The Bible is true

Here is a theory you might like to consider. It is based on the thought that if ancient man wanted to preserve his history, he would have to put it into a story that might be easily passed down. If this is what happened, then we really have to admire and respect our ancestors, because they packed a lot into a very condensed, very memorable story.

Adam is the Hebrew word for 'man'. Consider the story in Genesis being that of man. We have women convincing men to pursue knowledge, and obviously this had unexpected consequences. IF Adam was the first tribe of man, then we have other tribes splitting off from the parent tribe. One was the tribe of Abel, shepherds who wandered the land. We have the tribe of Cain who tried to cultivate the land, with sheep wandering through and eating their crop. This, understandably would anger the agriculturalists and war could likely break out with one tribe killing the other.

Let me emphasize, I am not saying this is what happened. However, if it did--if history was told by telling it from the perspective of a single character--it would explain a lot.

You are going to make the extremists (on the right AND on the left) head explode with that well-thought out theory.

[emoji2] I am just passing on what I have read. Whoever first thought of this (and I think it was some time ago) obviously didn't make any heads explode--just caught the interest of some of us who feel it worth passing along.

Yes, but one that takes into account the amazing population of the earth that is recorded in Cain's story. Further, it appears to be the brainchild of someone not out to prove or disprove anything--but who merely wished to take into account little bits of information in scripture that are otherwise puzzling.
Exactly. Like I said earlier, the OT is the history of the Israelite people, and their covenant with God. It is a verbal history that was eventually captured on text.
how Christianity was invented

Forgery In Christianity

A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion

Forgery in Christianity


Christianity is a johnny-come-lately that took all of its icons, imagery, talismans, holidays, rituals and more from older religions.

Indeed, I would be interested to know if there is even one bit of it that is original.

Actually ... Christianity existed in the Garden of Eden for Christ was in the Garden. Christianity simply means: Followers of Christ. Of course, the full effect and benefits of Christianity didn't come into fruition until Christ bled and died on the cross followed by His resurrection and ascension. Nevertheless, Christ is eternal ... not "new."
I am confused ----you wrote a "FORUM OF ABBA"---used
to designate the "priestly profession" I do not understand-------a nessageboard forum? "priest" for jews at that time was not actually a "profession"------it was
an hereditary thing-------one had to inherit the ability to be a priest-----and then kinda get voted in. --------the functioning priests at that time were ROMAN APPOINTEES generally members of sect called SADDUCEES. The romans were not inclined to crucify Sadducees-----they depended on them.

can you tell me ----sorta more clearly where you got the idea that "abba" designates a priest------amongst jewish speakers of Aramaic?---------maybe you are thinking of
chaldeans. When did Jesus call himself "jesus bar abba"?

I'm sorry, irosie, I wrote in haste, and hence the confusion. I should have typed a "Form of Abba." A very early Gospel of Matthew, one known as the Gospel of the Hebrews had Jesus Barrabban, not Jesus Barabbas. There was some discussion that this was an interpolation of Bar (son) and (Rabbi) with the ending (an) denoting a master or person of rank. The son of a major rabbi, in other words. Further speculation was whether this well-known (major) rabbi was Gamaliel. The question, of course, is whether 'abbas' was a miscopying of 'abban', or if 'abban' was seen as the mistake and corrected to 'abbas'.

Yes, the appointed high priests were of the House of Aaron. However, there were many rabbis (or teachers) not appointed by Rome. Further, for those who take an interest in the trivia of Jesus Barabbas, once or twice spelled in early time as Jesus Barrabban, Gamaliel was one of the logical Rabbis to suggest as the father of the other Jesus. Gamaliel in mentioned in Acts, advising that people just let Christians and Christianity be, because if it were not from God, it would fade out soon enough on its own--and if it were from God, it couldn't be stamped out despite all efforts.

