The Benghazi and Capitol attacks were caused by a failure of Democrat leadership.

Benghazi was a continuation of the failures that brought us 911 and Iraq. Benghazi was over us running arms out of a foreign country.

The Capital attack was over things working right but people still found their feelings hurt.
You are talking in very broad terms and ignoring the most important factors in both attacks. There are many factors that lead up to events like Benghazi and the Capitol attack and I do agree that Trump's speeches fomented the fringe elements of his supporters to attack. But in both cases, if Democrats had provided an adequate level of security forces, any attack would have been quickly squelched.

Protecting the Capital is a federal issue.
Including the courthouse in Oregon I believe. That fed building. Not letting the feds protect it.Getting hurt.Right?

Nobody can stop the Feds from protecting any Federal building.
I just wish we had concern this summer. blocking hospitals???. No one cares to remember that. Not significant
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

And there is that poignant democrat response, "At this point, what difference does it make?" Hilarity
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The officer who murdered the unarmed female veteran fired randomly into a crowd. Sounds like what a 17 year old in Kenosha might do if he was afraid for his safety.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The officer who murdered the unarmed female veteran fired randomly into a crowd. Sounds like what a 17 year old in Kenosha might do if he was afraid for his safety.

We have seen the tape. It wasn't random.

She was clearly given a chance to retreat. The officer who shot her was defending a line. If the mob got past the officer they could have over run the building. This is people who were chanting the execution of the Vice President and other members of Congress.. The officer was there for the safety of those people.
She was a threat.

Saying that I believe the woman was brainwashed by lies about the election. The blood of her death is not on the officer but on the people who brainwashed her into thinking that violently breaking thru that barrier was the right thing to do. It wasn't... The woman was radicalised...
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The officer who murdered the unarmed female veteran fired randomly into a crowd. Sounds like what a 17 year old in Kenosha might do if he was afraid for his safety.

We have seen the tape. It wasn't random.

She was clearly given a chance to retreat. The officer who shot her was defending a line. If the mob got past the officer they could have over run the building. This is people who were chanting the execution of the Vice President and other members of Congress.. The officer was there for the safety of those people.
She was a threat.

Saying that I believe the woman was brainwashed by lies about the election. The blood of her death is not on the officer but on the people who brainwashed her into thinking that violently breaking thru that barrier was the right thing to do. It wasn't... The woman was radicalised...

The woman was UNARMED and filming. She was MURDERED. I guess she would have to OD on fentanyl and have a knee on her neck before you'd admit it. YOU are complicit and as guilty of murder as the guy that pulled the trigger.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The officer who murdered the unarmed female veteran fired randomly into a crowd. Sounds like what a 17 year old in Kenosha might do if he was afraid for his safety.

We have seen the tape. It wasn't random.

She was clearly given a chance to retreat. The officer who shot her was defending a line. If the mob got past the officer they could have over run the building. This is people who were chanting the execution of the Vice President and other members of Congress.. The officer was there for the safety of those people.
She was a threat.

Saying that I believe the woman was brainwashed by lies about the election. The blood of her death is not on the officer but on the people who brainwashed her into thinking that violently breaking thru that barrier was the right thing to do. It wasn't... The woman was radicalised...

The woman was UNARMED and filming. She was MURDERED. I guess she would have to OD on fentanyl and have a knee on her neck before you'd admit it. YOU are complicit and as guilty of murder as the guy that pulled the trigger.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The officer who murdered the unarmed female veteran fired randomly into a crowd. Sounds like what a 17 year old in Kenosha might do if he was afraid for his safety.

We have seen the tape. It wasn't random.

She was clearly given a chance to retreat. The officer who shot her was defending a line. If the mob got past the officer they could have over run the building. This is people who were chanting the execution of the Vice President and other members of Congress.. The officer was there for the safety of those people.
She was a threat.

Saying that I believe the woman was brainwashed by lies about the election. The blood of her death is not on the officer but on the people who brainwashed her into thinking that violently breaking thru that barrier was the right thing to do. It wasn't... The woman was radicalised...

The woman was UNARMED and filming. She was MURDERED. I guess she would have to OD on fentanyl and have a knee on her neck before you'd admit it. YOU are complicit and as guilty of murder as the guy that pulled the trigger.

I explained the reason and the shooting was justified.
She was warned and the officers were threatened to leave the door by the mob... She had already broke a number of laws and was committing another which out lives in danger.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

National Guard wasn't necessary. You needed all hands on deck and backup from Maryland and Virginia PD at the ready. None of that happened because OPTICS MATTER not lives.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The woman should have been maced or tazed.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

So.... In your "mind" the one who incited the acts and those who perpetuated them have no responsibility?

