The “Bible Belt” is the Porn Belt: Surprised?

"The “Bible Belt” is the Porn Belt: Surprised?"

Of course not, this fact has been known for years.

Real white trash, General Sherman should have been let to take care of those "People"

:smiliehug: The LORD loves you and so do I, Guno.

You may love Guno, but Jesus thinks he's an asshole.
C'mon Bear. Guno is a huggable little fuzzy nutted critter. He's harmless.
“The honest truth is that we all have our failings, Christian or not, liberal or conservative. None of us live up to our best intentions or deepest values. What’s shameful is not the fact that people find sex arousing and seek it out, even when they feel compelled to do so on the sneak. The problem is hypocrisy and the way that it distorts public policies and parenting, causing real harm to real people. For over a decade, conservatives forced abstinence-only education on young people, insisting that hormone-ravaged teens could ‘just say no’ when they themselves can’t.”

The 8220 Bible Belt 8221 is the Porn Belt Surprised

Jerking it is abstinence, but your source is being deceptive. She paints the baptists in red and the catholics in blue trying to reinforce the piece by making it look like the red state south leads the way when link chasing sources show that Utah leads the way, and that is not considered part of the Bible Belt.
As long as they don't bother me, then I won't bother them. If they want to watch porn all day, it doesn't bother me. But it does kinda remind me of the proles in 1984 who were kept 'happy' by alcohol and porn.
Interestingly enough, I've lived in quite a few different places, and have noticed something.......................

It seems that the more devout the community professes itself to be, the more sordid the underbelly of that same community is.

I've lived in a couple of places (which happened to be located in the Bible belt), and can tell you there are more swingers and other assorted deviants in those places than in the liberal places that I've lived.

And.....................I've lived in several places in this country. Anywhere from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI to Amarillo TX, and all points in between.

Originally, I'm from Great Falls MT.
"The “Bible Belt” is the Porn Belt: Surprised?"

Of course not, this fact has been known for years.

Real white trash, General Sherman should have been let to take care of those "People"

:smiliehug: The LORD loves you and so do I, Guno.

You may love Guno, but Jesus thinks he's an asshole.
C'mon Bear. Guno is a huggable little fuzzy nutted critter. He's harmless.

want a pork treat hill billy cracker goyim ?

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