The Bible is true

I addressed it, are you to scared to engage in the discussion with me?

I completely missed your previous comments on this. The first one I saw was your two sentence dismissal of everything.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.

What he said.

I think the world would do just fine to keep the page with the 10 Commandments and toss the rest.

Some people can easily obey the 10 Commandments, because some people are just good by nature, but that won't help them to know God and realize their whole purpose for being.
The bible can't possibly help people to realize their whole purpose for being. Between the thousands of arbitrary rules and no explanation beyond "God says so" all the bible for somebody is demand obedience.

Sure the bible can "help" people realize their purpose, but it can't do it all by itself. There are no explanations of "rules" that I know of that are based simply on "Because God says so". If you have an example of such a rule, perhaps we can discuss it.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.
They still are contradictory
Psalms 145:9 says God is good to all. It doesn't make any stipulations. Other places in the bible make stipulations so one or the other is wrong. All is absolute there can be no exceptions to absolute.

Please approach this logically. If I said all houses are mustangs, but then said except for palominos my first attachment would be contradicted.

I understand if you are Christian and are part of a sect that demands you to believe the entire bible is the absolute word of God, I hold no contempt for you. But if you cannot separate your belief from this I'm afraid this is a pointless discussion.

There certainly are linguistic contradictions in the bible. The books of the bible are written by different people, with different writing techniques. Even Christ's parables can be found to be confusing IF you takes them literally (I don't believe Heaven is at all like a mustard seed.....except for how it starts small and grows to be enormous, supporting the birds, etc).
PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

God is good to all......he doesn't keep the sunshine from some, or the rain. I think some people consider hardships in their lives as God not being good to them.....and yet many of these same people that think this way do not even believe or consider that there is a God.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy,

How is this contradictory? Here God was talking to one of his Prophets, about what to tell the people that were not obeying, believing.

God is good to all, but his word is very clear. Unbelievers will not live with Him forever in Heaven. And why should they? They choose not to believe, not to obey.

Jeremiah 13: 8 - Then the word of the Lord came to me: 9 “This is what the Lord says: ‘In the same way I will ruin the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. 10 These wicked people, who refuse to listen to my words, who follow the stubbornness of their hearts and go after other gods to serve and worship them, will be like this belt—completely useless!
he is good to all except for...

That is contradictory. You explain how it isn't.

I believe I explained it in another post to you.....He is good to all. Unbelievers as well as believers partake of the many good things that God has provided. You can't say that God denies an unbeliever the sun, or the rain, the ability to love, to work, etc....How is He not being good to all?
well you have a different meaning for the word good. you have interpreted the Bible to mean what you want it to mean.
I addressed it, are you to scared to engage in the discussion with me?

I completely missed your previous comments on this. The first one I saw was your two sentence dismissal of everything.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.

What he said.

I think the world would do just fine to keep the page with the 10 Commandments and toss the rest.

Some people can easily obey the 10 Commandments, because some people are just good by nature, but that won't help them to know God and realize their whole purpose for being.
The bible can't possibly help people to realize their whole purpose for being. Between the thousands of arbitrary rules and no explanation beyond "God says so" all the bible for somebody is demand obedience.

Sure the bible can "help" people realize their purpose, but it can't do it all by itself. There are no explanations of "rules" that I know of that are based simply on "Because God says so". If you have an example of such a rule, perhaps we can discuss it.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.
They still are contradictory
Psalms 145:9 says God is good to all. It doesn't make any stipulations. Other places in the bible make stipulations so one or the other is wrong. All is absolute there can be no exceptions to absolute.

Please approach this logically. If I said all houses are mustangs, but then said except for palominos my first attachment would be contradicted.

I understand if you are Christian and are part of a sect that demands you to believe the entire bible is the absolute word of God, I hold no contempt for you. But if you cannot separate your belief from this I'm afraid this is a pointless discussion.

There certainly are linguistic contradictions in the bible. The books of the bible are written by different people, with different writing techniques. Even Christ's parables can be found to be confusing IF you takes them literally (I don't believe Heaven is at all like a mustard seed.....except for how it starts small and grows to be enormous, supporting the birds, etc).
thank you for adjusting your posting style. there is no need for sarcasm and I appreciate you dropping it.
I addressed it, are you to scared to engage in the discussion with me?

I completely missed your previous comments on this. The first one I saw was your two sentence dismissal of everything.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.

