The Benefits Of Socialism

Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

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You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

Both are appalling.
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

View attachment 254478

You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

Hmm...seems like the same shit spun different
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

View attachment 254478

You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

Both are appalling.

No doubt.

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Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

View attachment 254478

You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

Hmm...seems like the same shit spun different

More or less, who owns what sort of changes but only in name, the effect is the same.

As a greedy capitalist both are of the devil.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

View attachment 254478

You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

Hmm...seems like the same shit spun different

More or less, who owns what sort of changes but only in name, the effect is the same.

As a greedy capitalist both are of the devil.

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WTF...are you bipolar?
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

No. communism is the absence of a State. Under communism, The 'State' has 'Withered Away" after a successful run of socialism. To be taken over by Worker's Councils. And that's about as far as Marx/Engels got. They never talked about who was gonna pick up the garbage or run the railroads.

I'm trying to stay away from Marx because he really was a stupid person. Seriously. He really was. But Russia and China and many other failed and murderous regimes followed his idiotic teaching. Or, more accurately, Engels teachings.

They never finished the Plan, because they realized if they did everyone would say, "man what a stupid fucking Idea" So they left the door open after The complete takeover of the will of the people and promotion of the Utopian dream ! Which they knew they could never realize. Both Idiots have been the cause of the death and starvation 0f Hundreds of Millions of People under communist and Socialist rule!
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

So, if no one here is defending socialism, where's the argument?

The real debate is in the ‘elements’ of socialism and the beneficiaries of socialism.
The Left loves socialism and taxpayer investment in ShaQuita, Guadalupe and their litters of filth while some on the Right support taxpayers investing in our food sources, military and victims of natural disasters.
Both are appalling.

In theory, both are quite appealing.

Think about it. No more thievery, no more fighting, cheating, lying isn't necessary, everybody is happy, nobody's trying to fuck anybody else.

It is a Utopian theory.

Lenin knew that it would take a United People to make socialism work. A people that thought alike, wanted the same things, had the same aspirations and weren't pitted against each other through tribalism or greed.

So they outlawed Religion. They did it because they thought (Idiotically) that Jews were at the heart of all Capitalism. Read Marx (A Jew) and he totally agrees. Read Bruno Bauer's "The Jewish Question" and Marx's response.

Hitler didn't outlaw Religion, he outlawed the Jew. Tried to kill them all. Very nearly did.

And the National Socialists did it because Marx, Engels, etc thought that Jews were the cause of all the bad things happening in the world at the time.

Look at today's Anti-Semitism in the dimocrap SCUM party. It goes right back to Marx, et al.

Anyway, for socialism to work, you must have a People united by a common purpose, a common goal, a common culture and a common outlook on life.

Otherwise, it won't work.

Look at Bill Ayers' (a close pal of the Lying Cocksucker) group, Weather Underground proposed.

They were dead serious when they wanted to give large chucks of America to China, Russia, Cuba and Mexico and execute somewhere around 25 Million Americans. All in the name of creating a socialist Utopia.

It's not bullshit people -- Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans

People, you gotta understand something -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and if you give them the power, they will do everything they've been promising to do.

And then some

Which is another benefit of socialism...... Lower the surplus population :)
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

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That’s communism...why be so nutless...address the issue of socialism...sack up.

View attachment 254478

You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

How many people starve to death in Communist/Socialist country's vs. The United States? Enough said thank you. I haven't had to wait in line for food lately have you? Caracas is without electricity. Can you remember the last time you were without electricity that didn't involve a catastrophic event. Didn't think so Socialism is just stupid! :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

So, if no one here is defending socialism, where's the argument?

For me the argument is in people mislabeling everything they do not like as socialism.

It drives me bananas and makes socialism seem better than it is to many people

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View attachment 254478

You are welcome, no charge for me educating you.

Awesome thanks Webster. Now tell us what separates Socialism from Communism.

The Difference Between Communism and Socialism

In a communist society, the working class owns everything, and everyone works toward the same communal goal. There are no wealthy or poor people -- all are equal, and the community distributes what it produces based only on need.

socialism’s main focus is on equality. But workers earn wages they can spend as they choose, while the government, not citizens, owns and operates the means for production.

Hmm...seems like the same shit spun different

More or less, who owns what sort of changes but only in name, the effect is the same.

As a greedy capitalist both are of the devil.

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WTF...are you bipolar?

Not at all, what part are you confused about?

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Both are appalling.

In theory, both are quite appealing.

Think about it. No more thievery, no more fighting, cheating, lying isn't necessary, everybody is happy, nobody's trying to fuck anybody else.

It is a Utopian theory.

Lenin knew that it would take a United People to make socialism work. A people that thought alike, wanted the same things, had the same aspirations and weren't pitted against each other through tribalism or greed.

So they outlawed Religion. They did it because they thought (Idiotically) that Jews were at the heart of all Capitalism. Read Marx (A Jew) and he totally agrees. Read Bruno Bauer's "The Jewish Question" and Marx's response.

Hitler didn't outlaw Religion, he outlawed the Jew. Tried to kill them all. Very nearly did.

And the National Socialists did it because Marx, Engels, etc thought that Jews were the cause of all the bad things happening in the world at the time.

Look at today's Anti-Semitism in the dimocrap SCUM party. It goes right back to Marx, et al.

Anyway, for socialism to work, you must have a People united by a common purpose, a common goal, a common culture and a common outlook on life.

Otherwise, it won't work.

Look at Bill Ayers' (a close pal of the Lying Cocksucker) group, Weather Underground proposed.

They were dead serious when they wanted to give large chucks of America to China, Russia, Cuba and Mexico and execute somewhere around 25 Million Americans. All in the name of creating a socialist Utopia.