Anyway, I do apologize for the earlier 'Forum' mistake. I've picked up a lot of trivia along the way as I enjoy reading people who attempt to find the logic behind some puzzling descriptions, recorded in scripture, of some very strange events that occurred that particular Passover--and I was trying to tell of it in too much haste.

congrats-----you got that RABBAN right----it is something like a hot shot rabbi As for Gamaliel ---- It's a name----the most famous one was a Talmudist-----descendant of Hillel---who lived in the first century CE. He was---historically, a good guy who got assassinated------thus
there is a day near Rosh ha shanah ----which is fast day
"fast of Gamaliel" (actual pronunciation is "gamliel"
(I think) HOWEVER that was an internecine thing----
the romans would not have had anything to do with it.
Hillel was the hottest thing going just before and even into
the lifetime of Jesus-----and was widely quoted at that time and since. Jesus quoted him incessantly. I have no idea
what Barrabas was other than----as far as I recall---the standard Christian belief is ------he was being crucified for
being a thief ----along with a few other thieves -----I do not
believe it. I think it's possible that Barrabas----is a kind of latinized form of barrabban Jesus is a kind of latinized
form of Yeshua
but you have no right to tell us we must be silent. The consitition guarantees us that you can't stop the preaching of the Word simply because you don't want to accept it
I believe they do, that is part of their free speech. It is the government who may not tell you to be silent, from what I understand.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That first mean they're is no truth in it.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
holy shit! really!?! Dude, you just summed up thousands of years of intelligent discussion with two sentences. You must be an absolute Mensa! Albert Einstein has nothing on you big guy, cause he took a whole chalk-board to prove that E=MC(squared), while you come up with that astoundingly fucking stupid statement on an internet discussion board full of trolls.

Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
when you can have a logical discussion I'll entertain your posts beyond this statement.
Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
You're dreaming if you think western civilisation has depended on 2000 years of intelligent discussion of the bible.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
holy shit! really!?! Dude, you just summed up thousands of years of intelligent discussion with two sentences. You must be an absolute Mensa! Albert Einstein has nothing on you big guy, cause he took a whole chalk-board to prove that E=MC(squared), while you come up with that astoundingly fucking stupid statement on an internet discussion board full of trolls.

Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That first mean they're is no truth in it.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
holy shit! really!?! Dude, you just summed up thousands of years of intelligent discussion with two sentences. You must be an absolute Mensa! Albert Einstein has nothing on you big guy, cause he took a whole chalk-board to prove that E=MC(squared), while you come up with that astoundingly fucking stupid statement on an internet discussion board full of trolls.

Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
when you can have a logical discussion I'll entertain your posts beyond this statement.

Some of us have been having them here, but you apparently missed it.

My apologies for the sarcasm....
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
holy shit! really!?! Dude, you just summed up thousands of years of intelligent discussion with two sentences. You must be an absolute Mensa! Albert Einstein has nothing on you big guy, cause he took a whole chalk-board to prove that E=MC(squared), while you come up with that astoundingly fucking stupid statement on an internet discussion board full of trolls.

Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.
I wouldn't talk to children about this subject and expect a logical conversation. And because his first post to me was fallacy hee doesn't seem capable of logical conversation.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.

Let's take one contradiction and discuss that one. What do you see as perhaps the biggest contradiction?
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That first mean they're is no truth in it.
The bible can't possibly be true it contradicts itself thousands of times. That doesn't mean there is no truth in it.
holy shit! really!?! Dude, you just summed up thousands of years of intelligent discussion with two sentences. You must be an absolute Mensa! Albert Einstein has nothing on you big guy, cause he took a whole chalk-board to prove that E=MC(squared), while you come up with that astoundingly fucking stupid statement on an internet discussion board full of trolls.

Let's throw away 2000 years of intelligent discussion, along with all of western civilization, just because one guy can't comprehend concepts that are contradictory.
when you can have a logical discussion I'll entertain your posts beyond this statement.

Some of us have been having them here, but you apparently missed it.

My apologies for the sarcasm....
I must have missed it, because so far you have posted illogical ad hominem.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.

That's a good question, and I'm sure I don't know the answer. I do know that some of the confusion comes from the translations of the bible, and people inserting their own bias' into their translations. Jesus also spoke in parables which in today's world is very confusing, but my understand is they were quite common in the time.

But Jesus' message isn't confusing, or contradictory.
Thats another thing I cant figure out. Why would god make his messages contradictory if he/she wanted people to follow them. Makes for a lot of confusion since everyone is not in the Mensa society.

Let's take one contradiction and discuss that one. What do you see as perhaps the biggest contradiction?
let's start with the first one and work our way through it.

PSA 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

JER 13:14 And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but d
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