What he said.

I think the world would do just fine to keep the page with the 10 Commandments and toss the rest.

Some people can easily obey the 10 Commandments, because some people are just good by nature, but that won't help them to know God and realize their whole purpose for being.
The bible can't possibly help people to realize their whole purpose for being. Between the thousands of arbitrary rules and no explanation beyond "God says so" all the bible for somebody is demand obedience.

Sure the bible can "help" people realize their purpose, but it can't do it all by itself. There are no explanations of "rules" that I know of that are based simply on "Because God says so". If you have an example of such a rule, perhaps we can discuss it.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.
They still are contradictory
Psalms 145:9 says God is good to all. It doesn't make any stipulations. Other places in the bible make stipulations so one or the other is wrong. All is absolute there can be no exceptions to absolute.

Please approach this logically. If I said all houses are mustangs, but then said except for palominos my first attachment would be contradicted.

I understand if you are Christian and are part of a sect that demands you to believe the entire bible is the absolute word of God, I hold no contempt for you. But if you cannot separate your belief from this I'm afraid this is a pointless discussion.

There certainly are linguistic contradictions in the bible. The books of the bible are written by different people, with different writing techniques. Even Christ's parables can be found to be confusing IF you takes them literally (I don't believe Heaven is at all like a mustard seed.....except for how it starts small and grows to be enormous, supporting the birds, etc).
I agree with you to some extent. I believe the bible was written on purpose to be ambiguous. It forces us to seek the truth. In my owning statement on this thread I stated that I believe there is truth in the bible. But more than that I believe it is a tool among others to find truth. And yes the bible can be used to discover personal truth in conjunction with faith and knowledge as well as the world.

But it says nothing really about me personally.
Okay, I believe you are trying to approach this logically. I apologize for every insinuating that you weren't.

I never said once that the bible contradicts history. I believe it is poetry and therefore at times it is ambiguous and open to interpretation. In the case of the psalms passage for instance.

But I am confused, what historical event or truth did I mention?

Being that the bible is poetry and therefore ambiguous and open to interpretation, I believe it is a useful tool in finding truth but not "true" in the strictest meaning of the word.

Jeremiah lived during the reign of King Josiah (five/six hundreds B.C.). King Josiah was a good man who was from a priestly family, and he did his best to initiate reforms. However, after his death idolatry began taking over the land again. Jeremiah spoke out against religious corruption that was occurring at the hands of the Babylonians. That Judaism was being corrupted is illustrated by the story of the loincloth. The loincloth symbolized Israel which had once been as close to God as a loincloth can be to a person. However, separated from God, the loincloth was corrupted. Then Jeremiah goes on to say that this corruption will result in drunkenness--with the result being people being dashed against each other.
PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

The context is entirely different. Jeremiah is warning a disobedient people of the coming consequences. The Psalmist is praising God.

We do not consider a parent who bakes a child a birthday cake on one day and sends him to his room on another a contradictory parent. Instead, we see a parent celebrating a birth--and a parent disciplining the child. In the same way, one prophet warning of consequences for ignoring the ways of God, and another prophet pointing out the love God has for us is not something I see as contradictory. Help me out.
They still are contradictory
Psalms 145:9 says God is good to all. It doesn't make any stipulations. Other places in the bible make stipulations so one or the other is wrong. All is absolute there can be no exceptions to absolute.

Please approach this logically. If I said all houses are mustangs, but then said except for palominos my first attachment would be contradicted.

I understand if you are Christian and are part of a sect that demands you to believe the entire bible is the absolute word of God, I hold no contempt for you. But if you cannot separate your belief from this I'm afraid this is a pointless discussion.

But God is good to all. He created the earth for everyone.....if everyone believed in God, He wouldn't have had to order admonitions as he did to those wicked people that are being referenced in Jeremiah 13.

You are wanting to hold God to one statement without regard to other statements He has made. Yet, God is still good to everyone. Unbelievers are able to acquire wealth, have good health, fall in love, have children, own homes, travel safely, just like believers etc., etc., but, they won't have the privilege of living with Him forever.
I don't believe God made any statements in the Bible. I believe it is man's word.
If you don't believe that God made any statements, then why are you willing to say that He contradicts Himself? Seems to me you are contradicting yourself. If God didn't say anything, He couldn't possibly contradict Himself, right?