It's not bullshit people -- Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans

People, you gotta understand something -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and if you give them the power, they will do everything they've been promising to do.

And then some

Which is another benefit of socialism...... Lower the surplus population :)

In theory its a veritable heavenly utopia. In reality, 100 million were killed. The underlying theme each time: "If we can get our people in there this time, it will work". The scary part is that the millennials dont know history and want to try this madness again.
Both are appalling.

In theory, both are quite appealing.

Think about it. No more thievery, no more fighting, cheating, lying isn't necessary, everybody is happy, nobody's trying to fuck anybody else.

It is a Utopian theory.

Lenin knew that it would take a United People to make socialism work. A people that thought alike, wanted the same things, had the same aspirations and weren't pitted against each other through tribalism or greed.

So they outlawed Religion. They did it because they thought (Idiotically) that Jews were at the heart of all Capitalism. Read Marx (A Jew) and he totally agrees. Read Bruno Bauer's "The Jewish Question" and Marx's response.

Hitler didn't outlaw Religion, he outlawed the Jew. Tried to kill them all. Very nearly did.

And the National Socialists did it because Marx, Engels, etc thought that Jews were the cause of all the bad things happening in the world at the time.

Look at today's Anti-Semitism in the dimocrap SCUM party. It goes right back to Marx, et al.

Anyway, for socialism to work, you must have a People united by a common purpose, a common goal, a common culture and a common outlook on life.

Otherwise, it won't work.

Look at Bill Ayers' (a close pal of the Lying Cocksucker) group, Weather Underground proposed.

They were dead serious when they wanted to give large chucks of America to China, Russia, Cuba and Mexico and execute somewhere around 25 Million Americans. All in the name of creating a socialist Utopia.

It's not bullshit people -- Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans

People, you gotta understand something -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and if you give them the power, they will do everything they've been promising to do.

And then some

Which is another benefit of socialism...... Lower the surplus population :)

In theory its a veritable heavenly utopia. In reality, 100 million were killed. The underlying theme each time: "If we can get our people in there this time, it will work". The scary part is that the millennials dont know history and want to try this madness again.

There's a reason Authoritarian Progressives have taken over our educational institutions and have eliminated coursework in Western Civ and history.
Both are appalling.

In theory, both are quite appealing.

Think about it. No more thievery, no more fighting, cheating, lying isn't necessary, everybody is happy, nobody's trying to fuck anybody else.

It is a Utopian theory.

Lenin knew that it would take a United People to make socialism work. A people that thought alike, wanted the same things, had the same aspirations and weren't pitted against each other through tribalism or greed.

So they outlawed Religion. They did it because they thought (Idiotically) that Jews were at the heart of all Capitalism. Read Marx (A Jew) and he totally agrees. Read Bruno Bauer's "The Jewish Question" and Marx's response.

Hitler didn't outlaw Religion, he outlawed the Jew. Tried to kill them all. Very nearly did.

And the National Socialists did it because Marx, Engels, etc thought that Jews were the cause of all the bad things happening in the world at the time.

Look at today's Anti-Semitism in the dimocrap SCUM party. It goes right back to Marx, et al.

Anyway, for socialism to work, you must have a People united by a common purpose, a common goal, a common culture and a common outlook on life.

Otherwise, it won't work.

Look at Bill Ayers' (a close pal of the Lying Cocksucker) group, Weather Underground proposed.

They were dead serious when they wanted to give large chucks of America to China, Russia, Cuba and Mexico and execute somewhere around 25 Million Americans. All in the name of creating a socialist Utopia.

It's not bullshit people -- Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans

People, you gotta understand something -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and if you give them the power, they will do everything they've been promising to do.

And then some

Which is another benefit of socialism...... Lower the surplus population :)

Mao did exactly that and allowed some 30million people starve during his great revolution. While at the same time telling the Masses he indoctrinated that Utopia was achieved. He basically eliminated 30-40 million people who were of no use to the Collective.
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

So, if no one here is defending socialism, where's the argument?

For me the argument is in people mislabeling everything they do not like as socialism.

It drives me bananas and makes socialism seem better than it is to many people.

Examples? Mostly what I see is conservatives - even some Trumpsters - pointing to policies and agendas that are, in fact, pursuing more socialism. And liberals denying that those policies and programs are socialism. That's when they start doing the equivocation dance. They do shit like Mac tried on here earlier, where the slide subtle modifiers into the definition to facilitate their denials. They'll insist it's not "really" socialism unless government controls everything. I guess, to them, if we've socialized 99.9% of our economy, we're still not "really" socialists. Anything - anything - rather than discuss the benefits and drawbacks of granting government power over the economy.
The number one benefit of socialism is it that it gives government much more power over society. For libertarians, that's it's greatest drawback.
Actually, the shell game with the definition is a standard derailment technique - designed to avoid discussion.
usually ....when your talking to a lefty ...99.9 % of the time
Its going on for way to long
it really is getting old

Most of the young commies today have been sold this fantasy of bottom to top socialism .the only problem which they never seem to address is that you still have to put people in charge of the "collective" "democracy"

View attachment 254479

she get's you all hard, doesn't she! :21::21::21:

really stupid broads are kinda sexy ...for a night or two
Let’s try this and see if it works.

I see no benefit in the government owning and controlling the means of production and distribution.

So, if no one here is defending socialism, where's the argument?

The real debate is in the ‘elements’ of socialism and the beneficiaries of socialism.
The Left loves socialism and taxpayer investment in ShaQuita, Guadalupe and their litters of filth while some on the Right support taxpayers investing in our food sources, military and victims of natural disasters.

This is it in a nutshell. Both sides have their flavor of socialism they like and defend. Both sides word their version of socialism so that it sounds good and noble and make the other sides seem bad.

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