If you read my other posts, you will see that I agree that President Trump's recent speeches on the election fomented SOME of his followers to violence. I am focusing on the most significant contributing factor in both events that lead to the breach and loss of life. Lack of adequate security.

The security question isn't straight forward but the DC Mayor asked for National guard before the event.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy doesn't seemed to have approved that request. So the Mayor's office was concerned but had limited power.

The Capitol Police have to take some blame as well...
There was help willing to come but they had to ask for it... Thus the resignation of the head of Capitol Police.

Saying that it was very clear that police on the ground where not prepared for a riot of that magnitude. Regular guns are not very useful as Police will not open fire into a crowd (and rightly so). I was surprised the lack of use of Water Cannon in US compare to Europe. In Europe Water Cannon would have been out in minutes clearing the crowd outside.
Those are Northern Ireland rioters, some of the most experienced rioters in the world... If you want to know how to deal with a riot, ask the Northern Ireland Police.

Most of Europeans can't understand why police in US don't have a full array of non lethal weapons are there disposal during a riot. Bean bag guns, flash bangs,...

The officer who murdered the unarmed female veteran fired randomly into a crowd. Sounds like what a 17 year old in Kenosha might do if he was afraid for his safety.

We have seen the tape. It wasn't random.

She was clearly given a chance to retreat. The officer who shot her was defending a line. If the mob got past the officer they could have over run the building. This is people who were chanting the execution of the Vice President and other members of Congress.. The officer was there for the safety of those people.
She was a threat.

Saying that I believe the woman was brainwashed by lies about the election. The blood of her death is not on the officer but on the people who brainwashed her into thinking that violently breaking thru that barrier was the right thing to do. It wasn't... The woman was radicalised...

The woman was UNARMED and filming. She was MURDERED. I guess she would have to OD on fentanyl and have a knee on her neck before you'd admit it. YOU are complicit and as guilty of murder as the guy that pulled the trigger.

I explained the reason and the shooting was justified.
She was warned and the officers were threatened to leave the door by the mob... She had already broke a number of laws and was committing another which out lives in danger.

He fired into a crowd of protestors. It was MURDER.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

Hey, is that couple of rolls of TP still burning on FOX?

Talk about optics.
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

Who says what occurred at the Capital was an accident?
In both tragic events there was plenty of time for Democrat leaders to act sensibly and provide for an adequate level of security to protect our people. In both cases the Democrats were more concerned about THE OPTICS, how things might look rather than insuring the safety of our people. In both cases, there was great violence and the death of innocent Americans resulted due to lack of security to repel the attacks. Democrats never learn, nor do they care.

Who says what occurred at the Capital was an accident?

Yeah! most those insurrectionists just got pushed in the door and where looking only for a bathroom.

As the accidents happened in the hallways.
He fired into a crowd of protestors. It was MURDER.
A woman wearing a backpack is climbing through a bullet proof window that was smashed by a violent mob.

On the other side of that window, that barricade, was the entire US Congress as well as the Vice President and the Vice President Elect.

That crowd was rampaging though the Capitol building...had already KILLED a police officer and beaten others...and was chanting "Hang Mike Pence"

If you think that shoot wasn't justified you are a fucking piece of shit.
"Concerned American" by the way would justify the killing of an unarmed black man running away from police in a New York fuck off
He fired into a crowd of protestors. It was MURDER.
A woman wearing a backpack is climbing through a bullet proof window that was smashed by a violent mob.

On the other side of that window, that barricade, was the entire US Congress as well as the Vice President and the Vice President Elect.

That crowd was rampaging though the Capitol building...had already KILLED a police officer and beaten others...and was chanting "Hang Mike Pence"

If you think that shoot wasn't justified you are a fucking piece of shit.
The woman posed no immediate threat to the officers and should have been maced or tazed. Yet I'm sure you are horrified when an officer who has a half a second to react and shoots a Black man.
He fired into a crowd of protestors. It was MURDER.
A woman wearing a backpack is climbing through a bullet proof window that was smashed by a violent mob.

On the other side of that window, that barricade, was the entire US Congress as well as the Vice President and the Vice President Elect.

That crowd was rampaging though the Capitol building...had already KILLED a police officer and beaten others...and was chanting "Hang Mike Pence"

If you think that shoot wasn't justified you are a fucking piece of shit.
The woman posed no immediate threat to the officers and should have been maced or tazed. Yet I'm sure you are horrified when an officer who has a half a second to react and shoots a Black man.
A woman wearing a backpack is climbing through a bullet proof window that was smashed by a violent mob.

On the other side of that window, that barricade, was the entire US Congress as well as the Vice President and the Vice President Elect.

That crowd was rampaging though the Capitol building...had already KILLED a police officer and beaten others...and was chanting "Hang Mike Pence"

If you think that shoot wasn't justified you are a fucking piece of shit.

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