But, yet, God did make statements. You can believe what you want, but it is understood by believers, that the Bible was written by men that were inspired by God. The Bible is considered the Word of God. If there are inconsistencies, it would only be because of the limitations of man, what they knew and understood at that time, but the message is clear.

Heb 1:1:
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,
well you have a different meaning for the word good. you have interpreted the Bible to mean what you want it to mean.

Perhaps your definition of "good" is the one that is different? God being "good" doesn't mean that he is a softie that will roll over and allow his creation to do as they please. God being "good" doesn't mean that he will forego his initial intent and take everyone to heaven whether they believed in Him or not, or obeyed Him or not. God is good in that He is willing to take anyone, no matter how bad they are, if they repent and submit to Him. All you have to do is believe in Jesus. Jesus is our role model....we aspire to become like Him with His help, but God does not renege on His word.

John 3:16..For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The Bible is a collection of books. This collection includes history, poetry, and literature. What we are comparing is a book of poetry to a book of history, and you [Inevitable] seem to be saying, "Look, the book of poetry contradicts the history book."
Is that your agreement that the two do contradict each other?
I am saying we are discussing apples and oranges. The Psalm is a song of praise to God. Jeremiah is a warning to people who have turned to idolatry. The choice of idolatry and turning from God bears consequences.

I can sing the praises of my washing machine until a new red wash cloth gets thrown in with a load of whites. Then I tend to lament. My washing machine was the same--how it was used differed. In the same way the praise of one man for the mercies God shows to those who love and obey him is going to be worded differently from the warning another man gives to people who are disobeying and turning from God.
I don't believe God made any statements in the Bible. I believe it is man's word.

Pretty much. Man, however, can be inspired by God and write of both inspirations and experiences. I think we may have all had the experience of something being handed to us from something beyond us. In other words, it did not come from self. However, it is through self (and our experiences) we relate to and understand what was given to us. I think of the Bible more as God inspired than God spoken. There is a statue of Christ that was damaged--no longer had hands. Beside it is a sign, "I have no hands but yours." In the same way it is probably also true that God has no voice but ours--but the Word is still his. (If you get what I mean.)
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

You're a fake Christian attacking core Christian beliefs and slandering other Christians.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
holy shit! really!?! Dude, you just summed up thousands of years of intelligent discussion with two sentences. You must be an absolute Mensa! Albert Einstein has nothing on you big guy, cause he took a whole chalk-board to prove that E=MC(squared), while you come up with that astoundingly fucking stupid statement on an internet discussion board full of trolls.

Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.
I wouldn't talk to children about this subject and expect a logical conversation. And because his first post to me was fallacy hee doesn't seem capable of logical conversation.

Why have conversations with stupid idiots unwilling to learn more about the subject?
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.

Let's take one contradiction and discuss that one. What do you see as perhaps the biggest contradiction?
let's start with the first one and work our way through it.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

You have to first learn about what contradictions are, what paradoxes are., and the difference between the two terms.

What you posted is a paradox.
I am saying we are discussing apples and oranges. The Psalm is a song of praise to God. Jeremiah is a warning to people who have turned to idolatry. The choice of idolatry and turning from God bears consequences.
So god is always merciful and god is without mercy. I wonder you cannot openly admit there are contradictions, the history contradicts the poetry. Perhaps it's a matter of faith.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.

Let's take one contradiction and discuss that one. What do you see as perhaps the biggest contradiction?
let's start with the first one and work our way through it.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d

You have to first learn about what contradictions are, what paradoxes are., and the difference between the two terms.

What you posted is a paradox.
So you are saying there are paradoxes in the bible?
I've tried that already with Guno. Asked him to pick one or two arguments against the truth of the bible so we could discuss. He chose to ignore that.

A common mistake is thinking what is obvious to us is equally as obvious to someone else. Why should we have to explain something as clear as the nose on a face? That we even have to ask may be taken by another as a sure sign we are complete idiots.

Like you, I would be interested if people could say something to the effect of, I see Book:Chapter:Verse as false because ______________. For example, "I see Numbers 22:21-39 as a falsehood because donkeys cannot speak."
thank you. you are a breath of fresh air in this discussion.

I am a christianbut lately I have found my Christian brothers to be hateful spiteful bigoted little people. but I also understand that some are not and you are an example of that thank you for posting this.

and why are you a Christian? How are you a Christian? You say you are a Christian but do not believe the Bible? Please..............

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