The best ever layoff letter (author unknown)


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
No wonder this guy is sharp! You can’t be any fairer than this guy…

Dear Employees:
As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama is our President & that our taxes & government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But, since we can not increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off 60 of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are a family here & I don’t know who to choose who would have to go. So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots & found 60 “Obama” bumper stickers on our employees’ cars & have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can’t think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change…So I gave it to them.
I will see the rest of you at the company picnic.
It's a hypothetical post, & right on, considering the state of America.
Got it off Youtube
[ame=]Weekly Address: Time for Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage for the American People - YouTube[/ame]

The Snopes one reads..

The "Aaron Templeton" version (which is the most widespread, according to our inbox) is often prefaced thusly: My 20 yr old niece works for a little insurance company in San Francisco. This is an actual email the CFO of the company sent out to all the employees.
One of the people to whom the screed was falsely attributed spoke to the press about it. Dan Remely, president of H-Squared Properties Inc., a Pittsburgh company that manages real estate holdings, said: "We didn't lay anybody off. We didn't fire anybody." His company, by the way, employs two dozen people, not the 140 claimed in the e-mail.

Read more at Obama Bumper Sticker Layoff
Two things to keep in mind:

First, the way the republicans burned thru money in recent years, the idea that you can blame the dems for tax & spend policies is ridiculous. BOTH parties are deep in our pockets.

Second, the idea that people would be laid off or fired for supporting the Dems might be appealing to you republicans, since beating the dems is obviously more important than taking care of the country. But think about what this says for our voting freedoms? If you know the boss might fire you if you vote for someone he doesn't like, you have lost a basic freedom.

And yeah, I know it is only a joke. But jokes like this breed the ignorance and hatred we see in today's political arena.
Two things to keep in mind:

First, the way the republicans burned thru money in recent years, the idea that you can blame the dems for tax & spend policies is ridiculous. BOTH parties are deep in our pockets.

Second, the idea that people would be laid off or fired for supporting the Dems might be appealing to you republicans, since beating the dems is obviously more important than taking care of the country. But think about what this says for our voting freedoms? If you know the boss might fire you if you vote for someone he doesn't like, you have lost a basic freedom.

And yeah, I know it is only a joke. But jokes like this breed the ignorance and hatred we see in today's political arena.
The real spending came in when the Dems took over congress, look it up. Yes, we have voting freedoms and we should be free to run business the way we see fit too. Freedom works both ways, or it should. And what do you mean it's more important for Republicans to beat up on the Dems? Not grabbing their ankles and letting them have their way unprotested is beating up on them?
Two things to keep in mind:

First, the way the republicans burned thru money in recent years, the idea that you can blame the dems for tax & spend policies is ridiculous. BOTH parties are deep in our pockets.

Second, the idea that people would be laid off or fired for supporting the Dems might be appealing to you republicans, since beating the dems is obviously more important than taking care of the country. But think about what this says for our voting freedoms? If you know the boss might fire you if you vote for someone he doesn't like, you have lost a basic freedom.

And yeah, I know it is only a joke. But jokes like this breed the ignorance and hatred we see in today's political arena.
The real spending came in when the Dems took over congress, look it up. Yes, we have voting freedoms and we should be free to run business the way we see fit too. Freedom works both ways, or it should. And what do you mean it's more important for Republicans to beat up on the Dems? Not grabbing their ankles and letting them have their way unprotested is beating up on them?

The real spending? lol So running up a debt of billions is ok, but a trillion is horrible and they should be impeached??

The point is, as long as YOU (meaning your party) is running the debt higher, you have no room to complain that the other party is ruining the country by running the debt higher. Whether one is a tiny amount greater is of no consequence.

Yes, the freedoms work both way. But fearing you will lose you job based on how you vote will mean the bosses determine who votes for whom.

I mean both parties seem far more concerned with winning against the other side of the aisle than in serving the American people.
The real spending? lol So running up a debt of billions is ok, but a trillion is horrible and they should be impeached??

The point is, as long as YOU (meaning your party) is running the debt higher, you have no room to complain that the other party is ruining the country by running the debt higher. Whether one is a tiny amount greater is of no consequence.

Yes, the freedoms work both way. But fearing you will lose you job based on how you vote will mean the bosses determine who votes for whom.

I mean both parties seem far more concerned with winning against the other side of the aisle than in serving the American people.
Who said impeached? We should fire the big spenders at the voting booth. Republicans and Democrats. Bush was no fiscal conservative but yes, spending went way up when the Dems took over the senate, just like now.

The Republicans do try, they offered a budget without funding Obamacare, the Senate said NO, it's all or nothing and the Republicans would get the blame (again) for the government shutdown.

And it better to have a business owner decide who to hire than a union taking your dues and funding a party you disagree with. That isn't freedom either.

Snopes labels it a bullshit

But conservatives think it is real
Two things to keep in mind:

First, the way the republicans burned thru money in recent years, the idea that you can blame the dems for tax & spend policies is ridiculous. BOTH parties are deep in our pockets.

Second, the idea that people would be laid off or fired for supporting the Dems might be appealing to you republicans, since beating the dems is obviously more important than taking care of the country. But think about what this says for our voting freedoms? If you know the boss might fire you if you vote for someone he doesn't like, you have lost a basic freedom.

And yeah, I know it is only a joke. But jokes like this breed the ignorance and hatred we see in today's political arena.

I agree about the voting right... However I agree that as a boss (I am) I should be allowed to fire or hire someone for any reason I like.

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