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, GB, Canada, Mexcio, Central America, The Caribbean, Columbia and 40 US States as I have.

BTW, who published your alleged books.
Under Socialism, everyone is equally miserable and poor...except of course for the Dear Leaders who "sacrifice" themselves for the well-being of society and are compensated with incredibly rich lifestyles.
how can you discuss something that has a definition that changes with every post?

This is exactly why Democrats are playing this game: If something can't be defined, it can't be discussed.

It is not the Dems playing the game, it is the Repubs that cannot quit talking about it. They label everything possible as socialism

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how can you discuss something that has a definition that changes with every post?

This is exactly why Democrats are playing this game: If something can't be defined, it can't be discussed.

It is not the Dems playing the game, it is the Repubs that cannot quit talking about it. They label everything possible as socialism

Its the dems who are derailing every single thread about socialism. They pick out the dumbest Trumpster in the thread and make the entire discussion about their misconceptions. It's a deliberate distraction. They want us to accept socialism without a fight, without any real discussion.
how can you discuss something that has a definition that changes with every post?

This is exactly why Democrats are playing this game: If something can't be defined, it can't be discussed.

HUH?? Socialism is a term used by the Right as a pejorative, used to create hate and fear to the uninformed.

We live now, and have always lived in a mixed economy: Regulated Capitalism mixed with government services.

Much of the work done for the Federal Government is provided by the private sector. See:

Federal grants in the United States - Wikipedia

Other work is completed in the day to day work for each Agency of Government, i.e. the Military, General Services, DOJ, Forest Service, CDC, etc. All not for profit agencies.

The author of the OP is full of digested bull food, and has no clue as to how government on any level in the US operates.
how can you discuss something that has a definition that changes with every post?

This is exactly why Democrats are playing this game: If something can't be defined, it can't be discussed.

It is not the Dems playing the game, it is the Repubs that cannot quit talking about it. They label everything possible as socialism

Its the dems who are derailing every single thread about socialism. They pick out the dumbest Trumpster in the thread and make the entire discussion about their misconceptions. It's a deliberate distraction. They want us to accept socialism without a fight, without any real discussion.

In this thread, the dumbest Trumpster in the thread is the one that made the thread, should we just ignore the OP and the whole point of the thread?

The Trumpians are doing just as much to bring about socialism as the Dems. By calling everything that moves "socialism" they are making it commonplace and not something to be feared.
how can you discuss something that has a definition that changes with every post?

This is exactly why Democrats are playing this game: If something can't be defined, it can't be discussed.

HUH?? Socialism is a term used by the Right as a pejorative, used to create hate and fear to the uninformed.

We live now, and have always lived in a mixed economy: Regulated Capitalism mixed with government services.

Much of the work done for the Federal Government is provided by the private sector. See:

Federal grants in the United States - Wikipedia

Other work is completed in the day to day work for each Agency of Government, i.e. the Military, General Services, DOJ, Forest Service, CDC, etc. All not for profit agencies.

The author of the OP is full of digested bull food, and has no clue as to how government on any level in the US operates.

See what I mean? We never see any real defense of socialism. Just a bunch of obfuscation and distraction.

This thread is about the benefits of socialism. What do you think they are? Why should we adopt it?
The Trumpians are doing just as much to bring about socialism as the Dems. By calling everything that moves "socialism" they are making it commonplace and not something to be feared.

Yep. And Democrats are using that to avoid real discussion. Notice that democrats aren't (for the most part) denying that they're socialists. Instead, they're playing orwellian word games to confuse the issue.
Some get fucked and most get free shit from those being fucked. The middle man (.GOV) decides the details / rules in the game of Fuck Or Be Fucked....That’s socialism without spin.
Golfing Gator Mac1958 and Wry Catcher know this but they love to package and polish the offering. My guess is; they need free shit.
how can you discuss something that has a definition that changes with every post?

This is exactly why Democrats are playing this game: If something can't be defined, it can't be discussed.

It is not the Dems playing the game, it is the Repubs that cannot quit talking about it. They label everything possible as socialism

Its the dems who are derailing every single thread about socialism. They pick out the dumbest Trumpster in the thread and make the entire discussion about their misconceptions. It's a deliberate distraction. They want us to accept socialism without a fight, without any real discussion.

Tell the reader which government agency engages in a for profit competitive market? Here's a rundown on how our tax dollars are spent:

Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?
Some get fucked and most get free shit from those being fucked. The middle man (.GOV) decides the details / rules in the game of Fuck Or Be Fucked....That’s socialism without spin.
Golfing Gator Mac1958 and Wry Catcher know this but they love to package and polish the offering. My guess is; they need free shit.
Another great example of an important term that has been dumbed down for over-use by the simplistic.
Some get fucked and most get free shit from those being fucked. The middle man (.GOV) decides the details / rules in the game of Fuck Or Be Fucked....That’s socialism without spin.
Golfing Gator Mac1958 and Wry Catcher know this but they love to package and polish the offering. My guess is; they need free shit.
Another great example of an important term that has been dumbed down for over-use by the simplistic.

Hey Mac, what do you think the benefits of socialism are?

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